Butterfly White cabbage (Cabbage). insect pest
Description and appearance The cabbage butterfly is a butterfly from the white butterfly family and belongs to the class of insects.
Cabbage moth (cabbage white): crop-destroying butterfly
Description of the cabbage butterfly According to the classification, the pest belongs to the Eukaryotic domain, the Insect class, and the Arthropod phylum. Cabbage Butterfly
Autumn metamorphoses. What happens to insects in the fall and where do they disappear?
Autumn metamorphoses. What happens to insects in the fall and where do they disappear?
Everyone remembers Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”. According to the plot of this famous story, the first insect
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Dried fruits in concentrated form contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements necessary for the human body. IN
Pinecone moth butterfly
Moth butterfly - description, types and harm to humans
The moth is a large family that includes more than 6 thousand species of insects. Among them
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Author's rating Author of the article Yakov Pavlovich Professor, Head of the Department of Vegetable Growing Articles written 153 Variety
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Caterpillar of a woodworm butterfly, similar to a beetle larva
The hairy caterpillar is characterized by the presence of numerous villi of different lengths throughout the body or on individual
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