How is a lice spell performed and which rituals are more effective?

» Conspiracies » Conspiracies against lice and nits



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Lice are parasites, insects whose habitat is the human head. The very fact that someone can live on your head can bring a lot of unpleasant emotions. Moreover, all this is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, you want to itch all the time, and your skin becomes irritated. You can get rid of this scourge in different ways, including magic. A conspiracy against lice and nits will help here.

Conspiracy against lice and nits

Brew against lice

Many spells against lice are carried out specifically on decoctions of herbs and berries. The recipe presented below involves rubbing cranberry juice into the scalp at the very beginning - it is enough to carry out such manipulations for 2-3 days. As soon as you complete such manipulations, prepare a decoction for which you take 2 tbsp. l. mint and pour it with fresh, just squeezed pomegranate juice and boil it all over low heat for no more than 10 minutes.

When it cools down, it is infused in a closed container for several hours and then rubbed into the scalp for a course of treatment of 10 days. The essence of the ritual action itself is that with each rubbing of the decoction, the prayer “Our Father” is read three times.

Is there a possibility of prevention?

Unfortunately, there is currently no 100% method of preventing head lice, other than perhaps shaving your head. The main preventive options are: careful control of the scalp.

Anti-pediculosis shampoos, which can be used periodically, help partially.

Bedding should be washed constantly at high temperatures; it is also important to periodically disinfect combs and combs

Find out incredible facts about lice right now! Interesting facts The lifespan of a lice is about 3 weeks. During this period, however, one parasite is able to lay up to 150 eggs on the head of its host. The louse feeds on the host's blood, and its bites cause unpleasant itching of the scalp. Every year, lice affects thousands of children, regardless of sanitary habits and compliance with hygiene rules. For infection, short-term direct contact with a carrier of the parasite is sufficient. The insect, however, can survive outside the human body, although for a shorter period of time. For example, in a storage closet it can live for up to 24 hours.

Ritual against lice with a broom

If children or adults have lice, a ritual using a broom will help get rid of them. It is carried out during the waning night light - the best time to spend it is considered to be the evening, after sunset, or from the very morning until dawn. To carry it out, you will need a new broom, as well as a candle purchased in the temple and an icon, water - spring or consecrated in the church.

In this ritual, the icon will act as protection if the conspiracy itself is carried out on another person, and the candle is a connection with higher powers. They carry out the ritual alone - light a candle and place a container of water next to them and read the words of the conspiracy on it:

“With this broom, I sweep away the dirty linen from the hut, I free everyone from the unclean, just as I sweep away the lice from the head of God’s I don’t leave a single egg or larva behind. I kill all the nits - I wash them off with holy water, so that they don’t know the way back, don’t torment the servant of, don’t torment the violent head, and don’t torment the body. Be according to my words"

After such a spell, wash your hair with water, and then still apply the remedy for head lice - this way the remedy will work better and the effect will be stronger, sweep the house with a broom, in the direction of the threshold. You can also use another spell against lice, which is also carried out on a broom - here old and used equipment is taken.

Take a broom in your hands and begin to sweep the apartment, moving in the direction of the exit and without lifting it from the floor - you read these words:

“Just as I sweep away dust and garbage from my house, so I drive away white lice from my body. Just like there is a broom behind the trash, so there are fleas behind the broom, but another day will bring me happiness.”

Afterwards, sweep the garbage over the threshold with a broom - take it in a dustpan and burn it together with the broom in the fire.

The mystical appearance of pediculosis

The presence of cockroaches, fleas, lice, scabies mites, worms, and worms is considered by people with extreme abilities to be a sign of negative energy in the house, on a person. Negativity is passed down through the family, acquired over time as a result of scandals, quarrels, drunkenness, and is sent by other people with the help of black magic.

Lice in hair

There is a theory that lice come from nerves. Scientists have confirmed the fact that parasites quickly move onto the head of a person with an irritated psyche. A certain impulse appears that attracts parasites. People with extraordinary abilities explain this phenomenon by breakdowns in the human protective shell. A damaged aura allows parasites to penetrate into and into the body. Under the influence of black magic, a person becomes defenseless and cannot resist parasitic diseases.

In the modern world, there is a wide variety of remedies for head lice; none of them allows you to avoid re-infection. In the presence of negativity, no most effective remedy will get rid of lice and nits completely. Parasites will constantly make themselves known with new infections. The problem needs to be solved at the energy level.

Waning moon spell

For lice and nits, many effective rituals are carried out precisely on the waning night star - as the Moon wanes, so these parasitic insects will leave the person and the house. In the evening, letting your hair down and standing in front of the window, you should say the following words:

“As the Moon leaves the sky, so the annoying creatures come out, from my white body, from my clean house, and bypass my bright yard. They don’t bite anyone, and they don’t drink boiling blood - so be it.”

After such words, cross yourself to the Moon and cross yourself after the night luminary, and to enhance the effectiveness of the ritual, light a candle before the ritual and walk with it throughout the house.

Comb spell

As many practicing magicians note, a strong ritual against lice can be performed with the simplest comb. The ritual is also carried out during the waning luminary of the night - it is carried out before you wash your hair with a special shampoo or use a special remedy against parasites. On the comb itself, preferably a wooden one, pronounce the following words:

“My head is now clean - like this comb passed over it, my little head is now free - like evil spirits were driven away from it with a comb. Thank you very much for that and the comb, but for me to get rid of the evil spirits - yes quickly. Just as I read a prayer, a comb combs my hair, turns all evil spirits into beauty, I will be clean and beautiful.”

The more times you say such a spell, the more often you comb your hair - the faster the result will take effect.

Prayers for lice and nits

You can also use prayer appeals to higher powers to fight lice and nits - there are many such appeals to God in the practice of folk healers. Next, we will consider several prayers that will help get rid of lice and other parasites.

Prayer 1

This prayer helps to drive away lice both from your head and to help your family and friends get rid of them - the words sound as follows:

“Lord, forgive me and my relatives for dashing words and thoughts, inappropriate deeds, and accept my sincere repentance. Grant me your goodness and turn your clear gaze on me, a sinner, eaten by lice - grant me your protection. Become a bright shield for me - protect me from the dashing eye and the evil eye, the dark spirit, and deliver me from the blood-sucking scourge."

They recite the words of the prayer appeal for at least a week.

Prayer 2

If there is a need to rid a child or another family member of lice, light a candle bought in a temple and light it with a match, hold it over the patient’s head. The main thing is that the wax does not drip onto the hair or skin - while it is burning, it is worth saying the words of a prayer appeal to higher powers:

“My house is clean and bright, but there is not a crumb in the upper room - rats, mice and lice are running away from it. Get away from here and don’t remember evil, you stayed with us - you ate your belly, drank sweetly, lived in the tents. Now it’s our turn to tell you away, to drive you out of the hut, to not know your way back. Just as the corners of a hut are clean, so we no longer saw your machinations.”

You can also take into account other words of the conspiracy, which are read after you read the “Our Father” prayer - the words of the prayer sound like this:

“You are creatures of the earth - fleas and bedbugs, cockroaches and lice. I’m coming to visit you - my blood is like tar to you, you eat bread and salt, but not me. Just as the king of heaven hears all this, so be it according to my word.”

Prayer 3

The following prayer against parasitic insects is read over a glass of holy water - this recitation is carried out every morning, for 3 days, directly at sunrise. When on the third day you say the words of prayer over the water for the last time, they wash the head of a patient suffering from lice with it. The words of the prayer appeal are as follows:

“Cockroaches and fleas, lice and evil spirits - your life and the servant of God... name... is bad, but I didn’t call you - but I’m driving you away. Saint Onuphrius is calling you to follow him - to go for 3 fields, and for 3 winds, and for 3 shares. There are no good people living there, and no cattle grazing - there will be something for all kinds of mothers, your wedding will be and the house will remain there. The servant of cannot live, you cannot drink blood, you cannot raise children, and you cannot multiply evil things. You should leave God's you will have countless torments, but everyone has their own punishment. Run away - run away, but quickly hide."

The main thing to remember is that the effect of prayer requests for help in getting rid of lice must be read by a deeply religious person - otherwise they will not have any power. Also, do not forget the fact that, unlike chemicals and special shampoos against head lice, prayers will not act instantly. Therefore, have patience, faith and read prayers regularly until you get the desired result, combining it with a standard treatment program, special medications - no one has canceled personal hygiene.

Examples of texts

It should be noted that any spell text is accompanied by some kind of magical ritual that must be followed exactly. The simplest formulas are based on a direct ban - the lice are, as it were, kicked out and forbidden to return. Here's a simple example (it has several options):

A mandatory action is boiling water at dawn (during the waning moon) with adding a twig from a new indoor broom to it. The water boils while the text is said several times. Then the rod is removed, the water cools, and the hair is washed in it.

Another spell that was previously popular came to us from ancient times. It was usually pronounced on bath days, when children were bathed, over a decoction of herbs prepared for the bath (a mixture of rosemary, coltsfoot, oak bark, chamomile and other plants was taken). This text was supposed to help a child suffering from parasites (also found in different editions):

Today, pubic lice are becoming less common, as people often shave their pubic hair. But still, some suffer from these parasites, especially men. How to get rid of parasites, read this article.

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In the Orthodox tradition, conspiracies have given way to popular short prayers. For example, over a decoction of herbs you can read “Our Father” three times and ask the martyr Tryphon to help in your own words. During his lifetime, this young man knew how to drive away pests from wheat crops. It is believed that he still has the same power. The short appeal is as follows:

But it is important when treating this kind of disease not to forget that the most effective method of control is still the use of pharmaceutical preparations containing insecticides. If lice do not leave the sick person and do not listen to the conspiracy, it is necessary to urgently resort to official medicine!

Plot against lice and fleas in dogs

Spells to rid your pet of fleas and lice are also a solvable task for dog owners. To carry out this ritual, you will need to bring a cat into your house - any indoor or outdoor one, feed and drink it at home, and when it wants to go outside for a walk again, let it out and say the following words after it:

“Cat leave the house - take fleas from the house with you, from the household and all living creatures”

After the cat leaves, you should not let him into the house for 24 hours. In addition to this ritual, you can resort to another ritual, but directly with the dog itself - you should tie a red ribbon and a bell to its collar, and then let the dog walk around the house. While the dog is running and ringing the bell, say while looking at it:

“As this bell rings, let the fleas leave it”

If your pet wants to go outside, let him out for a walk and say the following words to him when you leave the threshold:

“As my dog ​​walks, let fleas and lice leave the house and her body.”

Say these words before every walk for your pet.

Where do lice come from?

The louse is an ectoparasite of humans; it lives only on humans and feeds only on human blood. You cannot get lice from animals. There are many reasons why lice appear, but they can only be transmitted from person to person.

There are several ways of infection:

  1. Direct contact - from head to head. This most often affects children. In a group, on a walk, during games, they touch their heads, hug - at this time the insects quickly crawl from one to another.
  2. Through personal items, especially hats, hair accessories, combs, but also clothing, towels, etc.
  3. Through bedding and accessories, lice can be found both on their surface and in the thickness of blankets, pillows, rugs.
  4. In transport - either through close contact with an infected person, or you can catch lice on soft seat upholstery, bedding on trains, or simply on any surfaces.
  5. Surprisingly, in the pool, sauna, spa and other establishments with high humidity, as well as on the beach. These insects are not at all afraid of water and can live in it for some time.
  6. Just on the street or in any room, being next to an infected person. For example, a person with lice could get up from a bench, leaving an insect on it that had fallen from his head, and then another person sat down on the same bench, leaning against the back, from where the parasite moved onto him in a matter of seconds.

In a word, no one is safe from this misfortune. Lice can appear in people of any age, gender, social status and hygiene habits.

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