Why do you need a sulfur bomb, the pros and cons of using it in greenhouses and cellars

Sulfur bombs have been used for a very long time to treat premises for a variety of purposes.

Such devices are used in the following cases:

  1. Disinfection of cellars or storage rooms. With the help of sulfur, fungal formations that affect various surfaces, as well as bacteria and spores contained in the air, are destroyed. This will prevent them from negatively affecting the stored supplies, and will also make the premises safe for human health.
  2. Disinsection of premises that are not intended for human habitation. Most often, basements, as well as various warehouse complexes and industrial or manufacturing enterprises need such treatment. Such measures will allow you to effectively get rid of virtually all common types of parasites.
  3. Disinsection of greenhouse buildings is usually carried out before planting any plants and crops that need to be grown in greenhouses or greenhouses. Sulfur will not only qualitatively destroy various bacteria and parasites that can cause soil disease, but it will not settle on the surface of the earth and will erode quickly enough.
  4. The destruction of various types of rodents is possible due to the fact that the smoke released during the combustion process is able to penetrate into the most inaccessible places and crevices. Pests begin to leave the smoky shelters immediately after this, otherwise they die.

Operating principle

High efficiency and positive results when using smoke bombs are achieved thanks to the following processes:

  1. The main component of the device is sulfur, its content is approximately 80%. When using a checker, active combustion of sulfuric anhydride occurs.
  2. During combustion, the surrounding air is gradually heated and toxic smoke is intensely released.
  3. Smoke has a number of features, for example, the ability to penetrate into all cracks and holes that cannot be reached by other methods.
  4. The high content of sulfur combustion products in the smoke makes it possible to effectively destroy parasites and pests of virtually any type.

How to use a sulfur bomb

  1. The checker is fireproof. Before using it, it is necessary to remove metal objects and the entire crop from the greenhouse or greenhouse, and cover the remaining metal parts with grease to avoid damage.
  2. All openings must be insulated: the greenhouse must be airtight.
  3. Loosen the soil as thoroughly as possible so that the smoke penetrates its structure and thoroughly neutralizes it.

Photo: Thoroughly loosen the soil before disinfection.

  1. Calculate the optimal amount of fungicides. To do this you need to know the consumption rates. Usually - about 60 g per cubic meter, therefore, a standard block is enough to process five cubic meters. Distribute the products evenly over the soil surface. And due to the strong heating during combustion, it is better to place them on bricks.

Photo: Be sure to wear personal protective equipment before disinfection.

  1. All that remains is to quickly light the wicks, moving from the farthest checker to the nearest one. Leave the scene as quickly as possible, closing the door behind you as tightly as possible.

Advantages and disadvantages of sulfur bombs

Products of this type have become widespread and are used in many places due to the following positive aspects:

  1. Increased guarantees of yield and its volume when used in greenhouses and hotbeds.
  2. A successful combination of low cost and significant efficiency.
  3. Ease of use. You do not need to have any skills or specific knowledge; to use it, just read the instructions that are included with the purchase.
  4. The wick burns out within a minute or even longer, which provides a sufficient level of safety. In the allotted time, a person will have time to leave the room being treated even before toxic smoke is released.
  5. They can be assistants during repairs at the finishing stage , since this is a good preventive measure to minimize the further appearance of mold or other fungi.
  6. A wide range allowing you to choose the most suitable products from already proven manufacturers.

However, despite such a wide range of advantages compared to many analogues, sulfur bombs also have certain disadvantages:

  1. Possibility of poisoning by sulfur combustion products if you do not leave the treated room in a timely manner, as well as in cases where it borders living rooms. A person only needs to inhale a very small amount of volatile substances to cause harm to their health.
  2. Impossibility of processing premises if they contain flammable materials or substances.
  3. Impossibility of use in multi-storey residential buildings since toxic smoke can very quickly spread to places where people are located.
  4. The need to comply with storage conditions , since the product is dangerous.

Gas protection

You can protect yourself from toxic sulfur anhydride using a gas mask. You can use a respirator and safety glasses , but only if the room where the treatment is carried out is small and a maximum of two tablets is used.

As a rule, two people carry out the processing. One controls the process, and the other processes the room. If the floor in the greenhouse is wooden, you cannot place a saber with a wick on it. For this, a basin or other objects .

Terms of use

In order to achieve maximum effect and at the same time avoid any negative consequences, you must adhere to the following rules when using sulfur bombs:

  1. When baiting moles and most rodents, it is recommended to place the product directly inside the hole.
  2. It can be used in premises intended for keeping livestock, but all animals must first be removed from there.
  3. After treating the room, you should not enter it for several hours.
  4. If even after two days even the slightest burning smell remains in the treated room, it will need to be additionally ventilated.
  5. It is recommended to treat greenhouses and greenhouses at least several weeks before sowing any crops, since during this time absolutely all toxic substances will have time to disappear.
  6. The use of such means in city apartments is prohibited ; for such a violation, the current legislation of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability.
  7. The combined use of checkers and other chemicals is not allowed , since it is unknown what combined effect they will produce indoors.

Consumption rates

  • for disinfection of greenhouses, hotbeds, sheds, greenhouses sulfur bomb Climate (Green Belt) – 300 g per 20 m3
  • for the disinfection of greenhouses, hotbeds, sheds, conservatories, sulfur bomb FAS - 60 g/m3
  • for disinfecting cellars, sulfur bomb Climate (Green Belt) – 300 g per 10 m3
  • for disinfection of cellars sulfur block FAS – 30-60 g/m3

When to treat

Fumigation of greenhouses, hotbeds and greenhouses can be carried out in the fall, after harvesting and cleaning of plant debris.

You can also treat greenhouses in the spring, when the ground has warmed up enough for planting, before planting seedlings, or immediately after sowing the seeds (strictly before germination).

The lower the soil temperature, the stronger the absorption of sulfuric acid. Therefore, the optimal processing time is when the soil temperature is about 10 degrees or higher.

If you use a smoke bomb in the spring, before planting, it is advisable to subsequently spill the soil with phytosporin to restore beneficial microflora.

Step-by-step instruction

When using sulfur bombs, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Initially, you need to check and make sure that all through cracks have been plugged and the windows are closed.
  2. Place a smoke bomb in the center of the room being treated. In this case, it should be placed on a surface made of non-combustible material; ceramic tiles, bulk dishes or brickwork are best suited.
  3. Pour plain water into the jar in which the checker is placed. In fact, all models have a special mark that shows how much liquid it needs to be filled.
  4. The jar itself must also be immersed in a container of water.
  5. Depending on the type of product, a chemical reaction will begin after contact with water or you will need to light the wick using a previously prepared reliable lighter.
  6. Immediately leave the area being treated.
  7. After at least three hours, the room must be opened, go inside only wearing a respiratory mask and rubber gloves on your hands. Wet cleaning will be required, as well as high-quality ventilation to get rid of the smell of sulfur burning.

Description of the product, composition

FAS sulfur bomb is a universal remedy for getting rid of crop pests and pathogens of fungal and bacterial infections.
It can be used in garages and basements, warehouses and sheds, barns and greenhouses. However, processing should be carried out taking into account consumption rates and adhering to the algorithm, which is detailed in the instructions for use of the FAS sulfur block. A sulfur bomb resembles a cylindrical or triangular smoke grenade. The body is made of polycarbonate, which prevents complete combustion of the product. The product has a long wick, which ensures safe use for humans. The total weight of the block is 300 g, of which 80% of the active substance is sulfur. According to the instructions for use of the FAS sulfur block, the consumption of the product is 1 block per 5-10 m3.

For large rooms, you can use several checkers, laying them out and lighting them, moving towards the exit.


The use of sulfur bombs is preceded by a preparatory process, which is as follows:

  1. Seal all through cracks by any means to prevent toxic smoke from entering the environment. Felt material or specially moistened waste rags are most suitable for these purposes.
  2. If possible, remove from the room being treated all objects made of any metals, otherwise corrosion may occur.
  3. If it is not possible to remove all metal objects, then they must first be treated with oil products or special protective antiseptics.
  4. Remove all food products from the premises, including canned ones, since after treatment with sulfur dioxide they will be consigned and unsuitable for consumption.

Chemical properties

When products burn, they release sulfur dioxide into the air. White smoke causes a sore throat and suffocation. When mixed with water in the air, sulfur dioxide forms highly toxic sulfuric acid.

This is why jars under metal lids should not be left indoors. Sulfuric acid causes severe corrosion of metal. Sulfur dioxide has a water-removing effect; in addition to complete disinfection, it significantly reduces humidity in the treatment areas. Toxic substances are completely removed from the room after thorough ventilation.

Safety regulations

When using sulfur bombs, you must remember the following safety measures:

  1. You must first carefully read the operating instructions.
  2. When using the product, you must take care of protective equipment , which includes disposable gloves, a respiratory mask and special glasses.
  3. After using a smoke bomb, you must wash your hands thoroughly.
  4. During preparation for use and direct use of the checker, it is forbidden to drink water , eat food or smoke.
  5. If any side effects occur after using the product : persistent cough, pain in the chest or severe dizziness, you should immediately seek medical help, as these indicate poisoning of the body.
  6. To ensure the required level of safety, all work must be carried out by at least two people. All persons who are not involved in the process of processing the premises must leave it.
  7. Combustion residues must not be left on the surface of the earth or thrown away with regular garbage ; they must be burned in a place that is located away from residential areas.
  8. As a safety measure, warn neighbors in advance that it is planned to use a highly toxic product on the site.
  9. Checkers must be stored in places that are inaccessible to children or pets , and also where there is no risk of accidental fire.

Features of processing polycarbonate greenhouses

All modern greenhouses are made of polycarbonate on a metal frame. When using a sulfur bomb, corrosion of the metal parts of the greenhouse is possible. To avoid this, you should insulate them - either primed and coated with a special coating, or lubricated with a thick layer of machine oil.

A galvanized profile also requires protection, but an aluminum profile does not require treatment.

The polycarbonate itself does not noticeably deteriorate from the sulfur bomb - it does not become cloudy or crack, unless the dosage is exceeded. Its destruction is facilitated by climatic factors - frost and sun, winds, snow load, etc.

Review of checkers on the market

To make it easier to navigate the wide range of similar products on the market, below are the most popular models from different manufacturers, which have proven themselves on the positive side and have collected many good reviews:

  1. Climate is one of the most popular varieties, having a standard design with a wick that needs to be lit. It is most often used for treating storerooms, cellars and greenhouses, as well as various premises on livestock farms, since it very effectively destroys lice and fleas. The cost is only 65 rubles.
  2. FAS is another domestic product that is actually a complete analogue of Climate. Such checkers are no less effective, but they are not recommended to be used for treating premises where animals are kept or, at least, to ventilate them for a longer period, which is 2-3 weeks. This is due to the fact that FAS emits smoke with a much more pungent and toxic odor. The approximate cost is 50 rubles.
  3. CITY is one of the most popular insecticidal pyrotechnics, the main component of which is not sulfur, but permethrin 13%. This makes it most effective at killing most types of insects, including cockroaches, ants and woodlice. The average price is 250-280 rubles.
  4. Vulcan is capable of treating fairly large spaces with sulfur smoke, so it is most often used for large office premises, for example, logistics centers or various enterprises. The price is 40-50 rubles.

Symptoms of poisoning

At the first symptoms of poisoning after treating the premises or during the procedure, you must call an ambulance.

The following symptoms will indicate sulfur poisoning:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, nosebleeds;
  • heaviness in the chest area;
  • cough, sore throat, wheezing;
  • pain in the eyes, lacrimation.

Only a medical team can provide competent assistance; you should not treat yourself. Delayed assistance or its complete absence can lead to serious complications, in some cases death.


Many people have already tried using similar checkers and formed their opinions about them, which they share below:

  1. Edward: “For more than three years we have been using sulfur bombs to fumigate granaries; they not only effectively remove all insects and rodents, but also help get rid of fungus on the walls. We chose them because this method is the easiest to process large rooms, and the checkers have never failed. One caveat: you need to worry about safety in advance and leave the premises as quickly as possible. The smoke is really very caustic, it seriously corrodes the eyes and lungs; the first time, due to inexperience, we almost got poisoned by it.”
  2. Vyacheslav: “Ticks multiplied in the old village chicken coop, a neighbor shared sulfur bombs, after which not a single parasite remained. True, before this I also treated the room with insecticides about three weeks before using the checkers, so it’s difficult to say what exactly killed them, but I think the combined use enhanced the effect.”
  3. Anna: “At the dacha near Taldom there are two main troubles - mole crickets and moles, they spoil everything they can, and it is very difficult to get rid of these pests. Sulfur bombs became a real salvation, as stated in the instructions, I placed them directly in the holes that I could find. True, the smoke from them is very toxic, the smell has not gone away for several days, but there is still enough time before planting vegetables, I hope that everything will fizzle out.”
  4. Alexander: “I started using such checkers not only in greenhouses and barns, but in living quarters on a summer cottage, since it was possible not to go there for almost a week. I really liked both the result and the application process itself. The insects were gone immediately, there is no need to wait for the product to start working, and there are no problems or additional waste of time and effort, as with other drugs that need to be diluted or a place to be found for treatment. If you follow all the safety rules and do everything in accordance with the instructions, then no problems arise, there is nothing complicated here, I succeeded the first time and without any side effects. A good remedy for those who want to get rid of all kinds of parasites in the shortest possible time.”

Precautionary measures

Sulfur bombs have a high hazard class 2, which means they are harmful and even dangerous to humans if precautions are not taken.

Inhaling even small amounts of acrid smoke can cause food poisoning. Staying indoors after activating a sulfur bomb can be fatal. It is also unsafe to use these products in close proximity to flammable objects and substances, as this can lead to a fire.

Before lighting the wick of a sulfur bomb, you must wear gloves, a respirator or gas mask, safety glasses, as well as clothing and shoes that cover exposed skin. After activating the product, you must immediately leave the room being treated and close the door tightly. You cannot go inside until fumigation is completed.

Attention! According to the instructions for use, it is prohibited to use sulfur bombs for fumigating residential premises in apartment buildings. In case of violation of this condition, criminal liability is provided.


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