Repellent and ultrasonic mosquito bracelets – does it help or not? And which one should I buy?

Mosquitoes create unbearable discomfort. Especially in the warm season, when the active phase of their life begins. At the same time, they are not only unpleasant, causing a lot of discomfort with their bites and buzzing, but also downright dangerous. Insects can carry diseases - from tularemia to malaria, meningitis. They also provoke allergic reactions.

Rating: 10 best mosquito repellents
Rating: 10 best mosquito repellents

Even the best spray against mosquitoes and ticks in nature does not always protect against other blood-sucking insects...

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There are several methods to get rid of uninvited guests. The specific approach to solving the issue depends on what the goals are.

  • If it is necessary to secure the entire territory of a summer cottage, special powerful traps with a large range of action will be required. Chemicals can also be used to spray the area and various repellers.
  • If we are talking about getting rid of mosquitoes at home, you will need compact traps or special fumigators.

When it comes to ensuring personal safety, repellents are used. Special odor-based chemicals that repel mosquitoes. They are produced in several forms. The most popular are sprays and creams, gels. But there are other options. For example, mosquito repellent bracelets.

Types and principles of operation of mosquito repellent accessories

A mosquito bite bracelet is a small product made of plastic, silicone or woven material. There are several types of such devices.

Repellent bracelets

Manufacturing options vary. There are bracelets written entirely with repellent. There are variations with replaceable cartridges and capsules. They are reusable models. Consumables can be changed as needed. The principle of action is based on the effect of repellents on blood-sucking insects. Substances that are considered unpleasant to them are used. For example, citronella essential oils or synthetic strong-smelling analogues.

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Ultrasonic mosquito repellent bracelets

More modern and technologically advanced. It is a small plastic or silicone ring with an installed ultrasound emitter. Mosquitoes perceive ultra-high frequencies as a sign of danger and do not tend to humans. The devices operate on replaceable batteries. Efficiency varies greatly from model to model. There are frankly useless variations. You need to look at consumer reviews on independent online platforms.

The most common type of bracelets on the market are mosquito repellent bracelets. But they also differ in degree of effectiveness. Therefore, the choice must be approached carefully. Plus, when choosing, you need to consider who will use the product. Child or adult.

Rules of application

In order for the bracelet to perform its declared functions in full force, it is important to use it strictly according to the instructions. The nuances of using the product are as follows:

  1. You can wear the product no longer than 5–6 hours a day.
  2. It is better to use the bracelet in ventilated areas and outdoors.
  3. It is not recommended to sleep with the product on your body. It is better to attach the product at the head of the bed, sleeping bag, or mat.
  4. The bracelet should not be put in the mouth or touch the mucous membranes. If contact does occur, the eye, nose or mouth should be rinsed thoroughly with running water.
  5. Children use safety bracelets only under adult supervision.
  6. It is not necessary to ensure contact of the bracelet with the skin. The product performs an equivalent effect when attached to clothing, a backpack, or a bag.
  7. Storage is allowed in a sealed plastic bag so that the impregnation does not evaporate.
  8. Products are kept away from sources of heat and light, as there is a high risk of ignition of the oils in the composition.
  9. You should not use products that have expired or that have been left outdoors for a long time.
  10. If one bracelet is not enough to protect a person (large build or a lot of insects), 2 or more are allowed (on both arms or on an arm and leg).
  11. The bracelet is adjusted to the individual size of the wrist using a lock - the product should not dangle or put too much pressure on the blood vessels.

Terms of use

The rules of use depend on the specific model. It is necessary to build on the recommendations that are presented in the manufacturer’s instructions. In general, you should adhere to the following principles:

  1. Wear accessories with repellents no more than 6-7 hours a day. Because despite the lack of direct contact with the body, the active substances can provoke an allergic reaction.
  2. The range of the bracelet is relatively small. It is only a few meters and that is at best. An adult who wants to protect himself from mosquitoes can be advised to use several devices at once. For example, put one on your hand and attach the other to the belt of your pants to increase the radius of the useful effect.
  3. After the device has been used, it should be put back in the box. This way the repellent will stop evaporating and the bracelet can be reused for a while. Extending the application period may save additional costs.
  4. When storing the device, place it away from sources of open flame and heat. Since many essential oils, as well as synthetic chemicals, are classified as fire hazards. They may catch fire.
  5. When choosing, you need to look at the expiration date.
  6. You need to carefully monitor your well-being. The fact is that the active ingredients of the repellent can provoke allergies. If a rash appears on the skin, itching, sore throat, watery eyes, or other signs of an immune reaction develop, you should immediately remove the product and not use it again.

Bracelets that emit ultrasound are much easier to use because they do not lose their properties over time. But they also have a short range of action. Therefore, the second recommendation from the list above remains relevant.

If the device is used by a child, there are a few additional rules:

  1. Closely monitor the child's condition. Because the likelihood of an allergic reaction does not disappear anywhere. On the contrary, the risks increase as children are more prone to autoimmune reactions.
  2. Do not allow your child to wear a mosquito repellent bracelet at all times. Limit yourself to a few hours a day. And then if there are no health problems.
  3. If the product is used to protect infants or small children, care must be taken to ensure that the child does not put the device in the mouth. Therefore, it is best to attach the device to a stroller or other neutral place.

When choosing, you need to carefully study reviews from consumers. Also, don't skimp on quality.

Review of modern brands

There is a wide variety of anti-mosquito bracelets from different manufacturers. When choosing, you need to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the product, as well as consumer reviews, and give preference to the safest and most effective products.


BugSTOP is known for its security products. Bracelets are available in various designs and colors. A special collection has been created for children with toys included - from fixies to little animals. The strap is treated with citronella oil and secured with a button.


  • different configurations of products - you can choose a universal bracelet with length adjustment with a button, or a special one for children or adults;
  • the ability to choose the complete set of products - universal products come in a set of 1 to 3 pieces, children's products - 1-2 pieces, plus there are stickers intended for infants (since it is difficult for them to put on a bracelet, you can stick a sticker on a crib or stroller);
  • action up to 170 hours;
  • moisture resistance.

BugSTOP has a variety of equipment, including a pleasant bonus for children in the form of a toy

My daughter was 8.5 months old when we went on a picnic with friends. I took a BugStop bracelet for her, it turned out that it was for children over three years old, but the seller told me that there was nothing wrong with it, and I believed it. The bracelet was placed on my daughter’s arm above the elbow. HE smelled strongly (not stank, but smelled, since the smell is quite pleasant, although pungent). Mosquitoes scare away, of course, but not everyone, since one still managed to bite my daughter right under the eye. The bracelet fits comfortably and holds tightly. If you store it in packaging, it can retain its properties for a long time. But overall I liked it.


We ordered 3 packs of bracelets on the eve of summer in the hope of getting rid of the need to cover our bodies with mosquito sprays. The bracelets are sold in reusable packaging, the manufacturer promises protection for 180 hours and resistance to moisture, i.e. you can swim in them. There are children's bracelets with fixatives and some kind of dinosaurs. But, alas, our disappointment knew no bounds, mosquitoes attacked us in clouds and there was no life left on the body from the bites. And it was just a trip from work to home on a warm June evening, and not a trip to the forest where there are even more mosquitoes than in the city. The smell from the bracelet is quite strong and not everyone can wear it on their hand. But since it didn’t help a family of 3 people, I can assume that this is not my peculiarity, mosquitoes even bit the hand on which the bracelet was, so, unfortunately, I cannot recommend it to you.


Proboscis Raccoon

The Proboscis Raccoon brand bracelet is made in China. The packaging is a sealed bag with a gripper clasp to preserve the properties of the product longer. The material of the product is impregnated with citronella herb extract. Made from soft, slightly stretchy silicone.

Main advantages:

  • low price;
  • adjustable strap to suit any size;
  • validity period up to 240 hours.

Disadvantage: poor efficiency.

Proboscis Raccoon has a relatively low price

Do not buy insect repellent "mosquito bracelet - raccoon proboscis" . Tried it, doesn't help.



This product has a stylish design. Bracelets are available in five colors. Bright packaging with Chinese characters attracts attention. The strap is pleasant to the touch and made of microfiber.

Distinctive features:

  • does not contain chemicals;
  • lasts up to 170 hours;
  • There are no age restrictions.

The downside is the strong pungent smell.

BugsLeave has a bright and stylish design

I tried this bracelet this summer of 2017. I didn't believe in success. But, having put it on my hand and forgotten about it, poking around in the flower garden at the dacha, I noticed that there were fewer mosquitoes around me than usual. Moreover, the bracelet was under the glove (I dig in the ground with special gloves), right under the elastic band. But I still felt the smell. Apparently mosquitoes too. And they kept their distance from me. I'm pleased with the result. Did not expect. I realized that if you go into the forest, you still need two: one for the arm and one for the leg.

Natalia Zyuzina


The bracelet of this brand is made in the USA. In addition to citronella oil, the latex strap is treated with peppermint, geranium and lemongrass.

The advantages are:

  • water resistance - can be left on when swimming;
  • quite light;
  • hand adjustment.

The main disadvantage is the relatively high price and not very long-lasting protection - up to 100 hours.

Mothercare product price is quite high

The hot time has come - summer, so you need to come up with some way to protect your child from mosquitoes. With children under one year old, this is a complete ambush; there are no remedies at all on the market other than folk ones. Since our child is very small, I attached this miracle to the stroller. When I opened the package, the bracelet gave me a terrible aroma, and this was on the street, but the stench from the bracelet was incredible. However, mosquitoes apparently like the smell; contrary to all expectations, they willingly flew into the stroller in droves; this bracelet is like an invitation to dinner for them. It’s still hanging on the stroller, the stink is noticeable even after a week, I’m naively waiting for a miracle, although everything points to the fact that it’s time to look for something that truly works. I'll give it a C for trying.


The bracelet was purchased at the Mothercare company store, with a nice discount. My child was only five months old at that time. The manufacturer recommends use from three years of age. We used it too, but we hung the child on the stroller. Or I put it on my arm. I wouldn’t say that it helped a lot, but they bit less than they could have... It’s probably normal for a baby. The girth radius is smaller. There is a very pungent smell that repels not only mosquitoes, but also people. After putting on the bracelet, I wanted to wash my hands quickly. It fades over time. Packaged in a sealed bag. The period of use is about three months, but I think about a month, a month and a half. We'll stay again.


Finnish Quality

Finnish Quality is a Finnish black bracelet that can be used for advertising purposes of your company by placing the necessary information on it (by analogy with pens, notepads, flash drives). It is a useful and pleasant souvenir.

A distinctive feature is the presence of a repellent tablet in the strap, which can be replaced (2 pieces are included in the set).

The downside is the lack of information from consumers about the quality and effectiveness of the product.

Finnish Quality is a bracelet for advertising purposes of its company

Table: comparative characteristics of bracelets

BrandStrap materialImpregnation compositionSuitable for childrenValidityPrice
BugSTOPMicrofiberCitronella oilFrom 3 years170 hoursFrom 170 to 300
Proboscis RaccoonFood grade siliconeCitronella oilFrom 3 yearsUp to 7 daysFrom 50
BugsLeaveMicrofiberCitronella oilNo restrictions240 hoursFrom 130
MothercareLatexGeranium, lemongrass and citronella oilsFrom 3 years100 hoursFrom 300 to 500
Finnish QualityNeoprene2 tablets includedFor adultsUp to 15 days each tablet783

Advantages and disadvantages of bracelets

Among the advantages:

  • Durability. The repellent can be used for several days without loss of effectiveness. The same cannot be said about classic sprays or creams. And if we are talking about a device with replaceable cartridges or capsules, it is enough to replace the consumables.
  • No direct contact with skin. Repellents can cause allergies. In addition, some chemical preparations cause itching, irritation, are difficult to wash off with water, and are simply unpleasant. Bracelets do not have to be worn on the body. Can be worn over clothes. Or attach it to a bag or stroller. This will not reduce the effect.
  • Relatively low cost. The average repellent costs about 300 rubles per jar, which is enough for several uses, even if you use the drug sparingly. Bracelets cost from 50 to 300 rubles. They are more durable and practical.
  • Safety. Since there is no contact with skin, the likelihood of developing an allergy is minimal. In addition, natural hypoallergenic materials are used for production. At least if you take products from well-known brands, and not from nameless Chinese companies.
  • Easy to use. No need to think about how to apply the product and then wash it off. All you have to do is put on the product and go about your business.

There are also several significant disadvantages:

  • Possibility of allergic reactions. This is the case when it is very difficult to draw conclusions without trying. However, it is enough to look at your own well-being or the well-being of your child. If necessary, the device is simply removed.
  • A number of contraindications. For most repellents, this applies to children under 3 years of age, as well as intolerance to essential oils and pregnancy.
  • In some cases there is a pungent odor.

Whether a bracelet helps against mosquitoes depends on the specific product and how carefully the rules for its use are followed. When choosing, you need to focus on the composition, reviews, brand, manufacturer.

Operating principle

Mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of sweat and carbon dioxide released by humans or animals when breathing. The action of the bracelet is based on a strong aroma that repels mosquitoes. The effective radius of the product is up to 100 cm in diameter, decreasing with distance from the repellent capsule.

The main active agent in bracelets is pure citronella oil or its mixture. The natural antiseptic and insecticidal properties of the substance have been used since 1940.

The bracelet retains its protective effect for 7–30 days (according to some manufacturers, from 100 to 250 hours), depending on the active substance, the availability of replaceable capsules and the manufacturer.

It is advisable to use the product for:

  • evening walks in the park, forest, near ponds;
  • overnight stays in the open air;
  • active travel in mountainous areas.

The products are:

  1. Universal.
  2. Family.
  3. Children's.

Main characteristics of the device

Separately, it is worth immediately assessing the versatility of this item in size. It does not have clasps or locks. This allows you to accurately adjust the size to suit any child or woman's hand. It is made on the basis of newfangled structures made of rubber and metal. Such things tightly wrap around the wrist and hold on.

The folding and unfolding mechanism is easy to use and does not require special efforts or skills. This is one of the most important points, since the bracelet is for children and the child must be able to take it off or put it on his hand. Upon final fixation, a characteristic click will be heard.

The cartridge is installed directly in the center of the bracelet. There is a special nest here. It is necessary to bend the “wings” of the bird and a place for installation will open. It closes just as easily. Thanks to this, installing a new one or replacing an old cartridge with a new one is carried out within a minute.

The bracelet is made in such a way that it fits tightly enough on the hand, without pinching the skin or causing discomfort. The reserve of the strap is large enough, it will allow even an adult to put it on the hand, if required.

The Gardex Baby bracelet in the package contains 3 replaceable cartridges, two spare and one already inserted into the socket

The bracelet is very comfortable for a child and does not hinder his movements. The cartridges have a dense structure and are practically not subject to accidental damage. You can destroy the top layer only if you do it on purpose, by picking with your fingernail, for example. If a child does this, they must wash their hands well with soap.

Due to the large amount of essential oils, the bracelet may seem to give off an unpleasant odor. This opinion is incorrect. The unpleasant odor will only be heard by mosquitoes and other insects. A person will perceive a citrus aroma; it will be emitted by citronella.

Important! You should read the instructions carefully. The bracelet is only allowed for use by children over two years of age. Babies may have an allergic reaction to these components.

Babies may have an allergic reaction to these components.

Gardex Extreme Pliers

This group includes highly specialized means. They are designed to remove ticks, but can also remove other pests at the same time. Preparations of this type are used in regions with increased endemic danger.

Gardex Extreme Pliers

Aerosol against ticks, 150 ml

Duration of protection – 15 days. Gardex Extreme aerosol gets rid of ticks thanks to the presence of insecticides: alphacypermethrin, permethrin. The drug should not be sprayed over open areas of skin.

Concentrate for protecting your summer cottage from ticks, 50 ml Gardex Extreme Ticks

The contents of one bottle of product are enough for 10 acres. The substance is diluted with water. As a result, Gardex Extreme anti-tick aerosol is used, for which a spray bottle is prepared. The active substance is cypermethrin (concentration 25%). Recommended ratio of components: 50 ml of product, 10 liters of water.

Concentrate for protecting your summer cottage from ticks

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