Wasp nest: photo, structure, how and from what wasps build it

A wasp's nest is a very curious structure that insects construct using their own sticky secretions and wood fragments. Moreover, wasps can begin its construction absolutely anywhere. Externally, the finished structure looks like an oval or round paper cocoon. By the way, it is precisely because of the ability to produce building material that is very similar to paper that social wasps got their name - paper wasps.

How wasps build a nest

To obtain such a thin, durable material for construction, the wasp lands on a wooden surface. A fence, roof, barn wall or any building, wood chips, sawdust or wood will do. The insect releases saliva, which softens the top layer of wood. Then it scrapes off the fibers with its powerful jaws. Having collected a sufficient amount of this peculiar building material, it flies to the place where the future nest will be.

this woody mass is additionally chewed, simultaneously moistened with saliva. The result is not just pieces of wood, but a viscous sticky mass. The insect “spits” it onto the edge of the nest and stretches it. The mass hardens quickly, and a thin, durable partition is obtained. Moreover, it can be as thick as paper or as thick cardboard.

The construction of the house begins from the middle, with individual cells. This part is the strongest, there is a uterus (queen) of wasps with eggs. To build the middle part, it is not paper that is used, but small slivers of wood that are held together with saliva.

Nest construction starts with 1 cell.

New ones are being built nearby. While there are no worker wasps, the queen builds the nest herself. Gradually the nest grows

There are more and more new cells.

This is roughly how the construction of a wasp's nest occurs.

The next layers of cells are built up around the middle. They are located horizontally, on several floors. Every 3-6 rows of wasp honeycombs are separated by small corridors. The interesting thing is that all the cells face downwards, in one direction. But wasp honeycombs are not the same: there are cells for larvae, storage rooms, and a room for the queen.

A special feature of the aspen house is that it is constantly being built on, and insects often take material for the outer layers from the middle. Unlike bees, they do not clean their home, but simply leave the polluted cells.


The rules for the existence of hornets in nature are very similar to those of bees and ants. In order to survive during the cold winter and give birth to offspring every year, insects have to sacrifice someone and something. They sacrifice males, who die soon after mating. This way resources are not wasted on already “useless” individuals.

After all, in the hornet family, the females are the main ones. Therefore, they must prepare well for hibernation, survive it, and in the spring become the founder of a new colony. The uterus needs a large amount of protein to produce eggs and develop ovaries. In order to successfully overwinter, it eats very richly and accumulates a fat body.

Mating Features

The greatest activity in the hornet family is observed at the end of the warm period of the year, namely the end of August and the beginning of September. By this period, individuals of both sexes become adults. They all leave their home, swarm and mate. Thus, mating occurs before the onset of cold weather. Female hornets spend the winter pregnant.

Males die soon after mating. Females lead a solitary lifestyle. They feed heavily, and between meals they fly around the nearby territory in search of a safe place for winter shelter. Overwintering of a pregnant female hornet, which falls into suspended animation, is possible only in a secluded place where enemies and cold winds will not find her.

Wintering conditions

Crevices in rocks, tree hollows, shelters under stones and fallen trunks, and small cavities on the outside of unheated buildings or houses are well suited for this. There is no need to be afraid that the female will hide inside a human house. There's a good reason for this. When cold weather sets in, when the air temperature drops below 0 0 C, all water freezes.

But the water in the hornets does not freeze. This is due to the fact that in the body of insects, water is replaced by glycerol. It does not freeze, but it slows down all life processes. This way, the glycerin cannot turn into ice and rupture the insect cells. If the hornet warms up prematurely, it will die during the next cold snap.

When the female hides for the winter in a heated human house, the warm air temperature will contribute to her premature awakening and the natural need to build a nest. If she manages to hide in a house from human eyes, then it will be very difficult for her to look for material to build the honeycomb of her “house”.

When she manages to build a nest, she will not be able to find enough food in the house to feed her offspring. Thus, she will doom him to certain death. Therefore, female hornets do not choose heated human houses for wintering.

A lot of female hornets die during harsh winters with little snow, as well as in the presence of winter thaws. If the female does not manage to hide well, she will become prey to various birds or small predators. Therefore, a significant number of hornets do not survive until spring.

When does nest construction begin?

Construction of the hive begins in early spring. The young queen chooses a place, creates a base - a small leg, which she attaches in a secluded place. The first cells are set up around it, at first a small number. Then it lays eggs in them. After a month, the workers hatch and actively take on the further construction of the hive. After this, the queen is engaged only in raising offspring.

The number of worker insects in a wasp swarm is growing rapidly, so the hive is also built quickly. If the swarm is large, it can double in size in a few hours. But this depends on the needs of the swarm; sometimes the queen is content with a small size. Construction is progressing in stages.

  1. After the first worker wasps hatch, they begin to gradually build new cells around the middle, where the queen lays eggs.
  2. The wasp's home increases in depth and grows to the sides. Gradually takes the shape of a bowl. The hole remains at the bottom.
  3. Around the end of June, insects begin to build around the second part of the sphere, repeating its shape.
  4. Gradually, the internal cells are removed, and this material is used to build the outer sphere.
  5. By the end of summer, construction ends. Young queens fly out and look for a secluded place for wintering.

This device creates a special climate inside. The wasp hive always maintains the same temperature and humidity.

External differences of insects

In most cases, comparisons of different insects begin by examining their appearance. It identifies certain features that are characteristic of a particular individual. Based on these characteristics, you can easily determine what species a creature belongs to.


A wasp is a stinging insect of the order Hymenoptera. There are dozens of species of these creatures, which are divided into two broad categories: solitary and social wasps. The former prefer to live as hermits and rarely build nests for themselves. Social insects create families, the number of individuals in which can exceed 1,000.

Traits characteristic of most wasp species:

  • size – from 2 to 5.5 cm;
  • the body structure is distinguished by the presence of a waist;
  • elongated body shape;
  • the body is smooth and covered with many hairs;
  • bright yellow-black color;
  • striped posterior segment of the body;
  • the presence of five eyes (2 lateral and 3 vertex);
  • smooth and short sting.

Executioner wasp: bite and its consequences, where it lives and what the insect looks like, read more in this article.


The bee is a honey-bearing insect belonging to the suborder Stalked-bellied and the order Hymenoptera. More than 20,000 species of these creatures live in nature, which can be found on all continents except Antarctica.

Appearance Features:

  • the size of individuals is from 2.1 to 39 mm;
  • a shaggy body that does not have a pronounced transition from the chest to the abdomen;
  • pale color with black and yellow stripes;
  • the back and paws, covered with many hairs, are painted black;
  • long proboscis (1.7 mm);
  • short antennae consist of 12–13 segments;
  • two pairs of wings (the front ones are longer than the back ones);
  • the sting is smooth, with a small notch at the end.


Hornets are a genus of large insects from the family of Foldoptera wasps. They live in the northern hemisphere, but are also present in small quantities in the southern hemisphere. On the European continent, only the common hornet is found, which has been able to adapt to harsh environmental conditions.

External differences:

  • body length – up to 55 mm;
  • color – black and yellow stripes (sometimes there are orange or brown individuals);
  • wide crown of the head;
  • the abdominal cavity at the back of the waist is slightly rounded;
  • two pairs of long wings are located along the back;
  • three regular and 2 compound eyes;
  • the jaws are colored black, orange or brown;
  • the sting is smooth and hollow inside.


A bumblebee is an insect from the family of True bees. Biologists know more than 30 species of these creatures. The ability to adapt to new environmental conditions allows bumblebees to thrive on all continents except Antarctica. They live not only on flat terrain, but also in the mountains.

The main differences between the bumblebee and other hymenopteran insects:

  • bright color consisting of red and brown stripes;
  • the body is covered with a large number of long hairs;
  • size from 7 to 28 mm;
  • shiny hind tibia;
  • the abdomen is not tucked at the apex;
  • presence of the sixth abdominal sternite;
  • small transparent wings;
  • short hollow sting.

Interesting! Bumblebees have a unique ability to regulate their body temperature. This helps them tolerate cold well and cope with extreme heat.

Where do wasps nest?

When the queen is looking for a suitable place for her future home in the spring, she makes sure there is food and building material nearby. Most often, wasp nests can be found in the following places:

  • on the branches of trees or bushes;
  • in attics;
  • under the roof of bathhouses, sheds, garages;
  • in the corner of the balcony;
  • cracks between bricks, logs;
  • under window sills, cornices, drain gutters;
  • in a hollow tree or in an old stump;
  • abandoned birdhouses or bird nests.

Please note that these insects like to settle close to humans. They are attracted by the smell of food and many dry crevices. Wasps can chew through wooden floors and even cement. But sometimes the uterus does not find a suitable place. Then she can make a house even underground.

From unusual places: an old Chevrolet turned into a giant nest of wasps. With such an anti-theft feature, you don’t even have to close the doors.

Paper is an ideal building material

Of all the building materials, paper turned out to be the most suitable for wasps. By absorbing excess moisture and being breathable and warm, it ensures the “combat readiness” of all wasps living in the nest, even in unfavorable conditions of high humidity and relatively low temperatures.

And this is an extremely important task. After all, wasps consume quite a large amount of food compared to other insects, and in addition, they constantly need animal protein in order to maintain their existence.

What does a wasp's nest look like inside?

The size of a wasp hive may vary, but the shape is always the same. They resemble an egg with a hole at the narrow end. Moreover, they are almost always located so that the exit is directed downward. Sometimes the dwelling is placed horizontally, then the hole is directed to the side. If the queen has made a home in the ground, the exit will look up.

If you're wondering what the inside of a wasp's nest looks like, you can see the photos at the end of the article. Or, you can find the abandoned one and cut it up. But first it is important to make sure that the insects have really left it.

Usually the hive is no larger than a large apple. But some can grow to the size of a ball or even larger. There are giant ones - more than a meter in diameter.

Mechanical disposal

How to remove a beehive from a balcony? What to do if wasps have built a nest under the roof? To do this, there are several effective methods that can be used to quickly destroy a wasp nest and remove them from the house. Prevent these insects from coming back. First, you can protect yourself from the harm they can cause.

Hands can be protected with long rubber gloves, and clothing should be tight and as closed as possible. You can protect your face with a special beekeeping hat with a mesh, or come up with your own homemade version.

If it is noticed that wasps make their home in the spring, early summer, then it is not recommended to debug their destruction until later, when their colony becomes numerous and it will be difficult to find out how many wasps are in the nest.


Fire should only be used as a last resort. Everything is done quickly and efficiently. Wear protective clothing, wait until dark, take a bucket, kindle, matches, and approach the nest from a safe distance. When you are completely sure that these insects are sleeping, you can begin to neutralize this colony.

To carry out everything safely, you can take an unnecessary rag, throw it over the cocoon, throw it into a bucket, quickly set it on fire, and then move some distance away, since some individuals can fly out and behave aggressively.


They remove the wasp nest using water, mainly on the balcony. There are two ways to do this: the first method requires boiling water, the other you can simply put plain water in a bucket. You can throw a plastic bag over it and destroy the hive in water by immersing it completely, while pressing it down with something heavy so that it does not float up and the wasps do not get out.

Everything should be done quickly. You cannot leave these insects in the bag for a long time - they can chew through the polyethylene and get out. It is best to remove this bucket from the house immediately.


How to destroy a wasp nest under the roof? This is very difficult to do with the help of fire, water, access to it is difficult. Then you can destroy the wasp hive using special traps. There are such options on sale, or you can make them yourself. Using this method, you can lure them out of the hive and destroy them by falling into a prepared trap.

What to do if wasps have built a nest under the roof - use this ideal option. It won't be hard to do it yourself:

  • To do this, prepare a clean plastic bottle.
  • Its neck needs to be cut off along with a small part of the bottle, placing it in it with the back side.
  • To prevent the neck from falling inward, you can secure it to the bottle with tape.
  • Wipe the walls of the trap with sunflower oil so that individual individuals cannot get out.

It is necessary to place bait in this trap, which will attract wasps to it by the smell carried around. In early spring, it can be prepared from meat waste and offal, but it is worth remembering that such a “delicacy” has an unpleasant odor. In summer and autumn, you can pour sweet syrup into a bottle, which attracts wasps into it.

Don't use honey - it will attract bees. The bait in the trap must be changed regularly, washed, filled, and filled with new bait. As they decompose, dead individuals release an odor that repels the living.

It is worth remembering that catching all the individuals is difficult, time-consuming, and unsafe, but if you manage to lure the queen into this trap, then it will be easier to destroy the colony, and removing a wasp nest on the balcony will be much easier.

It can only be lured in early spring - it is not so active or aggressive. There are special traps on sale that have poisonous bait. It needs to be changed as it becomes filled with insects. Due to the chemicals it contains, it must be hung away from your own home.

Vacuum cleaner

There is a simple option - remove the hive using a vacuum cleaner. This can only be done if the vacuum cleaner is a washing model. Pour soapy water into the reservoir, make sure that the hose is long enough and the grille is shallow, which will prevent insects from flying out.

Carefully bring the end of the hose to the hole in the socket and turn it on. If they get into water with soap, it will be difficult for them to get out and they will die there. Before you remove a wasp's nest in your dacha, be sure to make sure that no one is left there, all its inhabitants have died.

How many wasps in one hive

Wasp hives come in small and large sizes and can accommodate different numbers of insects. Sometimes the queen wasp makes a small nest, about the size of an apple. A small swarm of wasps grows slowly, so there are few insects. But some nests can be home to hundreds of thousands of wasps. The largest hives can contain up to a million individuals.

The swarm grows mainly due to worker wasps. There are most of them, they concentrate around the uterus and continue construction. There is a strict matriarchy in the wasp colony. There are much fewer males than females; males do not have a stinger, but have very long antennae.

As for giant colonies, here's another video for you: a huge nest in a barn

Correction: in the video they destroy a nest of hornets, but they are related to wasps. To destroy such large colonies, it is better to involve specialists and do without amateur efforts.

How long do wasps live in a nest?

The life of a wasp swarm in the hive continues all summer. Starting from spring, when the queen begins construction, and almost until the end of summer, the growth of the family continues. By July the number of individuals increases. By the beginning of autumn, the activity of insects decreases, they weaken and die more and more often. By the onset of cold weather, several young queens remain and find a place to winter.

To get a more complete picture, I recommend reading the article about wintering wasps

This order of life of a wasp swarm continues constantly. In autumn, the wasp's nest becomes empty. And the next year the uterus begins building a new one.

Features of anatomy

Wasps belong to the suborder of the stalked-bellied Hymenoptera, and only by looking at the features of the internal structure of the wasp, you can understand why this order got its name. Between the belly and chest of this insect there is a rather narrow “waist”, and some wasps (species of which you can see photos above) generally have an almost invisible “stalk” instead of a waist.

Thanks to this feature, wasps are able to almost fold their own body in half, and also have the ability to sting the victim at any desired angle. Due to this, they can win fights even with some of those insects that are noticeably larger than them.

The body of the wasp is divided into three distinct segments - the abdomen, thorax and head, and it is worth noting that the body is covered with a fairly strong chitinous skeleton. The head is quite mobile, and is equipped with two antennae, which are responsible for a fairly large number of different functions, including capturing air vibrations and odors, as well as assessing the taste of liquid food or even measuring the length of honeycombs in nests.

Wasp nests in the ground

This article would not be complete without earth wasps. Yes, there are such people. They settle in old mole holes or dig their own. Fortunately, they have a talent for this. Finding an underground nest is more difficult than usual, but inside it is exactly the same - paper and cells for food or larvae. There is no honey there either. But there is this video about underground flyers:

God forbid you step on something like this. You will run very fast.

There is a separate article about wasp honey, but looking ahead, I will say right away that they are lousy honey makers. More precisely, none at all.

Poisoned baits

You can also use poisoned baits to exterminate wasps; when using them, you will have to wait longer for the results, but this option is the safest in all aspects, and also does not require any skill for successful implementation.

To poison insects, you must adhere to the following instructions:

  1. As bait, it is best to use beer, to which additional sugar is added, or fermented jam, which has an aroma attractive to wasps. It is not recommended to use honey, since bees that do not pose a threat to humans will also react to it.
  2. Add any toxic substance to the bait, it can be one of the types of insecticides or just boric acid.
  3. The bait and the poisonous substance must be mixed well with each other, then placed on a plate and placed on an accessible and open surface. It is best to choose a place somewhere in the trees or where children or pets cannot reach the poisoned bait.
  4. Renew the poisoned bait every few days; this must be repeated until the insects completely disappear from the area where they were planned to be hatched.

How to find a wasp's nest

Wasps can be useful for the garden and garden, as they destroy small insect pests and pollinate plants. Therefore, if their proximity does not cause disturbance, it is better not to touch them (the case is very rare, almost unreal). But these insects can be very aggressive, often attacking a person for no apparent reason.

If you notice a lot of wasps near your house, it is better to look for their habitat and destroy them. This is especially important if the family has small children or allergies.

They are attracted by the smells of food, but these insects do not fly further than 100 meters from the nest. Therefore, it must be found. To do this, inspect all secluded places, especially under the roof, eaves, and window sills. They like to settle in places where people rarely visit, where there are a lot of things. You need to look for them in sheds and garages.

If you can’t figure out where they live, you can try to lure them out. Workers carry food for the larvae. Therefore, you can put a strong-smelling bait in a visible place. Something sweet or a piece of smoked fish is best. You need to watch it: insects will fly from the bait to the nest. The paths of their movement will help to calculate the location of the hive. These comrades managed to find and destroy the hive. Quite an interesting video in which nomadic marabunta ants found and are destroying a wasp hive. This whole swinging rope is interlocking ants. This is how the bridge turned out. If you look closely, you will see how they drag larvae and eggs from the nest. The wasps themselves, as I understand it, have already been driven away or destroyed.

Well, to conclude our story, a few photographs of huge wasp nests.


House bugs are afraid of certain aromas; they detect them using neurons located on the hairs. Repellent plants include the following herbs:

  • Sagebrush. This plant is the most effective and efficient. Wormwood is a popular way to help repel bedbugs; the herb is inexpensive and is quite easy to use. You can pick the plant yourself or buy it at the pharmacy. If the scaring period occurs in the summer, it is better to pick fresh wormwood. Bed bugs do not like the smell of this plant, so it is necessary to spread the grass in different places: under baseboards, beds, mattresses, rugs, in cabinets, bedside tables. It definitely won’t help get rid of bedbugs, although it will scare them away for a while. But these bloodsuckers will still leave offspring. The plant has no effect on the eggs, and over time it loses its effectiveness. But it is a good preventive measure and will help people living in a house that has these bloodsuckers to alleviate their suffering for a certain period of time. If there are no bed bugs in the apartment, but the neighbors have them, it is recommended to place wormwood at the threshold, in the ventilation grilles. This way, the neighbor’s problem will not be “transferred” to you. Before laying out the grass in the house, you need to do a wet cleaning and wash the bed.
  • Tansy. When asked what bed bugs are afraid of, you can find many rave reviews regarding this herb. Some may be lucky enough to get rid of these insects for a while, but not for long. These cute yellow flowers cannot solve the problem globally. Yes, insects are afraid of their smell and will not cause unpleasant moments to the owners of the house for some time. Insects are afraid of this grass, just like wormwood. It is recommended to place it under mattresses, beds, sofas, and baseboards. You can use tansy decoction. To do this, boil it in water and, after cooling, spray it throughout the apartment. The decoction and tansy herb have no effect on eggs, but insects are afraid of it.
  • Air. The rather pungent smell of calamus can repel house bugs. You can buy it at the pharmacy, it is sold in powder form. You should scatter the powder under mattresses, beds, baseboards, and in the corners of rooms. Calamus is completely safe for people and animals. It is added to infusions and decoctions.
  • Chamomile. Previously, the drug pyrethrum was made on its basis. Nowadays it is practically not on sale, so an alternative is pharmaceutical medicinal chamomile. Bed bugs are very afraid of its smell. This plant is completely safe and has a calming effect on people. It is recommended to use chamomile essential oil. You should leave a few drops on the night light.
  • Bay leaf. A plant that is completely safe for the health of households and is often used in cooking. But bed bugs cannot stand the smell. Leaves can be laid out in unlimited quantities. Also, infusions are prepared based on them, added to water and washed floors.

Herbs can provide effective help if there are a small number of insects in the house. Despite the fact that the herbs can smell strongly, insects are able to overcome their fear, as it is overcome by hunger.


You can also try purchasing a bedbug repeller. The manufacturer gives 100% effectiveness. It is safe for people and pets. Judging by the reviews available on the Internet, the product has proven itself to be excellent.

Wasp nests photo

In reality, there is no treasure or honey inside. Nothing interesting at all. It is better to destroy such finds late in the evening, so that all the inhabitants of the nest are already at home. How to do this correctly, with the help of what chemicals and devices, read the article: How to get rid of wasps in the house

That's all for me. Look at the photos of wasp nests and, probably, it will be better for you not to find anything like this at your dacha.

A small nest, the size of a tennis ball, but its inhabitants are capable of causing a stir.

If you don’t notice it, it will gradually grow and there will be more wasps in it

It’s better not to go into a wasp’s nest with your bare hands, who knows how many there are there.

Visit your dacha more often, check and destroy the wasp nests you find, otherwise such a surprise may await you. Another huge wasp nest. Not the most pleasant find either. But someone once found such a nest of wasps in their barn.

Inside the wasp hive there are all sorts of husks, remains of honeycombs and paper. Burns fast and fun.

The creepiest wasp nest I've ever seen. I hope that the author of the photo cut out this face before taking a photo of it.

Precautions and Recommendations

Whatever decision you choose regarding how to remove a wasp nest, you should remember precautions. If the question is how to remove these pests in the spring, when the colony is still small and consists of several individuals, this will be easier to do than in the summer, when their colony will number several thousand

In the fall, when cold weather sets in, these insects leave their home; you can safely throw it out - it will be empty

Handle dead wasps with care too. Their sting, even after death, remains capable of piercing human skin

Wear protective clothing that is not tight to the body, protect the face, skin of the hands, feet - then proceed to action. Treat the location of the cocoon with poison - this is a warning against the return of surviving wasps.

Alcoholic cocktail dessert

Experienced baristas know how to make “wasp honey” with their own hands. To do this, you need to beat four egg yolks and add them to a can of condensed milk. Continue using the mixer until the mixture is airy. After this, mix a spoonful of instant coffee with a very small amount of boiling water (so that the granules disappear). Stir in the milk-yolk mixture. Pour in a thin stream one hundred milliliters of alcohol (this dessert is eaten with a spoon) or a glass of vodka (the cocktail is served with a straw). Place the finished product in the refrigerator for an hour.

Having waited until nightfall, dressed in closed clothes, he did everything as Nikolai Ivanovich said. In this article you will learn: how to remove a wasp nest, what are considered safe methods of control, what drugs and traps are best to use, and how to prevent their reappearance.


Wasps are predators, but they don’t shy away from sweets, on the contrary, they adore them. Almost everyone knows that if you leave a bowl of honey or jam on the open veranda, then after a while you can find a whole flock of feeding wasps near it.

These insects collect flower nectar, but, being predators, they also eat small relatives of other species.

The predatory nature of wasps is also manifested in the fact that in order to provide their larvae with food, they can lay eggs, for example, in a large caterpillar.

The wasp pierces the skin of the caterpillar, using its ovipositor like a scalpel, lays eggs and the larvae, having hatched, begin to eat the body of the victim. Spiders, large beetles, and cicadas become such incubators.


Sand (burrowing) wasps

This is a group of solitary predatory wasps 2–5.5 mm long. Insects have a small head, straight antennae and long legs. The color of most representatives is black with a red stripe or spots on the abdomen. There are black species with yellow or white stripes. The pronotum of all sand wasps resembles a roller. The most famous burrowing species are: Larra anathema wasp, Ammophila wasp, Philanthus .

Road wasps

Insects with an elongated black body 1.5–4 cm and long curled antennae. There are red or yellow spots on the abdomen. The wings of road wasps are darkened: black, black-blue or brown. Road wasps are active and constantly moving in search of prey.

German wasps

They are similar in appearance to the common wasp, but smaller in size. The body of an adult is 12–15 mm in length. The tip of the abdomen of this insect is not black, but yellow. The colony size is smaller than that of the common wasp.


Small insects no more than 1 cm in length with a black and yellow abdomen. In the ground, queens most often build single nests from a mixture of clay, sand, moistened with saliva.


Representatives of this family are solitary wasps. Depending on the species, insects grow up to 1–10 cm. The body of many scolias is densely covered with hairs. The color is black with yellow, white, red stripes and spots.

South Polybia

The wasp family includes many species. These insects have a very wide habitat. The species Polybiinae Occidentalis (Polybia Occidentalis) is found in the southern states of the USA, Mexico and northern Latin America. These wasps are surprisingly similar in habits to hardworking bees. These insects are not just their hairy bodies. They also collect, digest and store flower nectar in honeycombs. And the question of whether there is wasp honey can be answered with confidence in the affirmative. The Yucatan Indians ate the product of processing nectar from the nests of Polybia Occidentalis long before their arrival. However, the American aborigines did not breed apiaries. They simply collected honey from wasp nests. This product is not as sweet as bee, but still tasty and nutritious. By the way, there is much less honey in the nest. Perhaps because in the tropical climate, Southern Polybia does not need to accumulate it in reserve.

Bite danger

Wasps that live in the ground bite quite hard. At the site of the attack, swelling, swelling, redness, and a local increase in temperature immediately appear. As the wound heals, itching is felt. With a normal reaction of the body and proper first aid, the ground wasp bite goes away within 3-5 days. The bruise completely disappears within a week. To reduce painful symptoms, folk remedies are used in the form of compresses, lotions, soda paste, and laundry soap.

If you are bitten by a ground wasp, you must wash the wound to remove any remaining poison and disinfect the wound. Use medical alcohol, ammonia, as well as any alcohol tincture based on medicinal herbs - valerian, motherwort, glod, calendula.

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