Will dichlorvos help get rid of lice and nits on the head?

Nowadays, the problem of various pests, such as flies, cockroaches and bedbugs, is faced not only by people who have their own house or plot, but also by those who live in an apartment. If a person had to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon, then the first thing he will think is to poison them with dichlorvos. This remedy is popular among more than one generation, so it is firmly entrenched in the modern world.

But not everyone knows that it can harm a person. This happens because a person neglects safety rules. But just one inhalation of dichlorvos can cause irreparable harm to internal organs. This is explained by the fact that dichlorvos is a chemical, or more precisely, it belongs to organophosphorus compounds. Such products are dangerous for absolutely everyone, not just insects. For example, when cockroaches were poisoned in a house or apartment, and after that the room was poorly ventilated, a person may experience symptoms of dichlorvos poisoning. Extreme caution should be exercised when handling this poisonous drug.

Is it possible to remove lice with Dichlorvos?

The products that are now being put on the market are different from those that were produced in Soviet times. Dichlorvos is a toxic drug, but this does not stop some people from using it to poison lice.

The active component of Dichlorvos affects lice and nits through the intestines or by contact. Sometimes a joint effect is observed. Chemical compounds enter insects through the membrane or respiratory system. Destructive substances are not able to kill parasite eggs due to their durable protective coating.

For this reason, they are combed out or the procedure is repeated after some time. Dichlorvos destroys and blocks the nerve impulses of insects, causing paralysis and death of lice. Thanks to this, the parasites die a few minutes after applying the product. You can get rid of parasites with the help of Dichlorvos, but you need to remember its toxicity and precautions.

The nerve poisons included in Dichlorvos block the functioning of the insect's nervous system.

Nowadays, the problem of various pests, such as flies, cockroaches and bedbugs, is faced not only by people who have their own house or plot, but also by those who live in an apartment. If a person had to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon, then the first thing he will think is to poison them with dichlorvos. This remedy is popular among more than one generation, so it is firmly entrenched in the modern world.

But not everyone knows that it can harm a person. This happens because a person neglects safety rules. But just one inhalation of dichlorvos can cause irreparable harm to internal organs. This is explained by the fact that dichlorvos is a chemical, or more precisely, it belongs to organophosphorus compounds. Such products are dangerous for absolutely everyone, not just insects. For example, when cockroaches were poisoned in a house or apartment, and after that the room was poorly ventilated, a person may experience symptoms of dichlorvos poisoning. Extreme caution should be exercised when handling this poisonous drug.

How effective is dichlorvos in comparison with other folk remedies?

Pediculosis is a fairly ancient problem, so many treatment methods have accumulated over many centuries. During times of shortage, people used various means to remove lice. They all have varying degrees of effectiveness.

Alcohol (vodka)

In the absence of pure alcohol, any strong alcohol will be useful (vodka is best). The effectiveness of the folk remedy is explained by two reasons. According to the first, lice die from suffocation under the influence of alcohol fumes. A more convincing version is that alcohol decomposes a special adhesive substance with which nits are attached to the surface of the hair, making them easier to comb out of the hair.

The effectiveness of the method largely depends on the percentage of alcohol and the degree of advanced disease . It cannot be called absolutely safe, since the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose are sensitive to the product, and inhalation of alcohol vapor can cause poisoning.

Tar soap

Connoisseurs of all things natural claim that tar soap can get rid of lice. However, the composition of this absolutely wonderful product can in no way harm parasites. However, tar soap is effective as a restorative therapy because... it relieves itching, promotes faster healing of wounds and strengthens hair follicles. In addition, tar disinfects damage and thereby prevents secondary pediculosis.


This petroleum distillation product, used as a combustible mixture, has long established itself as a remedy for lice, even at an advanced stage of lice. However, using this oily liquid with a specific pungent odor is very unpleasant . A similar aversion to the “aroma” of kerosene is experienced by parasites, who lose the ability to breathe, and therefore live. Kerosene is also toxic and hazardous to health, like dichlorvos.

Hydrogen peroxide

This colorless antiseptic can be found in any home pharmacy. Hydrogen peroxide is effective against bacteria and germs and helps fight mold and mildew. The product cannot cause serious harm to lice and nits, but it does corrode the adhesive mass that attaches the egg to the hair . Just like after using alcohol, it becomes much easier to comb out nits from a head treated with peroxide.

IMPORTANT! For head lice, 1.5% hydrogen peroxide is used, and the 3% composition is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Otherwise, you may get a serious chemical burn.


Despite the wide selection of folk recipes for getting rid of lice, which include vinegar (for example, a mixture with salt and alcohol), this product does not have antiparasitic properties. Pre-diluted in water, it perfectly conditions the hair and makes it easier to comb. In addition, after inhaling vinegar fumes, insects become slower, and therefore vulnerable.

Laundry soap

The alkali contained in laundry soap dries the scalp, helps heal wounds left after bites and relieves itching . The product does not work as an insecticide against lice, although it is often included in folk anti-lice mixtures. Possessing exceptional cleaning abilities, laundry soap will help, for example, get rid of the smell of kerosene or dichlorvos if an infected person decides to use such drugs.

Types and their composition

The drug contains phosphorus and chlorine, as well as other components that reduce the toxicity of the product.

The following types of drug are distinguished:

  1. “Varan” has the smell of lemon and removes various parasites, including blood-sucking ones.
  2. “Eco Universal” allows you to get rid of many parasites and has an unpleasant odor.
  3. “Terminator” paralyzes bloodsuckers and contains tetramethrin and cypermethrin.
  4. “Neo”, odorless or with lavender aroma, is available in the form of a spray, it contains cypermethrin and natural pyrethrins, substances that help eliminate lice.

Dichlorvos Neo allows you to get rid of not only lice, but also other parasites. Similar drugs are produced by domestic and foreign companies. The products do not differ in their effects, because they contain similar substances.

How to prevent infection

Preventive steps to protect poultry from lice include avoiding contact with wild birds. In winter and autumn, chickens should be more thoroughly examined for the presence of parasites, since at this time the number of the latter increases significantly.

In winter, the number of parasites in warm chicken coops increases

To reduce the risk of infection as much as possible, it is recommended to carry out the following preventive work in the chicken coop:

  • close all holes and cracks to prevent rats and mice from entering,
  • use a covered net to protect walking areas from the presence of wild birds,
  • thoroughly clean the room (then do this regularly),
  • provide pets with sufficient space,
  • replace the bedding
  • do not allow the chicken coop to be cluttered with garbage, including droppings and food,
  • hang wormwood, tansy, wild rosemary, lavender indoors,
  • Check birds frequently and thoroughly for lice.

Instructions for use of insecticide

If people are not afraid of the possibility of harm from the effects of Dichlorvos, it is necessary to use it correctly to get rid of lice.

The aerosol should not be sprayed onto the scalp. In order for the procedure to have an effect, you will need to create something like a “gas chamber” for insects, otherwise the product will have no effect.

To eliminate parasites you need:

  • take a plastic bag without holes or other damage;
  • spray Dichlorvos inside (2-3 pumps);
  • place the treated bag on the head of an infected person;
  • secure the film with an elastic band, bandages or fabric bandage;
  • keep on your head for no more than 20 minutes;
  • remove the package;
  • wash your hair with shampoo, laundry or tar soap so that your hair and skin are cleansed of caustic substances;
  • use hair conditioner to make it easier to comb;
  • rinse your hair with a solution containing vinegar or sour juice;
  • comb out parasites with a comb or comb with frequent teeth onto a white cloth or paper;
  • burn the material and combed out insects.

To completely kill lice, it is necessary to treat the infected person’s personal belongings, clothing and bedding. All items used to eliminate parasites are disposed of or disinfected.


Some of the most effective means are:

  1. Para Plus is an aerosol for combating nits and lice. An effective remedy. Can be used by children from 2.5 years old. The process is faster (just wait 10 minutes after spraying) and requires less preparation compared to Dichlorvos. The main disadvantage of the drug is the high price.
  2. Shampoo Veda. Despite the fact that this is a shampoo, just washing your hair with it is not enough; you need to apply it to the scalp and sit with this mask for at least 10 minutes, or better yet, up to half an hour, and only then rinse it off. The product is contraindicated for children under 5 years of age and people with hypersensitive skin, as well as wounds on the head. The drug is in the middle price category.
  3. Cream Nyx. Apply to damp (not wet) hair, leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse. Use is possible in children from 6 months. Not the most budget-friendly option.
  4. Spray Nuda. The product is a new generation, absolutely non-toxic and suitable for people of any age, even young children. The drug is an oily liquid, the main component of which is dimethicone. The action of the drug is based on enveloping the parasites with a film, they die from suffocation. The product has a specific smell.
  5. Paranit. This is a whole line of dimethicone-based products for every taste - shampoo-conditioner, spray, repellent, lotion and sensitive. The latter is intended for children over one year old and pregnant women. The active substance is also dimethicone, which kills lice by suffocation. The most common form of the drug is a spray. The price depends on the type of product.


How to use dichlorvos to eliminate the risks of poisoning? There are several rules that will help you avoid unpleasant consequences.

  1. All manipulations with dichlorvos should be carried out only in special clothing and protective equipment (gloves, respirator).
  2. Both during and after treating the room with dichlorvos, it must be well ventilated.
  3. Under no circumstances should pregnant women and allergy sufferers manipulate dichlorvos.
  4. After finishing the treatment of the room, no people or animals should be in it for at least four hours, preferably six hours.
  5. After finishing the treatment, all working surfaces must be washed or at least wiped thoroughly.
  6. You should buy dichlorvos only in stores, and not from individuals, who can make it themselves, without taking into account sanitary standards.
  7. Dichlorvos should be stored out of the reach of children.
  8. It is best not to carry out any actions at all with dichlorvos, but to leave disinfestation to SES workers.

Nevertheless, the modern formula of dichlorvos is so improved that poisoning with this chemical can only be caused by particularly improper use, either intentionally or by people with very poor health.

Today you can find many drugs united by one name - “Dichlorvos”. There are various variations of this insecticide, but all of these products are not essentially dichlorvos, because they have nothing in common with the original aerosol. Meanwhile, it is almost impossible to find a classic drug today, since it has been replaced by more modern and safe insecticides.

Precautionary measures

An important condition for working with this poison is to take precautions. Remember that the remedy is very powerful, any violation of the rules can cause severe poisoning

To prevent unpleasant consequences:

  1. Wear glasses so the poisons will not damage your eyes.
  2. Work only with rubber gloves.
  3. It is better if you are wearing a respirator.
  4. Don't touch your face with your hands.
  5. Do not eat or drink anything during treatment.
  6. Make sure that all food and drinks are kept out of the area where dichlorvos sprays may reach.
  7. At the end of the event, thoroughly wash your face and hands with soap.

If you choose dichlorvos to poison parasites on your head, you need to rinse your hair several times with a shampoo that suits your hair type, always with a conditioner.

Advice! After such treatment against parasites, the hair needs to be nourished with special masks. Otherwise, they will look dull and begin to split. For quick recovery, masks based on olives, natural honey, and chicken eggs are suitable. After each wash, rinse your hair with decoctions of medicinal herbs, and then your curls will quickly acquire a healthy appearance.

What are the contraindications?

The use of Dichlorvos is refused in the following cases:

  • for diseases of the respiratory system;
  • during pregnancy;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • if you are allergic to the components of the drug;
  • for diseases or damage to the scalp.

It is forbidden to get rid of parasites in young children using a toxic substance

Dichlorvos is not used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Dichlorvos is characterized by the fact that its exposure causes both immediate consequences (complications) and long-term consequences.

Complications appear within two weeks from the moment the substance enters the human blood. The patient begins to suffer from:

  • toxic hepatitis;
  • nephropathy;
  • pneumonia;
  • dystrophy of the heart muscle.

Long-term consequences appear within three years from the moment the substance enters the human blood. The patient begins to suffer from:

  • astheno-vegetative syndrome : disturbances in the functioning of internal organs due to poor functioning of the autonomic system;
  • myeloradiculitis : simultaneous inflammation of the human spinal cord and spinal roots;
  • polyneuritis : diseases of the peripheral nervous system.

For pregnant women, dichlorvos poisoning is doubly dangerous. If it occurs during an early period, the fetus may freeze. If during the last months, the fetus may develop developmental abnormalities or even the death of the unborn child.

Compliance with safety regulations

Before using the product, study the instructions and take safety measures, since the spray belongs to hazard class 3.

For this:

  1. All family members are examined for the presence of insects.
  2. The procedure is carried out outside the home, in a ventilated area.
  3. Make sure there is no allergy by applying a small amount of spray to the skin of the elbow or palm for half an hour.
  4. Prepare everything necessary for processing: glasses, medical mask, rubber gloves, gown, plastic bag, headband, comb.

These recommendations will help avoid harm and ensure the desired result.

If Dichlorvos does not help, then pay attention to long-acting insecticides. They are more expensive, but much more effective than regular budget sprays. For example, the liquid preparation GET, which targets bed bugs and their offspring. The effect of the products lasts six months.

Also keep in mind that every city has a specialized service for exterminating bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects. Pest control is very difficult at home. If there are too many outbreaks in the room and you cannot get rid of bed bugs yourself, contact a specialized service.

The choice of such a company should be taken seriously. It is noteworthy that all the drugs used by these services are mainly insecticides. Products must be certified and also be low-risk substances belonging to group 4.

More modern companies can offer their clients the elimination of errors using a UMO generator. This device can significantly reduce the amount of insecticide used. This is achieved through a more uniform fog. It should be noted that the effectiveness and duration of the result depends on the correct implementation of the procedure.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Expert opinion

Svetlana Podgornaya

Hairdresser-makeup artist

Does dichlorvos help against chicken lice?

The term “chicken lice” unites more than two thousand insects that parasitize birds - called in the language of science mallophages or down-eaters. Like head lice in humans, mallophages cause a lot of discomfort to birds and cause a disease called mallophagosis.

To combat such parasites, there are special veterinarian-approved products. Since a bird is a living creature capable of breathing and feeling, the consequences of using aerosols such as dichlorvos for it will be the same as for people. Given the small size of the animal, and therefore the body’s lower resistance, the drug may be too toxic and lead to death.

Is it possible to poison lice with dichlorvos for a child?

No. Use for the treatment of head lice in children is a direct contraindication to the use of dichlorvos.

Is it possible to kill linen lice using dichlorvos?

Perhaps dichlorvos is best suited for this purpose. The product effectively fights parasites, and disinfected items can be ventilated and will not cause harm to health.

There are several ways to treat laundry with dichlorvos:

  • spray the product into plastic bags , put things in them and tie them tightly;
  • treat a wardrobe attacked by lice with dichlorvos , close it, and seal the cracks with paper tape;
  • hang things outside and spray them generously with aerosol . This is the least effective, but the safest method, because... the likelihood of inhaling toxic substances is minimized.

ATTENTION! Dichlorvos is used to treat places where parasites accumulate: seams, fabric hems, pockets.

Thus, the use of dichlorvos in the fight against lice is possible and even justified to some extent if pharmaceutical products are not available . But given the high toxicity of the drug, it is necessary to follow safety rules, use personal protective equipment, and in case of poisoning, consult a doctor.

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What are the signs of poisoning?

When using Dichlorvos, there is a danger of its penetration into the respiratory tract or gastrointestinal tract, as well as onto the skin.

Poisoning upon contact with skin manifests itself as:

  • burning;
  • itching;
  • severe allergies;
  • tingling;
  • swelling.

Dichlorvos can cause severe burning and itching. If a person inhaled vapors or the drug entered the digestive system, then a negative reaction of the body is indicated by:

  • headache;
  • itching in the face;
  • increased body temperature;
  • dizziness;
  • cough.

When the product gets into the eyes, conjunctivitis may appear, so they are washed immediately. In case of poisoning, you need to induce vomiting, take an adsorbent and an hour later - a laxative.

In order for toxins to finally leave the body, you need to drink a lot of liquid.


Previously, Dichlorvos was considered absolutely harmless, but it has now been proven that organophosphorus compounds affect not only the nervous system of insects, but also humans.
Side effects also included poisoning and allergic reactions (itching, burning, rashes). It is not recommended to use the drug for children, pregnant women, animals and people with allergies. People with colds or lung problems should also delay using Dichlorvos, as there is a risk of developing bronchial asthma.

It is better to use Dichlorvos for treating premises and furniture. However, if you need to use this product on a person, you need to stock up on rubber gloves, a respirator or a medical mask.

Attention: avoid getting the substance on your skin, the consequences can be very different!

In case of accidental inhalation of vapors, the following symptoms will certainly appear:

  • headache,
  • runny nose,
  • irritation of the respiratory tract accompanied by cough,
  • dizziness,
  • itching of facial skin,
  • temperature rise to 38–39° C.


When the product penetrates through mucous membranes or skin, signs of toxic effects appear as follows:

  • burning on the skin,
  • tingling sensation
  • allergic reactions - itching, erythema, swelling.

Usually unpleasant symptoms disappear after 2–3 days. In order to avoid them when handling things, you need to use protective equipment - a respirator, gloves.

As mentioned above, this compound in aerosol form is used only for treating residential or industrial premises against insect pests or parasitic species. Can be used for processing interior items, furniture, textiles.

The procedure for treating lice with Dichlorvos should only be carried out by adults in a well-ventilated area, taking all precautions. The person participating in the disinsection procedure must protect the respiratory tract with a respirator and his hands with rubber gloves.

If the insecticide gets on the skin or mucous membranes, rinse thoroughly with plenty of water, and in case of an atypical reaction of the body, consult a doctor.


The toxic effects of Dichlorvos when the product gets inside or on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes have been repeatedly mentioned above. This danger lies in the toxic effect of the drug on the human body:

  1. When used topically as a pediculicide, there is an extremely high probability of developing all kinds of allergic reactions - redness, itching, burning, swelling of tissues, rashes in the form of hives, runny eyes or nose.
  2. In some, especially severe cases, it is possible to develop Quincke's edema, even anaphylactic shock.
  3. Moreover, there is a risk of developing general poisoning of the body, which is characterized by dizziness, headaches, vomiting, and loss of consciousness. In such cases, a person needs urgent hospitalization, as well as measures to promote the rapid removal of the toxin from the body.
  4. For small children and pets, intoxication with this substance is more severe and can even be fatal.
  5. Dichlorvos can also cause an attack in people suffering from bronchial asthma.

Where can I buy

Name of shopAddressPrice, rub
OrientalMoscow, Krivokolenny lane, 12, building 3 (Chistye Prudy metro station)86
Hypermarket ObiSt. Petersburg, Kosmonavtov Avenue, 14115
Hypermarket MollMinsk, st. Pritytskogo, 29 5 bel. R
Your HouseKyiv, st. Yuri Shumsky, 3g 46 UAH

Providing first aid for contact with eyes and skin

Unfortunately, cases of Dichlorvos getting into the eyes are not uncommon. If this happens, then it is necessary to wash the eyes with running water for half an hour without any hygiene products, including soap. After this, apply a tight sterile bandage and refer the victim to an ophthalmologist.

Poisoning through the skin is difficult to eliminate because the substance quickly penetrates the epithelium. In case of damage, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to wash the affected areas using a weak soda solution, after which a sterile bandage is applied.
  2. If the victim is conscious, then he needs to rinse his stomach twice.
  3. Next, two tablets of activated carbon are taken for every ten kilograms of the victim’s weight.
  4. An ambulance is called.

Effect of the drug on ectoparasites

Since Soviet times, Dichlorvos has been popularly considered to be safe for humans and effective against many insects - fleas in animals, cockroaches and ants, which often “invaded” living quarters, as well as lice on human heads.

But quite a lot of time has passed since then, and many studies have been carried out in the field of medicine that have proven the opposite - Dichlorvos is very harmful to human health. It’s not for nothing that indoor treatment is carried out in a special protective suit, and then left for several days to air.

The effect of Dichlorvos on ectoparasites is the entry of chemical compounds into the body of insects and the destruction of nerve endings. After such damage, restoration and normal existence of the insect is not possible. Therefore, the louse quickly dies.

The substance does not help against nits, since the egg cocoon is more resistant to environmental conditions and is completely closed.

Today, several options for improved medical developments based on dichlorvos of the last century are known:

  • Classic - a development of the last century, very toxic and with a pungent odor. It contained highly toxic organic compounds that were able to penetrate the dense chitinous layer of lice and destroy their body. Often its use was incorrect, since people did not know all the safety rules, which led to an allergic rash, disorder and even poisoning;
  • “Eco” is a newer formula of Dichlorvos with a light lavender aroma. In addition to flavoring, the composition contains cypermethrin (a less toxic pyrethroid) and pyrethrins of natural origin (extract from Dalmatian chamomile);
  • “Neo” is a new generation of dichlorvos. The composition contains three active substances: permethrin, piperonyl butoxide and cypermethrin. When used correctly, it does not cause side effects, but effectively kills lice by penetrating the body and destroying them from the inside.

When deciding to treat lice with Dichlorvos, you must first consult with a specialist and choose between modern developments.

User reviews

Angelina, 33 years old, Stavropol: “After a week-long vacation at the sea, I discovered lice and nits. No pharmaceutical medicines helped, so I decided to use Dichlorvos. I carried out everything according to the instructions, preparing all the necessary items for protection. In 2 procedures I got rid of the problem. The only thing I didn’t like was the smell, which is hard to wash off.”

Karina, 45 years old, Murmansk: “My daughter got lice from someone and treated her with Dichlorvos without advice. As a result, I developed a severe facial skin allergy. I treated her for a long time. I don’t recommend it.”


LiceWays to remove eyelash lice

Review of popular tools

Today, under the familiar name “Dichlorvos”, products are produced that have nothing in common with the drug that was popular in Soviet times. The drug, regardless of the prefix and manufacturer, is classified as hazard class 3-4. That is, these products are not dangerous for warm-blooded animals and humans, but when they try to remove lice with Dichlorvos, it is worth carefully considering all the pros and cons of such a solution.


What is included in the new Dichlorvos and how will it act against lice:

  • Dichlorvos-Neo is an odorless product, produced on the basis of the synthetic insecticide cypermethrin and the synergist piperonyl butoxide. Acts instantly, thanks to an organophosphorus insecticide. Piperonyl butoxide enhances the properties of the insecticide.
  • Dichlorvos Eco - the drug contains a complex of synthetic insecticides and pyrethrins. An aromatic additive with the scent of lavender was used as a repellent and fragrance.
  • Dichlorvos Universal is a potent product with an unpleasant odor. Wide spectrum of action
  • Dichlorvos Varan is a drug with a lemon smell. The composition is similar to the previous products.
  • Dichlorvos Terminator - synthetic isomers of pyrethroids: cypermethrin and tetramethrin have a paralyzing effect on the neuromuscular system of insects.

Foreign companies also produce similar aerosols. Perfumed product from Turkish manufacturers Dew Tox and Buntox without odor.

All preparations called “Dichlorvos” are based on a complex of synthetic insecticides and synergists that ensure the penetration of poison into insect tissue. Therefore, in the instructions, the manufacturer warns that the product should not come into contact with the surface of human skin, otherwise there is a risk of poisoning.

Despite all the warnings, people are wondering whether it is possible to remove lice with Dichlorvos. If we are talking about body lice, then the product can eradicate adult insects and larvae. An aerosol cannot get rid of nits, since insecticides do not penetrate the thick shell of the egg and the layer of “glue” that attaches the nits to the threads of fabric and hair on the human body. The use of such an aggressive drug against head lice is a way to poison both the insects and the patient.

Treatment Options

If dichlorvos poisoning has occurred, there is no need for treatment as such. You just need to remove the drug from the affected areas or stop its effects. Taking medications is necessary in the presence of allergic reactions. In case of poisoning of children under one year of age, seeking medical advice is essential. In case of severe poisoning, strengthening injections are prescribed that can relieve feelings of nausea and cramps.


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