6 types of cockroaches and what is their life expectancy?

The cockroach is an arthropod insect classified in the order of the same name.

Today, there are more than four thousand species of insects, which differ significantly from each other in appearance, life cycle characteristics and habits.

Cockroaches are distributed almost everywhere, and there are subspecies that can only exist in the immediate vicinity of human habitation, due to the need for food sources, moisture, and certain temperature conditions.

For example, adults, nymphs of the well-known red cockroaches, can only exist at temperatures from minus five to plus twenty-five degrees. To combat cockroaches, as well as for other purposes, for example, breeding these insects, it is necessary to become familiar with the main characteristics of the species.

Appearance of an insect

Almost everyone probably knows what a cockroach looks like. Regardless of the variety, insects have a number of similar characteristics.

Body length can vary from one to ten centimeters; as a rule, the largest representatives of the family live mainly in southern countries with a mild and humid climate. The abdomen is divided into several main segments.

Males are distinguished by a longer and narrower body; at the end of the abdomen there are articulated processes called cerci.

Females have a more rounded body; when breeding offspring, they carry an ootheca on their abdomen - a capsule containing several dozen eggs. Most representatives carry edema until the larvae hatch.

What kind of insects are cockroaches?

In most cases, cockroaches are unwanted guests in the house. Moreover, it is a huge problem. Cockroaches are tenacious pests that quickly adapt to various means of controlling them. They settle in hard-to-reach places and also spread infections. That is why it is necessary to know which types of cockroaches can get into houses in search of food. After all, in essence, their proximity is also an attempt to survive, albeit a completely unpleasant one for humans.

Cockroaches belong to the superorder Dictyoptera (Coleoptera). At the moment, there are more than 7 thousand species of Coleoptera, including 4,500 species of cockroaches themselves and almost 3 thousand species of other similar insects.

Representatives of the cockroach order preferentially live in warm and humid places. These are very mobile insects that are active at night. Species of cockroaches that can fly are able to fly to a light source at night. They all feed mainly on organic remains.

Features of the life cycle of a cockroach:

  • stages of incomplete transformation: egg, larva, imago;
  • larvae and adult cockroaches are very similar visually, differing only in size;
  • For cockroaches, in addition to reproduction, which involves two individuals of different sexes, parthenogenesis is also characteristic (the maturation of eggs in the body of a female individual without the participation of a male individual).

Cockroaches are very hardy. Some representatives of this order are able to go without food for many months. Also, these insects are much more resistant to the effects of radioactive radiation than mammals: the lethal dose of radiation for cockroaches is 15 times higher.

Types of cockroaches

To date, about 4,600 varieties of parasites have been studied, which have significant differences among themselves. Some species live in the forest, others prefer human habitation.

Most of them are practically safe for humans, but some, including the red locust, can be potentially harmful, as they are carriers of dangerous infectious diseases.

Below are some of the most common varieties.

Prusak cockroach is an ordinary red cockroach

The common locust or redhead is the most common among all species of domestic arthropods. This insect can live in nature, but due to its heat-loving nature, in temperate climates it prefers to settle in human dwellings.

In addition, it is there that he can receive a sufficient amount of the necessary sources of nutrition and moisture.

Rufous arthropods have hard wings that are fully developed. However, the insect lacks the ability to fly. If necessary, for example, when falling, the insect can freely glide for a short period of time.

The color of adult individuals varies in shades of brown. Arthropod larvae, also called nymphs, have a very soft white cover.

This type of insect is characterized by absolute non-selectivity in food preferences. In the absence of ordinary food and water, they may well be content with rotten plants, household chemicals, soap, and paper. They also consider dead skin particles as potential sources of human nutrition.

Thus, even if there is no access to food in the kitchen, arthropods may well find sufficient food.

Black cockroaches

Species of arthropods that prefer to live in human housing also include the fairly widespread black cockroach. Today, the population of these insects has decreased somewhat, which is due to their displacement by the more unpretentious red cockroach.

More often, these representatives of the cockroach family are found in Asia and Africa.

Black also does not belong to the group of flying cockroaches, but has the ability to run fast. The body length of insects can vary significantly from one to ten centimeters. The size of an individual is directly influenced by living conditions.

As a rule, representatives of colonies localized in human housing rarely reach sizes exceeding three centimeters.

American cockroach

The American variety of arthropod is a fairly large insect - up to five centimeters in length - that bears almost complete resemblance to the common red Prussians. They have an elongated body and rigid wings.

At the same time, it visually seems that males have larger body sizes than females. In reality, this effect is created by the wings protruding beyond the abdomen.

The usual habitats of red arthropods are trunks of rotten trees, stumps, sewage drains, and basements. Almost any organic matter can serve as a food source for them, be it paper, soap, various waste, particles of clothing, dead insects.

Due to their unpretentiousness, insects are widespread almost everywhere.

Other types of cockroaches

In Russia, common types of cockroaches are red and black. Other representatives of this large group prefer countries with warmer, milder climates. However, even exotic species can be successfully grown in artificially created conditions.

The most prominent representatives of this family are the following:

  • Madagascar cockroaches. They are large in size and live in the wild nature of tropical countries. The characteristic name of this subspecies is due to the ability to hiss, which is emitted by adult individuals during mating periods. The size of an adult female can reach ten centimeters, while males are smaller - no more than six centimeters.
  • Marble. This species is most common in tropical countries, however, due to its unpretentiousness, they live in almost all countries. They are distinguished by their rather large size - up to three centimeters, as well as a unique spotted color. It is these insects that are most often bred as food for various pets.
  • Sarawakian. This species is distributed exclusively on the island called Kalimantan. A distinctive feature of this species is the ability of the larvae to swim. As a rule, these insects settle in houses, as well as in utility rooms.

Speaking about them, it is impossible not to highlight the most amazing representatives. For example, a giant burrower. This cockroach is one of the heaviest representatives of the species; its weight can be more than thirty grams with a body length not exceeding nine centimeters.

These insects are especially often bred by lovers of exotic animals as pets. Moreover, they are quite unpretentious and do not require certain conditions of detention.

General description of cockroaches

They are distinguished by a flattened body based on an oval shape, with a total length of 1-10 cm, sometimes more than this size. The abdomen of this insect is created by many tergites in the form of dorsal segments.

Females have 7 of them, and males have about 8-10. The abdomen ends with cerci, for the most part they are formed in a segmented manner. Most cockroaches have a light shade of overall body color, and have elytra of a yellow or brown hue. Dark or black ones are much less common.

The elytra of this insect are particularly dense. Some species are distinguished by their front or rear shortened wings; wingless representatives of these insects are known. There are varieties that can make short flights.

All cockroaches have 6 legs. Spikes may be found on the thighs or lower legs. Their legs are distinguished by excellent development; they have five-membered paws, making them very comfortable while moving.

The American cockroach is capable of running 75 cm in one second. Due to these characteristics, it is difficult to catch a cockroach with your hands. This insect is capable of changing direction about 25 times within a second.

Its head is flat and at the same time triangular or heart-shaped. The front back has an almost flat shape and is expressed as a shield; it is large in size; some types are presented with transparent edge options.

Their jaws are quite developed, of the gnawing type, with many teeth formed by chitin. The mouth part is always directed downwards.

It has large eyes, it has 2 simple ocelli, wingless species are mostly distinguished by atrophied eyes, and cave species do not have them at all.

It has sensitive antennae of a long shape, sometimes they exceed the total length of the body, have the appearance of bristles, with a large number of segments.

The male has reproductive organs in the form of a genital plate, represented by the ninth abdominal sternite. In females, you can find a hidden version of the ovipositor, as well as edema in the form of a protein version of the capsule, which is necessary for the maturation of the offspring.

The lifespan of a cockroach lasts approximately 4 months, however, in some species it can last up to 4 years.

Shape and body structure of a cockroach

Regardless of the variety, insects have a similar appearance. Cockroaches have three pairs of legs, which are completely covered with small spines. Their size and weight depend on the species.

The largest representatives of this group can reach more than ten centimeters in length. They have two large simple eyes, which in some species are completely absent or are atrophied, that is, they do not perform their main functions.

Features of the body structure between males and females are as follows: males have a longer body, often appearing so due to longer wings. Females have a more rounded body, in addition, their abdomen is devoid of cerci - small protruding chitinous processes.

Use of cockroaches

In addition to wrecking, insects also have useful properties and skills. The Madagascar cockroach is an unpretentious pet for connoisseurs.

In addition, this species takes part in cockroach races, providing entertainment for eager fans.

In China, cockroaches are a favorite high-protein delicacy. They are building special farms to raise these creatures.

Unofficially, the cockroach is used for medicinal purposes in some countries.

What is the purpose of these insects

Why are cockroaches needed? These insects have existed on Earth for more than one million years, therefore, the assumption that the only purpose of these insects is to parasitize a person’s home is fundamentally wrong.

Cockroaches, belonging to almost all species, destroy smaller parasitic insects, for example, bedbugs and various larvae.

Thus, they may well bring not only harm, but also benefit.

The cockroach's place in the biological hierarchy


is an insect from the order cockroach, belonging to the phylum arthropods and the animal kingdom.

Please note that the detailed classification is much more extensive. Let's see how it will look using the example of the most common species - the red cockroach:

  • domain (superkingdom) - eukaryotes;
  • kingdom - animals;
  • subkingdom - eumetazoans;
  • phylum - arthropods;
  • subtype - tracheal breathing;
  • superclass - six-legged;
  • class - insects;
  • subclass - winged insects;
  • infraclass - new-winged insects;
  • clade - polyneoptera;
  • superorder - cockroaches;
  • squad - cockroaches;
  • family - ectobiidae;
  • subfamily - blattellinae;
  • genus - blattella;
  • species - red cockroach.

More than 200 million years ago, during the Carboniferous period, cockroaches already lived on our planet. It seems incredible, but cockroaches appeared even earlier than the well-known dinosaurs. Modern families of baleen insects are a little “younger”, since their age is more than 180 million years.

Insect lifespan

So, how many years or days do cockroaches live? The lifespan of most species is no more than a year. Among this large group, the longest-livers are the large American ones - given favorable conditions, their life expectancy can be up to three years.

How long do cockroaches live?

Probably, almost everyone who has encountered these unpleasant parasites is interested in the question of how long do domestic cockroaches live. If there is enough food, water, and optimal temperature conditions, life expectancy can be up to one year.

Moreover, only eight out of twelve months the insect is in the adult stage.


Cockroaches live even without a head

How long can domestic cockroaches live without food and water?

How long do cockroaches live without food, water, or air? Since these representatives of the insect world are cold-blooded, they can easily live without food for at least two months, and often much longer. The main thing for them is the availability of water.

Without sufficient moisture, parasites can survive for no more than a week.

As for air, according to studies, insects can hold their breath for half an hour or more.

However, a longer absence of air is disastrous for them.

Methods for controlling cockroaches


The most effective method of getting rid of cockroaches is to purchase modern products to combat them. Chemicals include powders, gels, aerosols and sprays. Among the items that should be noted are sticky traps, baits and fumigators. When using these products, you must strictly follow the instructions, since most of them are produced using potent poisons and other substances toxic to humans.

Homemade devices

Making a trap for cockroaches at home is not difficult. Take a small glass jar and wrap newspaper around the outside. Using this design, the cockroach will crawl into the container. To prevent him from getting out the same way, lubricate the inner walls with something slippery, such as Vaseline or oil. As bait, place sugar or part of a sweet fruit at the bottom of the jar. A similar design can be made from a plastic bottle, cut at a distance of 10 cm from the bottom. If caught insects are thrown out alive, they will most likely return to you or your neighbors.

Traditional methods

To repel cockroaches from your home, use vinegar, baking soda, onion or boric acid. They can also be used in conjunction with other methods. It is worth noting that all these substances repel the cockroach, but do not destroy it, so there is no guarantee that the pest will not return after disappearing.

Lifestyle and behavior of cockroaches

Most parasites live in close groups or colonies, hiding in secluded corners. In order to destroy parasites in your home, you should know what a cockroach nest looks like. It should be noted that it is quite difficult to characterize a mass accumulation of insects as a nest based on its appearance.

Rather, it is a secluded corner where a large number of parasites are located. It is always more than dirty, there are remains of food, chitinous coverings, excrement, and there is also a pronounced unpleasant odor.

Reproduction of cockroaches

Most insects do not show any care for the young; moreover, some leave clutches of eggs in secluded corners. Hissing cockroaches, for example, are distinguished by the greatest care for their offspring. After hatching, the nymphs can remain near their mother for 24 hours, after which they scatter.

From birth, young individuals do not need care as such. They can feed themselves, find secluded shelters, and are full members of the colony.

During the nymph stage, insects experience about six molts, after which they enter the imago stage, that is, an adult insect.

Fertility of cockroaches

Most species are extremely prolific. One female can produce from three to ten clutches throughout her life. Moreover, each clutch contains up to fifty eggs, which are enclosed in dense capsules that protect future larvae from the negative effects of the external environment.

Where do they live?

As mentioned above, the species group includes more than four thousand species that can live both in nature and in apartments. Human housing is more often invaded by heat-loving insects, which are especially sensitive to changes in environmental conditions.

In addition, raising insects at home is practiced . More often they are used as food for snakes, as well as other animals bred as pets.

What do cockroaches eat?

Any organic matter is a food source for parasites. They can feed not only on common foods, but also on dead insects, paper, fabric, and household chemicals.

Even in the cleanest apartment there is enough food for insects.

In the absence of food, the insect can easily survive for three to four months. Rapid death of parasites can occur due to the lack of sufficient moisture. When dealing with domestic parasites, this point must be taken into account.

Effect of temperature on insects

Most are absolutely unpretentious to living conditions. For colonies to thrive, there is enough moisture and food. However, these insects are highly sensitive to temperature changes.

A temperature drop of less than minus five degrees or an increase of over thirty to thirty-five degrees is disastrous for most. However, representatives of the species living in southern countries can easily withstand higher temperatures.

In view of these characteristics of cockroaches, a simple, safe for humans method of exterminating them was developed, which consists of freezing the room.

To remove parasites, it is enough to leave the apartment, first turning off the heating, opening the windows and doors.

A few hours are enough to kill not only adults, but also larvae. Of course, the use of this method is only relevant in winter.

How a cockroach is born

The reproduction process of cockroaches is quite rapid, so they quickly colonize a new territory.

At the first stage, adult individuals undergo a period of mating games. At this time, females try to stand out with pheromones or sudden movements of their wings, and males fly or fight for the female.

After fertilization, the mother carries the ootheca with her children for about a month. After this time, the capsule is left in a safe, hidden place, after which colorless larvae without wings and chitinous cover emerge from it.

It takes the larva from two to twenty-five months to grow and develop into an adult—an adult insect ready to reproduce.

The most common red cockroach gives birth to several hundred thousand larvae per year.

Harm and benefits of cockroaches

A rather annoying and unpleasant insect, positioned by many as a domestic parasite, can cause a lot of problems. Cockroaches are carriers of various diseases, including infectious diseases and helminthiases.

When even a few cockroaches appear in a home, there is a high risk of rapid colony growth. Of course, this happens if adequate measures are not taken.

It is generally accepted that cockroaches do not bring any benefit. However, there are still some advantages to living in apartments. They often exterminate much more unpleasant insects, for example, bedbugs, larvae of various types of moths.

Several decades ago, when insecticides were not so common, cockroaches were used to protect warehouses and apartments from other parasitic insects.

Thus, cockroaches may well cause not only harm, but also benefit.

The damage caused by cockroaches

Obviously, no one enjoys meeting whiskered insects, but the troubles from them do not stop there:

  • Chitin shells fall off the cockroach after a period of molting and dry out, settling as dust on surrounding objects and causing allergic reactions in household members. Also, such dust is one of the causes of asthma;
  • during sleep, in rare cases, a cockroach can bite a person;
  • Having settled in the housing of household appliances, the insect becomes the cause of malfunctions and electrical short circuits;
  • in the absence of food remains, cockroaches eat books, shoes, wallpaper, causing frustration and causing material damage to their owner;
  • The cockroach carries infectious diseases, so you can get salmonellosis, helminths and gastroenteritis from it.

Structure of a cockroach

Interestingly, the body structure of the cockroach has remained almost unchanged for millions of years. That is, this insect was created almost perfect. The body of cockroaches consists of a head, thorax and abdomen. On the head of the cockroach there is a gnawing mouthpart, covered with a shield, and large compound eyes are located on the sides. Some cockroaches have an additional pair of simple vision organs.

Only a few exotic species of cockroaches can hiss, whistle, or even make sounds that resemble a whisper. But, for example, an ordinary Prussian does not even have the organs necessary for this.


The chest consists of three segments, each of which has a pair of legs. Also on the chest part there are wings and elytra. The anterior segment of the breast is most often much larger than the other two and has a lighter shade.


Two pairs of thin wings and hard elytra are attached to the chest, protecting the wings and abdomen. Despite the presence of wings, only one type of cockroach can fly; all the others use them to accelerate while moving or to make the fall slower and smoother. But the main purpose of the wings is to show readiness for mating during mating games. By the way, males have much longer wings than females.


A cockroach has the same number of legs as other insects, but their structure can be called unique. Each tarsus consists of 5 segments. The top four have pads, and the fifth has a sucker and claws. Thanks to this structure, the insect moves with ease on both horizontal and vertical surfaces.

The maneuverability and speed of movement of the insect is explained by the fact that each pair of legs has its own characteristics:

  • prothoracic - the shortest, play the role of a brake;
  • mid-thoracic - can move in different directions;
  • metathoracic - the longest, play a major role in moving forward, and are also used for jumping.


A cockroach runs at a speed of 3.5 - 4 km/h. Considering its size, this is a very good indicator. This speed is achieved by one of the fastest animals on the planet – the cheetah.


The abdomen consists of 11 segments, the tenth of which covers the anus, and the eleventh contains the cerci - rudimentary processes that do not serve any function. In females, the abdomen is much larger, since the ovipositor is located in it.

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