How to get rid of earth fleas in the house - a remedy for earth fleas

Many people mistakenly believe that fleas only appear in private homes where pets live, and where cleanliness is not given much importance. However, these insects may well appear in a house or apartment where there are no animals. If painful bites are noticed on the skin, this may indicate that the room is infested with fleas. In this case, it is important to quickly get rid of parasites, as they cause serious trouble: their bite causes allergic reactions, and they can also be carriers of dangerous diseases such as tularemia, plague, hepatitis, typhoid, salmonellosis and others. These pests can be controlled using various effective methods, including traditional ones.

Why do fleas appear in the house?

Pests enter a living space in several ways:

  • from the attic, from the entrance or basement;
  • from neighbors;
  • together with pets that were let out for a walk;
  • with rats and mice.

Most often, fleas disturb residents of houses with damp, cluttered basements. In such rooms, insects multiply at tremendous speed, and then spread through small cracks throughout all floors. Unsanitary conditions and dust also increase the risk of fleas.

How to determine the presence of fleas in the house

Domestic fleas look like this: yellow, black or dark brown, bristly body, slightly flattened on the side, reaching 1–5 mm in length, three pairs of legs, one of which is located behind, allowing the insect to push off when jumping.

A red blister with a hardened center appears at the site of the flea bite. One parasite bites through the skin of its victim in several places.

Symptoms of appearance

It is difficult to see a small pest with the naked eye due to the peculiarities of its appearance:

  • size: 1.5–2 mm;
  • color: dark brown;
  • eyes and antennae can be distinguished;
  • there are no wings, but the hind limbs are very long, thanks to which they can jump far;
  • the chitinous shell is harder than that of other flea species, so it is more difficult to crush a chicken flea;
  • the body is very hunched and completely flat, which makes the insect practically invisible when viewed from above, and it is impossible to hold it with your fingers.

The presence of fleas in a chicken can be determined by the following signs:

  • egg production decreases;
  • lethargic and nervous behavior;
  • disheveled and unkempt appearance;
  • the bird eats as usual, but loses weight;
  • the chicken itches and plucks its feathers;
  • clusters of fleas on the crest, around the beak and eyes resemble moles; their presence indicates that the whole body under the feathers is already swarming with them.

If one or more signs are detected, you must act immediately.

What types of fleas can enter the house?

About 30 types of fleas can be found in the house, but most often a person has to deal with only a few types of parasites. Each of them leads their own way of life.

Cat and dog fleas

If the animal has become restless and itches frequently, you need to examine its stomach and the area around the ears. This is where insects lay their larvae. If you submerge your dog in water, fleas will begin to move onto his head. Despite the fact that pests feed on the blood of pets, when there is severe hunger and intensive reproduction, they also attack people.

Bed and linen fleas

Most often, fleas do not live in laundry permanently, but only lay their eggs there. It is especially unpleasant to find parasites in your bed. During a night's rest, a person may not feel the bites, so nothing prevents fleas from getting enough food and reproducing. Red itchy dots on the skin and small black spots on sheets and pillowcases can indicate the presence of bloodsuckers.

Grass and earth fleas

Ground fleas are most active in the warm season. They sneak into private houses or apartments located on the ground floors and settle in dark, dusty corners. Pests bite painfully not only people, but also pets.

Black fleas in the house

Some types of domestic fleas are dark in color. Such parasites can live in beds, hide in corners, and bite pets and people.

Fleas on chickens

Fleas living in a chicken coop negatively affect the ability of birds to reproduce, and also cause various diseases, some of which, if not treated in a timely manner, are fatal. Insects have an elongated body, flattened on the sides, eyes and antennae. Chicken fleas cannot bite through human skin, but when they come into contact with the epidermis they carry dangerous infections.

What are earthen fleas?

The earth flea is a parasite that feeds on the blood of animals and humans. The insect's body is flattened on the sides and colored dark brown. It is covered with spines and villi, with the help of which the parasite can remain for a long time in the folds of clothing, on animal fur and human hair. The flea has three pairs of legs, with the back ones being longer than the others. Thanks to them, the parasite can jump 30 cm in length and 20 cm in height.

Earth fleas are often confused with leaf beetles - real earth fleas, which are completely harmless creatures. The former are blood-sucking insects that cause a lot of inconvenience to humans and animals.

They are able to survive without food for several months. On average, the parasite lives for one and a half years; a female can give birth to 500 insects in her lifetime.

Habitats of the ground flea

The earthen flea is also called the basement flea, because it loves dark, damp places, for example, the basement of a private or apartment building, from where it can get into living quarters. Gaps in the doorway, walls and floor, and ventilation holes contribute to this. Fleas are often brought into the house with shoes, outerwear, and pets.

A friend of mine who lives in an apartment building on the ground floor had pipes constantly leaking in his basement. Due to the fact that it was always dark and damp there, a large number of fleas multiplied. From there they made their way into the entrances and apartments. There were also mice in the basement. All cats went there to hunt, including domestic cats, who only walk outside during the day. And fleas began to “attack” cats and, together with the latter, penetrate into warm, cozy apartments.

The greatest activity of fleas is observed in summer and early autumn.

Fleas feel great in residential areas. There you can always find a “victim” and feast on its blood. In addition, the apartment has secluded corners where you can hide and lay eggs.

What bloodsuckers like most:

Many people mistakenly believe that fleas can only appear in a house where a cat or dog lives. The same friend always had only an aquarium with a few fish, and fleas made themselves known regularly.

Outwardly, a cluster of earthen fleas resembles many moving black dots, which begin to “scatter” in different directions at the slightest movement on your part. They are easy to spot. It is enough to carefully examine the above places for adults, larvae and eggs through a magnifying glass.

You can also conduct an experiment. Place a white sheet of paper on the floor and wait a while. If there are fleas in the house, they will definitely jump to this white spot. You will see “jumping” black dots on the surface of the leaf.

The danger of flea bites for humans

The parasite's bites are painful, causing redness and unbearable itching. They often cause allergic reactions. On the skin, the bite appears as a red spot, often with dried blood in the middle. Swelling may form around the puncture. But the main danger of flea bites is that the parasites are carriers of various infectious diseases. These include:

The fact is that parasites bite not only healthy, but also sick animals, as a result of which they become carriers of infections. In addition, fleas can carry worm eggs.

First aid for a flea bite

The bite site should be treated with any antiseptic. If you are very concerned about itching, you should purchase a soothing ointment for insect bites. If symptoms such as drowsiness, elevated body temperature, lethargy and general deterioration in health appear, you should definitely seek medical help. If there is no infection or allergic reaction, the bites will stop bothering you after a few days. This will depend on the individual characteristics of the victim’s body.

If fleas have bitten a child

Children experience flea bites more severely and painfully. The latter appear in the form of red blisters. Sometimes a small rash (urticaria) appears on the body, and the child constantly scratches the bite sites, which often leads to infection.

The child should definitely be shown to the pediatrician if:

Why are fleas dangerous?

When a flea bites, it injects its saliva, which contains a large amount of bacteria, into the wound. If an insect has previously bitten a sick animal or person, it can be a carrier of the following pathologies:

  • cutaneous and bubonic plague;
  • typhus;
  • fever;
  • encephalitis;
  • helminthiasis

The resulting blisters are very itchy; if you scratch them, secondary infection may begin in the form of abscesses or ulcers. Elderly people and children are most prone to complications.

Are bites dangerous for humans?

Earth flea bites are painful. Immediately after the insect has pierced the skin and drunk blood, a red spot appears in this place, its size reaches 2 cm. It can swell and rise above the skin. The most unpleasant symptom is unbearable itching. It can be muffled by smearing the bite site with pharmaceutical anti-allergy gels. If the body continues to itch, it is necessary to treat the skin with antiseptic agents, for example, chlorhexidine or miramistin. This will prevent infection from entering the wounds.

What is the danger:

  1. If there are too many stings, a person may experience anaphylactic shock. At the first signs of this most dangerous condition, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  2. Allergic reaction. There are people with a high tendency to allergies. They may develop pulicosis due to flea bites. Children suffer from it more often. The bite sites are very itchy, irritated, and hemorrhage occurs under the skin - purple.
  3. Inflammatory phenomena and processes. An infection can get into the puncture, causing inflammation to develop, and the bite turns into an abscess that needs to be treated with iodine. It is better to seek treatment from a dermatologist.
  4. Dangerous diseases whose pathogens are carried by fleas: encephalitis, plague, listeriosis, tularemia, typhus, salmonellosis, hepatitis, as well as helminthiasis of various types.

First aid

Most often, fleas bite on the ankles, ankles, and feet. The bites may not be visible, but there is no escape from the itching. A compress will help relieve discomfort; you can also anoint the skin with antihistamine gels. If there are no symptoms other than itching, that is enough. Over time, the itching will subside. But if signs of intoxication or allergies appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to help a child with flea bites

Children are much more likely to experience allergic reactions. The spots may merge into one large spot. Itching is relieved, as in adults, with cold compresses. It is necessary to ensure that the child does not scratch the affected areas. If there are a lot of bites, it is better to seek medical help, since not all antihistamines to relieve symptoms can be taken by children. Only a doctor can prescribe a specific drug and dosage.

Proven means for removing fleas of various types

To remove parasites, a single chemical treatment may not be enough. The scheme for controlling insects is selected depending on their type and the place in which they have settled.

How can you get fleas out of the floor and carpet?

If the carpet is light, then insects hiding in the pile, as well as their larvae, can be seen with a magnifying glass. First of all, you need to use a vacuum cleaner. After this, the carpet must be treated with insecticides in the form of sprays, solutions and powders. Anti-flea shampoo for animals is also suitable for this purpose.

How to remove fleas from your yard

If insects are not destroyed in the area adjacent to the house, animals and people will again bring them into living quarters. The following measures must be taken:

  • get rid of rats that carry parasites;
  • wash the porch with water and essential oils;
  • Regularly wash outdoor cat and dog bedding;
  • You can spray your yard with anti-flea sprays, but keep in mind that many of them are harmful to cats.

How to get rid of cat fleas in the house

First of all, you need to buy flea drops or a collar for your pet and wash the animal with a special shampoo. You should also treat the places where your cat likes to lie. Fleas can live under rugs and pillows. Textiles must be vacuumed and then washed or boiled.

How to get rid of dog fleas

Products that rid dogs of fleas are available in the form of sprays, drops, and collars. The choice depends on the preferences of the owner, as well as the body weight and health status of the animal. The bed also needs treatment. It must be boiled and dried in fresh air.

Fleas may have time to hide in secluded corners of the house, so you need to do a wet cleaning using a solution of ammonia, vinegar or water with the addition of essential oils. To increase efficiency, the use of chemicals is allowed. But in this case, the animal will have to be temporarily moved to another room. If fleas appear again, you must repeat these steps until the parasites are completely destroyed.

How to get rid of bed or linen fleas

This type of insect is often confused with lice. Bed fleas tend to settle as close as possible to sleeping people; most of all they love beds and upholstered furniture. Parasites are nocturnal, and during the day they sleep under the mattress or in the folds of the upholstery.

Bed linen contaminated with pests must be boiled and taken out into the sun or frost. The furniture frame can be treated with preparations such as Gett, Biorin or Raptor.

Earth fleas in the house

This type of flea is easier to remove than other insects. It is necessary to do a general cleaning, throwing out the garbage and sorting through things in which parasites may be hiding. After this, disinfection should be carried out.

Eliminating fleas in the basement

You can try to clean the basements and basements of private houses from pests on your own. If the treatment is ineffective, you need to call specialists. Most often, professionals use dust powders, evenly sprayed with special equipment. Such measures allow you to get rid of fleas for a long time.

The Best Yard and Outdoor Treatments

Treatment of the surrounding area is carried out only after carefully studying the instructions, as well as observing all precautions when preparing and using the solution.


  1. Produced in Russia, at ZAO Rosagroservis.
  2. The release form is a concentrated solution, which should be diluted in water and used to spray the area. A layer that is toxic to parasites forms on the treated surfaces. The effect lasts for 3 – 5 weeks.
  3. The active component is chlorpyrifos (causes paralysis of the insect's nervous system, leading to rapid death).
  4. Bottle volume – 500 ml, 1 l, 5 l, 10 l.
  5. The spectrum of exposure includes bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches, flies, ants and others.
  6. Estimated cost - from 1000 rubles/l.


Review, Konstantin:

I used Averfos to treat fleas in my summer cottage. The product is very caustic - you cannot do without a respirator. The effect was noticeable almost immediately; many other garden pests were targeted. I don’t recommend it as a preventive measure, but in case of severe infection, this is it.


  1. Produced in Russia, Alina Nova LLC.
  2. The release form is a concentrated emulsion or powder, which should be diluted in water and used for spraying. In open ground it has a relatively quick decay period (5 - 7 days), therefore it is used to treat crops against pests. Does not accumulate in plants, is relatively harmless to warm-blooded animals and humans.
  3. The active component is malathion (“shorts” nerve impulses, leading to irreversible consequences in the body of insects).
  4. Bottle volume – 30 ml, 500 ml, 1 l, 5 l, 10 l.
  5. The spectrum of exposure includes bed bugs, ticks, fleas, cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, ants and others.
  6. Estimated cost - from 3150 rubles/5 l.


Review, Valentina:

A very caustic and effective drug. I wouldn’t use it to treat indoors, but it works best outdoors. I heard that they want to ban it due to toxicity, but, in my opinion, it is much safer than other advertised products. At least a week after treatment, you can harvest, while analogues require about a month.

Delta zone

  1. Korean drug (Kukbo Science Co. Ltd.).
  2. Release form: concentrate for further dilution in the specified proportions and microcapsule powder. Active action - two weeks. The insecticidal effect lasts up to six months, preventing the emergence of new pests.
  3. Active composition: deltamethrin (disturbs the locomotor activity of insects).
  4. Bottle volume – from 50 ml to 1 liter.
  5. The spectrum of exposure includes bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches, flies, ants and others.
  6. Estimated cost - 690 rubles/50 ml, 4700 rubles/1 l.

Review, Igor:

Igor. Last year we had an invasion of all kinds of pests, and many of them moved from the site into the house. A team was called in to treat the premises, and I sprayed the area adjacent to the house with Delta Zone. Of course, my family and I had to temporarily move in with relatives, but the effect has remained to this day. Ants and fleas have disappeared, aphids and even mosquitoes are now flying around our area.


  1. Produced in Russia, LLC Dezsnab-Trade.
  2. Release form: powder (dust). After treatment, the effect lasts for 4 – 6 weeks.
  3. The active components are fenthion (blocking the production of acitiocholinesterase enzymes) and cypermethrin (contact intestinal poison with neuroparalytic action).
  4. Powder packages of 5, 10, 15 and 20 kg.
  5. The spectrum of exposure includes fleas, cockroaches, flies, red ants and others.
  6. Estimated cost - 2650 rubles/15 kg.

Review, Lyudmila:
I have used Biotsifen more than once, the effect is always excellent, and the smell quickly dissipates after treatment. My private house is already quite old, so there are a lot of pests both inside and outside. The drug helped remove fleas, as well as domestic cockroaches. If the treatment is carried out according to the instructions, and also ventilated well and washed after use, there is practically no smell. As for processing the area, I use it selectively. As a preventive measure, I once sprayed the porch and veranda when there was simply an infestation of fleas.

Fighting fleas with insecticides: which product to choose?

There are many insect control products available in stores. They differ not only in the active ingredients, but also in the form of release.

Traditional anti-flea products for home use

For many decades, people have been using preparations based on organophosphorus compounds to kill parasites. Such products are effective, but quite toxic, so it is important to take precautions when using them. Most often you can find Mr. Volt, Dichlorvos, Sinusan and Get.

Pyrethroid sprays to kill fleas

These are more modern products, produced in the form of aerosols. The active ingredients are synthetic pyrethrins, which, when used correctly, do not harm the health of humans and pets. Such drugs as Dichlorvos, as well as “Raid” and “Combat Super Spray” have a good reputation. And for those who are looking for a more budget-friendly option, Dr.Klaus spray is suitable.

Fighting fleas with insecticidal powders

Powder preparations are not as convenient to use as sprays. To obtain the desired effect, insecticides must be scattered in places where pests accumulate: on carpets and floor boards. The flea will be destroyed only if grains of the product get on its body. The most popular powders are Delicia, Pyrethrum, Clean House and Phenaxin.


A fine spray of the product ensures that it gets into all the cracks of the furniture, and the substances included in the preparations cause paralysis in fleas. Aerosols such as Executioner, Combat, Clean House, Flee, Flea&Tick Killer are highly effective.


Concentrated flea products are diluted with water and applied to pest-contaminated surfaces. Uniform distribution can be achieved using a spray bottle. The solutions Get, Cucaracha, Butox, and Tsifox received positive reviews.

Where do earth fleas come from and how to get rid of them?

Ground fleas are small parasitic insects. They feed on the blood of animals and people. They have a flattened body and three pairs of legs, thanks to which they can jump up to 1 m. The larvae look like small white worms. Usually in winter, insects live in the upper layers of the soil, in fallen leaves. At this time they do not feed. In the spring there is an awakening and a surge in their activity. They crawl out and migrate in search of food. At this time, the breeding season begins.

Insects can travel long distances on animal fur and bird feathers. They choose habitats in damp, cool rooms, for example, in basements, and occupy the space around pipes. Often, the unsanitary condition of the basement contributes to the rapid proliferation of parasites.

What causes earth fleas to appear in the house?

• The main reason for the appearance and spread of parasites in the house is pets, who carry them indoors with their fur.

• Insects enter private houses and first-floor apartments from basements, crawling through cracks in the floor, as well as from neighboring infested apartments.

• Even the owner can carry them into the home on his own feet or shoes.

• They appear where large animals live nearby.

Parasites can live for a long time without food and wait for a food source, hiding in secluded places: cracks between baseboards, carpets, under floors.

Earth fleas in the house - how to get rid of them and what products to use

Since earthen fleas multiply quickly, fighting them is not an easy task. Therefore, if there are parasites in the house, you need to act as quickly as possible. The biggest difficulty is to avoid the reappearance of parasites; for this it is important to remove the eggs and larvae.

There are many proven methods of combating these insects at home: general cleaning of the premises, folk remedies and treatment with chemicals, during which effective remedies for fleas are used. To quickly remove parasites, the fight must be comprehensive.

Carry out general cleaning of the apartment:

Place strong-smelling herbs around the house, such as tansy, wormwood, and mint.

After a few days, re-treat.

How to get earth fleas out of your home quickly and forever?

If the above measures are not successful, you will have to resort to chemicals. Insecticides are produced in the form of aerosols and solutions. The room is processed according to the instructions.

For a long time, Dichlorvos was a common means of controlling insects. But now there are other, not so toxic, modern drugs. However, when using them, you should still remember about personal protective equipment.

Preparations against parasites usually contain the active substances pyrethrum or pyrethroids. They quickly kill adults and larvae, and also remain effective for 2 months. Due to the content of insect growth regulators in the preparations, normal development of insects is impossible.

The most popular remedies against earthen fleas are:

• Executioner is an effective insecticide that can kill not only adults, but also larvae and eggs.

• Aerosol Raptor. The active substance causes paralysis of insects.

• Carbafoc. An effective organophosphorus agent.

• Selamectin. This is a toxic, fast-acting substance. After treatment with this drug, thorough cleaning and long-term ventilation of the room are required.

Simultaneously with carrying out activities in the apartment, it is necessary to disinfect the basement to prevent the re-spread of parasites. To treat the basement of an apartment building, it is better to call an exterminator service. This is one of the most effective ways.

How to get rid of earthen fleas in the yard of a private house

In a private house, there is a need to treat not only the living space, but also the yard, outbuildings, and also spray the plants growing nearby. To do this, you can use both folk remedies and chemicals.

Before starting work, you need to carefully prepare:

    carry out wet cleaning of the premises; treat the animals living with you (special drops and sprays against fleas for animals are used for this); ensure the safety of all inhabitants of the house and outbuildings; prepare a disinfectant solution and strictly follow the instructions for use.

After treatment, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the room. To completely get rid of parasites, you should repeat the treatment a couple more times over several weeks.

In addition, freezing is a very effective remedy against parasites. At air temperatures below -15 degrees they die. I practice this method for disinfecting household buildings.

How to get fleas out of the house using folk remedies

Products based on natural ingredients allow you to quickly get rid of blood-sucking insects. At the same time, they are absolutely safe for the residents of the house.


If salt gets on the chitinous shell of a flea, the parasite will die. It is necessary to sprinkle fine salt on the carpets, rubbing the crystals into the base of the pile. After 3 days, the treated surface must be vacuumed.


This substance acts on flea eggs and larvae. To destroy parasites at all stages of their development, you need to combine equal parts of salt and soda and apply the mixture to the carpet with a brush. After 12 hours, you need to collect all the grains using a vacuum cleaner. The procedure should be performed once every 4 days for 2–3 weeks.

Wormwood: tincture, oil, decoction

This plant has been used in ancient times to control insects. Wormwood tincture can be added to water for washing floors. In addition, it is suitable for treating cat and dog hair. You can purchase a ready-made product at a pharmacy or make it yourself by pouring vodka over dried wormwood and leaving it to infuse for two weeks.

Wormwood oil has an aroma that repels parasites. You can lubricate the skin and fur of pets with it or pour it into bowls and place it in different parts of the house. This folk remedy can be easily found in a pharmacy or prepared at home by pouring finely chopped wormwood with olive oil, placing it in a dark place for 10 days and straining through cheesecloth.

To obtain a decoction, add hot water to the wormwood herb and boil for 5 minutes. The cooled broth is used to treat furniture and textiles, wash floors and bathe pets.

Essential oils for fleas

The following esters are suitable for getting rid of fleas:

  • Lavender – suitable for treating animal bedding. Despite the fact that parasites are not killed by lavender, they cannot stand its smell.
  • Eucalyptus - exudes a menthol-repellent aroma. Can be used in conjunction with other oils.
  • Pennyroyal - This ether should not be applied to the skin of animals.
  • Lemongrass – has a repellent effect.
  • Cedar oil is toxic in high concentrations, so precautions must be taken.
  • Basil - its smell is safe for people and animals, but unbearable for fleas.
  • Thyme – just apply 1-2 drops of oil to your pet’s collar to effectively prevent flea infestation.
  • Rosemary – helps expel parasites and heal marks from their bites. You can add ether to dog wash water, but it is toxic to cats.
  • Cloves – Suitable for dogs, but not for cats.
  • Tea tree - used to treat premises and protect pets from insect bites.


Pet pillows and beds should be filled with pine sawdust. Soon after this, the fleas will disappear.


In winter, you should turn off the heating, open the windows and leave the apartment for at least a few hours. In the cold, insects will die.


The aroma of lemons, oranges and other citrus fruits is pleasant to most people but unbearable to fleas. To repel parasites, fruit zest should be placed on shelves.


You need to crush a few cloves of garlic and combine them with 30 g of brewer's yeast. The resulting pulp should be spread in places where parasites accumulate. You can also spray the apartment with garlic broth.

Purchased flea products in the home: TOP 10

The following drugs received the highest ratings from users:

  1. “Raptor” has a detrimental effect on the nervous system of insects, paralyzing them.
  2. “Get” is effective not only against fleas, but also against ticks, cockroaches, moths and other pests.
  3. "Raid" is a fast-acting aerosol that is convenient to store and use in the apartment.
  4. Dichlorvos is a proven insect repellent. Now you can find odorless Dichlorvos on sale.
  5. "Karbofos" is a universal, inexpensive drug that helps fight fleas.
  6. “Clean House” is an insecticidal powder that kills insects and mice.
  7. Sinuzan is a professional product that allows you to clean your home from pests.
  8. “Butox 50” is a deltamethrin-based drug that eliminates all types of insects.
  9. “Tsifoks” is a liquid, after using which the parasites die instantly.
  10. “Biorin” is a very effective professional product, when using which it is necessary to protect the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory tract.

Processing rules

In order to get rid of parasites for a long time and not be poisoned by insecticides, you need to competently approach the treatment of the room. It is important to pay attention not only to adults, but also to the eggs they lay. After applying any type of product, all windows, vents and doors must be closed for several hours so that the insects die. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after 5–7 days.

Preparing the premises for disinfection

Before bullying you should do the following:

  • do wet cleaning;
  • seal food and put it away;
  • If you have an aquarium, you should close it tightly and turn off the compressor for a while.

Precautionary measures

In order not to be poisoned by an insecticide, it is necessary to take care of protecting the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory tract before treating the room. Animals should be removed from the room during the baiting.

Recommendations after processing is completed

A few hours after baiting fleas, you should ventilate the room well and wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth.

Install one or two dehumidifiers in your home

Insects living in a damp basement quickly move into the building. To avoid this, it is necessary to control the humidity level in the apartment. For normal functioning of fleas, an air humidity of 50% is required. If you reduce this indicator for at least two days, the insects will die and the development of their larvae will stop.

Wash your pet's supplies

It is necessary to wash the animal's bedding, as well as the rugs and bedspreads on which it likes to lie, at the highest possible temperature. There may be parasite larvae inside the mattress of a dog or cat, which will be difficult to get rid of. It is better to remove the old filler and replace it with a new one. Since insects also drink human blood, all bedding should be washed.


In their work, exterminators use chemicals:

Insecticidal powder

Powder with an insecticide kills not only adults, but also larvae, and this is especially important when ridding a home of parasites. The powder penetrates into small cracks, between carpet fibers and other places where females lay eggs. The Russian insecticide Phenaxin has gained popularity among the population. It is non-toxic, economical, easy to use and quite effective.


Substances based on organic phosphorus are considered more effective. Aerosols are able to penetrate hard-to-reach places, but they are powerless where the number of fleas is too large.

Carrying out wet treatment with insecticide

Wet treatment with an insecticide is carried out as a preparatory measure before carrying out pest control.

Flea sprays

Dichlorvos and Karbofos are already outdated, but successfully continue their fight against parasites. Karbofos contains dust powder, so you need to work with it strictly wearing gloves. Aerosol Raptor based on tetramethrin and cypermethrin is completely safe for humans. Once in the body, these substances are broken down by enzymes without causing harm.

Solutions against parasites

Liquid solutions look like small capsules with concentrated poison inside. They must be diluted in water and wet cleaned with this product.

When is professional pest control necessary?

If there are a lot of fleas and self-treatment does not bring lasting results, you need to contact a professional. Exterminators use powerful products that cannot be found over the counter. In addition, specialists have special equipment that ensures the supply of insecticide to all cracks and hard-to-reach places. There is no need to be afraid of furniture damage; there will be no traces left after such a procedure.

Preventive measures against the appearance of fleas in the house

It is easier to take measures to prevent pests than to get rid of them. To do this, you must follow these recommendations:

  • Treat pets against parasites in a timely manner.
  • In the summer, when fleas are most active, pets need to have water treatments more often.
  • You should regularly sort out clothes in your closets and avoid cluttering your home.
  • Around a private house it is worth setting up flower beds with strong-smelling flowers or herbs.
  • You need to add a few drops of essential oil to the water for washing floors.

Fleas are dangerous parasites that multiply very quickly. If they are discovered, you must immediately take measures to avoid suffering from their bites and to prevent the spread of insects throughout the house.

Mechanical methods

This is the capture of insects and their destruction. You can’t catch fleas by hand, but folk craftsmen have come up with many ways to do it

  • Combing with combs. Used on small kittens and puppies that cannot be treated with chemicals. To prevent fleas from escaping, you can use a jar of some essential oil. After inhaling it, fleas die within a couple of hours.
  • Water trap. To catch pests, you need to pour water with detergent, shampoo (it is advisable to take a special one for fleas) or liquid soap into a large bowl. Place this container on the floor near the light source.
  • Glue traps. Usually liquid honey or jam applied to cardboard is used. Use several of these traps. Install in areas where you frequently see fleas. And stick double-sided adhesive tape on the baseboard, removing the protective film.
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