Review of drops “Inspector” for fleas, ticks and worms

The antiparasitic agent Inspector is a development of the German company Neoterica GmbH. In Russia, production is established in Moscow.

The research and development company Neoterica sells over 180 products in 13 countries. Among them are vitamin and feed supplements, hygiene products, and medications. In addition to Inspector, antiparasitic medications are represented by Insectal, Rolf, Helmintal, and Protecto.

Medicines from Neoterica are good medicines that have been successfully used by animal owners, breeders and veterinarians for many years. The Inspector is no exception.

In the review, I examined: the mechanism of action of the anti-parasite remedy, the features of its use, and possible negative reactions. At the end you will find a list of analogues and answers to your questions.

Release form and composition

The full name of the medicinal product is Inspector Total C. It is produced in the form of drops on the withers, packaged in pipettes and packaged one at a time in packs. As active ingredients, the drug contains 10% fipronil and 2.5% moxidectin.

There are 6 forms of Flea and Tick Inspector:

  • Inspector Mini for dogs and cats weighing 0.5-2 kg, suitable for babies from 3 weeks, costs 300 rubles, unlike other varieties, contains only 5.2% moxidectin;

  • for animals weighing 1-4 kg (0.4 ml pipette), average price - 360 rubles;

  • for dogs weighing 4-10 kg (1.0 ml), cost – 370 rubles;

  • for treating dogs weighing from 10 to 25 kg (2.5 ml), sold for 460 rubles;

  • for pets weighing 25-40 kg (4 ml), costs 510 rubles;

  • for dogs from 40 to 60 kg (6 ml), sold for 640 rubles.

Indications for use

Inspector Total C is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of infection:

  • entomoses;
  • ear mites – otodoctosis;
  • subcutaneous mites - sarcoptic mites;
  • itch mites - acaroses;
  • ixodid ticks;
  • gastrointestinal helminths, incl. toxocara, roundworm, hookworm, uncinaria, trichocephalus.

Inspector is also used as a preventive measure against dirofilariasis. The drug has no effect on adult heartworms, but works against larval forms.

In what cases is it used

This drug is effective in combating animal infestations with various parasites and insects:

  • lice eaters;
  • fleas;
  • lice;
  • microfilaria larvae parasitizing in the blood;
  • mites of various types (hypodermic, ixodid, scabies, sarcoptoid);
  • intestinal nematodes (roundworms);
  • helminths.

The inspector is used when the cat has fleas, ticks, lice

The inspector is prescribed to cats for the purpose of preventive measures and therapy for the following diseases:

  • demodicosis caused by subcutaneous mites;
  • sarcoptic mange (scabies);
  • entomosis associated with the appearance of fleas and lice;
  • otodecosis (ear scabies);
  • toxocariasis, damage to the gastrointestinal tract by helminths;
  • trichocephalosis (causative agent - nematode).

This drug is used as a preventative against heartworm disease, a parasitic disease caused by heart parasites. The inspector is effective only in the fight against larvae and is able to prevent the development of the disease, but is not suitable for its therapy.

How it works

Inspector – drops for dogs of combined action. It acts through the synthesis of two active substances - fipronil and moxidectin.

Fipronil blocks arthropod receptors, disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, leads to paralysis and subsequent death of insects. After application, it is distributed over the skin, accumulates in the sebaceous glands and is released along with the secretion. The component practically does not penetrate inside the body.

Moxidectin blocks muscle innervation and causes the death of helminths and ectoparasites. When used, it penetrates into the systemic system, internal tissues and organs.

The synergy of the two substances ensures the effectiveness of Inspector Total C against:

  • fleas;
  • lice;
  • lice eaters;
  • ticks – ixodid, sarcoptoid, demodectic;
  • larval and mature forms of nematodes - toxocariasis, hookworm, uncinariasis, whipworm, angiostrongylosis, microfilariae.

After application, the drug prevents infection by ticks for up to a month, and fleas for up to 6 weeks.

The action of the Inspector Mini form is similar to the regular varieties. However, it does not work against demodectic mites.


Inspector Total S belongs to the 3rd hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007-76 - “moderately dangerous”. If you adhere to the indicated dosages, terms of use and the pet is not intolerant to the active components, the drug will not cause side effects.

Plus, the medication does not affect the animal’s immunity and does not have a teratogenic effect (does not interfere with fetal development).

However, keep in mind that the drug is dangerous for bees, rabbits, fish and other pets living in water: sponges, crustaceans, mollusks, etc.

Side effects

If you do not consider the instructions for the drug Inspector as an unnecessary piece of paper, and spend time and your own attention studying it, then side effects and complications will not appear.

Rare case: skin reaction, expressed by redness of the application site and itching. Such unpleasant phenomena will pass quite quickly, without additional use of medications.

If this is an obvious allergic reaction, then the composition should be washed off the skin. To do this, wash the area with soap and clean water. The wool will need to be rinsed under running water.

An overdose of the drug and its consequences have not been identified. There are also no special manifestations during the initial use of the product or after its discontinuation. If the re-treatment period is missed for some reason, the medicine should be applied according to the previous dosage and the old scheme.

Instructions for use and dosage

Inspector Total C is intended for external treatment of animals. It is applied pointwise at the base of the back of the head and on the withers (between the shoulder blades). Make sure that the solution gets on the skin: it is important that the drug is absorbed - if the liquid flows down the fur, the medication will not work.

The dosage of the Total C series drugs is calculated from the formula 0.1 ml per kg of weight, for animals weighing less than 1 kg - 0.05 ml (1 drop) per 500 g. If Inspector Mini is used, and the pet’s weight exceeds 2 kg, then use 0.2 ml per kg.

Buy a dosage form corresponding to the weight of the animal. Dosages are listed below.

If the animal’s weight exceeds 40 kg, take a 6 ml package. If the dog weighs more than 60 kg, combine two pipettes of different packaging, whose total volume is as close as possible to the size of the pet.

The procedure and timing of use depend on the purpose of use:

  1. To get rid of ectoparasites, the solution is applied to the withers once.
  2. For preventive purposes, the drug is used every 1-1.5 months from early spring to late autumn. It is advisable to apply the solution a day before walking the dog in places with a high risk of infection: forests, fields, parks, etc.
  3. If an attached tick is detected, the Inspector is applied pointwise to the parasite and to the skin at the site of its attachment. After 20 minutes, the insect is removed if it has not fallen off on its own.
  4. For ear scabies, clean the shell and instill 3-5 drops of the solution into each ear. Afterwards the ears are folded and massaged. The rest of the medication is squeezed onto the withers. The treatment is repeated a month later. Such therapy is unacceptable if the eardrum is perforated - in this case, the drug is applied between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck.
  5. For subcutaneous scabies, scabs are removed and Inspector is applied to the affected areas, covering a few millimeters of healthy skin. The procedure is carried out 2-4 times, with a break of 7-10 days between each procedure.
  6. In case of worm infestation, dogs are treated once. To prevent helminths, the drug is used monthly.
  7. To avoid dirofilariasis, dogs are treated monthly. The first procedure is carried out a month before the start of summer of insect vectors (mosquitoes, mosquitoes), the last one – a month after the end of summer.

After applying the medication and before it dries, it is advisable to tighten the pet’s jaws with braid or put on a muzzle. This trick will prevent licking. Swimming in bathtubs and ponds is also prohibited for 4 days.

Rules for wearing and storage

The collar is opened immediately before use and removed from the packaging. It needs to be unfolded and put on the animal’s neck, choosing the length so that 1-1.5 cm remains until the full circumference of the pet’s neck. Then it must be secured with a special clamp, and the excess must be cut off.

The Inspector collar is effective on all insects for 4 months, on ticks – 3 months, on worms – 2 months. It should be put on the animal 2-3 days before a trip to the forest or other contact with “bloodsuckers” is expected.

If the animal is severely infested, it should be pre-washed with insecticidal shampoo and then treated with drops or spray. The litter should also be disinfected.

The Anti-Tick Inspector Collar is available for sale in 3 sizes and is packaged in sealed foil bags:

  • 75 cm – for large dogs;
  • 65 cm – for medium ones;
  • 40 cm – for puppies, kittens and mini breeds.

Collar storage conditions: 3 years at a temperature of 0+30°C in a dark place, sold without a prescription. Estimated price – within 330-450 rubles.

On a note!

Its use is not recommended in lactating and pregnant females, kittens and puppies less than 2 months old.

Possible negative reactions due to individual intolerance:

  • skin irritation;
  • increased lacrimation and salivation (salivation).

Anti-tick collar for cats

Contraindications and side effects

Inspector Total C is prohibited from being used:

  • kittens up to 7 weeks, with the exception of Inspector Mini: it is used from 3 weeks;
  • animals with hypersensitivity to fipronil and moxidectin;
  • on damaged or wet areas of the skin;
  • simultaneously with other antiparasitic drugs.

Pregnant and lactating bitches and decorative dogs weighing up to 1 kg are treated under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Negative effects are rare. However, allergic reactions in the form of skin redness and itching are possible. They go away spontaneously. But it is better to rinse the solution with water and zoo shampoo and give your pet an antihistamine.

Keep in mind that overdose may cause more serious side effects. In particular:

  • vomit;
  • hypersalivation (increased salivation);
  • muscle tremor.

In case of overdose, be sure to wash off the solution with shampoo and contact a veterinarian. He will prescribe detoxification, antiallergic and symptomatic therapy.

Contraindications for use

Inspector drops contain quite serious poisons, so their use must be taken responsibly. The drug has the following contraindications:

  • Individual sensitivity to active substances.
  • Any animals except dogs.
  • Puppies under 7 weeks of age.
  • Sick, recovering, weakened, exhausted, dehydrated animals.
  • The weight of the animal is less than 1 kg.
  • Ear scabies.
  • Damage to the eardrum.

Insektor drops can be used with caution on pregnant and lactating bitches. Treatment should be carried out after consultation with a veterinarian and under his supervision.

Analogues of the drug

You can replace Inspector Total C with the following analogues:

MedicineWhat is the differenceaverage price
Helmintal SThe action is similar to Inspector, but is not effective against ixodid ticks. The composition is different: instead of 10% fipronil, it contains 40 mg of praziquantel. 280 rub.
InsectalDoes not contain moxidectin and is therefore not suitable for deworming. But the composition, along with fipronil (10%), includes pyriproxyfen (2%): the synergy of these two substances provides better protection against all forms of ectoparasites. Prohibited for puppies under 3 months. 130 rub.
Rolf Club 3DIn addition to insecticides, it contains a repellent, so it helps not only against fleas, ticks and lice, but also against mosquitoes, mosquitoes, and midges. Not effective against helminths. 280 rub.
FrontlineIt has many release forms. Spot-On and Combo help against ectoparasites, Tri-Act additionally repels blood-sucking insects, drugs from the NexgarD series are available in the form of chewable tablets, while NexgarD Spectra additionally works against helminths. 450-2,500 rub. depending on the release form and dosage.
StrongholdKills fleas, sarcoptic ticks, roundworms and heartworms. However, it does not affect demodectic and ixodid ticks. 500 rub. for one pipette.
AdvocateComplex action solution. Drops work against fleas, ticks (with the exception of demodectic ticks) and nematodes. 400 rub. for one pipette.

Collar Inspector

To protect dogs and cats walking outdoors from blood-sucking insects, a tick and flea collar from the Inspector brand is also on sale. It is produced in the form of a brown polymer tape containing active substances:

Anti-tick collar for dogs

  • Fipronil (5%) – affects the insect’s nervous system, blocking its receptors;
  • Pyriproxyfen (2%) – helps to disrupt the hormonal balance of pests, causing abnormalities in their development, helps sterilize adult arthropods, which prevents their reproduction.
  • Ivermectin (1.2%) - acts on the level of current of chlorine ions passing through the nerve and muscle cells of parasites, which leads to their paralysis and death;
  • other auxiliary additives (dyes, calcium stearate, soybean oil, chalk, etc.).

On a note!

The active substances act by contact on adult fleas and their larvae, lice, lice and various types of arachnids, as well as nematodes parasitizing the gastrointestinal tract of dogs and cats.

Owner reviews

Ksenia-M: “We recently bought these drops for the first time. We chose them because of the price: they are relatively inexpensive. I can’t speak about the effect - it turned out that our dog was itching not because of parasites. But the drug has almost no smell, the animal tolerated it well, there were no side effects. True, it’s inconvenient to apply: a lot of solution flows out of the pipette at once.”

Daria Savina: “I used these drops for all 7 years of my dog’s life. But I was disappointed with the last treatment. The veterinarian strongly advised us to additionally use antiparasitic collars and give the animal a deworming pill. I waved it off. And she paid the price: first she removed ticks after a walk, and then also removed fleas after overexposure. In general, I will look for another remedy.”

YuliaYa1977: “I like it because of its complex action: in one fell swoop it gets rid of worms, fleas and ticks. True, I don’t believe in 100% effectiveness - I still check the dog for insects after walks. But it works well. What’s confusing is that you can’t wash and cuddle your pet for several days; you even have to plan your walks so as not to get caught in the rain.”

Reviews about the drug "Inspector"


My cat and dog sleep together, eat from the same bowl, and lick each other. Therefore, I am forced to use tablets, but, in general, I am satisfied with the “Inspector” product. I used to buy other drugs (I don’t remember the name anymore), but Murchik had a hard time tolerating them, thrashing about and screaming when the worms were being removed. Now she calmly tolerates treatment with “Inspector”: I think that this product is milder in terms of the degree of impact, although the effectiveness is also noticeable.


It is valuable that the “Inspector” can carry out simultaneous treatment against both fleas and worms - very convenient.

Be sure to read:

Dironet Spot-on ® (drops) for cats and dogs to kill ticks and fleas


For “street cats” any drugs are of little effectiveness. We live in a private house, and our cat walks around the yard, hunting. You can treat it with “Inspector” or any other means, but the fleas still do not come out. I suspect that there are worms too. He walks wherever he wants and with whomever he wants. That's why he's a cat! Treatment is not enough for more than a couple of weeks, and more often it is not possible (as it is written in the instructions). The only way to at least protect yourself from infection is to not allow animals to sleep on the bed or climb on the table in the house. But “Inspector” is good because it contains a whole complex of insecticides that suppress the ability of pests to reproduce, and this is already a big deal. This means that with regular treatment, the number of fleas and worms is reduced.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is Inspector suitable for treating sarcoptic mange?

Yes, due to the active substance, subcutaneous mites are destroyed. Treat the dog twice with an interval of 1-1.5 weeks.

Which form of the drug should I choose: drops, collar or spray?

Any variety of Inspector will protect the dog from ectoparasites. Keep in mind that the spray is more convenient to use if you have several animals or need to additionally treat beds, furniture, and carpets. It is advisable to use a collar as an additional means of protection against insects.

How long should you not bathe your pet?

The ban is imposed for 4 days before and after treatment. Avoid swimming in ponds and in the bathroom (just water or soap). Make sure that the dog does not run through puddles or get caught in the rain.

Can pregnant dogs be treated with Inspector?

No negative effects on bitches or fetuses have been identified during pregnancy. However, like any drug, Inspector is used only if the potential harm from inaction outweighs the risk of side effects. For dogs that are whelping, veterinary supervision is required.

Is the Inspector dangerous to people?

The medicine is not dangerous for humans. However, when processing an animal, the following general rules are followed:

  • exclude smoking, eating and drinking;
  • after manipulation, wash your hands thoroughly with soap up to the elbows;
  • for 2-3 days, exclude contact between children and the pet;
  • if the solution accidentally gets on mucous membranes or skin, rinse them with running water;
  • if you are allergic to the active ingredients, entrust the antiparasitic treatment to another person;
  • If you develop allergic reactions or accidentally ingest the drug, contact the clinic, taking with you the instructions to the Inspector.

Precautions and special instructions

In order to use “Advocate” with minimal risks to the animal’s body, in addition to the general rules for using the product, there are also special instructions, compliance with which is one of the main rules for the fight against parasitic insects.

Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. To destroy lice eaters, fleas and lice, skin treatment must be carried out once. After this, during the period of active reproduction of these insects, it is recommended to treat the animal for preventive purposes once every 1.5-2 months.
  2. To combat otodectosis, the product is applied once, and it is recommended to clean the animal’s hearing system from pathological secretions as often as possible.
  3. For sarcoptic mange, “Advocate” is applied 2 times; during the treatment of demodicosis, the frequency of treatment is increased to 4, once a month.
  4. Treatment of dermatitis and prevention of skin diseases caused by parasitic insects is carried out by applying the product to the affected areas of the skin. The drug is applied once a month until the allergy disappears completely.

Important! To get rid of ticks and fleas with the help of “Advocate” for dogs, it is necessary to treat exclusively the skin of the animal. If the substance is applied to the wool, its effectiveness drops significantly, since insects have practically no contact with the upper areas of the wool

In addition, when working with this medication, you must strictly follow the general rules for handling medications in veterinary medicine. These include the following requirements:

  1. When working with the substance, do not eat, drink or smoke.
  2. After finishing the treatment, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap or other cleaning products.
  3. If “Advocate” accidentally gets on the surface of the mucous membranes, eyes or mouth, the affected areas should be immediately washed under running water. If it gets into the esophagus or inside the oral cavity, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  4. The use of empty containers of the drug in business activities is strictly prohibited.

To combat worms and other parasites of dogs, the drugs “Ivermec”, “Ivermectin”, “Milbemax”, “Kaniquantel”, “Prazitel” are used.


Inspector is a good antiparasitic agent. In addition, this is one of the cheapest combination drugs that gets rid of ectoparasites and nematodes in one fell swoop. Other means cost 2-3 times more (Lawyer, Frontline, etc.).

Feel free to use the medication if you have collie, sheltie, bobtail or related dogs: Inspector C is safe for these animals.

Some of my colleagues have noticed a decrease in efficiency lately. However, I have not observed this. And ticks found on a pet’s body after a walk through the thickets of parks and forests are a common occurrence. No product will protect you from these reptiles 100%. It’s just that instead of a couple of dozen insects, you will shoot 2-3 pieces.

If you are afraid that the combined remedy will not have the desired effect, use other antiparasitic drops (Bars, Insectal, Celandine, BlochNet) together with anthelmintic tablets (Drontal, Kanikvantel, Alben S, Pratel).

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