Sometimes people mistakenly believe that fleas from pets do not threaten humans at all. Contrary to the prevailing
What is the drug Lozeval due to its effectiveness and safety is in great demand among poultry farmers.
Ear mite infestation. Types of ear mites and causes of infection. What health hazards do they pose?
Rules for keeping turkeys in winter In many private farms today it is not uncommon to see
It got cold outside, and with the cold came a terrible problem. Crowds of mice rushed into
4 Prepared by: Christina 10/11/2019 Preparation time: 4 days. 1 hour 0 min Save
General characteristics of the animal Areas in which the breed is bred Optimus breeding Initially, let’s take a little look
Moth control products? A wide range of remedies that answer the question of how to get rid of
Blood-sucking insects cause a lot of trouble for humans. Indoors, we may be bothered by annoying squeaks, especially
As soon as the snow falls and you go wandering through the fresh powder, you will soon come across