Fly destroyers and repellers, electric fly traps
Summer and winter, in the apartment and outside the city, day and night, on any continent
How to get rid of flies on the street and in the house quickly and effectively: the best instructions + folk methods
Flies in the house? Not the most pleasant company. In spring, the number of insects in the apartment increases,
pour liquid
Feeding bees with sugar syrup for the winter: rules and proportions
It’s good if there was a lot of honey in the summer, and you took some for yourself and kept some
Where and how butterflies winter - features of the process in nature and at home
Found a butterfly in the entrance? Dead? NO! She's just hibernating, breathe on her and
Description and characteristics of the tomato variety Pink Leader
Tomato Pink Leader: characteristics and description of the variety, reviews
The Pink Leader tomato ripens in record time and is excellent for an early variety.
How to get rid of fruit flies and protect your food
What are fruit flies and where do they come from? The fruit fly or fruit fly is otherwise known as
How to grow onion: planting and care in open ground before winter
How to grow onion: planting and care in open ground before winter
There are about 600 varieties of onions in the world. Among them there are spicy and sweet varieties,
How to sow cabbage before winter and what you need to know for this
About hacienda » Vegetable growing » Cabbage Cabbage Crops for the winter occupy an important place in
How beekeeping is developing in Bashkiria
Beekeeping in Bashkiria is one of the significant sectors of the national economy. Bashkiria can rightfully
How to make slime at home: 7 recipes
Flies are one of nature's unpleasant creatures. They are “faithful companions” of human life, annoying
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