Forsythe cockroach trap: description and effectiveness

The fight against the Prussians involves the use of a variety of means and techniques. The Forsyth cockroach trap is an example of a good physical method of catching nuisance insects that can significantly reduce their population.

In addition, it remains safe for the human body, which allows it to be used even in homes where small children live. To better understand the effectiveness of the corresponding trap, you need to get to know it better.

Forsythe liquid - composition features

Forsyth is a permethrin-based cockroach repellent. The modern insecticide belongs to class 4 of low-hazard substances; when used correctly, it does not affect human well-being and does not harm pets.

Permethrin concentrates in the air, some of it settles on the surface, creating a toxic layer for cockroaches. It enters the insect's body through the respiratory tract upon contact. The poison blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, paralyzes muscles, and stops breathing. The death of the insect occurs within a few minutes after inhaling toxic fumes.

Permethrin gradually loses its properties under the influence of sunlight and temperature. Its action lasts for a maximum of a week. Every day the defense becomes weaker. Forsyth is most effective in the first 2 hours after disinfestation.

Permethrin has a pungent odor, but it quickly evaporates and does not persist indoors. The solution does not leave stains on the surface and can be quickly washed off with water and baking soda.

Forsyth liquid is sold in 50 ml bottles. The average price of the product is 250 rubles. You can buy the drug on the Internet or in a specialized store.

Liquid concentrate

The transparent liquid Forsythe has a golden hue and a sharp, unpleasant odor that dissipates quite quickly. This concentrated liquid is intended for dilution in water and preparation of an emulsion, followed by spraying the room.

The active ingredient is toxic fenthion. After treatment, the product dries and crystallizes on surfaces, while developing repellent properties (repelling insects). The product is well suited for disinfestation of residential and industrial premises. Its validity period is 2-4 months. Sold in 50 ml bottles.


  • versatility;
  • quick effect;
  • rapid weathering of pungent odor;
  • ease of use.
  • Minuses:

  • the drug is toxic and dangerous to human health;
  • You need to work with it only in protective form.
  • Despite the disadvantages of toxicity, it is the Forsyth concentrate that is most popular among users due to the high speed of onset of the expected effect.

    In addition to bottles, the emulsion is sold in containers of 1, 5 and 10 liters.

    Gel Forsyth for fighting Prussians

    Produced in syringe tubes with a capacity of 30 ml. This quantity is enough to treat a room of up to 70 square meters. The active component is the insecticide prometrin at a concentration of 20%.

    Auxiliary ingredients - fragrances to attract the attention of cockroaches, flavoring additives. The gel also contains bitter ingredients that prevent pets from eating the poison. Prussians do not notice bitterness, so they eat poison with great pleasure.

    The gel consistency allows you to maintain the properties of the drug Forsyth for 2 weeks. Renew the layer as it is eaten or 14 days after the first application.

    Gel Forsyth against cockroaches acts gradually. The first insect corpses appear within 3 days. The rate of death depends on the dose of poison accumulated in the cockroach’s body. Also, the delayed effect was intended by the manufacturers so that cockroaches would continue to eat the poison without caution.

    In about a week, the entire family becomes infected. Mass death of black cockroaches or red cockroaches is observed within 2 weeks. To consolidate the result and kill newborn individuals, update the layer several more times.

    The cost of one tube is about 80 rubles.

    Preparation of the solution

    The product is prepared immediately before use. To prepare the solution, dissolve 50 ml of liquid preparation in 1 liter of cold water. Next, pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray the areas where the pests are located. The diluted drug retains its properties for 8 hours.

    Important! To obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to cover all treated surfaces evenly, without gaps. Gel


    Features of application

    To destroy cockroaches in an average 2-room apartment, you will need, depending on the degree of infestation, 1-2 bottles of a liquid insecticide suspension.

    Surface treatment

    When treating large surfaces (floors, walls), it is better to use a sprayer. This will allow you to treat the surfaces as evenly as possible and not waste the product in vain.

    To work on surfaces that cannot be reached with a spray gun, you can use a brush or sponge.

    Terms of use

    Instructions for using concentrated Forsyth liquid require strict adherence to the dosage and all instructions for proper disinfestation.

    The solution is prepared immediately before use, but the finished product can be used for 3 days if it was stored in a closed container.

    To kill cockroaches, you need to dilute the entire 50 ml bottle of the product in 1 liter of water. If the room is heavily infested, it is recommended to make a more concentrated solution, 1.5 liters in volume.

    • It is necessary to clean the house or apartment.
    • Close windows and doors.
    • Wear a respirator, gloves, and suit.
    • Treat hotspots of cockroaches and their routes of movement: floors, baseboards, furniture on the back side, places under the bathtub, sink, trash can, sewerage, pipes.
    • Disinsection should be carried out in all rooms where cockroaches can live - bathroom, toilet, kitchen, dark corridor, storage room.
    • The distance to the surface to be treated is 20 cm.
    • Leave the room closed for 2 hours and go for a walk.
    • Ventilate for about 30 minutes, carry out partial wet cleaning.

    The instructions for using the gel are much simpler. Work should be carried out with rubber gloves. Squeeze out the gel in a dotted line. Treat areas where Prussians may be. A thin strip is left along the baseboards, on the back of the furniture, near the trash can, sinks, and toilet.

    Analogs from other manufacturers

    Concentrates, gels, and traps are produced by many domestic and foreign companies. Instead of Forsythe you can buy:

    • Clean house;
    • Dohlox;
    • Raptor;
    • Taiga;
    • Raid.

    The cost of analogues is from 50 rubles. The drugs are sold in specialized hardware stores and on Internet sites.

    Foresight is an effective, inexpensive product. With the right approach and following the instructions, you can remove cockroaches within a month if the infestation is severe; if the number of insects is small, the apartment will be cleared in 2 weeks.


    It is advisable to use poisonous baits in the form of a gel for any degree of contamination of the room. They are used as a primary, auxiliary, and preventive remedy.

    Forsythe liquid copes well with an average number of Prussians. If the apartment is heavily infested, you will have to use the solution at least 3 times every 14 days, which is confirmed by reviews of the Forsyth product.

    I bought the gel along with the concentrate. The fight against cockroaches was carried out comprehensively. Through joint efforts we managed to get rid of the Prussians in a month. I left the gel for prevention for another 2 weeks. The solution smells unpleasant, but the smell does not remain for long. Dissipates the same day. It is imperative to close the apartment tightly, the result depends on it. It kills well on the first day, then corpses appear here and there. Repeated disinfestation is necessary. An effective remedy for cockroaches, but it does not help as quickly. Permethrin works well against mosquitoes. Its action begins upon contact with the treated surface, when ingested through the respiratory tract. When the product is present in the air, there is an effect. The cockroaches are dying. Poisonous film is not enough for these creatures. Either you need to increase the concentration, or carry out disinfestation every other day. Then you can defeat them.

    Forsyth belongs to the middle price category, but is in no way inferior in effectiveness to expensive products.


    Foresight against cockroaches: how to choose and use?

    If unplanned guests, such as cockroaches, appear in your life, then you urgently need to deal with them. Cockroaches reproduce very quickly; they are accustomed to living in almost any conditions.

    It has been proven that mustachioed pests can live for more than one month without food. But such situations rarely happen, because insects in almost every home can find food for themselves: crumbs, garbage on the floor, food debris, wet soil and fertilizer from home flowers, book bindings, wallpaper and wallpaper glue.

    Therefore, they will never leave you just like that, so it is necessary to take measures.

    Over many years of fighting cockroaches, people have accumulated many recipes for creating homemade pest control. But folk remedies are not always effective, so it is better to use chemical insecticides when fighting.

    There are many types of poison on store shelves of varying degrees of toxicity, with different methods of use, for different rooms, etc. One of the products that has proven itself to be an effective remedy in the fight against cockroaches is the drug Forsyth for cockroaches.

    In this article you can find out what types of insecticides of the Forsyth brand are produced, how to breed and use Forsyth against cockroaches, and safety measures.

    Popular effective remedies

    When exterminating cockroaches, the correct choice of means is the main point that determines the result.

    Here, you should still trust already known and proven brands.


    Buying a Forsyth cockroach trap will not be difficult, since this effective product is produced in Russia. Compared to its competitors, it has an affordable price. Recommended points for purchase:

    1. “Zone Dez” is a service for exterminating insects and rodents in Moscow and the Moscow region.
    2. Sanitary Protection Service Moscow, Dez, Moscow Disinfection Center.

    Trap type:


    What does it look like?

    A small cardboard box that looks like a house. Inside is a sticky mixture of wheat chaff and starch glue, which makes the product harmless to others. There are 5 houses in the package.

    Operating principle.

    Through special holes, insects, attracted by the aroma, crawl inside and forever stick to the bottom.

    Time of action:

    3 months.

    Average price per package

    – 60 rubles.


    ! If there are too many pests and traps no longer help, we recommend using spray preparations. Treat your room with Forsyth to completely eliminate cockroaches in just a few days.


    Raptor traps are safe for children and animals.

    Trap type:


    What does it look like?

    A plastic box, similar to a disk with holes, in a pack of 6 pieces.

    Operating principle.

    Cockroaches get inside, feast on the poisoned mixture, infecting themselves. Then they poison their relatives, bringing poison to the body in places where they gather. All infected individuals die within 3 to 5 days.

    Time of action:

    up to six months.

    Average pack price:

    within 200 rubles.


    This trap is designed for placement in hard-to-reach areas of the apartment.

    Trap type:


    What does it look like?

    A plastic container with an adhesive base for attaching the trap to the wall. A package can contain from 4 to 12 discs.

    Operating principle:

    the insects get trapped, eat the chemical and spread it to all the nests, exposing other cockroaches to extinction.

    Time of action:

    up to 6 months.

    Price per package:

    from 300 to 900 rubles depending on the number of pieces in the package.

    How to make a cockroach trap at home?

    If you don’t want to spend money on purchased products, then there is always the option of making a trap yourself.

    The simplest thing is to make it from a plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5 or 2 liters.

    Cut the bottle into 2 parts, one of which should be 2 times larger than the other (the half with a smaller neck). The upper part will need to be inserted into the lower part, after pouring water (or soup) into it and lubricating the walls with sunflower oil. Crush pieces of food there and wait for the cockroaches to “peck” at the bait. Then change the bottles as they become filled with mustachioed pests.


    ! Not a single trap made by yourself will rid you of all the cockroaches living in the apartment.

    Liquid for cockroaches Forsyth

    Forsyth in liquid form is a golden-colored insecticide that is used dissolved in water. You can purchase the liquid at any hardware store in a 50 ml bottle. The price varies from 200 to 300 rubles.

    You need to dilute 50 ml of liquid per 1 liter of water at room temperature. The resulting solution is poured into a spray bottle or spray bottle and the room is treated:

    • Cabinets and kitchen units that should be emptied in advance.
    • Places with high humidity, places near pipes and radiators.
    • It is worth treating areas under appliances such as a refrigerator, washing machine, oven, etc.
    • Gaps in the floor, baseboards.
    • Places where “mustachioed” guests were spotted.

    The liquid product is low toxic, but you still need to handle the room wearing special clothing, a respirator, goggles and rubber gloves.

    Advantages of liquid Foresight:

    • Efficiency. The product can kill a large population of cockroaches in one room treatment.
    • Easy to use.
    • Long-lasting effect of the drug.


    • Inability to destroy insect eggs. The room needs to be re-treated after 2-3 weeks.
    • Toxicity.

    After disinfection, close the room for several hours, then ventilate the room for 10-12 hours, and carry out wet cleaning.

    If the product gets on the skin, mucous membranes or in the eyes, rinse the eyes thoroughly with running water, rinse the mouth with saline solution, and wash the skin with soap and water. If red spots begin to appear on the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor.


    Foresight is most effective in direct contact with poison. But what happens if a person or pet comes into contact with the insecticide? The toxicity of a substance depends on how its effect on the body is noted.

    1. Due to the absence of harmful fumes in the gel, it is classified as class 4 hazardous chemicals for humans - the class of low-hazard chemicals. With one-time contact with the skin it causes redness, slight itching, and with the mucous membrane of the eyes it causes severe irritation and pain. The contact area must be washed with plenty of cold water.
    2. With prolonged inhalation of liquid emulsion vapors, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath and fainting are possible, which is why the effect of the vapors is classified as toxicity class 2.

    If you are worried about the health of your loved ones, we recommend reading: How to fight cockroaches using folk remedies

    1. If the toxin gets inside it causes severe poisoning. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. Classified as 3rd class.

    It is required to follow the instructions when working with the substance and use personal protective equipment (rubber gloves, respirator).

    Important! The drug must be stored in a place inaccessible to children and pets, at a temperature of -30 to +40 degrees Celsius, no longer than the period indicated on the package.

    Trap Forsyth

    The trap is designed to safely get rid of cockroaches in homes where there are small children and animals, and in homes where there is a small number of pests.

    The Forsyth glue trap for cockroaches consists of a cardboard box with a sticky base, inside of which there is poison. The trap emits a smell that is tempting to cockroaches. Insects crawl onto the bait and stick to the poisoned sticky base, where they die.

    Once the entire trap is filled with unwanted insects, it should be thrown out and a new one installed. The validity period of the substance in the trap is from 2 to 3 months.


    • Safety for the whole family and animals.
    • The poison does not contain toxic substances.


    • Unpleasant to look at. Within three months, a sufficient number of insects adhere.
    • If the trap is in a visible place, it can ruin the overall appearance of the apartment’s interior.
    • Does not affect larvae and eggs; there is a constant need to use traps.

    Features and principle of operation

    In the understanding of most of our fellow citizens, a trap for cockroaches is a box of poison, after visiting which the insect spreads the poison to its relatives, which ultimately leads to the death of the entire colony of Prussians.

    The Forsythe product differs from this standard “working” scheme. The trap's action is not based on poisons, this is its main distinguishing feature!

    The accessory is a cardboard house, inside of which there is an appetizing bait (it is located in the center). The rest of the area is generously covered with glue. Cockroaches, attracted by the smell of easy prey, penetrate the house, after which they find themselves securely glued to its walls. Moreover, they do not die immediately, but rather slowly - there is no insecticide there!

    Another interesting feature is that insects completely forget about the food in the kitchen. This bait is too attractive for them.

    Important. Forsyth cockroach traps are one of the few means that are absolutely safe for both people and animals. This is confirmed by the fact that the accessory is recommended for use in children's institutions.

    Gel against cockroaches

    Gel Forsyth against Tarkans is sold in tubes in the form of a 30g syringe. The product has a slow effect, cockroaches do not die instantly, death occurs after 1-3 days.

    The drug should be applied in a dotted line with a distance of 1.5-2 cm in places:

    • along the baseboards;
    • sink;
    • bathroom;
    • back walls of the kitchen unit;
    • places where trash cans are located;
    • pipes, batteries.


    • Safety for humans.
    • There is no unpleasant smell.
    • Once stained with poison, cockroaches can infect their other relatives.
    • Affordable price. You can buy a syringe of Forsyth gel for 50-80 rubles.


    • Not convenient to use. You need to try to treat hard-to-reach places.
    • Long action.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

    All drugs have disadvantages. Forsyth is no exception. Its disadvantages are:

    • unpleasant odor;
    • high price;
    • no impact on insect eggs.

    But there are many more positive qualities of this drug:

    • ease of preparation;
    • versatility - the product can be used not only to kill cockroaches, but also representatives of other types of household pests;
    • convenient packaging;
    • the ability to prepare a solution of the required concentration;
    • impact on nymphs, adults;
    • presence of prolonged action;
    • effectiveness - two times of application is enough to forget about pests for a long time.

    Preparing an apartment for disinfestation

    Before disinfection, you need to prepare the apartment so that the treatment of the room is more effective.

    • Carry out wet cleaning using special detergents.
    • It is advisable to pack dishes, all kitchen utensils in bags, and take boxes out of the house.
    • Pack food in cling film, put it in the refrigerator or take it out of the apartment.
    • Throw out unnecessary old furniture.
    • Open cabinets, chests of drawers and mezzanines, as insects can hide in dark corners of furniture.
    • Cover the ventilation hood with paper tape so that cockroaches do not have the opportunity to escape to the neighbors.
    • It is necessary to glue the wallpaper, if any.

    Let's summarize:

    The most popular product among Forsyth preparations is a liquid, but it is the most dangerous and toxic Forsyth brand insecticide for human health. Gel and traps are safe.


    Customer reviews about Foresight

    You can evaluate the effectiveness of products on forums where issues of fighting cockroaches are discussed.

    Last year Prussians appeared in our apartment. At first I noticed one, and the next day there were already about a dozen of them. I had no desire to poison cockroaches, so I bought Forsyth gel and traps. Together we cleaned the apartment in a few days. If you respond to a problem in a timely manner, it will be resolved very quickly.

    Irina, Moscow

    Conducted pest control with Forsyth. There were a lot of cockroaches in the apartment. She poisoned in the evening, then left the kitchen closed and spent the night in another place. In the morning I ventilated it and removed the dead cockroaches. Almost everyone died. I saw them for a few more days, then they disappeared. The second disinfestation was also carried out, since eggs could have been preserved. After that, I spread the gel in the corners of the kitchen and in the bathroom for prevention. Excellent drugs. Inexpensive, effective.

    Inna, St. Petersburg

    The traps are not bad, but they can only be used in combination with gel, after disinfestation. They will not be able to remove cockroaches on their own. It's just wasting time.

    Anastasia, Tver

    Forsyth from cockroaches how to use

    Good day, dear readers. If you are reading this article, it means that you are looking for a way to solve the problem with insects in your apartment.

    You can consider yourself lucky - I’ll tell you how to rid your home of all synanthropic arthropods using just one drug.

    Today we will talk about the Foresight tool. I will tell you what it contains and why it is effective. You will learn how Foresight will help you get rid of cockroaches, and in which cases it is better to use traps, and in which - gel or liquid.

    How does Foresight work?

    The active ingredient in the Foresight line depends on the form of the insecticide. The active component in the liquid is fenthion, a substance from the group of pesticides. The gel is effective due to the content of another broad-spectrum pesticide - fipronil.

    Both fenthion and fipronil have neuroparalytic effects on insects. This means that after contact with a cockroach, the insecticide blocks the transmission of nerve impulses and the nervous system as a whole, respiratory processes stop, vital organs do not receive the required amount of oxygen and nutrients, as a result of which the cockroach dies.

    Gel "Forsyth"

    Gel insecticides are in demand due to their simplicity and ease of use. Foresight gel is no exception - the poison is placed in a convenient syringe, so all you have to do is apply it precisely to the habitats and movements of cockroaches:

    • near the trash can;
    • along the baseboards and behind them;
    • under the refrigerator and stove;
    • on the back walls of upholstered furniture;
    • on mezzanines and kitchen cabinets, shelves;
    • in cracks in the floor and walls, in corners;
    • for heating radiators;
    • near the sink, toilet and bathtub.

    It will take about a couple of days to destroy the entire colony. Moreover, it is not necessary for all individuals to be soiled with the gel - only a couple of cockroaches need to try the poison to provoke an epidemic in the cockroach family.

    This is possible due to the delayed effect of the gel. A cockroach, having tasted the poison, does not die immediately, but only after a few hours - this period of time is precisely what is needed in order to infect as many individuals as possible.

    The gel has the following advantages:

    • versatility - with its help you can get rid of ants, silverfish, woodlice, cockroaches and any other synanthropic insects;
    • low level of toxicity for humans and animals;
    • Convenient packaging for easy application.

    All these qualities, coupled with high efficiency, have made Foresight a popular tool among those who fight insects. The gel is ideal for those whose apartment population of cockroaches has grown significantly.

    You can apply the gel in several places after all the insects have been destroyed - this will serve as a kind of prevention of their reappearance. And you will be sure that if any dashing cockroach managed to survive, a poisonous treat awaits him.

    The gel will retain its properties for several more months thanks to special fatty additives that will prevent it from drying out. So you will have to repeat preventive applications no more than once a year.

    Instructions for processing the premises

    The instructions for the drug must be carefully studied before self-disinfestation of the apartment. It indicates in what dosage the product should be used, how to provide protective measures so as not to harm yourself and others. Strict adherence to the manufacturer’s recommendations will help get rid of annoying insects.

    Preparing the apartment

    Thorough treatment of the entire work area is another important detail to create an effective barrier against parasites. The algorithm includes five steps.

    1. Move the furniture away. Move cabinets and sofas that block access to the baseboards to some distance.
    2. Hide interior items. Remove paintings, wall clocks and other things and take them to another room for the duration of disinfection.
    3. Browse all textiles and clothing. Go through your items to check for parasites. Wash them thoroughly in hot water and pack them in sealed bags. The cabinets must be empty during processing.
    4. Free up your sleeping space. Disassemble the bed frame and remove the mattress. These are the favorite habitats of bedbugs.
    5. Remove food items. Food and utensils should not be in the disinfection area; take the food to another room for a while.

    Repeated use of the product guarantees a more lasting result. Remember that fenthion is poisonous to fish and birds; do not forget to remove them from the room during treatment.

    Features of application

    Prepare a working solution: dilute 50 ml of product in 2 liters of cold water. This amount is enough to treat an apartment with an area of ​​50 m2 with an average degree of infection. Dilute the drug only in cold water, as it retains the toxic properties of the substance and fights off the unpleasant odor. Close windows and doors tightly. Using a spray bottle, apply the prepared composition to the parasite habitats:

    • walls and corners;
    • wallpaper joints;
    • slopes, cracks and doorways;
    • interior of carpets;
    • skirting boards and floors;
    • cabinets (inside and outside);
    • beds and sofas (on all sides);
    • fittings and all mechanisms.

    Glue trap "Forsyth"

    An invention that will help you reduce the insect population several times in just a few days. The trap is a sticky base with a fragrant bait in the middle. The insects smell the smell, rush to feast on the treat and stick tightly to the sticky substrate.

    Such traps are non-toxic and completely safe for people and animals. They are placed in places where cockroaches most often appear:

    • near the trash can;
    • on cabinets in the kitchen;
    • under the dining table and under the refrigerator;
    • for furniture;
    • in the bathroom and toilet.

    Glue traps have only one drawback - the unpleasant sensation of seeing dozens of prussians glued to the substrate. And they don’t have any effect on the eggs, so after the cockroaches disappear, it’s better to play it safe and leave the traps for a few weeks. Otherwise, this is an effective and safe method, thanks to which you can quickly destroy annoying insects.

    Traps have the following advantages:

    • ease of use - you just need to remove the protective film from the sticky tray and set the traps;
    • Complete safety for people and animals - the traps contain no toxic substance, only a bait tablet and an adhesive base, thanks to which the insects are firmly glued to the trap.

    It is advisable to use such Velcro for both large and small numbers of insects - in a sense, this is a universal remedy that can be used simultaneously with chemical insecticides.

    You can also leave sticky houses at your dacha or in your apartment during your absence if you are going on vacation or a long business trip.

    This way you can be sure that the Prussians who accidentally wander into your place will not multiply and fill your entire home - they will follow the smell of the bait and stick tightly. And as you probably know, it’s easier to prevent insects from appearing than to get rid of them later.

    The danger of Forsight funds

    The most dangerous Forssyth product is insecticidal liquid against cockroaches. It is dangerous for both humans and domestic animals. If the drug gets on the skin, redness and irritation will appear.

    The absence of at least one means of protection can have a bad effect on health

    If it gets into the eyes, the product causes loss of vision. Therefore, it is very important to use all kinds of protective equipment when treating a room with liquid.

    Liquid vapors can cause fainting, poisoning, and an allergic reaction. If it enters the stomach, the drug can cause quite severe poisoning.

    It is necessary to spray the drug using a spray bottle, which after use should be washed with soap and water, but it is better to simply throw it away.

    To avoid harmful substances getting into liquids during subsequent uses of the spray bottle, it is better to throw it away

    Do not be afraid of the liquid after it has dried, in this state it is completely safe.

    If you are not sure that you can comply with all safety requirements when using liquid, then it is better to use other Forssyth products - traps and gel, as they are completely safe and will not cause health problems.

    ( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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