Solfisan for fleas - reviews and instructions for use

Almost every person in his life has encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as the presence of insects in his home. Household parasites can harm personal belongings, food, household items and even human health. Of course, if your house is located in a forest area, then getting rid of the presence of insects is quite difficult. Currently, there are a huge number of chemicals that help solve this problem. One such remedy is Solfisan. Instructions for use of the substance are located directly on the bottle.

Composition and properties

"Solfisan" is an emulsion for combating household insects, where the main component is cyfluthrin (modern peritroid).
The composition also includes water and auxiliary substances. The uniqueness of the drug in a wide range of applications against many species of insects living in the house, without causing adaptation to the main active substance and without showing any toxicity towards warm-blooded creatures. The product is absolutely odorless, so it cannot cause allergic reactions. You can safely use the product on any surface, because there are no marks or stains.

"Solfisan" has pronounced insecticidal properties. Has a long residual effect of about 16 weeks.

If the drug is used at a low consumption rate, quick results will be achieved.

The prepared solution does not require immediate use and can remain effective for up to 30 days.

To disinfect the area of ​​arthropod infestation, it is recommended to use emulsions that have been recently prepared. Concentration (according to DV) varies from 0.5% to 0.012%.

"Solfisan" is intended for treating apartments, houses, barns, basement buildings and adjacent open areas.

Measure of toxicity

: moderate.

Dosage form

A solution for killing cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, crickets, fleas, flies, mosquitoes and rat mites.


  • has no smell;
  • convenient release form;
  • quick effect at low consumption rates;
  • noticeable results after the first use.

Principle of action: the active component, penetrating the insect’s body, affects calcium metabolism in synapses and sodium-potassium channels, disrupting the function of the nervous system. This causes excessive release of acetylcholine during the passage of a nerve impulse. Poisoning manifests itself in damage to the motor centers and in severe agitation.

Area of ​​use

The drug “Solfisan” has insectoacaricidal activity, which means that it helps exterminate various types of pests. In addition, the product helps fight mites, nits and specific insects. These include ixodid ticks, synanthropic insects that appear in industry, catering units and other enterprises, as well as in domestic conditions. A composition based on cyfluthrin helps get rid of unwanted insects in unprotected natural bodies of water and even indoors.


There are special conditions for storing Solfisan. The instructions for use indicate that it should be stored closed under a special lid, in a well-ventilated and dry place. Avoid exposure of the drug to sunlight. Also, the product should not be heated. The chemical should not be used by young children.

Storage should be carried out at a temperature not lower than minus four degrees and not higher than forty. The shelf life of the substance is five years.

People who have used Solfisan to combat parasites leave very favorable reviews. Buyers are satisfied with the product, which once again proves the effectiveness of using this drug.

Features of the drug

Solfisan is an insecticidal product unique in its composition, the production of which is carried out in our country. It is designed to cleanse premises from various pests. Not only fleas are afraid of him, but also bedbugs, ixodid ticks, cockroaches, ants, and even mosquitoes and flies. Solfisan 10 ml anti-flea product is a concentrated oily emulsion of a yellowish tint, which the manufacturer produces in polymer bottles. Packages of 100 ml are also available. Before use, the concentrate is diluted with water.

Solfisan flea remedy

The active ingredient in Solfisan for fleas is cyfluthrin, a powerful insecticide that blocks the nerve fibers of insects. This occurs when the parasite comes into contact with the treated surface. Even one touch is enough for the insecticide to start working. As a result, paralysis occurs and then death of the bloodsuckers.

In comparison with other antiparasitic drugs, Solfisan has a number of advantages, which, according to reviews, are appreciated by many consumers.

  1. A high level of effectiveness is ensured thanks to the insecticide included in the emulsion, to which the parasites have not yet developed immunity.
  2. Long period of exposure - the manufacturer guarantees protection against pests for 12 weeks.
  3. The product is absolutely safe for human health and pets.
  4. No odor or side effects.
  5. Economical consumption - 50 ml of ready-made solution is designed for 1 sq. m area for smooth surfaces, 100 ml for rough surfaces.

Description and composition of the drug

Solfisan is an insecticidal product with a unique composition. The active ingredient of the drug is cyfluthrin , which is a synthetic pyrethroid. This component has an insectoacaricidal effect against bedbugs, cockroaches and many other parasites found in domestic conditions and the premises of various enterprises. Solfisan is also used against fleas. Reviews about this product from dog and cat owners are mostly positive.

The drug "Solfisan" causes paralysis in insects, and after it - death

Cyfluthrin components, which form the basis of Solfisan, activate the sodium channel. Because of this, the nerve fibers of the parasites are blocked, which disrupts their coordination of movements and causes paralysis. Then the insects die. The product is effective on treated areas for 12 weeks. Contact insecticide easily and quickly penetrates the body of pests. The toxin used is not addictive to insects, so it helps get rid of them the first time.

A powerful insecticide produced by the famous. The drug is presented as a concentrated oily emulsion of a yellow tint with a neutral odor. The product, which is even used against ticks, can be produced in 100 ml, 1 l and 5 l in polymer containers, but it is usually purchased in a volume of 10 ml. Solfisan is diluted in water in the proportions specified in the instructions. When treating rough surfaces, the dosage is doubled.

In this video you will learn about the insect repellent “Solfisan” in more detail:

Advantages of the drug

Solfisan belongs to the fourth hazard class. Experts recommend choosing this drug because it helps get rid of insects without negative consequences for humans and animals. This is especially important when working with insecticide indoors.

Solfisan has many advantages over other drugs:

  • high level of efficiency;
  • long period of exposure;
  • ease of use;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • cost-effectiveness of the product.

“Solfisan” provides long-term protection against insects

If the instructions are followed, Solfisan does not have a negative effect. 50 ml of economical product is enough for a square meter of area with a smooth surface. The workforce is effective for a month.

Benefits of using Solfisan

Compared to other insect repellents, Solfisan household has a number of distinctive features. These include:

  • High activity of insectoacaricidal substances included in the composition.
  • Ease of use and long lasting effect.
  • The drug is considered absolutely safe for the human body and animals. This is a very important point when treating indoor surfaces.
  • The effectiveness of the finished composition lasts for about a month.
  • The product has low consumption.
  • The finished composition is odorless.
  • No side effects.

Rules of application

Before using the drug Solfisan for fleas, you must read the rules for its use (instructions for use are located on the back of the bottle). A solution prepared from the emulsion, which is made in accordance with the specified proportions, is used to treat premises against domestic as well as exotic insects. To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to use special spraying devices.

The prepared solution retains its properties for 24 hours, so it is better to prepare it immediately before starting treatment. The contents of an open bottle must be used within 28 days.

Solfisan flea remedy

  1. To get rid of cockroaches, dilute 1 ml of concentrate in 100 ml of water. The resulting solution is carefully sprayed onto the areas where insects are most concentrated, as well as the routes through which they enter the apartment.
  2. To get rid of bedbugs, Solfisan emulsion is diluted in a proportion of 1 ml of emulsion per 400 ml of water. The resulting solution is used to treat the surfaces of furniture, walls, floors, as well as crevices and cracks. A solution for baiting fleas is made in a similar way. However, given the jumping ability of insects, the panels must be processed at a height of at least 1 m above the floor level.
  3. To treat a room against ants and adult flies, the concentrate is diluted in a ratio of 1:200. All surfaces are sprayed with the solution, paying special attention to the favorite habitats and movements of pests.

The applied insecticidal agent is removed by wet method from the treated surface after 24 hours.

Solfisan anti-bedbug remedy: composition and how to dilute the drug

Solfisan is a household remedy for effective control of various insect pests.

Using this drug will allow you to get rid of cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, etc. in a short period of time.

Chemical properties

Solfisan against bedbugs and other insects is produced in the form of a concentrated oily emulsion with a yellowish tint and without a characteristic odor.

The drug is used in the form of an aqueous solution, which is prepared immediately before use. How to dilute Solfisan is described in detail in the instructions for the drug. The active ingredient is 5 percent cyfluthrin.

How does the product work?

Solfisan against cockroaches based on cyfluthrin has a strong effect on crawling and flying insects. When the substance enters the pest’s body, the transmission of nerve impulses is blocked, which leads to the development of paralysis and subsequent death of the pest.

For the insecticide to enter the insect's body, the slightest contact with the surface on which the product is applied is sufficient.

Instructions for use recommend spraying Solfisan insecticide on horizontal and vertical surfaces using a compact sprayer or spray bottle.

The prepared aqueous solution should be used within 24 hours.

After the surfaces have been treated, leave for 24 hours and then wash off any remaining product with a damp cloth.

Consumption measures for different pests

PestConsumption rate
Cockroaches1 ml of concentrate per 100 ml of water
Bedbugs1 ml of concentrate per 400 ml of water
Ants1 ml of concentrate per 200 ml of water

Precautionary measures

Before using Solfisan, food, children's toys and things should be removed from the premises. No people or pets should be in the premises during processing.

When spraying the solution, be sure to use personal protective equipment - gloves, a respirator, goggles, overalls and a hat.


Solfisan has a wide range of advantages over other similar drugs.

Among the main ones it should be noted:

  1. high speed of impact;
  2. good effectiveness in the fight against various insects;
  3. ease of use;
  4. safety for people and animals (subject to the rules of use);
  5. low consumption.

Instructions for use

To combat household parasites, you can use Solfisan (10 ml). How to dilute the drug is clearly indicated in the attached instructions. It also states that the substance helps get rid of various insects, including exotic species.

  • To use the drug more effectively, it is necessary to use special spray devices.
  • In order to get rid of arthropods, you should prepare a special composition with a concentration of 0.05%, 0.025%, 0.012%. Thus, it is necessary to dilute the product in the following proportions: 1:100, 1:200, 1:400.
  • In order to make the finished composition, you need to add the required amount of Solfisan (as indicated in the instructions) to the liquid, the temperature of which should be between 18-25 degrees. The solution should be stirred thoroughly for 5 minutes. When treating smooth surfaces, it is necessary to prepare the composition in a proportion of 500 ml/m2, and for rough areas - about 100 ml/m2.
  • When getting rid of cockroaches, 0.05% Solfisan is used. The instructions for use indicate that spraying should be carried out in areas where beetles are concentrated. Cracks, gaps in walls, openings between doors, interior openings, baseboards, and ventilation pipe areas should be treated very carefully. It should be remembered that if there are a large number of insects, it is also necessary to treat neighboring rooms. This is necessary in order to prevent cockroaches from entering them. If necessary, additional, repeated spraying of the drug is performed.
  • In order to get rid of ants, you should spray in the areas where they are located and treat the paths of their movement. Typically the emulsion is used at a concentration of 0.025% or 0.012%. Solfisan is used for bedbugs in the same consistency. Additional use is carried out in case of new discovery of insects.
  • When getting rid of bedbugs, you must use a 0.012% solution. If beetles are found on bedding, treatment is carried out separately in the areas where they are located. For treatment, use the substance “Solfisan” 10 ml. How to dilute is indicated in the instructions, which are located on the bottle with the substance. If the number of insects is large, then the areas where they populate, spaces under baseboards, border partitions, places where wallpaper is peeling off, interior openings, cracks, and carpeting on the inside are treated. Reuse is carried out as necessary, in case of detection of insects.
  • "Solfisan" for fleas is used in a concentration of 0.012%. Areas of walls, floors in places where the coating has peeled off, gaps near baseboards, carpets and other coverings on the inside are processed.
  • When getting rid of beetles in non-residential apartments and old basements, the premises should first be cleaned and excess debris removed. Then a very thorough irrigation is carried out with a pre-diluted emulsion.
  • When getting rid of various types of flies, a composition of 0.025% concentration is used. The areas where flies land and where they are located are treated with this solution. In addition, the external surfaces of the room and waste accumulation areas are treated. The same solution is used to treat areas where fly larvae are located. They usually accumulate in garbage pits, food and other waste. It should be remembered that such places are processed once every 20-30 days. If adult flies are found in the room, then additional spraying of the composition should also be used.
  • To get rid of mosquitoes, a composition at a concentration of 0.012% is used. This solution is used to treat the insect planting area. You should also spray the composition on the external surfaces of the room and near the waste accumulation area. In addition, open natural reservoirs are treated with the solution. This is done on the condition that there are no fish or other living creatures in them. If adult specimens are found, the product should be sprayed again, but not more than once a month.
  • To get rid of rat mites, a composition with a concentration of 0.012% is also used. It is used to process communication pipes, baseboards, walls, floor coverings and areas around them. You should also treat drawers, the bottom of furniture, and the ceiling. It should be remembered that additional spraying is carried out only if the previous treatment took place no earlier than 10 days ago.

Directions for use and dosage:

Depending on the type of arthropod, before use, the product is diluted with tap water in the ratios indicated below. The product is applied using a brush, brush or swab to the insect habitats. Repeated treatments are carried out when insects appear in the premises, but not earlier than 2 weeks after the first. – Destruction of cockroaches: add 100 ml of water to 1 ml of concentrate and treat the habitats of cockroaches and the routes of their entry into the room: cracks along baseboards and adjacent areas of walls and floors, along pipes of water supply and sewer systems, cracks in walls, behind door frames , and so on.; behind furnishings (buffets, tables, shelves, racks) from the back. Consumption rate – 50-100 ml/m2. – Destruction of bedbugs: add 400 ml of water to 1 ml of concentrate and treat cracks in walls and furniture, behind baseboards, wallpaper areas, and the backs of carpets. Consumption rate – 100 ml/m2. – Destruction of fleas: add 400 ml of water to 1 ml of concentrate and treat the floor surface, cracks behind baseboards, walls up to a height of 1 m, back sides of carpets, paths, etc. In homestead, country and garden plots, flea breeding areas near buildings for keeping animals are carefully irrigated. Do not handle animals! If there are a large number of fleas and the predominance of surfaces that absorb moisture well (concrete, earthen floor), you can double the consumption of the working emulsion and/or its concentration. Consumption rate – 50 ml/m2. – Destruction of ants: add 200 ml of water to 1 ml of concentrate and treat surfaces along the paths of movement of insects, in places where they accumulate. Consumption rate – 50 ml/m2.

Working emulsions are prepared by adding appropriate amounts of the product to tap water at a temperature of 18°C ​​-25°C, stirring constantly and evenly for 5 minutes. The consumption rate of the product is 50 ml/m2 for smooth surfaces that do not absorb moisture and 100 ml/m2 for rough surfaces that absorb moisture. Remove the product from treated surfaces (wetly with a rag) 24 hours after application, but no later than 3 hours before the start of the working day; from other places - 2.5-5 months - after losing its effectiveness. Repeated treatments are carried out according to entomological indicators. When working with working emulsions of the product, spray equipment of various brands is used. The product has an acute insecticidal effect against cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes and rat mites with residual activity for 2.5-3 months.

Amount of Solfisan required for preparing working emulsions:

Species of arthropodConcentration (%) according to DVConcentration (%) of the working emulsion according to the preparationAmount of drug (g) per (l) water
Flies imago0,0250,5550500
Flies larvae0,0250,5550500
Mosquito imago0,0120,2220200
Mosquito larvae0,0120,2220200
Rat ticks0,0120,2220200

To destroy cockroaches, use 0.05% water emulsions, selectively treating surfaces in places where localization is detected and along the routes of movement of insects. Particular attention is paid to holes and cracks in walls, in door frames, thresholds, along baseboards, in facing coatings, as well as ventilation vents, and places where pipes of water supply, heating and sewage systems meet.

Treatment is carried out simultaneously in all rooms inhabited by cockroaches. In case of high and very high numbers, adjacent rooms are treated for preventive purposes: to prevent migration and subsequent colonization by cockroaches. Repeated treatments are carried out when insects appear.

To destroy red house ants and other types of ants that often enter premises, their paths of movement (“paths”) or places of accumulation are treated. A working emulsion of 0.025% concentration is used. Treatments are repeated when insects appear.

To kill bedbugs, use 0.012% aqueous emulsions of the drug. If the premises are sparsely populated, only their habitats are treated with bed bugs; in case of a large population and in the case of walls facing with dry plaster, the places of their possible settlement must also be treated; cracks along baseboards, borders, places where wallpaper is peeling, around door, window frames and ventilation grilles, cracks in walls, furniture, as well as carpets on the back side. Repeated treatments are carried out when bedbugs are detected.

To kill fleas, use a 0.012% aqueous emulsion, treating walls (to a height of up to 1 m), the floor surface in places where linoleum and baseboards lag, cracks behind baseboards, carpets, and paths on the back side.

When processing cluttered basements, these rooms are first, if possible, cleared of debris, and then thoroughly irrigated. Repeated treatments are carried out according to entomological indications.

To destroy the imagoes of houseflies and other types of flies, use a 0.025% water emulsion, which is used to irrigate the fly landing sites in the premises, as well as the outer walls of buildings, garbage containers, and garbage chambers.

To destroy fly larvae, their breeding sites (cesspools, waste, food waste) are treated with 0.025% emulsion at intervals of 1 time every 20-30 days. Repeated treatments are carried out when winged flies appear in the room.

To destroy adult mosquitoes, a 0.012% emulsion is used, which is used to irrigate mosquito breeding sites indoors, as well as the outer walls of buildings or inside fences for garbage containers, where mosquitoes hide in hot weather.

To destroy mosquito larvae, a 0.012% aqueous emulsion is used, which is evenly sprayed over the surface of open natural reservoirs of non-fishery significance and urban reservoirs: basements of residential buildings, wastewater, fire containers where mosquito larvae breed. The consumption rate is 100 ml per 1 m2 of water surface. Repeated treatments are carried out according to entomological indications - the appearance of live mosquito larvae. Repeat treatments no more than once a month.

To destroy rat mites, use a 0.012% water emulsion, which is used to irrigate manholes, pipes of various communications, baseboards, walls and floors along them, as well as places where mites may accumulate - heated areas of walls and floors near heating devices and heating communications, the lower part of furniture, work tables that are processed entirely, including the drawers they contain. If there are false coverings behind which rodents can move, ceilings and walls must also be treated.

Repeated treatment is carried out according to indications, but not earlier than 10-15 days after the first.

Indications for use

The chemical Solfisan is used according to the instructions. It is purchased for treating premises and objects of various types, as well as areas nearby for removing ants, bedbugs, cockroaches, rat mites, eggs and adult flies, and mosquitoes.

The drug is a concentrate, so before use it is necessary to prepare a fresh emulsion and begin processing immediately. The following types of breeding are commonly used:

  • 0,05% (1:100);
  • 0,025% (1:200);
  • 0,012% (1:400).

Running water is suitable for breeding, which should not be colder than +18°C or warmer than +25°C. It is added to the required amount of the drug and stirred slowly for at least 5 minutes.

The usual consumption of the product depends on the quality of the surfaces being treated: if they are smooth and do not absorb water, it will be enough to take 50 ml per square meter, and if there are roughness and water absorption, it is necessary to increase the volume of the substance to 100 ml. Removal of the product is carried out using normal cleaning one day after application.

Security measures

When using Solfisan emulsion, precautions must be followed.

  1. Before carrying out the treatment, it is necessary to remove all food, dishes, children's things and toys from the room.
  2. All household members must leave the premises before treatment begins. Also, pets and indoor plants should not be present there.
  3. When processing a room, it is mandatory to use personal protective equipment: rubber gloves, goggles, a respirator, a robe or suit, as well as a cap that is as closed as possible. Processing protection
  4. It is strictly prohibited to eat, drink or smoke during treatment.
  5. At the end of the procedure, you need to clean your face and hands with a soap solution, and also rinse your mouth with water.
  6. If an insecticidal substance gets on the surface of the skin, it is quickly washed off with water. The same is done in situations where the chemical composition gets into the eyes. In case of accidental ingestion, drink at least 2 glasses of water and take activated charcoal. If the condition worsens, seek medical help immediately.

The effectiveness of Solfisan concentrate against fleas depends on its storage conditions. Store the emulsion unopened in a dry place protected from sunlight at temperatures from -4 to +40 degrees for 5 years. The following medications will also help eliminate fleas in your apartment:

  • Raptor;
  • Raid;
  • Dichlorvos;
  • Clean house;
  • Butox 50.

Precautions when using the product

It is not recommended to use the composition without special protective equipment. These include a robe, gloves made of various materials, a scarf and glasses to protect the eyes. Many experts recommend the use of special respirators. When using the product, it is strictly forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol or other prepared foods. Upon completion of disinfection, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the limbs and the surface of the face with a soap solution, and the oral cavity must be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed.

If particles of the substance get on the surface of the skin, the area must be immediately poured with plenty of water and rubbed with soapy water. If the components of the product get on the mucous membrane of the eyeballs, you should also wash them with a large volume of liquid. If particles of the drug enter the body, you need to drink two large glasses of water. After this, it is recommended to drink activated carbon at the rate of one tablet per kilogram of a person’s weight.

It is undesirable to induce a gag reflex to get rid of Solfisan. The instructions for use indicate that if the substance is not completely removed and unpleasant symptoms appear in the form of dizziness, nausea, vomiting, rash, you must immediately call a doctor. In this case, specialists should be shown the product used. If necessary, the person will undergo gastric lavage.

Safe Handling Techniques

The drug solfisan is classified as hazard class 3 and in some cases 4. This allows you to use it quite calmly for processing both residential premises and industrial or commercial structures.

Disinfestation with Solfisan is carried out using the simplest personal protective equipment:

  • robe;
  • protective glasses;
  • latex gloves;
  • petal-type respirator.

At the time of spraying the drug, people and animals should be removed from the treatment area, eating and smoking should be avoided.

It is recommended to store the drug, excluding contact with food for humans and animals, in sealed packaging, at room temperature. Subject to storage conditions in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, Solfisan remains effective for five years.

Where can I buy the drug?

"Solfisan" is sold at the Disinsection and Deratization Service in Moscow or the Moscow region. The labels must necessarily contain information that the manufacturer is. This will indicate that the product is not counterfeit.

It should be noted that at a price, Solfisan is a very affordable remedy for any category of citizens. Its cost is 135-150 rubles.

Solfisan for various insects

It is not uncommon for pets to become infected with fleas. These insects multiply quickly, colonize all corners of the premises and bite the inhabitants of the house. You can get rid of small bloodsuckers with a solution of Solfisan at a concentration of 0.012%. The working emulsion is used to treat walls, floors, gaps around baseboards, carpets and other coverings.

Application of insecticide against other types of pests:

  1. From cockroaches. The composition of 0.05% is sprayed in areas where parasites accumulate. Treat cracks, gaps in walls and baseboards, door and interior openings, as well as ventilation pipes. If a large number of beetles are found in a room, then other rooms in the house into which they can move should also be treated. If necessary, the drug is sprayed again.
  2. From bedbugs. A solution of 0.012% is used to kill beetles in bedding. If insects are found in large numbers, then you need to inspect the entire room and corners where there may be accumulations of parasites. Pests can hide under baseboards, in places where wallpaper is peeling off, cracks, interior openings, and carpeting on the inside.
  3. From rat mites. The working emulsion is used in the same concentration as when treating bedbugs. Mites can be found in walls, baseboards, flooring or utility pipes. Be sure to treat the drawers, lower parts of the furniture and the ceiling. The room can be re-treated only after 10 days.
  4. From ants. Destroy parasites using a composition with a concentration of 0.012% or 0.025%. Spray the insecticide in the locations of pests and their routes of movement.
  5. From flies. A solution of 0.025% is used to treat plantings of insects, areas where they accumulate and the external surfaces of the room. Flies also inhabit garbage pits and food waste. Additional treatment will be required if there is a large number of adult individuals of these parasites. It is carried out 20-30 days after the first one.
  6. From mosquitoes. A composition with a concentration of 0.012% is applied to the parasites and the external surfaces of the room. Areas where household waste accumulates should be treated. The product can also be used for open natural reservoirs where there are no fish or other living creatures. Additionally, the drug is used every other month. To kill mosquitoes, the “Solfisan” product requires treatment in minute concentrations

Non-residential apartments and old basements are first cleared of debris and then thoroughly treated with Solfisan. Clean the room from the sprayed drug every other day. Surfaces are wiped with a dampened soft cloth.

Prevention measures

All types of work with Solfisan are carried out using personal protective equipment (cotton suit or robe, rubber gloves, mittens, headgear, goggles, as well as ShB-1 and Lepestok respirators). Smoking, drinking and eating are prohibited during work. After finishing work, wash your hands and face with soap and rinse your mouth. If signs of poisoning appear (dizziness, nausea, weakness), you should leave the room, remove contaminated clothing, and rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda (1/2 teaspoon per glass of water) or boiled water.

If the product gets on the skin, carefully, without rubbing, remove it with a cotton swab or cloth, then wash with soap and water and apply an emollient cream to the skin. In case of accidental contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, immediately rinse them thoroughly under running water and apply sodium sulfacyl (albucid) drops. If ingested, you must drink water with slightly pink potassium permanganate, then an adsorbent (10-15 tablets of activated carbon per glass of water). Do not induce vomiting. Contact your doctor. During processing, when using contact drugs, food and food utensils are removed from the premises or put in the refrigerator, and products that can adsorb the drug are removed from the workshops of industrial enterprises. It is prohibited to use empty Solfisan containers for household purposes; they must be disposed of with household waste.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Solfisan, like any chemical, must be stored under certain conditions . The drug should be placed in a dry room with good ventilation, out of direct sunlight. The insecticide should be kept away from heating and heating devices, and there should be no food or medicines near it. Children or animals should not enter the room where Solfisan is stored. The product itself must be kept closed. The room temperature is set in the range from -4° to +30°C.

The shelf life of the insecticide is 5 years. We must not forget that the opened solution must be used within 30 days.

This is interesting: Kombat anti-cockroach spray.

Terms of use

To avoid unpleasant consequences when working with a chemical product, you must carefully study the instructions for use of Solfisan. The product is used not only against household insects, but also against exotic varieties of pests.

Food products, medicines, clothing, children's toys and household items must be removed from the premises that will be processed. Furniture frames, in which parasites most often hide, should also be dismantled. Although the drug is low-toxic, it is better to remove other people, children and animals from the premises.

Insects prefer secluded places to form nests

To work with insecticide you need to prepare:

  • container for diluting the components of the working solution;
  • a spray bottle, brush, brush or other object for applying the product to the surface;
  • protective clothing.

Solfisan is diluted with water according to the instructions on the back of the bottle. To combat certain types of insects, different proportions are used. The components are thoroughly mixed in the container. Experts advise working with a spray bottle, since the maximum effect of the drug is achieved using a spray device.

The properties of the solution are preserved throughout the day, so it must be prepared before starting treatment. The product with open packaging can be stored for no more than 28 days.

Solfisan fleas will retreat after the first spraying

It's difficult to meet a pet owner who has never experienced fleas. These blood-sucking pests are everywhere, they prevent you from sleeping peacefully, they bite painfully, and they also carry dangerous diseases. But not everything is so bad, because there are special means that allow you to “harass” insects quickly and without unpleasant consequences for pets and their owners. One of them is Solfisan. The liquid is harmless to people and warm-blooded animals, economical and allows you to quickly deal with any pests.

Hazard to human health

There is an assumption that bedbugs are carriers of deadly infections. There is no scientific evidence for this yet. However, the insect can still seriously injure children and adults. First of all, mentally. The table will show why parasite bites are dangerous to human health.

Table - Why bed bugs are dangerous


Bites— One individual leaves a chain of five to seven bites; — there is a risk of infection through the area injured by the bug
Allergic reaction- It can be very extensive; - sometimes anaphylactic shock occurs
Anemia— Iron deficiency occurs due to blood loss; - the condition is diagnosed in childhood
InsomniaDue to regular attacks by bedbugs at night, people do not get enough sleep
Stress— Regular lack of sleep puts the body in a state of stress; - there is a need for psychological support
Depression— Often turns into prolonged stress; - requires the intervention of a psychiatrist due to danger to physical and mental health; - significantly worsens the patient’s quality of life
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