Insecticides Raptor for protection against mosquitoes and midges in the apartment

In the summer, various flying insects (flies, mosquitoes, wasps) are permanent neighbors of people. They fly into the room, swarm over fruits and other food, causing people discomfort and discomfort. In addition, they can become carriers of certain types of bacteria and infections. Special Raptor protection products against flies are presented in a wide range (plates, aerosol, traps, etc.), each of which helps to destroy flying pests.

Operating principle

Most of these remedies are fumigators. They are produced in different modifications, but have a similar operating principle: they contain a plate impregnated with the active substance or a bottle with liquid. When the device is connected to the mains, it heats up, facilitating the evaporation of the insecticide.

Insect repellent Raptor

Until recently, pyrethrin, which was extracted from chamomile flowers, was used to make repellent. Now the active substance is obtained artificially. A small concentration of pyrethrin in the air repels midges and mosquitoes, while a high concentration leads to paralysis and death of insects.

Interesting Facts

When a fly rubs its legs, it is not gloating, but simply cleaning the suction claws on its limbs, which allow it to crawl along walls and ceilings. 1

Thanks to high fertility and rapid growth rates, one pair of flies can produce hundreds of millions of offspring during the warm season! If they are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the Earth, they will cover it with a layer from 3 cm to 14 meters. 2

The ability of flies to actively reproduce is used for industrial purposes. The larvae of these insects consist of 42% protein. They are raised on special farms to produce high-protein feed. By the way, this is precisely why special wingless flies were bred, so that they would not accidentally escape from their “pen.” 3


Spray against mosquitoes and midges Raptor

The product is in the form of an aerosol contained in a metal container.

Ingredients of the drug Raptor spray:

  • Piperonyl butoxide 0.5%;
  • Cypermethrin 0.2%;
  • Tetramethrin 0.2%.

The substances cause paralysis and death of the insect. The spray is available in 350 ml cylinders, designed to treat a room of 30 square meters. The drug remains effective for about 3 weeks after application to the surface.


The Raptor trap for wasps and flies also helps well in the fight against flying pests. This design is equipped with a bait consisting of natural ingredients, the smell of which attracts annoying pests. Penetrating through the holes in the trap cover, they get inside the device, from which they can no longer get out.

Raptor products against flies

The protective effect of the trap, designed for 30 days of operation, extends over an area of ​​16 square meters. m. Thanks to the cord holder, you can not only place it, but also hang it.

On a note!

A set consisting of a trap, a bag of bait and a holder cord costs around 200 rubles.


Mosquito coil Raptor

The spirals are highly effective and have a large range of action, repelling mosquitoes and midges well. One coil lasts for several hours. But at the same time, they are not suitable for forest walks, since such a spiral does not help in strong winds; the smoke from it simply blows to the side.

The device is also not suitable for use in an apartment, since it is designed for open air and its smoke in a confined space can have a toxic effect. But for working in the garden or a picnic, spirals are ideal, providing reliable, long-term protection.

We increase the operating time of the fumigator bottle to 60 days

Why do midges appear in the apartment?

Favorable conditions for midges are the presence of a food source, warmth (above 16°) and high humidity levels. In the summer, they do well without living quarters, but if there is a drop in temperature or the power source disappears, then they look for places with favorable conditions.

Such places include not only residential premises, they can penetrate vegetable warehouses, warehouses where fruit is stored, and wine cellars.

Very often they enter apartments in the following way: females prefer to lay eggs on fruits and vegetables. In other words, on products that can rot, so that the offspring can immediately receive nutrition for further development.

Such products are brought home, where there are excellent conditions for the development of pests. Soon, young individuals emerge from the clutches of eggs, ready to reproduce. These insects reproduce very quickly, so huge colonies begin to fly around the kitchen.

Factors that contribute to the appearance and reproduction of insects include:

  • Improper storage of fruits and vegetables. If you leave them in a warm room, they quickly begin to deteriorate and rot, which attracts small pests.
  • Food waste that has been stored for a long time must be thrown out daily.
  • Increased level of humidity in the room.
  • Remains of food in pets' bowls, as well as improper storage of pet food (opened).

If a midge appears in an apartment, it is necessary not only to get rid of it, but also to find the reason why it appeared. It is also worth remembering, since it multiplies quickly, the fight must begin as soon as the infestation is detected; the sooner you start fighting it, the easier it is to get rid of it.

There are several ways to enter the apartment:

  • As already mentioned, females lay eggs on fruits that a person purchases in a store and brings home. In a warm room, larvae hatch from the eggs, which quickly develop and grow into sexually mature individuals.
  • Of course, they can get into the apartment through an open window. They will immediately find a suitable place in the house to lay their offspring.
  • Ventilation holes are an excellent way to get into the apartment from neighbors. Very often they use them to travel from one apartment to another.
  • Improper watering of plants, namely the creation of high humidity.

Regardless of exactly how the midge entered the apartment, it must be dealt with in effective and reliable ways, without giving time and chances for reproduction. In addition, preventive measures are important to eliminate the possibility of re-infections.


The product is a rod of wood flour mixed with a toxic substance, which, when burned, releases the powerful insecticide d-allethrin, which has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects. The substance is effective against most pests that inhabit human homes, but is safe for people and pets.

Mosquito and midge repellent rod Raptor

Characteristics of the product:

  • The rod begins to act faster than the spirals.
  • Provides effective protection against insects outdoors.
  • The substance d-allethrin acts on mosquitoes, midges and other midges.
  • Each rod works for about 2 hours, providing protection against insects within a radius of 4 meters.

Adhesive tapes

One of the most effective and inexpensive means of controlling flies is fly tape. The device consists of a strip of thick paper 85 cm long, onto which a special glue with a sweet aroma is applied. Flies, flying past and attracted by the smell, land on the surface of the paper and stick their paws to it. They have no chance to free themselves, after which they die.

On a note!

The adhesive composition does not contain toxic or harmful substances, therefore it is absolutely safe for people in the room and for the environment.

The duration of operation is 2 months, but most often it fills with the corpses of flies even faster and then it has to be thrown away and replaced with a new one.

Fumigator liquid

The product is intended for indoor use. When the core of the bottle is heated, the drug slowly evaporates, providing a high concentration of the substance Etoc, which has a nerve-paralytic effect on mosquitoes, in the air.

Fumigator Raptor and liquid for it

Etoc is a substance created by scientists in Japan. It is highly effective against blood-sucking insects.

Characteristics of the drug:

  • Raptor contains a potent substance that is effective against insects, but is harmless to people and pets.
  • The cylinder is made of durable, unbreakable plastic.
  • The drug has no odor.
  • One bottle is designed for 2 months of use (60 nights).


Instructions for using the Raptor Aquafumigator

The device looks like a metal container. Before use, the device is placed in a plastic container, into which a small amount of water is first poured. When the drug comes into contact with liquid, it begins to release vapors of cyphenothrin, a nerve poison against all types of insects and their larvae.

Raptor Aquafumigator

Characteristics of the product:

  • Cyphenothrin is a broad-spectrum insecticide that is safe for humans and pets.
  • Distributed by steam.
  • The drug is effective against flies, mosquitoes, midges, ants, fleas, bedbugs, cockroaches, as well as their eggs.
  • Toxic vapors penetrate into places that are difficult for other means to reach - ventilation ducts, cracks, under baseboards.
  • The device gives a long-lasting effect and is easy to use.

Fumigator Turbo

This is a small device that runs on mains power. A bottle of liquid or cardboard plates are inserted into it.

Fumigator Raptor Turbo

When you press the Turbo button, the temperature increases, which leads to intense evaporation of the active substance and quickly achieves the desired concentration of insecticide in the air.

Characteristics of the drug:

  • The device operates in two modes: standard and turbo.
  • Contains Etoc, a substance created by Japanese scientists.
  • Effective protection against mosquitoes in the apartment.
  • Acts as a strong nerve poison.
  • Raptor turbo is safe for people and pets.
  • The device works with both liquid and plates.

Precautionary measures

The liquids and fumigator plates contain toxic substances that in small doses cannot cause harm to humans, but there are still certain precautions.

  • It is recommended to buy unscented products. Because strong aromas irritate the respiratory system.
  • If the plate is used longer than the manufacturer's instructions, it may cause suffocation to the occupants.
  • It is not recommended to use it near sleeping places, as it causes sore throat and dry mucous membranes.
  • After completing the baiting of flies, regularly ventilate the room. It is recommended to do this every 2 hours.

Fumigators against flies


Devices and components should be stored away from sunlight and small children and animals. If toxic substances enter the mouth, they cause allergies, deterioration of well-being, and disorders of the intestinal and stomach functions.

Children's insect repellent Nekusayka

Raptor has created a special children's Nekusayka series for protection against mosquitoes. The series is intended for indoor use and is safe for children over 3 years old. The fumigator should be installed a short distance from the child's bed. The active ingredients are pyrethrum and ethoc.

Mosquito repellent liquid for children Nekusayka

Nekusayka is odorless; in addition, a substance is added to it that gives it a bitter taste, so that the child would not even think of tasting it. The bottle of liquid is designed for 240 hours of use.

How to deal with fruit flies in the house?

To effectively combat fruit flies in your home, try to follow three simple rules:

  • The fight against fruit flies should begin with finding and eliminating possible sources of their occurrence. It is necessary to throw away all rotting food and any food debris that could serve as a breeding ground for them.
  • To combat insects belonging to the fruit fly family, it is effective to use special traps and baits, such as RAPTOR “Fruit Fly Protection”.
  • Take regular measures to prevent the appearance of flies in your home. Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink; periodically check bags of vegetables and fruits for rotten stock. If you have pets in your home, you need to thoroughly clean their bowls after every meal.

2014-07-04 2014-07-04

Plates for children

Children's Raptor plates have the same principle of operation as for adults. When the device is connected to the network, the plate heats up from the ceramic element and begins to gradually release the active substance into the air.

Children's plates Raptor

Particles of the drug penetrate the insect's respiratory system and paralyze the insect's nervous system, leading to its death.

The plates contain two powerful insecticides:

  • Pyrethrum is one of the very first human-created insecticides of plant origin. It is obtained from Caucasian chamomile. It combines high efficiency and harmlessness, even for a child’s body.
  • Etok is a substance with pronounced effectiveness. It was created by Japanese scientists and has a strong nerve-paralytic effect.

The combination of these two potent insecticides provides reliable and gentle protection against blood-sucking insects in the apartment.

Characteristics of the drug:

  • One plate provides 8 hours of restful baby sleep.
  • The drug is designed for use indoors.
  • The plates are odorless and do not cause allergic reactions in children.
  • One package contains 10 plates.

Raptor Anti-mosquito protection for children

To ensure healthy sleep for children and adults, it is recommended to take adequate measures to combat blood-sucking insects. However, if the child is under three years old, then you should provide him with other safe methods of protection and consider having mosquito nets on the windows.

Advantages and disadvantages of shredders

Thanks to the simple principle of action, these drugs can protect against blood-sucking flyers both in your home in the city or in the country, and in the wild. The principle of operation is simple: a chemical is heated and evaporated, which fills the space of a closed room or cleanses an open space, creating an area free of harmful parasites.

Despite its simplicity, this is the most effective method of protection. Flying insects like to unite in numerous flocks; their annoying activity and small size do not make it possible to completely protect yourself from bites using local repellents.

There are pyrotechnic and electric types of fumigators.

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These are spirals that are made of a special material that glows well. It is impregnated with insecticide, which is released in the form of smoke during the smoldering process. Spirals are recommended for disinfestation of open spaces; they are often purchased by lovers of outdoor activities.

It is simple to destroy parasites using a spiral: just install the device on a non-flammable surface, set fire to the spiral from the free end, and when it starts to burn, blow out the flame: the material will begin to smolder, forming insecticidal smoke. It smells unpleasant, and inhaling it is strictly not recommended, and is prohibited for children and elderly people.

The drug effectively destroys bloodsuckers in an area of ​​more than 20 square meters around itself. If it is used indoors, it provides reliable protection for up to 8 hours from all kinds of flying parasites; if in the open air, it creates a protective cloud, when mosquitoes, flies and midges get into it they quickly die. It is important to note that using a spiral outdoors is only advisable in calm weather.

Attention! When using this product, you must adhere to fire safety precautions and remove flammable objects and liquids away.

More information about spirals can be found here: “Spirals from blood-sucking midges: how to destroy insects and not harm yourself?”

This is a plastic device with a built-in heating element (microresistor) that causes the insecticide to evaporate. For this purpose, it receives energy from the electrical network.

Depending on this, the devices differ in their design. Plate fumigators are equipped with a heating plate on which a small plate impregnated with a chemical is installed: when heated, it evaporates the insecticide. Usually one such plate is enough for 8-10 hours of work, so it is customary to change it every night.

Liquid electrofumigators are based on the use of special solutions, which also heat up and evaporate. Small containers of liquid insecticide are connected to a plastic device which, when turned on, begins to vaporize the mixture.

They are also capable of cleaning about 20-30 square meters of living space; the use of these drugs is even more recommended due to their greater effectiveness against flying pests and cost-effectiveness. It is believed that one bottle of liquid insecticide is enough for 1 month of work.

The heating element (plate) in the design is made of metal or ceramics. The second is used in more expensive models; it ensures that the plastic case does not melt during operation. Judging by the reviews, this happened to many people when using inexpensive devices.

Plate and liquid exterminators are considered safer than their spiral counterparts due to their fire safety and lower concentration of chemical insecticide.

Advice. If there is no device, the plates can be ignited in a similar way to spirals; they will also smolder and destroy insects with toxic fumes.

Stationary devices are available in different cases, colors, and are improved with indicator lights, rotating forks and other useful devices.

One of the new products designed for personal protection are mobile fumigators. These devices can be carried with you and turned on anywhere you need it. They are powered by batteries or replaceable gas cartridges. Such shredders have convenient carabiners; they can be attached to a belt, attached to clothing or a backpack.

They work on the principle of their stationary counterparts, they also clear space from flying arthropods, and create an invisible “cloud” that protects the wearer and the people around him. Such a device will help you spend a peaceful evening outside anywhere; only one thing is important – the presence of windless weather. Some models are equipped with miniature fans that distribute toxic fumes faster and better.

The odors that the device evaporates do not in any way interfere with people's activity, they are simply not felt.

This is only one of the existing means for destroying and repelling midges; more about other methods can be found in the article: “How to get rid of flying bloodsuckers: a review of existing methods of destruction and repelling.”

These means for disinsection of flying bloodsuckers have a number of key pros and cons.

The advantages include:

  1. Efficiency. Spreading toxic smoke is the most optimal way to eliminate small arthropods. The vapors reach any point where the parasite is located before it lands on human skin.
  2. Collective defense. This eliminates the need to use ointments, aerosols and other insecticides that require contact with the human body.

    Attention! As you know, the disadvantage of ointments is that they can be absorbed through the skin: this is how the chemical enters the body.

    Even mobile fumigators that are designed for a specific person create a barrier for people nearby.

  3. No discomfort. The chemical compound that evaporates is practically not felt by a person, does not interfere with relaxation and home time, and if flavors are included in the composition, then the smoldering is accompanied by a pleasant aroma. The exception to this is spirals - the smoke emits a strong, unpleasant odor.
  4. Low cost. The vast majority of Russians can afford these devices due to their affordable price. Consumables (plates, liquids) are also inexpensive.

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The disadvantages are the following:

  1. Time limit. You cannot keep them on for a long time: with an increased concentration of the toxic chemical in the air, allergic reactions of varying strength are possible: from migraines and coughs to diarrhea and high fever. In rare cases, surgical medical intervention is required to help.
  2. Restricted use. It is strictly not recommended to turn on the device near pregnant or lactating women or small children; these persons should not be allowed to stay in the treated room for a long time.
  3. Regular ventilation. Every 1.5-2 hours it is recommended to ventilate the room in which the device is turned on; this reduces the concentration of toxins against parasites.
  4. Fragility. Many devices (especially Chinese analogues) are made of poor quality; the plastic case heats up when power is applied and can even melt. In addition, mobile fumigators that are worn on a belt can cause discomfort to their wearer when heated.

Advice. It is recommended to buy products from trusted and reliable companies.

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