Mosquito repellents during pregnancy: what is best to choose for protection

In the summer, it is especially important for pregnant women to protect themselves from mosquitoes. Insect bites can be dangerous not only for the expectant mother, but also for the fetus. It is especially scary if you are bitten by a malarial mosquito and there is a danger of contracting malaria.

However, the pharmacy has many products that can protect the expectant mother from insect bites . These products are practically safe for the baby, and the mother, using them, can have no doubt that her child is safe. What are these tools and when is it best to use them?

What is the best choice for pregnant women against mosquitoes?

Even if a pregnant woman is bitten by an ordinary mosquito, this will not only lead to redness on the skin and itching. Even anaphylactic shock is possible. What problems this will create for the child is not even worth mentioning. But on the other hand, some mosquito repellents also have a negative effect on fetal development . Therefore, it is important to choose a 100% safe product for mother and baby. Although sometimes it is very difficult to say for sure whether a particular drug will harm the child.

If we talk about safety, first of all, we are talking about drugs that use natural extracts as flavoring agents. Products suitable for pregnant women should not release toxins or contain allergens.

How not to defend yourself

Mosquito repellents during pregnancy
There are a lot of mosquito repellents. These include sprays, ointments, gels and many others. Their main danger is the presence of toxic elements that can cause direct harm to the health of a pregnant woman and her child. Most of them can only be used by adults and healthy people.

What products are harmful for pregnant women?

Not all products that people normally use are suitable for pregnant women. Strong concentrations of chemicals can adversely affect the fetus they are carrying. Therefore, many repellents will have to be abandoned.

It is not recommended to use sprays that contain the substance DEET. Since it is now often included in mosquito control products, always read the composition of the drug before using it.

Mosquitoes are a necessary evil. We don’t let him get to us

Mosquitoes can ruin the life of even inveterate optimists.
Outdoor recreation can be a real torture because of these insects. They haunt the cities too. Even one small mosquito will not let you sleep if it flies around the room at night, buzzes right in your ear, sits on you and tries to bite you. Not only adults suffer from insects, but also children (and not all repellents are approved for children, which complicates the selection of products) and pets.

Humanity has been trying to protect itself from these bloodsuckers throughout its history. But if previously we had only natural essential oils against mosquitoes, such as clove oil, citronella, eucalyptus, geranium, now we have various achievements of the chemical industry in our arsenal.

Do not underestimate the effect of the former and be afraid of the unnatural origin of the latter. Each is effective in its own way, safety confirmed by many years of research and practical application.

Citronella essential oil, 10 ml, Spivak

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What aerosols are acceptable to use?

If we talk about aerosols, then only those sprays that are recommended for children over two years old are suitable for pregnant women:

  • Deta-baby;
  • Gardex.

The product is applied not to the skin, but to clothing, and only on the street. Clothes can be used after the spray has dried. After four hours, the procedure is repeated, until the time of optimal action of the product ends. But even when using Deta-baby and similar aerosols, you will have to be very careful. If an allergic reaction occurs, change the product.

How to choose insect and tick repellent

Picnics, summer cottages, trips to nature and walks in the city - in the warm season, an encounter with blood-sucking insects is inevitable. Mosquitoes, midges, midges, horseflies, mosquitoes and ticks spoil your holiday with their intrusiveness, their bites cause irritation and itching, and ticks can infect you with dangerous infections. Repellents help keep annoying bloodsuckers away. Let’s figure it out together how to help visitors navigate the range of repellents and choose the right one.

How to choose a repellent?

Repellents are products that contain substances that repel (but do not kill) various organisms, in this case blood-sucking fauna.

In pharmacies, the choice of such products is varied. They differ in composition, release form, duration of action, direction, method of application and age at which they can be used. As a rule, each manufacturer has a line of repellents with different characteristics for different consumer needs. The most common repellent brands found in pharmacies are Gardex, Mosquitall, Off, Picnic, DEET, Reftamid . Using these brands as an example, let’s look at how to choose the right protective agent.

We study the composition: synthetic components

First of all, when selecting a repellent, it is important to study the composition. The repellent substances included in it are synthetic and natural. Almost all products contain the following synthetic substances:

DEET ( N,N-diethyltoluamide )Insect - Repellent 3535 Saltidin (Icaridin, Picaridin , KBR3023, English Saltidin , Bayrepel , Propidine, Picaridin) DMF ( dimethyl phthalate )
Story The “oldest” substance, well studied over many years of use. Synthesized in 1946 to protect the US Army. A standard against which similar chemical compounds are compared for effectiveness and safety. Developed by MERCK. Used in Europe for over 20 years.

Its effectiveness is comparable to DEET, but still inferior.

Developed by the German company Bayer, it appeared in the early 2000s. In terms of effectiveness and safety, it is comparable to DEET, however, in conditions of large concentrations of insects, DEET is preferable. “Old Man” was widely used in many Soviet mosquito repellents. It is used less and less because it is dangerous when inhaled and swallowed - when it enters the body it turns into poison: methyl alcohol. Less effective than DEET, but when combined it gives an enhanced effect.
  • Long duration of action, versatility and safety - the drug is widely used all over the world
  • The safest of all: does not enter the bloodstream, does not cause harm if swallowed, inhaled or used on the skin.
  • Colorless, odorless, no stickiness
  • Inert towards chemicals in the composition and contact surfaces.
  • Suitable for children from 3 months and pregnant women
  • Suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Colorless and odorless
  • Suitable for sensitive skin and children
  • Can be applied to any fabric
  • Does not penetrate intact skin
  • Easy to wash off
  • Does not accumulate in the body
  • Unpleasant sweetish odor
  • Stickiness when applied to skin
  • Part of the drug is absorbed into the blood - risk of toxic effects on the nervous system
  • May irritate skin
  • In case of contact with eyes and mucous membranes, it has a strong irritant effect.
  • Deforms plastic, corrodes foam rubber and other materials - cannot be applied to clothing and equipment made of synthetic materials (for example, polyester).
  • May cause eye irritation upon contact
  • inferior to DEET in effectiveness
  • Less preferable to DEET in environments with large insect infestations
  • Toxic
  • Irritating to mucous membranes of eyes, respiratory system and skin
  • Damages plastic, fabrics, dissolves varnishes
Duration of protection At concentration
  • <10% 1-2 hours in light insect conditions
  • 10-20% about 3 hours
  • >20% 4 hours or more
Valid for up to 2 hours. From 3 to 8 hours depending on concentration Up to 3-6 hours from mosquitoes, up to 3 hours from midges
What insects does it protect against? Effective against all blood-sucking insects and ticks (at a concentration of 30-50%) Does not protect against ticks Effective against mosquitoes, mosquitoes, other midges, and ticks Effective against mosquitoes, midges, mosquitoes, most against mosquitoes

Less effective against ticks

Ineffective against horse flies

Use in children Can be used in children in low concentrations (up to 10%) From 3 months Contraindicated Strictly contraindicated
Use in pregnant women Not recommended, or only in low concentration on clothing Allowed Contraindicated Strictly contraindicated
ExamplesContained in the vast majority of repellents. We found the maximum concentrations of DEET - 50% and 51% - in "SUPER repellent aerosol for mosquitoes, midges and other insects Gardex Extreme" and "AQUA aerosol DEET EXTRIME for mosquitoes, midges and ticks for 8 hours" “Milk spray for pregnant women and babies “Gentle protection for babies from 3 months and pregnant women”” , “Mosquito spray for children from 3 months Gardex Baby” . "Reftamid Expert"To enhance the effect, it is included in repellents in combination with DEET from Reftamid ( Reftamid enhanced Maximum , Reftamid Antikomar , Reftamid enhanced Antikomar , Reftamid Antimoshka ) and some other brands.

Natural repellers

Buyers who reject “chemicals” can be offered natural “repellents” - various essential oils. One essential oil, as a rule, acts against a specific type of insect:

  • Against mosquitoes: essential oil of citronella, geranium, cloves, basil, rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus;
  • For ticks: geranium oil is considered the best; tea tree, lavender, and eucalyptus oils are also suitable;
  • From midges: vanilla oil

But combinations of natural ingredients, which are used in repellent compositions, are more effective. For example, we will find the combination of citronella + geranium in the natural-based mosquito repellent spray Gardex Natural .

There are very few repellents based only on natural ingredients: their protection is quite weak (comparable to 10% DEET) and short-term (less than 2 hours), such products will help with a small number of insects. Despite their naturalness, essential oils have a strong odor and can cause allergic reactions. They are contraindicated in pregnant women and are not used in infants and young children.

Essential oil repellents for children come in the form of wrist or ankle bracelets, or clips that can be hung or stuck on clothing or on a stroller. The minimum age for using such products is from 2 years. Children's bracelets are available in the Deta and Gardex . Sprays and aerosols applied directly to the skin are allowed from a later age - for example, Gardex Natural is allowed from 12 years of age.

What else is in repellents?

In addition to repellent substances, some protective agents (as protection against ticks) include insectoacaricidal substances: permethrin, cypermethrin, alphacypermethrin, imiprothrin. The most commonly used is alphacypermethrin, as the most powerful, and its combination with imiprothrin. The principle of action of these substances is contact. Contact of a tick with a treated surface leads to its paralysis and death.

ONLY can be treated with such protective agents in advance, before going out into nature. They are safe on clothing and can be used on children over 2 years of age and pregnant women, but pregnant women’s clothing must be handled by another person. Validity period on clothing is up to 15 days.

Nota Bene!

Products containing DEET and other repellents repel ticks, but do not provide complete protection against ticks. When located in tick habitats, the use of acaricidal agents is strongly recommended. The maximum protection will be clothing impregnated with acaricide and repellent with DEET applied to the skin.

Consulting algorithm

When recommending a repellent, it is important to check with the buyer:

  • Do you need protection from mosquitoes, ticks or any insects?
  • What is the intensity of insect aggregation?
  • Who needs protection: an adult, a pregnant woman, a child?
  • If a child, what age is the child?
  • How long of protection is required?

For example, for walks around the city or a short (no more than an hour) trip to a forested area, it is better to choose products with a DEET concentration of up to 10-15%. For long-term trips into nature, you need drugs with a DEET concentration of up to 32-35%. In places with high numbers of midges, it is worth using a repellent with a DEET concentration of more than 25% on exposed areas of the body and clothing.

It is important to note that products applied to clothing last much longer than products applied to the skin. Lack of contact with skin is also a positive factor: negative effects are eliminated. The only inconvenience is that the clothes must be treated in advance and wait until they dry.

To quickly find the product you need by criteria, use our Comparison Table of Products for Mosquitoes, Ticks and Other Insects.

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Bracelets and their uses

Bracelets such as Farewell Squeak, Gardex, Bugstop, Bugslock and the like are actively used to protect against insects. How are they convenient? The plate or capsule used in the bracelet contains citronella oil, which is safe for pregnant women. In addition, the component has two advantages:

  • has a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • does not contribute to the development of an allergic reaction;

The bracelet does not have to be worn on the limbs; you can even “cling” it to your purse or in any convenient place. After this, mosquitoes will not appear within a radius of half a meter.

It is recommended to use bracelets during pregnancy for no more than eight hours, and only outdoors. For complete protection, two bracelets are worn at once, for example on the leg and arm. It is only important to store the bracelets correctly, according to the instructions. Each is placed in a separate bag and zipped. Then they will be valid for up to four months.

Alternative methods of protection

Research over the past century has shown that taking enough thiamine (vitamin B1) reduces the likelihood of insect attacks. The insecticidal properties of lemon balm, wormwood, lemon, thyme and other repellent plants have also been actively studied. Most scientists agree that folk remedies based on herbal ingredients have a moderate effect within a short period of time after thorough skin treatment.

You can purchase an ultrasonic mosquito repellent device in almost any store. Its “safety” for pregnant women can only be due to the lack of a significant effect. The ability of the ultrasound generated by such devices to repel bloodsuckers has not been proven. In addition, in the United States, individual manufacturers of such products have been recognized as fraudsters.

Application of cream gels

Cream gels are made from essential oils and applied directly to the skin. Suitable for use by pregnant women:

  • Babycoccole, produced in Italy (contains lemongrass oil, geranium, lemon balm);
  • Our mother, milk cream (contains clove, chamomile, yarrow oils)

The persistent smell of the compositions repels insects, and the components do not irritate the skin.

Creams are allowed to be used by anyone who does not have individual intolerance. They are applied to the skin where it is not protected by clothing. Action – two hours from the time of application. It is allowed to apply no more than twice a day.


Means of protection against flying insects Mosquito repellent clothing stickers impregnated with essential oils. Retains properties for up to 12 hours. The action is similar to bracelets. Plasters from the domestic manufacturer Magicoplast are extremely popular. The company produces medicinal children's stickers based on extracts from plant components. Their smell repels blood-sucking insects.

How to use the plates correctly?

If you need to protect yourself from mosquitoes indoors, it is best to use special plates that are designed for children . The plate is placed in a fumigator and inserted into a socket. After some time, it begins to release substances that mosquitoes do not like, but are harmless to humans. There is no smell at all. It is important to use only those plates that are not harmful to children over 2 years old:

  • Picnic Baby (contains chamomile);
  • Raptor Nekusayka (contains pyrethrum, produced from several types of chamomile).

For 10 hours, a pleasant smell spreads throughout the room, which is harmless to mother and baby. There is even a plus. It seems to calm down, having a beneficial effect on sleep.

Why are mosquitoes dangerous during pregnancy?

Only females hunt and bite, requiring large amounts of protein to lay eggs.
Males eat food of plant origin. A mosquito bite is accompanied by minor blood loss - even when in contact with a large number of insects, a person will not lose a noticeable amount of blood. The danger comes from the body’s reaction to the penetration of foreign substances and infections spread by insects. Get rid of mosquitoes in your country house
Get rid of mosquitoes in your country house

Hit from the USA. A guaranteed way to destroy all mosquitoes on the site.

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A mosquito bite is manifested by redness, itching and local swelling. In response to foreign proteins entering the tissue, an inflammatory reaction develops. Increased vascular permeability causes tissue swelling. In some cases, a local or systemic allergic reaction occurs. Some people suffer from an insect sensitivity that causes each bite to form a hard, painful lump.

Bloodsuckers can transmit viral, bacterial or parasitic diseases to a pregnant woman while feeding. These are malaria, filariasis, Zika virus and other pathologies (read the full list of diseases here). The risk of infection depends on the region where the insect lives and its species. For example, in the south of Russia there are anopheles and biters that carry life-threatening viral infections. It is especially dangerous to become infected with this disease while pregnant. This can lead to pregnancy complications, intrauterine development disorders, or miscarriage.

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