Taran remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, flies, mosquitoes, ixodid ticks, 50 ml

Purchasing the modern, highly effective drug “Taran”, the instructions for use of which are outlined below, is guaranteed to help get rid of most known household pests:

  • cockroaches;
  • bedbugs;
  • fleas;
  • flies;
  • os;
  • ticks;
  • moth;
  • whitefish;
  • leaf roller;
  • codling moth;
  • grinders.

The product is very easy to use. To make poison against cockroaches and other insects, you just need to dilute the drug concentrate with water, depending on the types of pests being destroyed.

The main component of the insectoacaricidal agent “Taran” is zettacypermethrin. This active chemical is an improved and modified version of cypermethrin, which is widely used as a component of many preparations for fleas and other insects.

The Zetacypermethrin formula is the basis for four active elements that allow the most effective fight against certain types of insects, both individually and in combination. For example, one of the elements is most effective against cockroaches, ticks, fleas, the other - hemipterans (bugs).

Product description

Taran is presented in the form of a milky emulsion with a subtle odor. In order to use it for domestic needs, the insecticide is placed in sealed packaging of 10, 30 and 50 ml. So, the largest bottle is enough to treat an apartment with an area of ​​100 m².

The high speed of impact on harmful organisms allows you to cope with insect infestations literally from the first treatment. And most importantly, the new isomer cypermethrin contained in the composition prevents the emergence of resistance. Thanks to this, the effectiveness of the drug reaches 98-99%.

The period of protective action lasts up to 3-4 weeks, the residual effect lasts for 4-8 weeks. If the recommended consumption rates are observed, it is not phytotoxic and non-selective. The product does not have a strong odor and does not leave stains on treated surfaces.

Advantages and purpose

Gardeners preferred this drug for its harmlessness to humans, plants and animals. Safety indicators are ensured by the aqueous base of the compound. The finished emulsion has a milky color and is odorless. The concentration is dense and requires careful stirring when diluting.

Basic indicators:

  • method of influencing the pest - intestinal and contact;
  • powerful pesticide for a large number of household pests;
  • does not suppress the growth and development of plants during treatment;
  • used for household and economic purposes;
  • prolonged exposure reaches 8 weeks;
  • prevents the emergence of new populations;
  • active in the fight against encephalitis mites and locust pests;
  • benefit due to moderate consumption rates;
  • no odor or coloring properties.

Using the drug Taran you can get rid of blood-sucking parasites.

The product has proven itself to be fast-acting with a long-lasting effect.

In addition to the application methods described above, Taran is recommended to be used to combat adult flies in the garden near compost pits, after adding compost to the garden. When plant residues rot, they evaporate heat and characteristic odors that attract insects. Although this does not pose a health hazard, it is a serious hindrance when working in the garden.

In addition to flies, mosquitoes can also hide in utility rooms and places where garbage accumulates. This also causes a lot of inconvenience. Insect bites can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. Therefore, treating the surfaces of walls, garbage cans, floors and thickened, shaded accumulations of branches or firewood is necessary to eliminate the accumulation of blood-sucking insects.

Advice! Carry out several treatments per season in rarely visited rooms and places in your garden to avoid unwanted encounters with pathogens.

In a household with poultry and livestock, insects and flies will feast around the manure. Regular treatment of the surface of the pastures and the walls of the barn will help get rid of the influx of people wanting to feed and warm up.


Open bodies of water on the site attract living creatures that can cause a lot of inconvenience. The ram, thanks to the strong composition of the active substance, is capable of destroying harmful settlers in a short time.

Carefully! The drug has a high hazard class for fish. Before processing, you need to transfer the caught fish to a safe tank with water similar in composition to their “home” water.

Mode of application

Before use, carefully read the instructions. Please note that to kill different types of insects, the proportions for preparing the working fluid are different. The standard consumption rate is from 0.07 l to 0.1 l per 1 hectare of territory.

The amount of “Taran” required for the preparation of working aqueous suspensions:

Insect type Concentration

working emulsion

Amount of product (ml)

per volume of water (l)

by Far East, % by means, % 1 l 10 l 100 l
Cockroaches 0,0500 0,500 5,00 50,0 500
Bedbugs 0,0250 0,250 2,50 25,0 250
Ants 0,0250 0,250 2,50 25,0 250
Fleas 0,0125 0,125 1,25 12,5 125
flies imago 0,0250 0,250 2,50 25,0 250
larvae 0,0500 0,500 5,00 50,0 500
Mosquitoes imago 0,0125 0,125 1,25 12,5 125
larvae 0,0050 0,050 0,50 5,0 50

Working emulsions of the “Taran” product for the destruction of ixodid ticks:

Genus of ticks Consumption rate

funds, l/ha

Work concentration


Quantity of product

in working emulsion, ml

in the Far East within means 1 l 5 l 10 l
Ixodes 0,25* 0,025 0,25 2,5 12,5 25,0
0,50 0,050 0,50 5,0 25,0 50,0
0,75 0,075 0,75 7,5 37,5 75,0


1,25 0,125 1,25 12,5 62,5 125,0

Cultivated plants are sprayed during the growing season 1-2 times per season in case of mass accumulation of pests. To work with the drug in everyday life, it is important to treat not only places where insects accumulate, but also adjacent rooms to prevent the possibility of their migration. The treated room with closed windows should be left for 1-2 hours, after which it is recommended to treat all surfaces with which household members come into contact with a soap solution.

Destruction of cockroaches and ants

The destruction of cockroaches with the “Taran” means occurs by selective treatment of surfaces adjacent to the places where insects are found, inhabited and moved.

Increased attention should be paid to the following locations:

  • ventilation vents;
  • door frames, thresholds;
  • various cracks and holes;
  • joints of water, heating and sewer pipes;
  • facing coatings.

Treatment is carried out simultaneously in the premises where the insects were found. The premises adjacent to the infected areas are also treated in order to prevent the settlement and migration of cockroaches. Dead and paralyzed insects are destroyed by fire or through sewerage to avoid the development of allergies in people.

To remove a population of ants, it is necessary to treat the places of their localization and the paths of movement of insects, the so-called “paths,” with the working composition of the drug.


Hazard class for humans – 3 (moderately hazardous substance), for bees – 1 (highly hazardous substance). When processing, it is important to use personal protective equipment (protective suit, goggles, respirator, gloves). At the time of work, children and pets are prohibited from being on the territory. Do not allow the insecticide to come into contact with the skin, eyes or respiratory system. After all the manipulations, you need to change clothes, wash your face and hands with soap, and take a shower. Store in a dry, dark place, away from medications and food.

The online store Insekomikh.Net is the place where you can buy a battering ram at the most affordable price and at the same time stock up on any additional equipment.
With us, the process of exterminating pests will become much more effective and safer for the whole family. Each client is guaranteed fast delivery to any region of Russia. We are waiting for your orders! This product requires special preparation when used. You must carefully read the instructions for use and follow safety precautions.

Destruction of mosquitoes and bedbugs

When killing adult mosquitoes, a working aqueous solution is applied to the surfaces of premises used by insects for landing, and the external parts of the walls of buildings, as well as the internal sides of the fences of garbage containers, which serve as a refuge for mosquitoes in hot weather.

The destruction of insect larvae is carried out by uniformly spraying the working emulsion of the drug on water surfaces that are most favorable for mosquito breeding:

  • water surfaces of house basements;
  • wastewater surfaces;
  • surfaces of fire containers.

The destruction of bed bugs in cases where the premises are sparsely populated is carried out by treating their immediate habitats.

If a large population of bedbugs is detected, the product must be applied to all surfaces suitable for the possible spread of these insects.

Careful treatment of all of the above surfaces will help you quickly and effectively get rid of bedbugs.

Preparing the solution (+ video)

You need to start processing with preparing the workplace, working conditions and a solution with an insecticide. The preparation is quite simple:

  • First we clean the room - vacuum, remove dust, dirt, wash the floors;
  • open the windows, remove strangers and pets from the premises being treated;
  • we make a solution - per liter of clean warm water you need 10 cubes of the drug (we measure them using a regular syringe), or we proceed from the following principle: to prepare 5 liters of insecticide you need 50 ml of Agran.

It is recommended to use the prepared solution immediately, but, if necessary, you can leave it for a day (the maximum shelf life is more than 24 hours - and it is no longer effective).

How to get rid of cockroaches in the house?

What to do if cockroaches do appear in your home? As soon as you suspect the presence of pests in the apartment or notice a quickly escaping cockroach when entering the kitchen at night, immediately take up the issue of exterminating the insects before their numbers reach disaster proportions.

Of course, you can resort to traditional methods, one of which is freezing - ventilating the room at a significant sub-zero temperature (-5°C). But there are more modern and effective remedies for cockroaches, for example, Raptor.

The fastest way to attack insects is an aerosol. For example, RAPTOR aerosol against crawling insects is very convenient to use. Thanks to its unique formula, the aerosol instantly destroys domestic insects and leaves behind a light mint aroma. The product is economical to use: one can is enough to treat a room of 50-60 sq.m. The RAPTOR insecticidal gel has shown high efficiency in the fight against cockroaches. The product also helps kill house ants. The gel contains substances that act as bait, attracting cockroaches with their scent. It provides protection for up to 6 months. The gel has a convenient packaging in the form of a tube with a long spout. A less rapid, but no less effective remedy for cockroaches are RAPTOR traps. Traps with a poisonous substance lure insects with smell and infect them through the digestive organs or by contact. An infected individual becomes a carrier and manages to transmit the poison to its fellows before it itself dies. For a room of 10 square meters. It is enough to use 2-3 traps. Use the powerful Double Strength trap to remove cockroaches. The new generation bait used in the trap contains the scent of trace pheromones that cockroaches secrete. The “Double Strength” formula has no analogues in the world and has a detrimental effect even on cockroaches that have adapted to insecticidal drugs. Don't want to waste time and effort on treating the room? RAPTOR's product range includes a unique system for eliminating cockroaches - an aquafumigator. The active substance, developed by Japanese specialists, evaporates as a result of a thermal reaction and easily penetrates where insects hide (in cracks, under baseboards, in ventilation). The drug destroys cockroaches and their clutches. The system does not require personal presence during the operation process. Place the container in the center of the treated area on a flat surface and leave the room for 2-3 hours. The radius of action of one aquafumigator is 30 square meters. m. After 3 weeks it is recommended to re-treat

Attention: if the apartment is equipped with fire safety sensors, turn them off before starting treatment.


Although the drug Taran is harmless to humans, there are categories of people who cannot carry out the treatment. These include:

  • people under 18 years of age;
  • patients with epilepsy (including those in remission);
  • having mental disorders;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people in a neurotic state;
  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, respiratory system (chronic);
  • patients with tuberculosis;
  • asthmatics;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • having diseases of the liver, central nervous system, kidneys, cardiovascular system;
  • people with eye diseases (conjunctivitis, etc.);
  • having skin diseases (eczema, erosion, dermatitis);
  • with serious blood problems (leukemia, anemia-iron deficiency).

If you meet at least one item from this list, then you are strictly prohibited from treating with Taran. Even if you are in recovery.

How to use it correctly

The product is sold in the form of a concentrated liquid, which must be used to prepare a solution. The drug is accompanied by instructions for use, which provide information regarding the proportion for preparing the solution for each type of insect. Changing the proportions yourself is prohibited. To kill cockroaches, use the following proportions: 5 ml should be used per liter of water. facilities.

Remember that you will be working with a toxic chemical, so the use of protective equipment is required. All safety measures must be observed so as not to harm the health of people and animals living in the apartment.

At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare the premises. You always need to take into account the degree of contamination of the room. If the infection is severe, a full treatment of the entire room will be required; if the infection is minor, you can apply the product in the kitchen, toilet and bathroom.


  • Move the furniture away from the walls so that you can treat the baseboards and back walls of the furniture.
  • Hide all food products in sealed bags and containers.
  • Remove all dishes, kitchen utensils, towels and personal hygiene products.
  • Next, sweep, remove cobwebs and dust, and wet clean.


The preparation of the solution, as well as the treatment itself, is carried out using protective equipment. It is necessary to wear protective overalls, you can use pants and a long-sleeved jacket. Choose shoes that can be easily washed off with water after the procedure. Rubber gloves, safety glasses and a respirator are also used. The substance must not be allowed to come into contact with the skin, mucous membranes or respiratory tract. When the solution is prepared, it is poured into a spray bottle.

It is necessary to apply the substance to those surfaces where the Prussians have been seen, as well as to those places where they are most likely to appear. Treat baseboards around the entire perimeter, the back and bottom of cabinets, behind the refrigerator, radiator; be sure to treat pipes, the bottom of the sink, and washbasin. In the bathroom and toilet we apply the substance to corners, pipes, and ventilation holes.

After the procedure, you need to remove protective equipment, change clothes, wash your hands with soap, and wash your face. The room must be left for at least 2 hours, with the windows closed.

Upon returning to the apartment, it is necessary to ventilate it well, it is better to create a draft. Next, prepare a soap solution and treat absolutely all surfaces with which a person comes into contact. It is especially important to pay attention to cleaning when children and animals live in the apartment. Contact with the drug may cause serious consequences. The pesticide remains only in hard-to-reach places.

Preventive actions

After the procedure, it is imperative to pay maximum attention to preventive actions, as this will protect against the appearance of new pests. Carry out wet cleaning more often, wash dishes after each preparation and meal. Keep the table and work surfaces clean and remove crumbs. Do not leave food on surfaces. Take out the trash daily and wash the trash can. After washing dishes, wipe the sink dry. Eliminate water leaks and seal all cracks. Use preventive measures, you can turn to traditional methods.

Fighting red and black cockroaches in an apartment or house

  1. To ensure personal safety when treating premises with a solution of TARAN, wear goggles, a work robe or overalls, rubber gloves and a respirator.
  2. Remove all food and utensils from the premises, as well as remove people and pets.
  3. Prepare a working solution of the drug at the rate of 5 ml of liquid concentrate per 1 liter of water.
  4. Mix the solution thoroughly for 5 minutes.
  5. Pour the resulting poison into a manual or electric liquid sprayer.
  6. Spray the working solution of the drug in the places where cockroaches were identified, as well as in the places where they entered the room. Treat especially well the various openings and crevices where cockroaches may live.
  7. After finishing treating all rooms, thoroughly wash your hands and face, and rinse your mouth with clean water.
  8. 1 hour after spraying, ventilate the room for at least 30 minutes.
  9. 12 hours after treating the apartment or house, wet clean the premises with a soapy solution of water and soda. Thoroughly wash the chemical solution from areas where it may come into contact with food, people or pets.
  10. Carry out wet cleaning of hard-to-reach places after the poison wears off, 8 weeks after treating the premises.

Treatment with the concentrate solution is carried out simultaneously in all rooms where cockroaches were found. If there are a lot of insects in an apartment or house, spraying is carried out in all home areas.

The consumption of an aqueous solution when treating premises is 50-100 ml per 1 sq. m. m of the sprayed surface and depends on its ability to absorb moisture.

How effective is this remedy against bedbugs?


I bought it at random, I wasn’t sure that it would help against bedbugs. These parasites came from nowhere in the garden plot, and they bit me alone and did not touch my husband. I sprayed it on all the furniture, all the walls, shook up the bedding outside and treated it too. After this, the bedbugs disappeared, I recommend the product.

Mira, Krasnoperekopsk

How does the main active ingredient in the Taran insecticide affect bedbugs?

The Taran insecticide consists of only one single substance – zeta (zeta)-cypermethrin (10% concentration) which belongs to the pyrethroid group.

Some people think that such a meager composition of the drug is its disadvantage. However, this is not the case. Studies have shown that this drug is 2.5 times more effective than cypermethrin, which is often used as the main pesticide in multicomponent insecticides. And, importantly, it is not addictive to insects.

On a note

Manufacturers of multicomponent drugs often appeal to the fact that insects can develop resistance to one active substance. Using poisons of several types at once, you can reduce this probability to zero.

Like other insecticides of the pyrethroid group, zeta-cypermethrin causes paralysis in the insect by increasing tension in all muscles and rapid death. How long the interval will be from the moment of poisoning to the moment of death of the parasite depends on the amount of insecticide that has entered the body. Its duration can range from several minutes to several hours.

Another advantage of the drug is the ability to destroy bedbugs through contact. As you know, these insects are blood-sucking and do not consume (unlike the same cockroaches) any other food except blood. Therefore, it is very important that the poison can penetrate the chitinous membranes through contact, and not just when entering the body. Unlike many other means, Taran shows simply brilliant results when in contact with an insect.

In addition to the main active ingredient, this insecticide includes: antifreeze, defoamer and emulsifier. There is no fragrance, however, despite this, the emulsion does not have an unpleasant odor.


We have been fighting cockroaches for about a year now. During this period, we tried everything - Mashenka and Dichlorvos, Karbofos and much more, you can’t remember everything. And all to no avail. They bought the ram out of desperation. And imagine - it was he who saved us! For a couple of months we simply forgot about bedbugs. True, then they appeared from somewhere again. I think they crawled over from the neighbors.

Ivan, Red Hill

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

The modern market offers dozens of hardware stores where you can buy Bedbug Battering Ram in Moscow or St. Petersburg at an affordable price. If you don’t have enough time to search, you can order the product via the Internet; just go to the forum or find out store addresses through a search engine. In most cases, a ram against bedbugs will cost from 350 rubles. per bottle with a capacity of 50 ml.

The cost will vary depending on the location of sale and the seller's markup, so it is impossible to say exactly how much a single order will cost. As an alternative, you can purchase it from specialized sanitation services, or it is better to place an order for professional disinfection of the room from bedbugs.


The high efficiency of Taran and the strict requirements for use are confirmed by numerous reviews from customers who fought bedbugs in their apartment. According to statistics, about 87% of them try to order pest control exclusively from the SES. The specialists of such companies, endowed with specific powers and knowledge, will competently prepare the composition of the required consistency, and disinfestation of all areas of localization of bloodsuckers will be done.


  • https://KlopVred.ru/tarakany/taran-ot-tarakanov/
  • https://apest.ru/tarakany/4-sredstva/136-taran/
  • https://tarakan-klop.ru/taran-ot-klopov
  • https://felisov.ru/kleshchi/taran-ot-klopov.html
  • https://vredstop.ru/sredstva/taran.html
  • https://netzhukam.ru/klopy/sredstva-ot-klopov/taran-ot-klopov.html
  • https://www.fabbers.com.ua/tarakany/sredstva-ot-tarakanov/sredstvo-taran-ot-tarakanov/


Mechanism of action of the drug Taran

The drug Taran paralyzes the nervous system of pests.

Getting on the surface of an insect or by ingesting an infected object, the drug immediately suppresses the pest’s nervous system. Death occurs very quickly, since it is impossible to run and hide due to paralysis. An immobile insect dies, sodium channels are blocked, and the permeability of cell membranes is impaired. The substance penetrates all the cells of the pest and leaves it no chance.

The drug is not dangerous for humans, but before processing fruit-bearing plants, all ripe and near-ripe fruits and berries must be removed! It is prohibited to eat berries that have been treated with a strong insectoacaricide.

Some useful tips

Even though Taran is indeed capable of effectively and quickly destroying bedbugs, this still does not mean that after treating the room, the problem with bloodsuckers will be solved once and for all.

Below are some practical tips that will help significantly increase the effectiveness of bedbug control:

  • It should be borne in mind that bedbugs can enter your apartment from neighbors. If you do not block the routes of such migration, then no matter how effective Taran is, the parasites will come again from the neighbors after some time. A good option would be to jointly poison bedbugs in several apartments at once;
  • In advanced cases, treatment should be carried out in the entire infected room at once. If you treat the bedroom today, and a week later – the living room, then this treatment option will be ineffective;
  • It should be treated only with a freshly prepared solution of Taran. If the solution has already stood for several days, then it is better to prepare a new one;
  • As noted above, Taran does not destroy bedbug eggs, so you need to prepare in advance for repeated treatment a couple of weeks after the first (to destroy the larvae that hatched from the eggs). By the way, most insecticides have virtually no effect on bedbug eggs, or have a minimal effect, although advertisements for drugs may contain statements about the total destruction of all bedbug eggs after the first treatment.

Successful fight against bedbugs!

If you have personal experience using Taran against bedbugs, be sure to share your impressions by leaving your review at the bottom of this page.

How to choose an effective bedbug repellent

Price and methods of purchasing the product

Taran is today sold in several packages:

  1. Available in 50 ml bottles - the best option for home processing. For a 1-room apartment, one bottle is enough, for a two-room apartment - 2. The price of one bottle is approximately 400 rubles;
  2. In 1 liter bottles - for professional activities. The price of one liter is about 2000 rubles;
  3. In 5 liter canisters - also for professional exterminators. The cost of a canister is about 12,000 rubles.

You can purchase the product in hardware stores, shopping centers with goods for the garden and garden, as well as in online stores. Due to the low popularity of the product, purchasing online may be the easiest option.

Recommendations for use

The recommendations given by the manufacturer advise taking 2.5 ml of product per 1 liter of water. However, experts say that it is better to increase the specified concentration to obtain the desired effect. It would be optimal to dilute 3–5 ml in one liter of water.

The pesticide is bottled in 50 ml bottles, so one bottle should be enough for at least 10 liters. The working solution is prepared by diluting the suspension in water (you can take the most ordinary one from the tap) and stirring it until a homogeneous milky-white liquid is obtained.

Before you start processing, the apartment must be properly prepared:

  1. Temporarily relocate pets and children living on the property.
  2. Containers containing fish or reptiles should be removed or tightly closed to prevent the entry of toxic substances.
  3. Free up access to hard-to-reach places by moving furniture to the center of the rooms.
  4. Seal food products in cling film, put them in bags or remove them from the processing area.
  5. Pull down mattresses and sofa cushions.
  6. Remove linen from the beds and hang it in the room or on the balcony.

When preparation for work is completed, the solution should be poured into the sprayer. You can use regular sprayers, manual or automatic garden sprinklers. It should be taken into account that the lower the device’s performance, the longer it will take to process.

With a hand sprayer designed for indoor flowers, you will have to work hard, crawling almost across the floor and spraying every inch of furniture and walls. A garden sprayer will cope with this task much more efficiently and quickly.

List of places where insecticide is sprayed:

  1. Carpeting and runners on both sides.
  2. Bed frame.
  3. The back side of the paintings.
  4. Gaps and cracks in the walls, if any.
  5. Upholstered furniture on all sides.
  6. Cabinet furniture, including the bottom, shelves and back walls of items.
  7. Skirting around the perimeter of the room, gaps between the slats and the wall.
  8. The edges of wallpaper that extend away from the wall.
  9. The space next to the ventilation grille.

For waterproof materials such as tiles, linoleum, tiles, 50 ml per square meter will be required.

If the surface is able to absorb moisture well, the consumption doubles.

Clothes are washed at the highest possible temperature.

After completing the treatment, it is advisable to preserve the room in the room - close the windows and doors and leave to “settle” for a day. The next stage is wet cleaning. Only after thoroughly washing all surfaces and removing dead insects can residents with pets return home.

When processing, it should be noted that the insecticide is powerless against insect eggs. Therefore, the treatment must be repeated after two weeks. During this period, new individuals will have time to emerge from the larvae, but will not have time to create new clutches.

Reviews from gardeners

Irina. My family and I often come to my grandmother’s dacha. We relax with children and a dog. 3 years ago the dog was bitten by a tick and now we treat it regularly. After all, children walk on the grass, but we don’t know who lives in the grass. We learned that you can also get rid of mosquitoes and flies, so we treat the entire garden with Taran. Now let's rest peacefully.

We offer you to watch a video review of the anti-pest drug – Taran.

Maria Vasilievna. The ram was recommended to me at the seed store. I carry out the treatment in early spring and before the fruits appear. Got rid of the annoying flies on the rotting remains, the caterpillar completely disappeared from the garden. And my peonies were not eaten by ants. I am pleased.

Vitaly. We keep a farm - cows and goats. We have our own field where we grow grains for feed. I take the ram with a canister, because the consumption is high. But even here it turned out to be more profitable than other drugs. There are no annoying flies in the pens - the animals are healthy. I brought the pest out into the field and am collecting the expected yield.

Advantages of the product

The drug Taran has a powerful destructive effect due to the following advantages:

  • low price and availability to any consumer;
  • a relatively safe product for humans when used correctly;
  • absence of pungent persistent odor;
  • ease of use;
  • effectiveness from 1 application;
  • persistent and long-lasting results, due to which there is no need to carry out repeated disinfestation;
  • no traces after the procedure.

Taran is considered one of the highest quality remedies against cockroaches and other harmful insects.

Safety of "Taran" and effectiveness of impact

The classifier of low and moderate danger of substances classifies the insect repellent “Taran” into the third class in terms of its effect on the digestive system and in the fourth class in terms of its effect on the skin. For comparison, the hazard class of ordinary table salt is third.

Contact of working concentration “Taran” vapors on mucous membranes can lead to nasal congestion and redness of the eyes. Contact of the drug with skin does not cause any harmful effects on the human body. The product is safe for plants and pets.


When performing surface treatment with Taran, you should use a respirator.

The insecticidal agent “Taran” against ticks and insects copes with pests, relying on two methods of action:

  • contact – getting on the insect’s body cover;
  • intestinal - getting inside the insect's body.

Achieving the maximum effect of the drug is extended for up to two months, leading to the complete destruction of both adult insects and hatched larvae of cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, ticks and other pests.

The insect control product “Taran”, which has been tested and tested in various federal departments, has proven its effectiveness. Thus, the main substance of the drug, zetacypermethrin, according to research results, is superior to the main similar drugs:

  • cypermethrin – five times;
  • permethrin – ten times;
  • diazinon – twelve times;
  • fenthion - ten times.

Such “killer” properties of the product against cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, ticks, mosquitoes and other pests “Taran” allow it to find the widest use both among ordinary citizens and in specialized services. This exterminator is in service with every third Russian pest control enterprise.

Reviews about the use of Taran

Due to life circumstances, I had to move into rented housing. Even during the initial inspection, my eyes were caught by cockroaches scurrying around everywhere, and they were not even bothered by the presence of people, and they scurried briskly around the kitchen tables. Not wanting to put up with such a neighborhood, she began to look for an effective remedy against the Prussians. I came across an unobtrusive advertisement for Taran on the Internet and decided to opt for it. On the first day after the persecution, mountains of corpses were everywhere, in the following days the number of “dead people” decreased, and after 2 weeks the cockroaches stopped bothering us altogether.

Anna, Kyiv

The Taran product was purchased with a friend's contribution. Our apartments are small and one bottle was enough for the two of us. The effect was different. My friend’s entire floor was covered with corpses. They were very rare in my apartment. Maybe the number of cockroaches we had was different.

Olga Pavlovna, Uzhgorod

I purchased Taran by accident. At work, colleagues were putting together a company to purchase a wholesale batch. This makes the price of one bottle cheaper. I carefully studied the instructions on how to use the product. I didn't like that I had to spray it. I don’t have such equipment, and you can’t process much with a laundry sprayer.

Inna Valerievna, Kharkov

I recently read an article that a cockroach can get into your ear. Imbued with the horror of the situation, I began to look for a reliable drug to kill insects. I wanted to destroy everyone who was not even visible. The Taran product fully met my requirements, so I ordered it. The courier delivered the insecticide the next day. I immediately started weeding out the pests. I did everything according to the instructions and went for a walk. When I returned, I began to find many dead individuals on the floor, and not only cockroaches. Now I can sleep peacefully without worrying about my ear.

Angelina, Odessa

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