Review of the insectoacaricidal smoke bomb “Whirlwind” - principle of operation and method of application


In addition to popular insecticides and acaricides in the form of sprays, dusts and solutions, smoke bombs are sometimes used. Bombs are considered a more effective way to kill pests compared to other forms of chemicals. Not the entire room is treated with conventional preparations, especially in hard-to-reach places. The same cannot be said about smoke bombs, because poisonous smoke penetrates even the smallest cracks.

  • Operating principle
  • Types of checkers
  • Using the Whirlwind checker
  • Security measures

Operating principle

The principle of operation is based on the effect of toxic smoke on insects, causing them to die. To use a checker, you don't need any special skills. The checker needs to be set on fire, and it will smolder, releasing smoke that fills the entire space, penetrates into all the cracks and secluded places, even through the upholstery of upholstered furniture. For greater efficiency, you need to close all the vents, windows and doors in the room.

Insecticidal bomb


Permethrin aerosol, obtained by sublimation of the Whirlwind block, has a pronounced contact and intestinal effect on ectoparasites living in livestock buildings, including flies, mosquitoes, bed bugs, chicken, Persian and ixodid ticks.

In terms of the degree of impact on the body, the product belongs to moderately hazardous substances (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in recommended doses it does not have a local irritant, sensitizing or skin-resorptive effect. Toxic to fish and bees.

Types of checkers

When a bomb smolders, toxic smoke is released, which affects insects differently, depending on the chemical in the composition. As a rule, checkers are divided according to the class and type of toxic substance:

  • Sulfur. When burned, sulfur dioxide is formed. Since the composition also contains sulfur dioxide, it affects both insects and fungi and bacteria. Often used to treat basements where mold grows.
  • Hexochlorane. Affects the nervous system of insects. Smoke with hexochlorane is considered the most effective. It tends to accumulate in the human body. Affects the fetus in the womb and can cause developmental disorders.
  • Didecyldimethylammonium bromide. It affects gardening insects, therefore it is widely used in plots, in vegetable stores, and used for treating greenhouses.
  • Permethrin. Affects the nervous system of insects, causing paralysis. Also effective against rodents. Warehouses, basements and other non-residential premises are treated with this smoke.


Immediately before processing, the checkers are placed along the room on the floor (concrete, cement), and if the floor is wooden, a fireproof object is placed under the checker. After this, the open checkers are set on fire with a match, starting with those furthest from the doors. 5-10 seconds after ignition, the flame is knocked down (covered with a lid) to ensure smoking.

The duration of thermal sublimation of 200g blocks is at least 20 minutes. The exposure of the treatment against mosquitoes and flies is 1 hour, against bedbugs and ticks 2 hours. At the end of the exposure, turn on the ventilation and carry out airing for at least 2 hours. Entry into the premises of service personnel without gas masks and placement of animals is permitted no earlier than 30 minutes after ventilation. Dead insects and ticks are removed, after which the feeders and drinking bowls are washed, and the containers are disinfected with a 3% soda solution.

Using the Whirlwind checker

The active ingredient in the Vikhr checker is permethrin. In addition, the composition includes a thermal mixture consisting of fuel peat and ammonium nitrate. Externally, the drug is a brown powder. Destroys more than 30 species of various insects, including ticks, bedbugs, flies, mosquitoes, fleas and others. It has an intestinal-contact effect on parasites, the effect of use manifests itself quite quickly. When an insect enters the body, the poison affects the nervous system, causing paralysis and convulsions, and the insect quickly dies. Widely used for processing agricultural, utility and other domestic premises.

Checker Whirlwind

The advantages of the Whirlwind checker include the following:

  • wide spectrum of action of the drug;
  • rapid weathering, the premises can be used after two hours;
  • high smoke penetration and, as a result, high efficiency;
  • no corrosion of equipment in the premises;
  • lack of special skills and training; any adult can use a saber;
  • low toxicity to humans and animals.

Despite the relative safety of the Vortex for people and animals, it is necessary to leave the room during processing.

Fomor VET insectoacaricidal checker with cypermethrin (50g)

Insectoacaricidal agent Fomor VET with cypermethrin for carrying out preventive and forced (current and final) disinfestation and decontamination of objects of veterinary supervision. The sublimation mixture is a dark brown or black powder.


Contains 5% cypermethrin as an active ingredient, and a thermo-sublimating mixture as excipients.


The insectoacaricidal agent Fomor VET with cypermethrin is intended for the destruction of insects living in premises subject to veterinary supervision, including poultry farms, fur farms and other agricultural premises in the absence of animals and people.

The product has a contact and intestinal insecticidal effect against chicken, Persian, red and ixodid ticks, down ticks, fleas, lice, bedbugs, flies, wasps, hornets, mosquitoes, midges, horse flies, gadflies, midges, deer bloodsuckers, black cockroaches, potato, grain moths, weevils, aphids, whiteflies, and other winged and wingless insects.

When the agent is activated by ignition with a match, an exothermic reaction begins and sublimation and sublimation of cypermethrin occurs. The resulting aerosol has high penetrating ability.

In terms of the degree of impact on the body, the drug belongs to moderately hazardous substances (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in recommended doses it does not have a locally irritating, sensitizing or resorptive toxic effect. Toxic to fish and bees. According to the degree of potential danger when used according to GOST R 51270, the product belongs to class I. A dangerous factor in the operating product is high-temperature combustion products. The radius of the danger zone is no more than 0.5 m.

The maximum permissible concentration of cypermethrin in the air of the working area is 0.5 mg/m3, it is contained in the air mainly in the form of a mixture of vapors and aerosol, it belongs to hazard class 2 according to (GOST 12.1.007-76, GN The average daily MPC of cypermethrin in the air is 0.01 mg/m3, the maximum one-time MPC is 0.04 mg/m3 - GN Maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) of pollutants in the atmospheric air of urban and rural settlements.

MPC in soil and water - not standardized (GN 2.1. 7.2041-06 Maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) of chemical substances in soil, GN Maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) of chemical substances in water of drinking and cultural water domestic water use). Long-term manifestations (embryotropic, teratogenic, mutagenic, carcinogenic) have not been identified in cypermethrin.


The insectoacaricidal agent Fomor VET with cypermethrin is used for insectoacaricidal treatment of livestock, poultry and fur farming auxiliary premises, equipment and equipment located in them for caring for animals. It is also used for treating cages, incubators and auxiliary equipment, warehouses, feed kitchens, sanitary slaughterhouses and other veterinary inspection facilities.


The treatment is carried out after mechanical cleaning and washing of disinfection surfaces, at a room temperature of not lower than 15°C in the absence of animals, service personnel, food products and products of animal origin, with mandatory prior notification of all workers about the treatment being carried out. Before treatment, the room is sealed: windows, doors, exhaust hatches are closed, and ventilation is turned off.

Before starting work, you should calculate the number of checkers required for a given room, arrange them evenly over the entire area of ​​​​the room on non-flammable substrates in a horizontal position. Make sure there are no people or animals left in the room. When working with insectoacaricidal bombs, you must comply with the Hygienic requirements for the safety of testing processes, storage, transportation, sale, application, neutralization and disposal of pesticides and agrochemicals, as well as fire safety rules.

Open the jar, activate the insectoacaricidal agent Fomor VET with cypermethrin using a fire source (wick, gas burner, match). The checkers should be set on fire, starting with the one farthest from the entrance to the room. After lighting the bomb, the disinfectant must leave the room. The checkers should smolder, emitting smoke without the appearance of fire. Exposure: at least two hours. If possible, the room should be left for 24 hours. After the set exposure has expired, windows and doors must be opened and ventilation turned on. Ventilate for at least 60 minutes until the odor is completely removed. After that, feeders and drinking bowls are washed, and the containers are disinfected with a 3% soda solution.

Consumption rate of the product: against mosquitoes, biting midges, midges, deer bloodsuckers, horse flies, lice, fleas, midges, moths, flies - 100 g of product per 1200 m3 (4.2 mg DV per 1 m3); against lice eaters, gadflies, black cockroaches, wasps, hornets, potato gadflies, grain moths, weevils, aphids, whiteflies - 100 g of product per 170 - 200 m3 (30 mg AI per 1 m3); against ticks (red, ixodid, Persian, chicken), bedbugs - 100g of product per 100m3 (50mg AI per 1m3).


Treatment of premises should be carried out in the absence of people, pets, birds, and fish. Before processing, seal the rooms being treated and those adjacent to them (seal ventilation vents, close windows, doors, etc.). At least 2 hours after treatment, the room should be ventilated for at least 60 minutes until the odor is completely removed.

When working with checkers, the following safety measures are mandatory: do not lean over the checkers when setting a checker on fire; There should be no flammable objects within the radius of the danger zone.

Those working with the products must observe the following precautions: before starting to work with the products, the exterminator provides instructions on safety precautions and first aid measures. Persons carrying out disinfestation must use personal protective equipment.

Personal protective equipment includes: a robe or overalls, oversleeves, rubber technical gloves or cotton mittens with a film coating, hermetic safety glasses (PO-2, PO-3, monoblock), universal respirators RU-BOM, RPG-67 with a cartridge of grade A. Approximate protection time is at least 100 hours.

Premises treated with products cannot be used until they are cleaned, which is carried out no later than 3 hours before using the facility for its intended purpose. Cleaning is carried out wearing gloves, using a soda solution (30-50g of soda ash per 2 liters of water). Rooms should be cleaned with windows and vents open.

After finishing working with the products, wash your face and hands with soap; Workwear should be shaken out outside and washed. Wash it as it gets dirty, but at least once a week, after soaking it (to neutralize dirt) in a hot soap-soda solution for 2-3 hours (50g of soda ash and 27g of soap per 1 bucket of water), then wash in fresh soap - soda solution.

When working with products, be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Smoking, eating and drinking in the treated area is prohibited. After finishing using the product, rinse your mouth, wash your hands and face with soap and water.


The insectoacaricidal product is stored in separate warehouses in sealed packaging from the manufacturer, in a place protected from direct sunlight, away from sources of open fire and heating devices, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of 0°C to 30°C. They transport funds by all types of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the transportation of goods in force for this type of transport. The shelf life of the insectoacaricidal product, subject to storage conditions, is 2 years from the date of production. Do not use the product after the expiration date.


Packaged in 50g metal cans. Each package is labeled and provided with instructions for use.

Security measures

When using smoke as a measure to combat insects, do not forget about the safety rules when using a checker.

  • First of all, make sure that there are no people or animals in the room during processing (about two hours).
  • After applying the insecticide, the room must be ventilated in accordance with the instructions so that the active substances disappear.
  • To protect yourself from chemicals, use a respirator mask or gauze bandage.

  • If there are things in the room that can absorb the smell of the drug, it is better to remove them or pack them in plastic bags.
  • Please note that checkers are a fire hazard. It gets very hot during use, so it is better to use a fire-resistant plate on supports.


The optimal effective concentration of the resulting thermal aerosol of permethrin is (per 1 m3): against mosquitoes - 5 mg; against flies -7 mg; against chicken mites - 60 mg; against bed bugs, ixodid and Persian ticks - 80 mg.

The consumption rate of the checkers is determined based on the effective concentration of the active substance (permethrin) and the volume of the room to be treated.

For example, the volume of the room to be treated against flies is 4000 m 3, the optimal dose of permethrin is 7 mg/m 3. Treatment will require 28,000 mg (7 mg/m 3 x 4000 m 3), which will be 6 blocks weighing 100 g or 3 checkers weighing 200g.

Before treatment, animals are removed from the premises, surfaces are thoroughly cleaned of food residues, manure and other substrates that are breeding sites for flies, the premises are sealed (windows and doors are closed), supply and exhaust ventilation is turned off, milk, milk utensils and milking units are removed. Eggs, leftover feed and water are removed from poultry premises. The service personnel leave the premises during processing.


Insect-acaricidal checkers Vikhr are stored in the packaging of the manufacturer, in a well-ventilated, dry warehouse equipped with fire-fighting equipment, in a place protected from light, away from sources of open fire and heating devices, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of 10 °C to 40°C. Shelf life, subject to storage conditions, is 2 years from the date of manufacture. Insect-acaricidal checkers Vikhr should not be used after the expiration date.

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