Head of a gypsy moth
Thunderstorm of fruit trees. How to defeat the gypsy moth?
Description of the insect Larva Gypsy moth caterpillars are hairy and have 8 pairs of legs. Reaches a length of 7.5
How to get rid of spiders on your property: 4 simple methods
For unknown reasons, it is spiders that cause some irrationally unpleasant feelings in the vast majority of humanity
Southern barn moth - features of the species and habitat
Flour moth - Imago. Flour moth - Imago. Flour moth - Imago. Flour moth
Saving the crop: do-it-yourself cap and other cabbage protection against pests
Hello to do-it-yourselfers, as well as gardeners and gardeners, especially those who like to experiment with
Forage cow. What to feed a cow? Average daily milk yield per 1 cow
Forage is food of plant origin that is fed to livestock. Previously, the word "forage" was applied
This is what a bee honeycomb looks like
What does a honeycomb look like and what do bees make it from?
What does a bee's honeycomb look like? The question of what honeycombs look like has long been of interest to humanity,
Butterfly farm - butterfly farm, how to collect and grow
What is a butterfly garden and how to make it yourself
A home butterfly farm (also called a butterfly farm) is a memorable gift that will surprise a child,
Keeping and caring for harvester ants (Messor structor) at home
Reaper ants (Messor structor): maintenance and care at home
Creating an ant farm at home or office is becoming increasingly popular. For this
Outdoor mosquito traps - how to choose the best one in terms of characteristics, type and principle of operation
Last August there was an amazing review by comrade Svyazist on a very similar trap. Performance is convincing
Protect your garden from pests and diseases with what's at hand
A small voracious pest becomes the main enemy of crops and annoys gardeners and gardeners already in
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