Gel Trap against cockroaches, instructions for use, description

  1. Composition and principle of action of the gel Trap against cockroaches Gel Pregrada Russian
  2. Gel against cockroaches Kapkan Shturm
  • Rules of application
  • Pros and cons of Kapkan drugs for cockroaches
  • Kapkan cockroach gels are produced by Victoria Agro, located in Krasnodar, and come in two types, similar in the principle of their effect on cockroaches and differing in the composition of the toxic substance. They are both popular with buyers.

    The following drugs are available for sale:

    • Barrier Russian Trap gel,
    • Trap Sturm gel paste.

    Gel "Trap" - description

    The drug "Kapkan" is produced in the form of a gel placed in a syringe dispenser, the volume of the original product is 30 ml. “Trap” is intended for the destruction of all types of insects, especially cockroaches. The composition includes the main active substance diazinon 0.6% - an insecticide with contact and intestinal action. Part of the group of organophosphorus insecticides, insoluble in water, half-life is 2-6 weeks. To give the drug a gel form, for its preservation and effective use, additional components are included in the composition:

    • preservative,
    • gelling agent,
    • food additive (bait),
    • stabilizer.

    Gel “Trap” is a powerful insecticidal agent against crawling insects such as cockroaches and ants

    The mechanism of operation of the active component is based on inhibition of the production of enzymes necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system of cockroaches and other insects. As a result, the transmission of nerve impulses to cells stops, the work of organs and systems is completed, and the pest dies. Typically, complete death of insects occurs within 24-72 hours, but the protective effect of the gel is observed for up to 1.5 months.

    Help: There are plenty of places where you can buy the drug - it is sold in any hardware store, department for summer residents and gardeners, and is often found in markets and supermarkets. The price of “Kapkan-gel” is approximately 45-60 rubles per syringe with 30 ml of product.

    Gel Pregrada Russian

    The main component of the Pregrada Russian gel is fipronil 0.05%, which has an intestinal-contact principle of action. The product does not lose effectiveness at elevated temperatures and sunlight.

    The drug depresses the nervous system of cockroaches and leads to the death of all individuals. Attractants - food baits, bitrex, canned food and gelling agents - auxiliary substances. Bitrex gives the drug a bitter taste.

    Gelling agents thicken the product, so it does not dry out for a long time and adheres well to surfaces. Preservatives do not allow food baits to deteriorate, which attract household pests with their specific smell. The drug Kapkan is sold in a syringe with a volume of 30 mg.

    Gel against cockroaches Kapkan Shturm

    The main components of the Kapkan Sturm gel are insecticides: alpha-cypermethrin 0.05%, diazinon 0.3%, having a contact-intestinal principle of action, odorless. Both insecticides attack the nervous system of pests. The excipients are the same as in the Pregrada gel; it is sold in syringes weighing 15 and 30 grams.

    The principle of action of both drugs is similar. Food flavorings - attractants lure pests with a specific smell, insecticides, when interacting with insects, inhibit the nervous system.

    Cockroaches infect other individuals, carrying the bait on their whiskers and paws, and begin to die after two days. The greatest effectiveness of the drug occurs after two weeks.

    Trap Sturm, containing two toxic substances, has a more lasting result compared to Pregrada Russian and is not addictive. But if you follow all the processing rules, both of these products are effective and the likelihood of re-infestation by harmful insects is minimal.

    Types of products, release form and composition

    Today there are different types of cockroach gel on sale:

    • Barrier Russian Trap;
    • Trap Sturm gel paste.

    Both products are contained in syringes of different capacities. So, the first option can be purchased in quantities of 30 g. Kapkan Sturm cockroach gel is packaged in syringes with a capacity of 15 g and 30 g. The cost of these products is low. You can purchase gel-like substances for an average price of 33-50 rubles. Funds are not offered in any other form. The syringe is easy to use. You can dose the drug upon application.

    Gel against cockroaches Pregrada Russian Trap is produced in Russia. It contains one active ingredient - fipronil. It is an insecticide from the phenylpyrazoles group of compounds. This type of poisonous substance is not exposed to sunlight, which means it can retain its properties for a long time. In addition, the insecticide can withstand high temperatures.

    The poison is characterized by intestinal contact action. Gel against cockroaches Russian Kapkan negatively affects the nervous system of insects. In addition to the active ingredient, the composition includes auxiliary components: attractants, gelling agents, preservatives, and the additive bitrex. The first of these substances attract pests.

    Gelling agents and preservatives make it possible to obtain a jelly-like remedy for cockroaches with a long shelf life. A substance called bitrex adds bitterness to the gel. Thanks to this component, animals will not be interested in the drug. And if a child tries the gel, the substance will immediately lose its attractiveness due to bitterness.

    The cockroach repellent Kapkan Sturm differs in composition. It contains two components: diazinon (0.3%), alpha-cypermethrin (0.05%). The first of the substances represents a group of organophosphorus compounds. It is odorless and has a contact-intestinal effect. This insecticide, like the previously discussed analogues, also affects the nervous system of pests. Alpha-cypermethrin is a group of pyrethroids. This is another toxic substance of contact-intestinal action. It is stable under the influence of sunlight and air.

    Cockroaches can be killed using traps. A house containing an adhesive base is produced under the name Kapkan. This is a non-toxic closed product made of thick cardboard. There is glue on the inside at the bottom. Traps have more disadvantages than advantages, so they are used as an aid.


    What pests will the Sturm gel paste help control?

    • First of all, it is a reliable remedy for cockroaches. Moreover, it is capable of destroying all the most common types of these pests - red, black and American (don’t let the name confuse you, these insects are often found in Russian apartments).
    • The paste will also get rid of ants.

    The substance can be used in different rooms:

    • apartments;
    • food industry buildings;
    • shops, cafes and restaurants;
    • hotels and sanatoriums;
    • cars, trains, water and air transport.

    How safe is the drug?

    According to the hazard criterion, the insecticide belongs to class 4 of low-hazard substances (GOST 12.1.007-76). Does not cause local irritation upon single contact with skin. Does not require the use of respiratory protection.

    It is advisable to wear gloves when working with the insecticide; after treatment, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Do not use in areas accessible to children.

    From a safety point of view, the product is suitable for treating residential, office premises, medical, food, trade, and educational transport organizations.

    Pros and cons of Kapkan drugs for cockroaches

    Kapkan preparations in gel form have a large number of advantages that are appreciated by thousands of customers.

    • The products are odorless, food flavorings - attractants are felt only by insects. This property allows you to comfortably use gels in residential premises - apartments, houses, since there is no need to ventilate the rooms for a long time.
    • Kapkan gels are easy to use; using a syringe, it is easy to dose when applied to surfaces.
    • The preparations are universal, affecting all types of insect pests that come into contact with it.
    • Economical, one syringe is enough to treat a room with an area of ​​30 sq.m.
    • The gels are easy to use; there is no need to treat the entire room; the product is applied only in the habitats of cockroaches.
    • Gel Trap against cockroaches is not dangerous for people and pets, does not emit odors, and therefore does not enter the human respiratory tract. The bitter substance contained in the composition repels animals if they try it.
    • Long-acting preparations, due to their jelly-like state, do not dry out for a month.

    Kapkan gels for cockroaches also have negative aspects: a low rate of reduction in the number of individuals - cockroaches do not die instantly and this brings some inconvenience. Fatty substances contained in Kapkan gels leave stains on surfaces that need to be washed off.

    Kapkan gels are affordable and easy-to-use preparations for exterminating all types of cockroaches and have received many positive reviews from users.

    • Tatiana. Gel Trap is a thing, of course. But only for cockroaches... after I coated my apartment with this product, the cockroaches began to flock to it like crazy... there were 3 times more of them than there were before. It seems to me that they will soon get together and take me outside from the apartment... because this is now their apartment

    Advantages and disadvantages

    If we consider the gel against cockroaches Kapkan (Storm or Barrier), you can notice a large number of advantages.

    The drug in this form is considered one of the most effective. It is placed in a row with sprays.

    The popularity of gel-like substances is due to their advantages:

    1. There is no pronounced smell. The insecticides included in the composition are characterized by the absence of aroma. In some cases there is a smell, but it is faintly noticeable and quickly disappears.
    2. Ease of use. The gel is contained in a syringe, which allows you to dose it during application. The drug is already ready for use, so you do not have to spend time mixing the components, as is the case with concentrated liquids.
    3. Fast processing. Considering that the gel contains attractants, there is no need to apply it in large quantities throughout the room. It is enough to leave drops of the product only in places where pests are more common.
    4. The gel is a conditionally safe drug. It does not contain volatile compounds and is odorless, which means that insecticides cannot enter the human body through the respiratory tract. The manufacturer has provided for the possibility of contact of a child and an animal with poison; the composition contains an additive that makes the product taste bitter. Thanks to this, children and pets will not have the desire to try the gel again.
    5. Low price. This is a significant advantage, especially considering that one syringe can be enough to treat a room of up to 30 m².
    6. Versatility. The gel kills various insects that come into contact with it. It could be a cockroach, ant, bedbug, fly.
    7. Prolonged action. The jelly-like substance retains its structure for a month. This is necessary so that cockroaches do not lose interest in the bait and continue to try the poison.

    Gel-like substances have many disadvantages. For example, they note a low speed of action. Comparing the gel with sprays and aerosols, one cannot help but notice that when sprayed, the result is achieved almost instantly. If a jelly-like substance is used, it will take time for the insects to smell the bait. There is another drawback to Kapkan gels - the presence of fatty components in the composition. Thanks to them, the product does not dry out for a long time. However, stains usually remain on surfaces.

    Kapkan traps have the main advantage - they do not contain toxic substances, which means they are completely safe for people and animals. In addition, such devices are made in the form of a house that hides dead individuals. Thanks to this, insects run up to the trap without fear. The advantage is the cost (on average 50 rubles). Interestingly, traps and gels are in the same price category, but differ greatly in their level of effectiveness. With the help of a glue house, you can destroy individual individuals, which is a disadvantage. It will not be possible to cope with the infection using a trap.

    Preparation for use

    The success of the procedure depends on whether the instructions for using gel products are followed. First, prepare the room:

    • wash the floor thoroughly, it is important to remove all dirt that may distract insects from the poisonous bait;
    • clean and disinfect the trash can and the area under the sink where it is usually located;
    • there should be no dirty dishes on the tables and in the sink, all surfaces should be cleaned of food debris and crumbs;
    • food must be put in the refrigerator;
    • plumbing fixtures should not leak.

    If you follow these rules before treating the room, you can increase the effectiveness of the product, since there will be no other food sources left in the room except the gel. It is advisable to move furniture and large household appliances away from the walls so that the substance can be applied along the baseboards. Drops of the drug are left inside and on top of cabinets, under the sink. You can treat shelves, back walls of household appliances, and furniture. Drops of the product are also left in the bathroom, since insects cannot live without water for a long time.

    The gel is applied in a dotted line. The distance between droplets varies from 5 to 20 cm, which is determined by the intensity of infection of the object. The more cockroaches there are in the apartment, the closer the gel points should be to each other. To avoid having to spend a long time scrubbing surfaces from greasy stains, the product is applied to cardboard or plastic substrates. They are cut from any available material that does not absorb fatty components.

    The good thing about Kapkan gel is that you don’t have to reapply it. It retains its properties for a month, and the insecticides that are included in the composition are not exposed to sunlight and high temperatures. This means that the product is characterized by the same effectiveness at the initial stage of treatment and closer to the end of the period of prolonged action. After a month, you can remove the gel from surfaces. You will have to regularly remove dead insects.

    Kapkan traps can be used as an additional measure when treating a home with sprays, aerosols, powders, and gels. They are installed closer to the baseboards, under the sink, behind large household appliances, for which the devices are moved away from the walls. It is important to control the fill level of the trap. If there is no free space left on the adhesive backing, it is replaced with a new one.

    Operating principle

    Different brands of cockroach gel work according to the same scheme. Such products usually contain attractants. This means that the insect will definitely approach the poison, since it contains components that are attractive to cockroaches. Thanks to this feature, there is no need to apply the drug everywhere. It is enough to treat the areas where pests live.

    The insecticides contained in the gels affect cockroaches from the inside and outside. Insects die equally quickly when particles of poison enter the chitinous integument and the digestive system.

    The most effective is a gel containing two different types of components, since in this case the likelihood of developing resistance to chemicals is reduced. Multicomponent preparations can be used regularly, while single-component analogues are not recommended to be used more than twice in a row, otherwise the insect body will adapt to the poison and will not react to it.

    If we compare the gel Sturm and Russian Kapkan, the first option is preferable to use, since it contains two active ingredients. If the treatment is carried out according to all the rules, the likelihood of re-infection is greatly reduced. Under such conditions, it is permissible to use any anti-cockroach remedy from those discussed above.

    Toxic substances that are part of the gels have a detrimental effect on the nervous system of the pest. The result is noticeable almost immediately. On the second day, the first poisoned insects die from paralysis. Peak effectiveness is observed 2-3 weeks after treatment of the room. Insects, having consumed the poisoned bait, crawl into habitats where they infect healthy individuals. This occurs due to the fact that when eating, gel particles remain on the chitinous covers, which have a detrimental effect not only on the pest itself, but also on its fellows.

    The Kapkan trap works differently. It does not contain toxic compounds. The insects die, ending up inside on the adhesive backing. To enhance the effect, bait is placed inside such a house. Thanks to this, the insect is more willing to approach the trap. A remedy for cockroaches of this type cannot be used as an independent control measure due to its low effectiveness. The fact is that pests do not pay attention to the trap, this is especially noticeable in cases where the room is heavily infested.

    special instructions

    If there are hard-to-reach places in the apartment where cockroaches like to hide, you need to do this: apply the gel to a sheet of paper, push the sheet into cracks or other areas of the apartment. This will help prevent some insects from surviving. Repeated treatments may be necessary if the number of cockroaches is high, but they should be done no earlier than after 21-28 days.

    After contact with the gel, pests begin to die very quickly. Typically, within 10-12 hours, the active substance enters the colony, so within the specified period or longer, a significant part of the insects die. Some of them will taste the bait, the other part will introduce the drug into the body in an attempt to cleanse themselves of the gel. Cockroaches also infect their relatives, even if they themselves have not been in contact with Kapkan.

    When using the Kapkan gel to kill cockroaches, you must avoid using it together with any contact insecticides - powders, emulsions and concentrates, aerosols.

    If you do not want to stain linoleum or tiles with gel, apply “Trap” to strips of paper and place them in all places where cockroaches accumulate

    After the anti-cockroach product has dried in the apartment, it can be easily removed by wiping with a soapy sponge and rinsing with warm water. There are no traces left on surfaces. On expensive coatings, if desired, you can put strips of cardboard on which to apply gel. At the end of the expiration date, the cardboard should be thrown away.

    "Clean house"

    Gel in a syringe based on chlorpyrifos.

    The gel is applied in strips 2 cm long at intervals of 2–6 cm, depending on the population size, in places where cockroaches accumulate and along their movement routes, especially in places of access to water.


    Depending on the number of cockroaches and the intervals between strokes of the gel, a 20 ml syringe is enough to treat from 25 to 45 square meters. m, and a tube with a capacity of 35 ml - for almost twice the area.


    The drug causes the death of cockroaches within 1-3 days , retains its properties for a month from the moment of application. Eating the gel by several cockroaches causes a chain reaction; one poisoned cockroach affects up to 50 individuals.

    Average price: 20 ml syringe – 42–59 rubles, 35 ml tube – 40–52 rubles.

    Precautionary measures

    Observe standard precautions during storage, application and after handling.

    When using the gel in a tube, do not squeeze it before opening, otherwise a large amount of gel will leak out.


    “The product for its price category is quite effective in the fight against cockroaches and

    ants, economical. But it’s difficult to dose because the consistency is too liquid.”

    “It kills insects well, but if someone in the house suffers from allergies, it is better to look for another drug.”

    “It’s not great, but there is a result, the parasites do not completely disappear, but their number is significantly reduced.”

    Evaluating Gel and Trap Performance

    Gel-like Kapkan products are not inferior in level of effectiveness to sprays and aerosols, which clean homes efficiently and are also distinguished by their prolonged action. However, the gel is much stronger than the aerosol, as it attracts insects. Despite the fact that Kapkan jelly-like substances do not give results immediately, they are used more often, since a single treatment is enough to clean an apartment, and the properties of insecticides last for a very long time.

    If you compare gels with products such as cold, hot fog or a smoke bomb, you will notice some advantages: no odor, low toxicity. However, according to the main criteria (efficiency, speed of work), the gel loses. The thing is that cold/hot fog and a smoke bomb have a detrimental effect on cockroaches almost immediately. These products leave no chance for survival of any individual, since large-scale treatment of the entire room, corners, and hidden places is carried out.

    But it is not always possible to spray cold or hot fog, since you need to purchase equipment for this. This means that the Kapkan gel-like substance is a kind of compromise between highly effective expensive products and ineffective household drugs. The gel is consumed slowly, is cheap and kills insects well, which means that a toxic substance of this type can take its rightful place among the most effective options.


    Combined action gel containing diazinon and cypermethrin.

    The gel is introduced into cracks and cracks in a thin layer, applied dropwise to the floor, walls, furniture, the intervals between drops can be 5-10 cm. It can be applied to substrates and placed in places where cockroaches accumulate.


    When selectively treating a room, 75 ml tubes are enough for an area of ​​20–60 square meters, depending on the number of cockroaches.


    The product contains contact, intestinal and systemic insecticides. The death of cockroaches begins the next day after applying the gel, reaches a peak after a week, and within three weeks the parasites almost completely disappear. The residual effect lasts for 2 months.

    average price

    The gel is sold in tubes of different capacities, from 20 to 75 ml, most often in stores you can find tubes of 75 ml, the price ranges from 44.5 to 100 rubles.

    Precautionary measures

    The gel belongs to drugs of hazard class 4 (low danger to humans), can be used in children's and medical institutions. Standard precautions:

    1. Do not store the gel and empty tube in places accessible to children and pets;
    2. avoid contact with skin and eyes; in case of contact, rinse immediately;
    3. wash your hands with soap after handling.


    “This is the product that the sanitary and epidemiological station recommends for independent use, since it combines effectiveness with safety.”

    “The smell is very attractive to cockroaches; they prefer the gel to the products.”

    “Large volume, affordable price, and is not inferior in efficiency to well-promoted expensive brands.”

    Harm to people

    The active ingredients in the gel are considered low-hazard for people. However, it is important to follow the rules for its use.

    • Do not allow the gel to come into contact with your skin.
    • After use, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly, even if you think you have not had contact with the substance.
    • Protect children from contact with the gel.
    • Check the packaging for damage before use.
    • Do not leave packaging near food.

    However, with all care, it is possible for the substance to enter the body. Symptoms of poisoning are as follows:

    • nausea;
    • headache;
    • dizziness;
    • arrhythmia;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • heavy sweating.

    As a rule, these signs appear within fifteen minutes after poisoning. Further they will only get worse. Therefore, it is extremely important to consult a doctor immediately. While waiting, carefully examine the victim. If you find gel on your skin, rinse it well. If the substance gets into your eyes, you should also rinse them, and then use any antimicrobial eye drops.

    The only way to eliminate the effects of poisoning that doctors use is gastric lavage.

    If the situation is not that serious, you can help yourself. To do this, you need to take activated charcoal and drink a lot of water.

    Method of use

    The method of applying the gel differs when getting rid of cockroaches and ants. However, the preparatory stage is the same in any case:

    1. carry out wet cleaning in all rooms, rinsing the floors thoroughly;
    2. make sure there are no food residues or crumbs on the surfaces;
    3. empty the trash can;
    4. do not leave open containers of water; check that the taps are not leaking.

    These precautions are needed to limit the spread of pests. They are attracted to dirt, food debris and moisture.

    After this, you can proceed directly to using the gel.

    If your goal is cockroaches, proceed as follows.

    • Fill with gel the cracks in which these insects prefer to hide: the space behind the baseboards, cracks in the floor and walls. Pay special attention to the area around the refrigerator, sink, pipes and trash can.
    • To save money, do not apply the gel in a continuous strip. Make strokes of two centimeters. The distance between them should be twice as large. If there are not many pests, then you can increase the gap to six centimeters.

    In the case of ants, you need to act in a similar way. The only difference is that they are not so interested in shelters in crevices. They move around the room more. Therefore, you need to apply the paste along their route.


    “HarmStop” draws attention to the fact that “Trap-Assault” cannot be used simultaneously with other pest control products.

    Reviews of the gel "Trap"

    “Cockroaches appeared at our dacha in the summer; most likely, they ran away from the neighbors in the area. We bought a pencil against cockroaches, applied it as indicated in the instructions, but saw almost no effect. Friends told me about “Kapkan” - a very cheap but effective remedy. We applied it to the surfaces where cockroaches most often appeared, and now we live in peace at our dacha. Finally, you don’t have to hide food and don’t be horrified at night when entering the kitchen!”

    “This year, my friends and I rented an apartment with three rooms. We rented cheaper housing and ended up with cockroaches in addition. No matter how much we caught them, there was no point. Thorough cleaning and spreading boric acid didn't help either. We praised the Kapkan gel on the Internet, so we bought it and immediately took 2 syringes. We treated the kitchen, and the insects disappeared from it on the same day. On the second day, after such an excellent result, we bought more gel and treated the entire apartment, the cockroaches all died.”

    “I really liked the Kapkan gel because the results come very quickly. You can buy it anywhere, I took it from the market. I knew this name for a long time; my parents used it to poison insects. “Kapkan” did not let me down either - after coating the cracks, corners, places behind cabinets, near the toilet and sink, the insects disappeared, some of them were found dead by me. Cockroaches haven’t bothered me for 3 months now.”

    “Recently I had to use the miracle remedy for cockroaches “Kapkan”. The smell is quite tolerable, unlike some other products. Economical - the consumption is small, but it costs a penny. After the neighbors started repairs, their cockroaches ran towards us, but that was not the case! They took a syringe and squeezed out the gel in small droplets throughout the apartment. After 2 days, all the pests died. The tube was enough for an apartment of 35 square meters.”

    “I am very afraid of ants, cockroaches and other indoor pests, and now they have appeared in my house! She herself brought the cockroaches in her bag from the hospital after she was an inpatient there. Seeing two cockroaches, I immediately ran to the store, where the inexpensive Kapkan gel was highly recommended. When it comes into contact with an insect's legs, it immediately triggers a reaction, and it dies in literally half a minute. It is very convenient to coat the most hidden places with gel – joints, crevices. A month has already passed since the treatment, there are no cockroaches!”

    See also: How to get rid of cockroaches 100% forever (video)


    A gel based on chlorpyrophos is used to combat various insects.

    To destroy cockroaches, apply 2 cm strokes at intervals of 2–4 cm on the floor, walls, furniture, closer to sources of water and heat.

    The narrow tip of the tube allows you to insert the gel into the crevices. Behind (under) the refrigerator and in other hard-to-reach places you can place leaves with gel applied to them.


    Absolut gel is available in different packages: syringes of 5–30 ml, tubes of 30 to 150 ml, large vacuum bags for professional use of 0.5–1 kg. For household needs, a package of 25–30 ml is usually sufficient; with its help you can treat a room of 30 square meters. m or 6-8 leaflets. A 125 ml tube is enough to treat an apartment or house with an area of ​​125–350 sq. m. m, depending on the number and type of cockroaches.


    Chlorpyrofos is a highly active enteric insecticide. Absolute gel can be used against different types of cockroaches, including those resistant to other poisons, as well as against ants, flies, and wasps. The action begins on the second day, the bulk of the cockroaches die by the end of the second week, and it is possible to completely get rid of them in a month.

    average price

    Syringe 10 ml – 26 rubles, syringe 20 ml – 46 rubles, tube 30 ml – 56 rubles, tube 125 ml – 125 rubles.

    The sting of the leiurus quinquestriatus scorpion can be fatal, as it is a very poisonous insect. There are many types of bronze beetle. You can find a description of the most common types in this article.

    The rhinoceros beetle is a very unusual insect. Read interesting facts about him in the article at the link.

    Precautionary measures

    The gel is non-toxic, safe for humans, you do not need to use gloves when applying it, but if the product gets on your skin, it is recommended to immediately wash the area with soap or a 2% soda solution. Immediately throw empty packaging into the trash.

    Gel Trap against cockroaches: reviews

    I went to spend the night with a friend (dormitory). She just has tons of cockroaches. In the morning I went out and bought Kapkan gel and applied it everywhere I could. Even inside the kitchen unit. I took my girlfriend to stay with me for a couple of days. We arrived for 3 days. Parasites were lying on the floor. We swept them out. Now it's calm.

    Oleg, Saratov

    There are cockroaches in my office. I think they came from the kitchen. The seller advised me to buy this gel. I bought it and applied it in cracks, under cabinets, in tables. After a couple of days they all disappeared. There aren’t even any in the kitchen, what a miracle. Not expected.

    Petr Konstantinovich, Kazan

    My neighbors keep a lot of cats. Of course, anyone will come running from them. Well, I waited for the cockroaches. I immediately bought Kapkan, I have known him for a long time. I spent it in half an hour. Soon the parasites began to leave. Beauty.

    Misha, Buzuluk

    ( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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