Gel Rubit Zindan for the destruction of cockroaches and ants (15 g)

Rubit for cockroaches is a two-component insecticide with a wide spectrum of action. It is successfully used to combat flies, mosquitoes, and ants. It is important to strictly follow the instructions, only in this case the drug will show its effectiveness and good results in the fight against crawling insects. Rubit for cockroaches is available in the form of dust, gel, liquid, and chalk. Each of the means has its own characteristics, pros and cons. Manufacturer: Russian.

Gel: features, principle of action

The cockroach repellent Rubit, presented in the form of a gel, is popular among consumers as it is more effective and convenient to use. The result after its use depends on the degree of infection of the apartment or house. The active substance, malathion, has a detrimental effect on domestic cockroaches. They die within a few hours, after paralysis of their body occurs. Living insects that feed on excrement and particles of the shell of dead fellows also die over time. Advantages of Rubit in gel form:

  1. Ease of use. The substance is easily squeezed out of the tube; due to the existing spout, it can be used to treat bottlenecks.
  2. Has no smell. But, unlike humans, Prussians feel it thanks to the attractants it contains.
  3. Long lasting. The destruction of cockroaches is carried out within 14-49 days. The components included in the composition are resistant to sunlight, but are destroyed in alkaline and acidic environments, at high temperatures.
  4. Economical consumption.
  5. The anti-cockroach gel is colorless and is not visible on surfaces.
  6. The drug is moderately toxic. It is not dangerous to humans or pets.


On a note!

The disadvantage of the product is that the gel is sticky, viscous, and it is not easy to get rid of it when cleaning the premises. Therefore, when applying it, it is recommended to use a substrate made of paper or cardboard.

Available in a syringe with a capacity of 15, 25, 30 g. The composition contains chocolate, natural honey, which has an aroma that attracts pests. There are no stains left when working with it. Shelf life – 3 years. Fully effective after opening for 12 months.

When treating premises with Rubit gel, you should strictly adhere to the instructions that come with the package:

  1. Apply the product to furniture (back side), along baseboards, behind the refrigerator, on shelves, cabinets by drops, maintaining a distance of 20 to 50 cm.
  2. When placing poison on the floor, it is advisable to use thick paper.
  3. If there is a large concentration of cockroaches, it is recommended to reduce the distance between drops.
  4. There should be no children or pets in the treated areas.
  5. When working with Rubit, use gloves.
  6. Food and utensils should be carefully closed.

On a note!

One 30-gram syringe is enough to treat an area of ​​30–40 square meters. m. The effect will be noticeable after three days. It lasts for 8 days. This time is enough to destroy all pests.


  • Dohlox;
  • A great warrior;
  • Raptor;
  • Proshka Brownie.


Mosquitoes bothered ancient dinosaurs with their buzzing, and now they bother us. These blood-sucking insects belong to the order Diptera. The mosquito has a thin body 4-14 mm in length, transparent wings covered with scales, long legs with claws. Mosquitoes are both female and male.

The appearance of a mosquito is accompanied by an unpleasant squeak, which occurs due to the flapping of its wings; the mosquito makes approximately 600 beats per second. The sound helps females attract a male for mating. The male does not suck blood, mainly feeds on plant sap and is absolutely harmless. Females suck blood because they need protein food to reproduce.

Mosquitoes live everywhere, except, perhaps, Antarctica, even in the Arctic latitudes, where summer is only a few weeks a year, they multiply at an accelerated rate and are extremely annoying to local herds of deer. There are especially many of them in places with a hot and humid climate.

The male lives on average 17-19 days, and the female mosquito can live up to 120 days, but since it is the females who suck blood, their lives are often interrupted by our cotton, prematurely.

Females have powerful jaws, with which they gnaw through the skin, making a wound, immerse their proboscis into it and suck out the blood. Simultaneously with the bite, saliva is released, causing allergic reactions in the form of itching, redness, and slight swelling.

It would seem that mosquitoes are of no use, they only irritate you and spread diseases, but in fact they are a unique creation of nature, where nothing happens for nothing. Mosquitoes are food for fish, dragonflies, butterflies, and some species of birds; they are one of the links in the food chain.

Chalk: action, method of application

Presented in the form of a chalk, Rubit has proven its effectiveness in the fight against insects crawling indoors and outdoors. The active substance, deltamethrin, is poisonous. The toxic component has a negative effect on the nervous system of cockroaches, as a result of which they die. Advantages:

  • long protective period;
  • easy to apply;
  • low cost.

Disadvantages include low efficiency in case of severe infection and unaesthetic appearance after application.


The drug is produced in the form of chalk, packaged in 25 g. In addition to deltamethrin, it contains additional substances - alabaster, chalk and surfactants (surfactants). The action begins gradually. Crossing the chalk line, the poison enters the body. An infected cockroach passes the insecticide to its fellow cockroaches, who subsequently die.

Part of the chalk is removed from the packaging and lines are applied in places where cockroaches often live: near water pipes, along baseboards, at the joints of tiles, under the sink. Instructions for use of the drug are attached to the package. It must be strictly adhered to. For processing an area of ​​20 - 30 square meters. m. one package is enough. It is recommended to carry out processing with rubber gloves.

An analogue is the Mashenka chalk.

Processing rules

If you plan to use Rubit powder, you need to prepare personal protective equipment: glasses, a respirator (a gauze bandage is also suitable).
You should work in closed clothing and gloves so that the powder does not settle on the skin. Before using any drug against cockroaches, the room must be prepared and access to pest habitats must be opened: Large furniture should be moved away from the walls

It is important to treat baseboards and the backs of cabinets. Dishes and food are taken outside the premises.

The room is being thoroughly cleaned. It is necessary to remove traces of insect activity, waste from the floor, under the sink, from tables

An abundance of crumbs and small debris is a common cause of cockroaches. If this factor is not excluded, the insects will appear again. The trash can is washed and disinfected. All sources of water are shut off: if it is stored in the public domain, the containers are covered with a lid; Plumbing fixtures should be repaired. If there is an aquarium in the room, before treating the room you need to cover it with glass and turn off the compressor.

When powder is used, bait should be placed in several places, then pests will be more willing to crawl towards the poison.

If you plan to use the gel, the room is also prepared. Drops of the drug are left in different places:

  • under the sink, near the trash can;
  • dotted along the baseboards (at a distance of 5-10 cm);
  • behind cabinets, on surfaces;
  • on the back walls of household appliances and furniture;
  • inside wall furniture, in drawers;
  • It is recommended to leave drops of the substance in the bathroom, closer to water sources (under the bathtub, sink).

When working with the gel, there is no need to use personal protective equipment, since in this case the poison does not enter the air. It is enough to wear gloves. There is no need to ventilate the room after treatment, as is done with aerosols. Drops of a jelly-like substance are left in places hidden from pets. The gel does not pose a danger to waterfowl, so there is no need to protect the aquarium.

Solution: composition, instructions for use

To quickly get rid of crawling insects in the house, Rubit Cypermethrin solution will help. The concentrate is sold in 100 ml containers. It is suitable for indoors, basements and open space. The action of the drug is based on the penetration of the active substance – cypermethrin into the pest’s body, which slows down the functioning of nerve endings, leading to paralysis and death of insects. Advantages of the solution:

  • resistance to temperature, UV rays;
  • does not cause addiction in cockroaches;
  • economical consumption;
  • acceptable cost.

The disadvantage of the concentrate is the need to prepare a working solution.


On a note!

The active substance is toxic, but does not harm humans when used correctly.

According to the instructions, you should prepare a solution. To do this, prepare a container with 1.5 liters of water, add 25 ml of concentrated liquid to it, mix well and pour into a spray bottle. Certain requirements must be adhered to when processing premises:

  • use protective equipment: rubber gloves, respirator, goggles, protective suit;
  • close windows and doors, carefully treat corners and doors;
  • ventilate and begin cleaning 2 hours after treatment.

It is recommended to take food and clothing out or hide it in locked cabinets. The clothes are taken outside and sprayed at a distance of 25 cm. They should remain hanging on the clothesline for airing for an hour.


  • Get;
  • Forsyth;
  • Cypermethrin.

Product description

Rubit chalk against all insects is a new generation insecticide. The chalk base is the key to comfortable and economical application. It is thanks to its help that the active substance is securely attached to any surface, but at the same time can be easily removed with a regular soap-soda solution.

The undeniable advantage of the drug is the so-called “domino effect”. That is, by contacting it, the insect automatically becomes a distributor of the toxic component for its relatives. As a result: disinsection is accelerated, and its effectiveness increases several times. The result becomes noticeable within a few days.


The cockroach repellent Rubit goes on sale in blue packaging. Upon contact with the poisonous substance, paralysis of the insects occurs, followed by death. The difficulty of using powder for treating premises is that it does not contain attractants - substances that attract cockroaches. Therefore, you should not count on high efficiency of dusts.


On a note!

The advantages of the powder include low cost and ease of processing. It is scattered on surfaces. The disadvantage is the possibility of poisoning, since the particles of the powder are light, they can be suspended in the air and penetrate into the human body. In hard-to-reach places it can be difficult to get rid of during cleaning.

Instructions for use:

  1. To kill cockroaches, the entire room is treated - the floor, baseboards, shelves in closets. Since cockroaches crawl on vertical surfaces and dishes, this causes some inconvenience. Therefore, it is recommended to combine dust with other Rubit insecticides.
  2. It is advisable to leave your home for a while.
  3. After processing the premises, they begin to clean them.


  • Front double;
  • Phenaxin;
  • Thiuram.


Delicia bait boxes for cockroaches are an effective device for exterminating harmful insects and preventing their appearance in various rooms. They are completely ready to use. The principle of operation is based on the fact that the cockroach eats the poison and goes to its relatives, carrying a large amount of insecticide on its legs and body. The death of the population occurs gradually, as a result of eating infected individuals.

Bait boxes

Delicia cockroach traps are safe for humans and ready to use. They are removed from the packaging, separated from the cardboard blister and separated from one another. The box is activated by turning the top of the box. Traps for cockroaches are placed in various places at the rate of 1 box per 5 square meters. m. It is attached to vertical surfaces with adhesive tape. Empty Delicia baits are replaced with new ones. The main active ingredient is chlorpyrifos 6 g/kg.

The package contains 2 boxes, the shelf life of the insecticide is 5 years. The average price is 223 rubles. Among the analogues are effective traps:

  • Combat;
  • Raptor.

Mechanism of action

Imidacloprid has a paralyzing effect. As a result of poisoning with this substance, nerve impulses in the insect’s body stop, and complete paralysis of the limbs and the entire body occurs. Nervous and digestive activity stops, and the ant dies in the shortest possible time. The effect of this substance also extends to the skin of the pest: ulcers appear and the structure of the limbs is destroyed. The advantage of Rubita is that it does not quickly become addictive to insects and can last up to 1 month.

Chlorpyrifos, contained in Rubit from ants, also has the ability to paralyze its victim. It acts differently: it disrupts the passage of nerve impulses, which leads to loss of nutritional and respiratory abilities, and soon the insect dies. The product works for 2 months, but if used for too long, the parasites get used to it.

Ant repellent “Rubit” Watch video

How to use

Like any toxic substance, poison for ants in an apartment requires special handling and caution. Regardless of the form in which this product was purchased, Rubit is strictly not recommended to be touched with bare hands.

Before processing the room, a person must wear special thick rubber gloves. In the case of powder, you will also need a respirator.

Rubit Zindan

Each release form has its own method of application. If the choice is Rubita Zindan:

  1. Carry out a complete cleaning of the house, wash all surfaces, remove everything unnecessary.
  2. Place the poison on substrates in the following places: next to water, near the trash can, baseboards, in drawers, on shelves, on tables, window sills, the backs of furniture, equipment.
  3. After use, discard the substrates and wash surfaces with soap and water.

Rubit Profi Spider in granules

Rubit granules are an effective remedy for house ants. When using, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Clean the area in advance to remove any form of contamination.
  2. Clear the places where ants appear.
  3. Wear gloves to prevent the product from accidentally coming into contact with your skin.
  4. Sprinkle a small amount of granules onto the substrates and place these traps in all possible places.


Before using powder to poison insects, you should wear a respirator and rubber gloves. Next you need to follow the following instructions:

  1. Clear access to places where ants are found.
  2. Remove all products.
  3. Wash the entire room thoroughly, removing old food, ant excrement, etc.
  4. Repair plumbing, pipelines and other equipment where ants may be located.
  5. Remove animals from the premises or hide them so that they do not accidentally inhale the powder.
  6. Scatter the powder in the places most visited by ants, placing sweet baits (honey or chocolate) there.
  7. To increase the effectiveness of the product, it is recommended to dilute it in water and additionally wash the walls and floor.

How to use Rubit against mole crickets

To destroy mole crickets, you need to place granules in the pest’s habitat. You can place them in passages through holes in the ground, or they can be laid out in shallow grooves made on the surface of the beds. For mole crickets, the depth of placement of the product is about 3-5 cm; greater depth is required for wireworms.

To properly deal with cabbage weed, you need to know the time of application of the insecticide. Options when granules are buried in the soil:

  • when planting seedlings in open ground or in a greenhouse;
  • preliminary - 10 days before disembarkation;
  • during the period when young shoots emerge from the soil.

If control is planned with the help of buried granules, grooves in the soil should be made at a distance of no more than a meter, but not less than 50 cm. You can also make separate holes where a certain number of granules are placed. The drug is used at the rate of 30 g of granules per 100 m2. Under the sprouts that have emerged, 2-3 granules should be placed directly in the root area. In order for this insecticidal agent to begin to act, the soil must be watered with water, but not too much.

The manufacturer notes that when using Rubit Rotafox, other insecticides and fertilizers are not used in this soil at the same time. By combining with them, the drug can change its composition and effect.

To effectively poison a mole cricket, you need to remember that the concentration of Rubit and its effectiveness are limited to 2-3 weeks. After this, you need to re-apply the insecticide to the soil. This product is also used for preventive control of this pest.

Advantages and disadvantages

Rubit has been used for pest control for many years, so people already know about its effectiveness. Rubit Zindan gained particular popularity. Let's take a closer look at the strengths of the gel:

  1. Safety - the gel does not stain your hands and does not rise into the air, so apartment residents can be calm about their health.
  2. Easy to use - easily squeezed out of the syringe, penetrating even into inaccessible crevices.
  3. No smell.
  4. It works for a long time - thanks to the gel form, the effect of the product will last for 1-1.5 months, which means it will continue to kill new insects.
  5. Cheap - the cost of the product does not exceed 50 rubles, which is small compared to many other imported, advertised products.
  6. Colorless - will not spoil the appearance of the apartment.
  7. Does not harm pets.

There is nothing that is completely positive. So the poison from ants in the apartment contains several negative aspects:

  1. Gel Rubit has a sticky, viscous substance that will be extremely difficult to remove after a while from the floor or furniture. It is recommended to apply the product to pieces of paper.
  2. The chlorpyrifos component is addictive to insects, so the use of Rubit should be reduced to 1.5-2 months.

The powder has slightly different properties compared to the gel. “Housekeeper Rubit” has many disadvantages:

  1. Particles may be airborne.
  2. The powder is more difficult to remove after disinfestation is completed.
  3. In those places where it cannot be eliminated, it will remain so.
  4. Only horizontal surfaces in a living room can be treated.

To treat the walls, you can dilute the powder in water and wash the walls and floor with this solution. There is simply no chance left for the ants. Other advantages of the powder:

  1. Low price - about 35 rubles per 120 g.
  2. Easy to use: just sprinkle onto desired surfaces.

Anti-ant powder in granules is also often used. It has several advantages:

  1. It is not sprayed into the air and does not harm humans.
  2. The granules do not stick to surfaces and are easy to remove.
  3. Easy to use - you just need to sprinkle it in the right places.
  4. No smell.
  5. It works for a long time.

There are few downsides to this product. These include:

  1. Only horizontal surfaces can be processed.
  2. Narrow crevices and other inaccessible places cannot be treated.
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