TOP 7 best anti-flea and tick drops for cats and dogs: selection tips, reviews

Fleas, lice and ticks are a pressing problem for every pet owner. Even if an animal does not go to the country and does not go outside, it is still not immune from the appearance of parasites. The owner can bring flea eggs into the house on clothes by simply petting a cat or dog suffering from parasites. Therefore, every owner should know how to help a pet get rid of fleas.

"BlochNet" - what is it?

Removing fleas today is a fairly simple matter. You can find a lot of anti-parasite remedies at your veterinary pharmacy. One of the popular drugs among pet owners is BlochNet. Reviews are quite different, but most owners are happy with the result. And this is not surprising. According to them, fleas and other parasites leave the pet’s fur after the first use of the drug. Also, judging by the reviews from BlochNet, most owners like the fact that the product has a wide range and low price, with quick results. Let's figure it out together.

Advantages and disadvantages

When following the instructions for use, the drug does not have a toxic effect on the pet’s body. It is not recommended to use only in case of individual intolerance. A recommendation for the use of BlochNet is given by a veterinarian, based on the results of clinical studies and external examination.

  • PROS
  • Reliability
  • Efficiency
  • Safety
  • Profitable price
  • Not installed

“BlochNet” – a range of parasite repellents

When purchasing a parasite repellent, it is important to consider several factors, the first being the weight of the animal. You also need to understand that a drug for cats is not suitable for a dog, and vice versa. “BlochNet” presents a whole line of medications for pets, among which there are both drops on the withers and a spray.

The product was developed by a Russian company. It has a range of drugs for both cats and dogs of different weight categories, which makes it possible to choose a drug for almost every animal of any age and breed, with the exception of very small puppies and kittens.

The line also includes improved products - BlochNet Max drops, created on the basis of the original drug. They completely duplicate the analogue, but their composition is considered more effective and safe.

Drops Max - how they work and the algorithm for use

Considering that Max drops are an improved copy of the original Blokhnet drops, they are used according to the same principle. But the effect of the treatment will be more noticeable - the pests will die faster, and the animal will feel practically nothing. On average, pets can forget about blood-sucking pests after treatment for at least a month, and in cases with fleas - for two.

Treatment with the drug is carried out wearing rubber gloves that can protect the skin of the hands from allergic reactions to individual components of the product. After treatment, the animal should not have contact with family members for 48 hours. Below are reviews from owners of cats and dogs who have tested the effects of Blokhnet in practice.

Alina, owner of the cat Kiri and the cat Zosya: “My pets are absolutely indoors, that is, they never go outside at all. And then in the fall they both start to itch. I looked under the fur and found a crowd of fleas. They recommended Blokhnet drops. I only needed 2 drops on the withers of each cat. Already on the third day, both stopped itching. Re-treatment has not yet been required, although Zosya is fluffy.”

Konstantin, owner of the cat Vasily: “The store recommended an improved version of Blochnet Max.” Believed, bought, processed. The effect was shocking, to put it mildly. Yes, the fleas came under the influence of the drug - this is obvious, but at first they actively chewed the cat for several days, and then simply scattered around the apartment in a semi-fainting state! What kind of remedy? It’s not clear what its improved effect is, I’ll look for something more effective!”

Drops for dogs. Type of drugs

The line of drops for dogs consists of several types of drugs. Depending on the weight of the animal from 10 to 40 kg.

Judging by the reviews, BlochNet drops for dogs weighing up to 10 kilograms are ideal for miniature pets and small puppies. This drug has the same composition as products for larger pets, but the bottle is smaller in volume and is 1 ml.

For larger pets, there are drops on the withers for dogs weighing from 10 to 20 kilograms. They will help get rid of parasites for medium-sized pets. The product is packaged in 2 ml bottles.

“BlochNat. Drops for dogs weighing from 20 to 40 kg" are designed for large pets. The drug is contained in a 4 ml container. If the animal’s weight exceeds the specified one, it is recommended to purchase additional product, based on the calculation of 1 ml per 10 kg.


The product for dogs and cats is produced in the form of an oil solution. Application features depend on the container in which the drug is packaged.

  • BlochNet drops. Available in four forms for dogs with different body weights: less than 10 kilograms, weighing 10-20 kg, 20-30 kg and above. They differ in the dosage of the active component. And also BlochNet drops for cats. The insectoacaricidal drug begins to act within 2 hours after application to the skin. Kills mature individuals and has a repellent effect.
  • Spray BlochNet. Allowed for use by cats and dogs. Produced in bottles with a convenient dispenser. The composition differs from the previous product in a set of auxiliary components. It is recommended for use in animals that are allergic to the drops. The mechanism of action of the spray is somewhat different from the drops.
  • BlochNet max. A separate line of products that is produced by another company - Astrapharma in the form of drops. The composition has been improved and is safer. BlochNet max is produced in four forms for dogs of different weights and cats.

All BlochNet products help cope with parasites and prevent their appearance. But when choosing the best form of the drug for your pet, you need to consider some features.

Drops for cats

And that's not it. For purring, special flea drops for cats “BlochNet” have been created. Reviews from owners who use the product indicate that the parasites leave the animal very quickly, without harming the pet itself. Usually one application of drops is enough to quickly get rid of insects. However, if your pet is heavily infested, re-treatment may be necessary.

Many owners in their reviews say that fleas do not die immediately, but after some time. However, this is rather a plus, since it indicates that the drug is not harmful to the animal.

The best flea drops for cats

Our review included three products from the following brands:

  • Beaphar Veto Pure;
  • Advantage (Bayer) flea drops for kittens and cats;
  • Frontline drops against fleas and ticks Combo.

Beaphar Veto Pure

Drops are intended for animals from 12 weeks. The composition contains natural components margose and pyrethrum, obtained from tropical plants. The product gives a minimum of side effects, is in a special pipette, gives the fur a pleasant smell, and lasts for a month.

Substancemargosa and pyrethrum extracts
Action1 month (28 days)
Agefrom 12 weeks
Suitability1096 days

Cost from 509 to 910 rubles.


  • natural ingredients in the composition;
  • safe for health;
  • effect up to a month;
  • reduce itching from insect bites;
  • save from ticks, fleas and mosquitoes;
  • convenient to apply;
  • a shape in the form of a pipette, the top of which needs to be broken off;
  • the smell does not irritate the pet;
  • the product is not felt on the cat’s skin;
  • accelerates the healing of small wounds.


  • animal age up to 3 months;
  • weakened and pregnant animals.

In the fall, my pet began to itch a lot. They thought they brought something with shoes, but that was not the case. In order not to poison your pet with chemicals, we chose a product with natural ingredients. The result had an effect. And the company is well-known and trustworthy.

Beaphar Veto Pure drops

Advantage (Bayer) flea drops for kittens and cats

The product is widely available and effective. The substance is a yellowish or brownish liquid with a not very pleasant odor. It is based on imidacloprid, which paralyzes insects. Has a protective effect for up to 4 weeks after a single use.

Action1 month (28 days)
Agefrom 10 weeks
Suitability61 months (4 years)

Price range from 201 to 836 rubles.


  • suitable for killing fleas, lice, lice and their larvae;
  • ease of use;
  • convenient packaging;
  • easy to apply;
  • 98% of pests die within 12 hours;
  • no need for re-processing;
  • destruction of larvae that die in contact with wool;
  • the drug is not dangerous for people and cats, because not absorbed into the bloodstream;
  • moisture resistance (you can bathe your pet after 24 hours).


  • individual intolerance is possible;
  • age up to 10 weeks;
  • If there are two cats in the house, it is important to isolate them from each other in different rooms for a while to avoid licking the drug.

I use drops for my Brit. Whatever they took. The cat stopped itching and biting pests out of his fur. One application was enough and the handsome man was calm.

Advantage drops (Bayer) flea drops for kittens and cats

Frontline drops against fleas and ticks Combo

A remedy with an integrated approach against a wide range of parasites. The active ingredient is fipronil, which is characterized by low toxicity and long-lasting protective effect. The substance is in a convenient pipette that is easy to use. The shelf life is 3 years.


Spray "BlochNet" was created for animals with hypersensitivity or intolerance to the substances that make up the drug. When using drops, substances enter the animal’s bloodstream and can cause an allergic reaction. When using a spray, this possibility is completely excluded.

Reviews of the BlochNet spray say that it is enough to use the drug once to completely eliminate all parasites. It is also ideal for preventive treatment of pets during the summer season and after it. Since parasites can live not only on a pet’s skin, but also in its things, many owners use a spray to treat the pet’s beds, bedding and other things.

Side effects of Blokhnet

Users who regularly use Blokhnet for cats leave only positive reviews about the drug. They note that if the rules of use and dosage are followed, the product has no side effects. Cases of an allergic reaction to the drug are rare. In case of increased individual sensitivity and a tendency to allergic reactions, the use of drops or spray of Blokhnet can cause redness of the skin and itching. In this case, you should rinse off the product with water. If the allergy does not go away on its own, give the animal an antihistamine.

Application and dosage

Using the drops is very simple. However, the method of application is different for cats and dogs.

For dogs, the drug is used as follows: the liquid from the bottle should be applied to the animal’s skin, on the withers (just below the back of the head). After application, rub the product thoroughly with your finger. It is advisable to isolate the treated pet from others for several hours, as they may lick off part of the drug during communication.

The product should be used at a rate of 1 ml per 10 kg of weight. However, if the veterinary pharmacy does not have a drug that takes into account the weight of the animal, you can see the following recommendations in the reviews on “BlochNet”: for large breed dogs, purchase additional medicine, based on the missing amount. For example, if an animal weighs 30 kilograms, and only drops are available for dogs weighing up to 20 kg, you can take two packages of the product. Due to the fact that the drug has a convenient packaging in the form of a bottle with a screw cap, if there is any unused residue left after treatment, it can be safely stored in the refrigerator until the next use.

When using, it is important to observe the correct dosage: 1 ml of product per 10 kg of animal weight. Therefore, for small dogs weighing 3-4 kg, owners of miniature pets advise in their reviews to use cat drops or spray.

For cats, the product is also applied to the withers as follows: for an animal weighing up to 4 kilograms - 15 drops of the drug, that is, half a bottle. Over four kilograms - use the entire bottle of the product. For miniature cats and kittens, as well as for puppies, the dose of the product is selected individually, based on the calculation of 1 ml (30 drops) per 10 kg of pet’s weight.

The spray is suitable for treating both cats and dogs with hypersensitivity to the substances included in the composition. The animal is treated by spraying the spray at a distance of 20-30 cm from the pet’s body, against the growth of the fur, in a well-ventilated area. When treating the ears, your pet's eyes and nose must be covered with your hands. On the face, the product should be gently rubbed in with your fingers.

The product is sprayed at the rate of one press per 1 kg of weight. Do not allow your pet to lick itself until the product has completely dried. It is also not recommended to bathe the animal for 48 hours after treatment.

Many owners recommend in their reviews that they spray their pet's bedding and belongings. This will avoid re-infection of the animal with parasites. Blankets and bedding are sprayed at the rate of 30 sprays per 1m₂. Enclosures, booths, cages and animal care items are treated with 15 pumps per 1m₂. The room must be ventilated, and all surfaces must be vacuumed after complete drying.

“BlochNet” is effective not only against lice and fleas. It helps to quickly get rid of ticks picked up by your pet, which are very dangerous for dogs. If such parasites are found on your pet’s body, they must be destroyed immediately. Owner reviews recommend using “BlochNet” this way: apply one drop of the drug to the site where the parasite attaches to the animal’s skin. Within 20 minutes the parasite should fall off on its own. If this does not happen, it must be carefully removed with tweezers and destroyed.

Ticks are the most dangerous for dogs. Therefore, if a pet has suffered from a parasite bite, even after the insect is destroyed, the animal must be closely monitored. If there are signs of illness, it should be immediately taken to the veterinarian.

How to use drops correctly?

The drug fleanet (the instructions require strict adherence) is applied in drops to the skin and hair of the infected pet, observing the dosage. To do this, the animal's fur in the withers area is delicately divided into two parts, thus exposing an area of ​​skin. The drug is applied to it in several places so that the animal cannot lick the product.

The area at the withers can be replaced with a section at the base of the skull, or the skin and hair can be treated along the entire spine if the animal is large. Before starting treatment, it is important to ensure that there are no injuries on the animal’s body:

  • wounds;
  • bites;
  • cuts;
  • ulcers, etc.

The duration of action of the drug varies. Cats, for example, can forget about fleas for several months, but dogs can be susceptible to a second attack within a month. The drug will protect pets from other types of pests for at least a month. Therefore, repeated treatment is also recommended every month, but not more often.

For animals diagnosed with otodectosis (ear scabies as a result of infection by ear mites), fleanet drops are used differently. They start by cleaning the pet’s ears from crusts and scabs with a swab dipped in Blochnet. Clean and dried ears are instilled with drops (3-4 in each), after which they are folded and the ear is gently massaged.

To achieve a positive result, ear treatment is carried out in the morning and evening every 7-10 days. You need to drip the drug into two ears at once, even if one of them is healthy, thus preventing the spread of parasites.

To defeat ixodid ticks, drops are applied to each pest separately. The pest will loosen its grip within 20 minutes after treatment; you can help it with this using tweezers.

For greater effect, treat the pet's bedding with the drug.

Active substances and composition

Pet owners in their reviews of BlochNet say that the drug has a strong effect. But many people have a question. If the product is so strong and quickly helps get rid of parasites, will it harm the pet itself?

Therefore, it would be a good idea for a responsible owner to study the contents of the drug itself. According to the manufacturer, it includes:

  • benzyl benzoate;
  • diethyltoluamide;
  • juvemon;
  • fipronil.

It is important that the drug does not contain permethrin, which can often be found in similar products. It is quite toxic to cats, so the manufacturer decided not to include it in the composition. However, before using the product, it is better to consult a veterinarian about allergic reactions.

Composition and features of the drug

The formula of the product is designed in such a way that the effect is not just one hundred percent, but also long-lasting. Fleanet contains serious chemicals that together can produce a positive result without harm to the animal:

  • dimethyl aphthalate;
  • fipronil;
  • benzyl benzoate.

The product does not contain toxic permethrin, which only increases its safety for pets. At the same time, an integrated approach to the development of a product makes it possible to improve its effect by reducing the level of parasite addiction to the components.

How does it work?

Fipronil, which is part of the drug, blocks the activity of the nervous system of parasites. Death occurs approximately 48 hours after the substance enters the insect's body from overexcitation of the central nervous system. Benzyl benzoate, penetrating the chitin of the parasite, accumulates in its body and causes further death of the insect. Juvemon prevents parasite larvae and eggs from developing into adults, thus interrupting their life cycle. Diethyltoluamide repels dipteran insects and has effective repellent properties.


According to the manufacturer, and confirmed by many reviews, BlochNet (all drugs in the line) is safe and rarely causes side effects. The absence of toxic permethrin, which is quite dangerous for cats, also plays a significant role. “BlochNet”, reviews of which only confirm its effectiveness and safety for pets, is not recommended for use on guinea pigs, rabbits and other ornamental animals. While safe for cats and dogs, it may be toxic to other pets.

Also, the drug should not be used if the animal is sick, weakened or in a period of recovery. For pregnant and lactating females, the drug is prescribed by a veterinarian with an individual dosage. Animals with hypersensitivity are recommended to test the susceptibility of the constituent substances before use.


If drugs are prescribed incorrectly and self-medication can only worsen the condition and develop an intolerance complex to the active components. The use of BlochNet is associated with certain contraindications, taking into account which will limit possible side effects.

The list of contraindications for this drug includes:

  1. It is prohibited to treat puppies under 1 year of age. For kittens, this period of restriction ends after 10 months from birth.
  2. Animals that are sick or have reduced immunity should not be treated. Applying an insectoacaricidal drug to a weakened animal’s body can further aggravate its current condition.
  3. After your pet recovers, you should wait a month to restore the immune system.
  4. Handling pregnant or lactating dogs and cats is prohibited. Such actions can significantly harm future offspring.

"BlochNet": reviews

So. Most reviews of Blokhnet drops for cats and dogs are positive, despite the fact that many owners note that the parasites do not die immediately, but after a few days. However, the drug has proven its effectiveness. And it is one of the most popular flea remedies on the veterinary products market. Of course, not in vain.

In general, in most cases BlochNet receives positive reviews. It perfectly helps not only pets, but also animals picked up from the streets that suffer from a large number of parasites to cope with ticks and lice-eaters. People who have adopted a stray kitten or puppy write in their reviews that flea drops help get rid of parasites even in the most advanced cases, without harming the animal itself.

Instructions for use of BlochNet drops

The convenience of the drops lies in the dosed use - 1 serving of the medicine creates a month-long resistance to pathogens, and according to customer reviews, the drug protects the pet from fleas for two months. Repeated application of drops is possible only after the previous treatment has ended, i.e. in a month, not earlier.

The treatment procedure itself is not complicated, however, an important component of each use of the medicine is the correct calculation of the dosage specifically for your cat or dog.

Preliminary preparation comes down to simply washing the animal; applying the drug to clean fur increases its effectiveness. The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. The drops should be applied to the animal’s withers (spine part). The product is applied along the entire length of the ridge, which ensures that it cannot enter the animal’s digestive tract.
  2. The fur is pulled back, after which a few drops are placed directly on the skin.
  3. After completing the application of the medicine, you should limit the animal's walking, and you should also avoid rainy weather and snow at this time.
  4. For two days after treatment, the pet should not be wetted or bathed.
  5. When processing several animals, the instructions require avoiding their contact for several hours. This is done to prevent licking someone else's fur with particles of unabsorbed composition.

The dosage of the product is prescribed in detail in the instructions. For dogs, the unit used to measure the amount of medication is milligrams relative to the pet's weight. Cats are prescribed drip dosing according to the instructions, also based on weight.

Sometimes owners need to treat dogs whose weight exceeds the maximum limits established by the instructions (50 kg). In such cases, 1 mg should be added. for another 10 kg.

Important : before you start using the highly effective anti-parasite drug BlochNet, you should assess the current state of your pet’s health. It is recommended to visit a veterinarian or perform a health comparison yourself.

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