Tapeworm in fish: what it looks like, why it is dangerous, photo and description
Published by: Parazitolog in Parasites in Animals March 5, 2021 Tapeworm in fish – tapeworm
What is the best way to store flour at home and how to protect it from bugs and mold
Pies, pizza, cakes, dumplings, and other favorite dishes cannot be prepared without flour. She is the foundation
Zucchini "Iskander" F1: description of the variety and experience in growing a hybrid
Tatyana Panasenko Decided to try a new variety Growing hybrids is accompanied by the absence of their own seeds, which is not
growing Chinese cabbage
How to properly grow Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse
It makes sense to grow Chinese cabbage. It is stored for a long time after cutting, contains a lot of useful substances,
Properties of acarin
Plant pest control product – Akarin (instructions for use)
Author: Elena N. https://floristics.info/ru/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=19 Category: Insecticides Published: December 4, 2011Republished: February 04, 2019Last edits:
Muhoyar insecticidal smoke bomb for mosquitoes, flies, wasp nests, 1 pc.
"Mukhoyar" is a modern version of an insecticidal smoke bomb that effectively copes with many species
cabbage butterfly pest
How to get rid of cabbage butterfly on cabbage using simple means
Among the parasites that attack cabbage, the butterfly poses a serious danger. It is found throughout Russia
Carpathian queen bee
Carpathian bee: characteristics, description, breeding and maintenance of the breed
Home / Beekeeper's Handbook / Carpathian bee Reading the article will take 8 minutes 5 4
Insects parasites of humans and animals: types, description and methods of control
Insects are the largest class of invertebrate animals on the planet, with more than a million species.
Fly eater for indoor plants. How to use, instructions
Fly eater for indoor plants. How to use, instructions
Author: Elena N. https://floristics.info/ru/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=19 Category: Insecticides Published: April 26, 2012Republished: February 25, 2019Last edits:
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