Unpleasant parasites in dogs - lice eaters: danger and treatment
Lice eaters in dogs are pests from the order of lice eaters of the trichodectidae family, which are encountered by almost
If a dog/cat is bitten by a tick, what should you do at home?
Many people think that ticks can only bite a person or a dog without posing a danger to them.
The western black-legged tick Ixodes pacificus is distributed on the western (Pacific) coast of the United States, where it serves as the main vector of tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease). The photo shows a view from the dorsal and ventral sides. © CC BY 2.0, photo by Don Loarie
Types of ticks: photos, descriptions and characteristic features
: 27 Feb 2022, Echo of Memory, volume 85, No. 5/6 Every year hundreds
When will the ticks go away?
When will the ticks disappear, in what month? When do ticks appear and disappear?
You can make forays into nature all your life, go hiking, relax in the summer with your grandmother
Quail egg production
How to increase the egg production of quails, when they start laying eggs and how long they live
Despite their miniature size, laying quails of egg-laying breeds demonstrate high average annual yields of egg production.
Where do ticks live that attack humans and animals?
With the onset of spring warmth, pleasant walks in a park or forest can be overshadowed by a bite
treating the cottage for ticks
Self-treatment of an area from ticks - step-by-step plan
From early spring to the end of summer, a huge number of
Mites in feather pillows
Where do feather mites in pillows come from: description of the insect, causes and symptoms of appearance, control methods, effective medications
A person does not think about being close to microscopic mites until an allergic reaction occurs. These
Simple and effective ways to get rid of spider mites on an orchid
What do mites look like on orchids? Small pests with an elliptical, oval body, with 4
How to treat strawberries against strawberry and spider mites
Dacha work is always carried out in anticipation of a new harvest of ripe berries, vegetables and fruits. No
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