9 varieties of cauliflower with large heads weighing more than 2 kilograms

Vinson F1 cauliflower does not require special care skills. Beginners and professional vegetable growers can handle agricultural technology. The heads of cabbage come out smooth, identical, snow-white, and are in demand among consumers.

Landing locationRipening timeViewPurposeOriginMaturation periodWeight
Greenhouse, Open groundEarly ripeningColoredFresh, Cooking, ProcessingHybrid95-1001,5-3

Amerigo F1

The variety ripens in 80 days. The large white heads have excellent self-covering ability. They are protected from the sun by up to five pairs of covering leaves. The weight of the head of cabbage exceeds 2 kg.

This cabbage has a wonderful taste and excellent presentation. You can cook anything from the strong and fresh inflorescences. They are stewed, cooked in vegetable soups and made into purees. You can use the vegetable even without cooking.

The Amerigo F1 variety is demanding on mineral fertilizing and watering. It is advisable to mulch the soil around the plants. Experts recommend planting cabbage in mid-summer. The seedlings tolerate hot climates well and develop quickly and powerfully.


The variety is especially easy to grow. This is a super early hybrid - 55 days pass from planting to harvest. Prudentia is recommended for cultivation in temperate latitudes.

The cabbage head is dense and large, the standard weight is 2 kg. The color of the inflorescences is bright white. The variety has no hairiness. The heads of cabbage have good self-covering ability; Prudentia is protected from the bright sun even on the hottest days.

Planting this hybrid in the country is a great idea. Already at the beginning of summer it will be possible to enjoy the fresh harvest. You can plant the variety several times to get enough cauliflower for both storage and processing.

Snowball 123

A very popular type of cauliflower among domestic gardeners is Snowball 123. This variety is deservedly considered one of the best due to its excellent taste and stable yield.

Originator and year of inclusion in the registerH.M. CLAUSE SA, 1994, France
Recommended growing regionAll regions
The growing season from the appearance of the first shoots to full ripeness85-95 days
Head colorCreamy white
Weight0.5-1 kg
Productivity4 kg/1 m2
AdvantagesCan be stored fresh in the refrigerator for two weeks

Despite the fact that the Snowball fruit cannot be called large, it is of high quality. During the ripening process, it is surrounded by large, wide leaves, which create reliable shelter from bright sunlight. As a result, cauliflower is formed with a beautiful appearance without darkening.

Snowball is relatively easy to care for. It withstands unfavorable climatic conditions, has good immunity and is resistant to most common cabbage diseases. Thanks to these properties, the plant does not require frequent spraying, and as a result, the vegetables are organic.


This is one of the earliest hybrids and very profitable for summer residents. The entire growing season takes no more than 65 days. The variety forms a powerful stem with a large head. Ferrara has excellent self-covering ability.

The plant is quite picky about the composition of the soil. It prefers light loams, loose and fertile soils. The recommended density for farm fields is 40 thousand specimens per 1 hectare. Ferrara is planted at the end of spring with previously prepared seedlings.

The weight of a head of cabbage usually exceeds 2 kg. The heads are white, with large inflorescences, slightly lumpy. This variety has great taste. The vegetable is suitable for side dishes and salads, it can even be used raw.


Cabbage ripens in 75 days from the moment the seedlings are planted in the ground. The inflorescence of this variety is dome-shaped, smooth, and of normal white color. The difference between Fortaleza is that the head is almost completely covered with inner leaves. Thus, it is reliably protected from the scorching rays of the sun.

Fortaleza is high-yielding and has an excellent presentation. The standard weight of a head of cabbage is 2 kg. This cabbage can be chopped and frozen. Many popular dishes are prepared from it: vegetable stew, soups, warm salads.

The hybrid is grown throughout the summer. This variety is not afraid of dense plantings. On one hectare the farm contains more than 30 thousand plants.

Vinson F1

Vinson F1 is a hybrid with a high growth rate. Less than 65 days pass from planting seedlings to harvesting. The head of this variety is dense, round and smooth. It is slightly covered with small leaves. Snow-white inflorescences protrude in light tubercles over the entire surface. The weight of the head of cabbage reaches 3 kg.

Vinson F1 regularly produces high yields. The products have excellent taste and decent presentation. It is suitable for any type of processing: pickling, frying, baking.

It is optimal to plant seedlings in the ground in the middle zone in mid-May. Seeds are usually sown in mid-April.

Advantages and disadvantages

A full description of Vinson F1 cauliflower includes a listing of all the advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of the hybrid is that it always gives an excellent, high yield. Among other advantages noted

  • pleasant, delicate taste;
  • disease resistance;
  • excellent self-coating ability;
  • high uniformity of heads;
  • powerful growth;
  • transportability;
  • the ability to maintain an excellent appearance and not lose its shape even after freezing;
  • lack of germinating leaves;
  • the ability to harvest in a short time, thanks to fast and friendly ripening.

Cortez F1

This variety requires mineral fertilizing throughout the growing season. Cortes F1 belongs to the intensive type hybrids. The plant is sensitive to soil quality.

Cortez forms a dense white head with large inflorescences. The weight of the heads of cabbage reaches 3 kg. The taste of cabbage is pleasant, with a specific nuance. Main courses and salads are prepared from it. The harvest can be stored for a long time, it retains its excellent presentation.

Cortez has one of the highest self-covering rates among similar hybrids. The growing season is average, 75 days.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Vinson F1 cauliflower belongs to the early maturing line of hybrids, produced by a Dutch company. Cabbage has been listed in the State Register since 2006. It is actively grown in garden plots, as well as in the fields of agricultural enterprises.

The bushes grow vigorously and have good self-covering ability. What are the distinctive features of a hybrid variety:

  • vertical socket;
  • rounded forks;
  • the surface is moderately bumpy;
  • good density and delicate consistency;
  • snow-white coloring;
  • average weight 1.5-2 kg;
  • large heads of cabbage 3 kg.

The hybrid has excellent product and taste characteristics. The vegetable is widely used for fresh recipes, dietary and children's diets. The inflorescences can be fried, boiled, stewed. Cabbage retains its beneficial composition well.

Candid Charm F1

This Japanese hybrid quickly settled on the European continent. It is resistant to short-term cold and drought. Cabbage can be grown in open ground.

The variety forms a powerful bush with long and wide leaves covered with a waxy coating. The head of cabbage is formed from tightly closed inflorescences. At commercial maturity, the head is bright white in color. The weight of one specimen reaches 3 kg. Wide, closed leaves protect the head of cabbage from the sun and high humidity.

The product has a pleasant taste and is suitable for canning and any other culinary processing. Candide Charm F1 is very productive and easily transported.

Early varieties

Fremont F1

A very promising hybrid variety, which was developed by Dutch breeders several years ago. It is characterized by increased self-covering ability, excellent productivity, retains its marketable appearance for a long time, and has excellent taste. You can plant seeds directly in open ground; the material has high germination rates - about 90-95% of seeds sprout. The weight of one head of cabbage is about 2.5-3 kg. Cauliflower ripens approximately 75 days after the first shoots appear. The harvest can be consumed fresh, suitable for processing, preservation, and preparation of various culinary dishes.

The cabbage bush is very powerful and spreading, so it needs a lot of free space. Heads of cabbage have an attractive appearance; they contain a significant percentage of vitamins, amino acids, microelements, antioxidants and other useful compounds. The consistency is very dense, the texture of the inflorescences is delicate. If the vegetable is grown by seedlings, then it is transplanted into the ground in the second or third ten days of May, when there is a stable average daily temperature of 10-12 degrees and there is no frost.


  • Excellent presentation;
  • Can be transported over long distances;
  • Excellent taste;
  • Resists infections of cruciferous crops well.


  • Likes abundant watering;
  • Needs plenty of sunlight.

Cabbage Fremont F1

White perfection F1

Another hybrid version of this vegetable. It is optimally suited for growing in the southern regions or the middle zone - in these climatic zones it allows for an early harvest. From the moment the first shoots appear until the heads of cabbage are harvested, about 70-75 days pass. Vegetables have compact head sizes, their weight, with rare exceptions, does not exceed 950 g, and their shape is dome-shaped. The head of cabbage does not crumble into inflorescences even after prolonged storage. The color is white, the foliage is large - it will reliably protect the heads of cabbage from the negative effects of sunlight. The products are characterized by excellent taste, which makes them suitable for preparing a wide variety of dishes.

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The variety needs a large amount of liquid - initially it is watered twice a week, then once, water must be poured under the root and ensure that it does not get on the foliage and heads. You cannot water with cold water; the moisture should be heated to at least room temperature. During growth, three to four feedings containing nitrogen, urea and mineral complexes are provided.


  • Excellent presentation;
  • Optimal taste characteristics;
  • Ripens faster than most varieties;
  • Even in the middle zone it can be grown immediately in open ground.


  • This hybrid is not for the northern regions.

Cabbage White Perfection F1


This hybrid was developed by domestic breeders back in Soviet times and has practically not undergone any changes since then. Agronomists initially relied on the climatic characteristics of all regions, so the variety is suitable for cultivation in most regions of the country and the states of the former Soviet Union. Technical ripeness of the vegetable occurs approximately 80 days after the appearance of the first shoots. The diameter of the leaf rosette is average - it grows to a maximum of 70 cm. The leaves are quite compact and have a rounded shape. The shade may vary slightly from gray-green to deep green. One leaf grows up to 50 cm in length, and up to 20-25 cm in width.

The head of cabbage has a round shape and can be medium or large: its size directly depends on the quality of care for the crop. The weight ranges from 700 to 1300 g. In most cases, the vegetable is white in color, but sometimes yellowish fruits are also found. The heads are quite dense. Fresh cabbage does not have a pronounced taste or smell, but there are a lot of useful substances and their concentration is significant: vitamin C is about 80 mg per 100 g, sugars are about 3-5%, there is also iodine, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium . The products are perfect for preparing a wide variety of dishes; they are often used for cosmetic procedures.


  • Pleasant taste;
  • They quickly take root after planting in open ground;
  • Withstands temperature changes well, even freezing;
  • Does not grow when there is a lack of sunlight;
  • Resists diseases and pests.


  • The head of cabbage is only partially covered by leaves;
  • Productivity is at an average level.

Cabbage Movir


One of the fairly young hybrid varieties in this rating - it was bred by Russian specialists in 2007; it produces optimal yield when grown in warm regions and areas with a temperate climate. The plant has a fairly compact rosette, which contains about 20-25 leaves; they have a rich green color with a slight grayish tint. The head has a round, slightly convex shape, the tubercles are almost invisible. The average weight of one vegetable is about 600-800 grams, but specimens whose weight exceeds 3 kg are often found.

The yield is about 3-3.5 kg per square meter of plantings, if no more than 4 bushes grow in this area. If cultivation is carried out in several passes, the yield can be significantly higher. The average ripening time for a vegetable is from 50 to 70 days, depending on climatic conditions and planting date. If the seedlings were sown in March, then the harvest can be harvested on average after 60 days, in May - after 65, in June - after 70.


  • Almost all the cabbage ripens at once, which allows you to harvest several crops at once;
  • Quite a prolific hybrid;
  • Easily tolerates sudden temperature changes;
  • Pleasant taste of the vegetable;
  • Almost all bushes are tied.

More: Top 10 best raspberry varieties, choosing the best raspberry seedlings


  • The variety is susceptible to diseases and pests.

Koza-Dereza cabbage

Vinson F1

Originally developed for gardening conditions, however, some farmers grow this vegetable crop on an industrial scale. The leaf rosette is located vertically. The shape of the head is round, medium tuberosity. It is quite smooth and dense, the texture is delicate, and has a snow-white color. The weight of the fetus can reach 3 kg, but often the specimens are much smaller - about one and a half kilograms. The taste is very high, so this variety can easily compete with other varieties. The hybrid is optimal for freezing, canning, salads, cold and hot snacks. The presentation is also attractive and lasts for a long time.

The hybrid variety has a significant yield - up to 6 kg of vegetables can be harvested from one square meter. Suitable for growing in spring-summer and summer-autumn. Ripens within 65 days after the first shoots appear; vegetables are grown in a greenhouse or open ground.


  • Vegetables are uniform in structure;
  • The product has a pleasant and rather delicate taste;
  • Quite vigorous growth of vegetables;
  • Easily transported over long distances.


  • Needs increased attention and care.

Cabbage Vinson F1

Skywalker F1

The variety is late ripening. From the moment the seedlings are planted to harvested, approximately 95 days pass. The plant forms dense heads of rounded-flat shape with high self-covering capacity. They are quite heavy, the largest specimens reaching 3.5 kg. The color of the inflorescences is white, the taste of cabbage is excellent. It is used for all types of processing. Heads of cabbage can be stored for a long time, they do not lose their presentation.

Skywalker F1 is quite popular among summer residents. Seedlings are planted in open ground in mid-May. It does not require special care conditions. The variety is guaranteed to have high yields.


This variety is considered one of the most successful works of domestic breeders. It belongs to the group of mid-early varieties of cauliflower that can be grown from spring to autumn. Even in temperate climates, when using seedlings, it is possible to obtain about 2-3 harvests per season.

Main properties:

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Originator and year of inclusion in the registerSt. Petersburg organization "Biotechnics Association", 2007
Recommended growing regionAll areas
The growing season from the appearance of the first shoots to full ripeness57-70 days
Head colorSnow-white
Weight0.8 kg
Productivity3.1 kg/1 m2
AdvantagesHigh percentage of good quality products

The plant develops a relatively compact rosette, which is partially covered with powerful leaves. The head grows round, medium-lumpy, slightly convex. Its average weight is considered to be up to 1 kg, however, with proper agricultural technology it is possible to obtain fruits weighing 4-5 kg.


An early ripening variety, very loved by gardeners. The growing season is 65 days. The bush forms a raised rosette of leaves. The head is large, dense, snow-white in color. It is partially covered with emerald leaves, which reliably protect from frost and intense light. Head weight - up to 2.5 kg. The product tastes excellent. The variety is used for preparing first and second courses, as well as salads.

Seeds are sown for seedlings at intervals of 2 weeks, starting in early spring. The yield of Whitexel is 4.8 kg per square meter. The plant is unpretentious, tolerates high humidity and low temperatures well, and remains marketable in the garden for a long time.

  • Author: Zimina Tatyana
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Additional Information

The Gavrish online store offers a large selection of seeds with delivery throughout Russia. From us you can buy cauliflower seeds Vinson f1, 10pcs, Gavrish, leading world manufacturers, seminis at a price of 52 rubles.

We offer only high-quality products from leading Russian manufacturers, and we also supply seeds from foreign breeding companies in Holland, Germany and France.

Deliveries are made regularly and without delays. Cauliflower seeds Vinson F1, 10pcs, Gavrish, Leading global manufacturers, Seminis can be ordered on-line on the website by calling 8-495-902-77-18, and also purchased (pre-order required) in our office at: 127018, Moscow, Skladochnaya st., 3, building 5

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