Remedy 7in1: “Ixoder, EC” - against bedbugs, ticks, fleas, cockroaches, lice, ants and mosquitoes


A broad-spectrum insectoacaricidal preparation designed to control the number of the following insect pests:

  • cockroaches;
  • lice and scabies mites;
  • fleas;
  • bed bugs;
  • adults and larvae of mosquitoes, mosquitoes, midges;
  • wasps and hornets;
  • ants;
  • rat mites;
  • ticks of the genus Dermacentor, Haem aphysalis, Rhipicephalus, Ixodes, etc.


Dear readers! You can leave your feedback on the effectiveness of Acaritox in the comments below, they will be useful to other users!

Oleg : “We use Acaritox regularly to exterminate ticks, mosquitoes, and flies. The main advantage of the drug is that after drying the powder remains on the treated surface and retains its properties for a long time. During the summer we carry out only 2 treatments near the house.”

Irina : “They poisoned cockroaches. It has proven itself to be an effective and efficient remedy. One treatment was enough, they were not disinfected again. I carried out general cleaning in about a month.”

Composition and dosage form

The drug "Ixoder, EC" is a pesticide (insectoacaricide) of the contact-intestinal type.

The composition contains cypermethrin with a dosage of 25%, emulsifiers, stabilizers and solvents. The drug is available in the form of an emulsion concentrate (a viscous colorless liquid with crystals with a non-aggressive odor). Rapidly hydrolyzes in an alkaline environment, more stable in an acidic environment. Resistant to heat and ultraviolet radiation.

Available in ampoules of 4 ml, or bottles of 25 ml, 50 ml, and 100 ml.

Tick ​​control

Disinsection of the area from ticks is carried out where there is a high risk of human infection with Lyme disease or tick-borne encephalitis. It must be carried out 5 days before people visit this territory. Before processing, you need to carefully study the weather forecast to exclude precipitation within 3 days. It is advisable to start the procedure early in the morning in calm weather.

To prepare a working suspension, you need to dilute 0.4 g of powder in 100 liters of water and spray it evenly over a given area.

Before processing the area, it is imperative to warn the population. Familiarize yourself with the danger posed by ticks and talk about restrictions on picking berries, mushrooms and grazing livestock. In areas that have been treated, they must be abandoned within 40 days after disinfestation.

Processing regulations

Processing objectDosageConsumption rateProcessing Features
COCKROACHES4ml/1l. water up to 100 ml/1m2Treatment of habitats, travel routes, cracks, back walls of furniture, etc.
BED BUGS1-2ml./1l. water 100 ml/ 1m2Processing of places of possible settlement and habitat. The frequency of treatments is every 1.5 – 3 months.
LICE AND SCABIES MITES2ml/1l. water 50 ml./ 1m2Spray or wipe the floor, furniture, decorative elements with a working solution. After 30 min. Wet cleaning of surfaces in contact with food and humans is carried out.
FLEA2-4ml./1l. water 50-100 ml/1m2Treatment of floor surfaces, as well as furniture and walls to a height of up to 1 m, the back sides of carpets and furniture. The frequency of treatments is every 1–2 months.
ANTS1.5-4 ml./1l. water 50-80 ml/1m2Processing along routes of movement and places of accumulation
WASPES, HORNETS4ml/1l. water up to 200 ml./1m2Treatment of wasp nests, edges of garbage containers
RAT PLIERS2ml/1l. water 50 ml./ 1m2Places of penetration, movement and accumulation of rodents, as well as heated areas. After disinfestation, no later than 3 days, it is necessary to carry out deratization measures.
Adults and larvae of mosquitoes, midges, midges, etc.20-40ml./10l. water 100ml/1m2Treatment of vegetation, ponds, etc.
Ixodes ticksa) for ticks of the genus Ixodes - 50-75 ml./10 l. water; b) for Hyalomma marginatum ticks - 200ml/10l. water; c) for ticks of the genus Dermacentor, Haem aphysalis, Rhipicephalus – 120 ml./10 l. water 10l. working solution per 10 acres Treating the area to protect people and pets. m. material on treating areas against ticks (step-by-step plan) . Treatment should be carried out 3 days before people arrive on the territory. Any type of sprayer can be used. The treatment is carried out by moving in a zigzag from the farthest area to the nearest one, capturing low-growing bushes up to a height of 50 cm. It is especially necessary to treat the perimeter of the area carefully. The period of protection of the territory from ticks is no more than 1-1.5 months; after 2-3 weeks, if necessary, repeat the treatment. To treat clothes against ticks, use a solution of 5 ml/1 l. water, which is applied to straightened clothes on both sides.

Toxicity assessment

Acaritox belongs to the third hazard class; it is allowed to be used in residential premises if the instructions are strictly followed. You need to understand that this is a toxic substance that, if used incorrectly, can harm the environment, humans, and animals.

Alphacypermethrin is deadly not only for harmful insects, but also for beneficial ones; in the first hours of spraying the area, it kills bees on the fly. The use of a poisonous drug in open areas is advisable if there is an urgent need.

Indoors, Acaritox remains highly toxic for the first 2 hours. Then it gradually settles to the surface. Manufacturers allow entry into the premises after thorough ventilation and selective cleaning. However, after thorough disinfestation, it is still not recommended to stay in the apartment for the first 24 hours.

Contact of the poison with the skin causes an allergic reaction and irritation. In most cases, unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own within 1-2 days. In people with an increased tendency to allergies, the situation requires the use of antihistamines and antiallergic ointments.

Penetration of poison into the respiratory system and stomach leads to poisoning of varying degrees of severity. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, weakness, headache, rapid heartbeat, pallor, etc. are observed.

In animals, the poison causes increased salivation, lacrimation, lack of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, tremors, and changes in behavior. Symptoms in most cases disappear within 3 days; if a significant amount of solution enters the stomach, you need to seek help from specialists. When carrying out disinfestation in a room where there is an aquarium, it must be tightly closed, otherwise the fish will die.

Efficiency and duration of action

The duration of residual effect of the drug is determined as follows:

a) indoors on surfaces - 4-12 weeks (depending on the concentration of the working solution and the type of surface being treated);

b) in water - 1-3 weeks;

c) in open areas from ixodid ticks - 4-6 weeks;

d) on clothing the residual effect period is up to 14 days.

Effect of the drug

Acaritox enters the body of insects through the respiratory system, during contact with the treated surface, through the esophagus. Once inside, it disrupts the functioning of the central nervous system and blocks the transmission of impulses. Within a few minutes, paralysis and death occur. Most pests die within the first 2 hours. The maximum effect lasts for two days.

Carrying out thorough disinfestation guarantees protection of the premises for up to 2 months. However, if there are live parasites within 14 days after the procedure, the treatment should be repeated. In each case, a solution of a certain concentration is prepared. The drug gradually loses its properties from exposure to sunlight, moisture, and air temperature. Neutralized completely with an alkaline solution. When washing surfaces, add laundry soap and baking soda to the water.


a) for private household plots - “Alatar” , “Iskra”, “Inta-Vir”, “Karbotsin”, “Shar Pei”, etc.;

b) for agricultural products, “Vega”, “Cirax”, “Citox”, “Shar Pei”, “Cyperon”, “Phytosan”, “Superkill”, etc.;

c) for medical, sanitary and household use - “Biotsifen”, “Medilis-antiKLOP”, “Medilis-CIPER”, “Sipaz-Super”, “Tetracin”, “FAS”, “Cypertrin”, “Tsiradon”, “Ectometrin” " and etc.

Precautionary measures

The solution should be prepared using rubber gloves. Carry out disinsection - in a respirator, a long-sleeved jacket, and trousers. If you plan to treat the ceiling. High walls, wear glasses.

Upon completion of the disinfestation procedure, the room is left closed for 2 hours or more, the loan is thoroughly ventilated, creating a draft. After 2 hours, wet cleaning is carried out in places where hands will touch. When baiting parasites on an open surface, you need to make sure that there are no animals in the area.

During the disinfestation process, it is prohibited to eat, drink, or smoke. After the procedure, wash your hands with soap, wash your face, rinse your mouth with a soda solution, throw things in the laundry, and take a shower.

Security and restrictions

  1. The waiting period when processing areas occupied by growing vegetables, berries, etc. is at least 40 days.
  2. Treatment using the drug “Ixoder, EC” (a remedy for bedbugs, ticks, fleas and cockroaches) should be carried out in the absence of people and pets;
  3. It is prohibited to use the product in the sanitary zone around fishery reservoirs. Dangerous for bees (class I). Border protection zone - 5 km. The flight limit of bees is 96–120 hours.
  4. When carrying out work, observe personal safety standards and use personal protective equipment.
  5. After carrying out treatments indoors against synanthropic insect pests (cockroaches, lice, bedbugs, fleas, etc.), ventilate the room after 30-60 minutes and wet clean surfaces;
  6. Store the concentrate away from fire sources and heating devices, separately from medicinal herbs and food products, and exclude storage areas accessible to children.

Anti-tick remedy "Ixoder": reviews

My parents recently bought a house in the suburbs with a plot of 10 acres. The tick situation was serious. There were so many of them that everyone suffered. We tried everything: special collars, drops for dogs, and checkers for the garden. There were fewer ticks, but not by much. Having heard about the anti-tick product “Ixoder”, we decided to try it. In addition, the price for this product was more than reasonable. After using the drug, we breathed a sigh of relief, as there were significantly fewer ticks. And after re-processing, we completely forgot about them.

Anastasia, 22 years old

Dear summer residents! I urge you tomorrow, right tomorrow, without delay, to go to the hardware store and purchase Ixoder tick repellent to treat your area. You can, of course, buy another product, but in favor of this product is its effectiveness and low cost. The situation with ticks is very serious. Have mercy on your pets. Recently, a neighbor’s puppy died, they didn’t notice the tick, and then it was too late. Treat the area in early spring (March-April). Think about it in dry weather (so that there is no rain for at least a day). Re-treat the area in September.

Svetlana, 53 years old

We came to visit my grandmother in the village: silence, nature, grace... But, unfortunately, there are a lot of ticks around, even in the local area. And we have small children, how are you going to risk their health? We sat in the house for a couple of days and decided with my husband to go to the city to get some anti-tick medication. The store recommended an inexpensive but effective remedy, Ixoder. Our man armed himself with a spray bottle and a face mask and went to drive away the excess living creatures from the site. The effect exceeded all expectations. Now we are calm - ticks will not interfere with our walks. Even the neighbors were persuaded to undergo treatment. Now it’s safe not only in the yard, but throughout the village. And there are fewer other “living creatures” as well. It turns out that this drug helps not only against ticks, but also against bedbugs, midges and mosquitoes.

Reading: How to get rid of a burning smell in an apartment: proven tips

Vera, 25 years old

Ixoder tick repellent is an excellent solution for protecting you and your loved ones from ticks. It is effective, economical, does not have a strong toxic effect on birds, and has a long-lasting protective effect.

Benefits of use

  • high initial activity (the effect is observed within 30-40 minutes after treatment);
  • long-term protection - for ticks in open areas for up to 1–1.5 months (sufficiently resistant to high temperatures and ultraviolet rays);
  • comprehensive protection of territories (from wasps, hornets, mosquitoes, ticks, etc.);
  • comprehensive protection of premises (from lice, fleas, bedbugs, cockroaches, etc.);
  • acts on larvae and adult insects;
  • profitability - low consumption for large volumes of processing;
  • not dangerous for soil microorganisms, relatively non-toxic for birds;
  • "Ixoder, EC" (a remedy for bedbugs, ticks, fleas and cockroaches) does not cause resistance and can be used repeatedly. .

Instructions for use

The preparation of the solution begins immediately before disinfestation, but the finished product can be used for 3 days. Pour 1 liter of cold water into the container, add the required amount of Acaritox concentrate, stir for 5 minutes, then add the rest of the water. Pour into a household spray bottle or a spray bottle; in some places it is possible to apply the product with a brush.

  • Cockroaches

To kill cockroaches, prepare a solution in the ratio of 10 g of concentrate per 1 liter of water. Spray baseboards, floors, walls, furniture on the back side, places near the trash can, toilet, sinks, water pipes, ventilation grilles, doorways. The effect occurs within the first day, but to completely destroy the entire population of parasites, repeated treatment is recommended after 2 weeks. This is due to the fact that alphacypermethrin does not act on larvae that are in the ooteca at the time of treatment. Repeated disinsection increases the concentration of poison, increasing the chances of rapid death of the younger generation.

  • Ants

The drug is used to kill ants indoors and on a plot of land. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 1-10 g of concentrate per 1 liter of water. The concentration is selected depending on the degree of contamination of the room; a more powerful solution is used outdoors. They fill anthills, nests, and possible movement paths. It is mandatory to treat baseboards, window sills, floors, furniture on the back side, and walls. If the number of pests is insignificant and the location of the nest is known, simply flood the anthill. Destroying the queen will cause the colony to disintegrate and the pests will disappear from the room. If necessary, repeat the treatment.

  • Bedbugs

To destroy parasites in a room with a high degree of infestation, use a concentrated solution in the proportions of 10 g of powder per 1 liter of water. In other cases and when re-processing, a less toxic agent is used - from 1 g for every liter of water. Thoroughly spray the bed, sofa, floor, walls, baseboards, doorways, ventilation grilles, and areas of peeled wallpaper. In case of minor infestation, disinfestation is carried out in the bedroom; if there is a large number of parasites, the entire room is treated. Repeated disinsection is carried out after 14 days. In the future, the drug will effectively protect against re-infection for about 2 more months.

  • Fleas

To get rid of fleas indoors, prepare a solution in proportions of 5-10 g per 1 liter of water. Carpets, floors, walls at a level of 2 m, furniture on the back side, and interior items are subject to treatment. Pour into the cracks. To destroy the larvae, spray areas near the trash can, toilet, sinks, and boxes with vegetables. Usually one procedure is enough to exterminate the entire population of parasites. Most fleas die within the first two hours.

  • Flies, mosquitoes

The product is used for disinfestation of premises, buildings on the reverse side, courtyards, garbage cans, landfill sites, drains, sewers, outdoor toilets, as well as outbuildings and sheds. To destroy parasites in an apartment or house, prepare a solution at a concentration of 5 g per liter of water. Spray walls, ceilings, floors. The parasites die within 60 minutes, after which you can clean; it is recommended not to wash off the product from the walls and ceilings. In this case, protection against re-invasion of pests will apply for 2 months. To destroy mosquito larvae and flies, fill garbage cans and waste areas with a concentrated solution - 10 g per 1 liter of liquid. Stagnant bodies of water and puddles are sprayed against mosquito larvae, the solution concentration is 1 g for every liter of water.

  • Ticks

To exterminate ticks, spray the land area - grass, shrubs, trees at a level of 1 m from the soil surface. To prepare one liter of solution you will need from 10 to 60 g of powder. Visits to processing sites are allowed after 3-5 days. The protection lasts for about a month.


  • Purpose and application
  • Composition and dosage form
  • Mechanism of action "Batrider"
  • Regulations for the use of "Batraider"
  • Compatibility
  • Phytotoxicity
  • Resistance
  • Restrictions and security
  • Advantages and disadvantages

"Batraider, SK" will be useful for summer residents who are not particularly knowledgeable about agropesticides. One drug against all insect pests at once. The insecticide contains three of today's most effective active substances of different directions, which allows one treatment to destroy most common pests.

The material contains purpose, composition, mechanism of action, regulations for use, compatibility, restrictions and safety.

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