What to do if a cow ate an afterbirth: main symptoms, rules of treatment and prevention
Most species of domestic animals have an instinct to eat the placenta, which emerges from the birth canal after
Mosquito bell
Life activity of the bell mosquito, danger to humans, benefits to nature
Description of the bell mosquito, its activity and life cycle. Do mosquitoes bite? The benefits of twitchers for
What do drones do in a bee colony, what do they look like from a photo, differences from a worker bee
To understand who a drone is and why it appears in a bee family, it’s worth
How to attract a duck with a decoy correctly: tips for novice hunters
March 23, 2020 Hunting Ulyana Nikitina When hunting ducks, they often use
How to transplant a ficus at home step by step, into another pot, after purchase
Ficuses do not tolerate transplanting and changing the pot, and even the usual change of location of the plant in
7 harmful insects that cause huge damage to agriculture
The world of insects is diverse and amazing; unnoticed, they surround us everywhere, and sometimes
Polystyrene foam hive, advantages and disadvantages
As soon as the last snow melted, my father called me to come to the village on a day off to take out
'Cauliflower "Snowball 123"' width="660
9 varieties of cauliflower with large heads weighing more than 2 kilograms
Vinson F1 cauliflower does not require special care skills. Beginners can handle agricultural technology
Tomato moth: a pest that can destroy crops
Appearance and lifestyle Name: Tomato moth, Tomato leaf miner Lat.: Tuta absoluta
Folk remedies for getting rid of flies: proven recipes
Intrusive and annoying flies - they wake up in the spring and seem to immediately invade
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