Instructions for using Averfos against bedbugs with price and reviews

Bedbugs and other parasites that have infested a house or apartment not only cause a lot of trouble for the owners, but also cause harm to health. Having discovered insects, you should immediately begin extermination. Averfos against bedbugs is a modern insecticide that effectively copes with blood-sucking insects. However, before using it, you need to familiarize yourself with the principle of action of the drug so as not to harm yourself and family members during the processing process.

Chemical composition and release form

Averfos is a high-concentration yellowish emulsion based on the active ingredient chlorpyrifos.

The share of this organophosphorus substance is 48%. The high content of insecticide allows for sanitary and household treatment of large objects by professional exterminators.

The remaining part of the drug is occupied by solvents, emulsifiers, and fragrances. Despite the presence of fragrances in the composition of Averfos, the insecticide has a pungent, unpleasant odor.

The pesticide is offered in hermetically sealed plastic bottles of various sizes: 0.5 l, 1 l, 5 l, 10 l.

On a note! When storing an unpacked container for a long time, the properties of the chemical are lost. It is recommended to dilute the substance immediately before processing.

The product is stored hermetically sealed for 3 years in a place where the air temperature does not fall below -10°C and does not exceed +40°C.

Operating principle

The mechanism of action of the drug is quite simple. When the anti-bed bug product Averfos gets on an insect, the toxic substance, having overcome the chitinous cover, ends up in the body of the parasite. As a result of contact with the poison, oxygen ceases to flow to vital organs, the activity of the nervous system is paralyzed, and the insect dies.

The first 2 hours after treatment, the effect of the drug is especially strong. Over the next 20-30 days, the activity of Averfos remains in force, having a destructive effect on parasites.

The time during which the bug finally dies depends on the amount of substance that gets on the insect. Usually a day or two is enough for an adult bedbug and larvae. True, insect eggs are not affected by the drug; repeated treatment will be required.



Microcapsules, from which the active substance chlorpyrifos is gradually released, upon contact with an insect, cling to its limbs, body, and antennae. Penetrating into the body of an insect, the active substance blocks its nervous system, causing death. The product also has an intestinal effect: when cleaning the body and eating poisoned food, the product enters the body even faster. As a result of physical contact of one insect with another, microcapsules can be transferred from one individual to another, which makes it possible to destroy even insects that are out of reach. The long aftereffect of the drug (from 6 months) eliminates the possibility of the reappearance of household insects, as well as the need for repeated treatment premises.

Microencapsulation in polymer capsules guarantees the preservation of high activity of the drug in the most difficult conditions including high temperatures, direct sunlight, high humidity

This is very important for treating rooms around the perimeter and when treating hard-to-reach places

The main advantage is its low degree of danger for warm-blooded animals due to the fact that the active substance is hidden in a polymer microcapsule, and water, rather than organic compounds, is used as a solvent.

Does not cause irritation, does not damage treated surfaces, does not leave visible traces of treatment, and has no unpleasant odor. Approved for household use by the public.

Rules for using the drug

The active ingredient of the insecticide is highly toxic. When using Averfos on your own, you should strictly adhere to the instructions for use.

To get rid of bedbugs, you will need to dilute 5 ml of the substance in 1 liter of boiled water, cooled to room temperature. Fill the spray bottle with the prepared mixture.

If there are a small number of pests, the places where they accumulate are treated. If the infestation area is large, the entire room must be disinfested. The consumption of the substance when applied to hard surfaces is 50 ml per 1 sq.m., to disinfect soft surfaces that quickly absorb water (upholstered furniture, carpets) you will need 2 times more solution.

The procedure is carried out by holding the spray bottle at a distance of 25 cm from the surface to be treated.

To disinfect premises from bedbugs, the following must be done:

  • wooden parts of sofas, beds, armchairs;
  • mattresses, upholstered furniture;
  • carpets, rugs, paths;
  • door frames, window frames;
  • baseboards, floor surfaces, window sills;
  • photographs, paintings hanging on the walls;
  • back walls of cabinets, bedside tables, chests of drawers;
  • switches, sockets, ventilation grilles.

Attention! It is prohibited to use Aaverfos for treating bed linen and clothing. Washing, boiling, ironing with a hot iron will help, for pillows, blankets - steam treatment or exposure to severe frost.

After the procedure is completed, it will take 2-3 hours to ventilate the room and remove the pungent odor.

A day after spraying, the treated areas are washed with a soda solution. Final wet cleaning is carried out after a month and a half.

Instructions for use

Averfos is a toxic substance, therefore it is harmful not only to insects, but also to humans. It has a mild irritant effect on the skin and a strong effect on the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, and eyes. To avoid undesirable consequences, work should be carried out with gloves, a respirator, goggles and closed clothing. To prepare a solution for killing bedbugs, you will need one liter of water and five milliliters of concentrated substance. Everything is mixed well and poured into a spray bottle. When working with Averfos, you must follow certain rules.

  • There should be no other people or animals in the house.
  • Move furniture away from the walls. The distance from the wall should be twenty to thirty centimeters.
  • The can should be located at a distance of twenty to thirty centimeters from the surface to be treated. Don't move it too close or too far away.
  • Wear protective clothing, a gauze bandage or a respirator and goggles. Only after this start working.
  • Lay out the sofa and treat its entire surface. Or a bed. These are the places where bedbugs are most common.
  • Start processing carpets, baseboards, furniture - everything where they may be located.
  • If there are a lot of insects, you need to treat all rooms in the house or apartment. Don't forget about hard-to-reach places.
  • After finishing work, it is necessary to ventilate the room for three hours.
  • When the smell of Averfos disappears, start wet cleaning. Add detergent or soap to the water. It is necessary to wash those surfaces where residents' hands touch. There is no need to touch the remaining areas - baseboards, the floor under the bed or table. The product should remain on the surface for up to eight weeks. Only after this is a thorough cleaning done.
  • Clothing and bedding cannot be treated with Averfos. They just need to be washed and ironed.
  • It is better to dry-clean your bedding. In winter you can take it out into the cold. At low temperatures, bedbugs die.
  • You will get more efficiency from the work done if you are able to find the source of insects.

If bedbugs continue to appear after disinfection, it is better to seek help from special services. Experienced professionals and serious disinfection are required.

Compliance with safety regulations

When using Averfos, toxic fumes are released that have side effects on humans. Before starting the procedure, you should protect yourself and your loved ones.

To do this you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Remove pregnant, lactating women, children, and pets from the treated area.
  2. Take out food, close kitchen utensils in cabinets, and pack hygiene products in bags.
  3. Close doors and windows, leaving only vents for ventilation.
  4. Turn off the electricity by covering sockets and switches with tape.
  5. Wear a protective suit: robe, rubber gloves, mask, goggles.
  6. Take a break every 45 minutes by leaving the room for a while.

Attention! Smoking, drinking, and eating are prohibited during treatment.

If the solution accidentally gets on open skin, rinsing with water under the tap and treating with a soda solution (1 tsp per glass of water) will help.

The active substance of Averfos, Chlorpyrifos, has been assigned hazard class 2. Having violated safety precautions, a person feels signs of intoxication: headache, vomiting, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

If you notice symptoms of poisoning, you need to leave the room and call an ambulance. Before doctors arrive, it is recommended to disinfect the oral cavity by rinsing with a soda solution and taking activated charcoal. The number of tablets depends on the person’s weight (take 1 tablet of coal per 10 kg of weight).

Rules for the use of liquid products

Recommendations that will help in the fight against bedbugs:
it is recommended to purchase an insecticide in a trusted place so as not to encounter a fake; before preparing the working solution, it is important to take care of protective equipment: gloves, a respirator, a medical mask, goggles, appropriate clothing; it is important to avoid getting the drug used on skin, mucous membranes, eyes, at the time of disinfection, only one person should be in the room, before disinfection begins, it is necessary to evacuate pets from the premises, remove the aquarium, if any, hide cosmetics and food, it is better to carry out treatment with a spray bottle and a brush, special attention It is worth paying attention to places where bedbugs are mainly concentrated: behind pieces of furniture, behind carpets, behind paintings, behind wall clocks, under pillows and mattresses; it is important to carefully treat baseboards and crevices; after disinfection, it is advisable to leave the room for a while.

Features of using the drug against other insects

One of the positive aspects of using Averfos is that it also effectively affects other insects.


To use Averfos against cockroaches, you will need a more concentrated mixture than when killing bedbugs. Cockroaches usually choose the kitchen and bathroom as their habitat. These rooms are treated with special care.

You need to dilute 10 g of the substance in 1 liter of water and spray:

  • around the sink, trash can;
  • connection points of water supply, sewer and heating networks;
  • ventilation grates;
  • plinths, cracks in the cladding;
  • door frames;
  • surface of cabinets, tables.

The entire space occupied by the Prussians is disinfected at the same time to prevent insects from moving to areas where there is no pesticide. If there are too many insects, it is recommended to treat neighboring rooms as a preventive measure.


According to the instructions for using Averfos, to get rid of ants, it is enough to prepare a mixture of 0.2% concentration of the active substance. Treat the places of greatest concentration of red insects, the route of movement.

Ticks and fleas

To get rid of fleas and ticks, you will need 0.24% water emulsion (5 g per 1 liter of water). When exterminating fleas, treatment is carried out no higher than 1 m from the floor surface. Spray cracks, baseboards, and carpets. When carrying out work in the basement, the room is cleared of unnecessary items and debris before disinfestation.

When using Averfos against ticks, the entire room is treated: walls, floors, furniture, cornices. Personal items, bedding, curtains, curtains are washed in hot water and ironed thoroughly.

Mosquitoes and flies

Averfos is also useful when getting rid of mosquitoes and flies. The concentration of the solution in both cases is the same (0.24% according to DV).

To finally get rid of flies, you need to destroy their larvae: the trash can and the area around it are disinfected. If the treatment is carried out on the site, cesspools, waste collection areas, and food waste are irrigated. If the thickness of the waste is up to half a meter, 1 liter of emulsion per 1 sq.m. is sufficient. With a pit depth of 3-5 m, you will need from 5 to 10 liters of solution.

On a note! The repeated procedure is carried out no earlier than 30 days later.

To eliminate mosquitoes, spray the walls inside and outside the room, ceiling, windows, doors. The eradication of larvae will help prevent the appearance of mosquitoes, for which only 0.06% (DV) of aqueous emulsion is sufficient. The pesticide is evenly sprayed over basements, fire-fighting containers, and surfaces near water bodies.

Rules of application

The use of Averfos most often does not raise any questions. All that is required is to dilute the emulsion with water in the required ratio. Different proportions and processing techniques are used for different types of insects. For example, to combat bedbugs, you should add 5 milliliters of concentrate for every liter of water.

The prepared solution cannot be stored, since after just a few days it loses its original properties. The most convenient way to treat the room is with a spray bottle. The consumption of the drug is quite economical - 50 milliliters of liquid per square meter of area. To treat upholstered furniture you will need a double dose of the drug.

Treatment of Averfos premises can be repeated several times if there is a severe infection. It is much easier to get rid of the problem if bedbugs have just started in the apartment and have not had time to settle in every suitable place

When carrying out disinsection, it is important to remember that blood-sucking parasites are sedentary and prefer to settle directly with their feeding area

Considering that parasites drink blood exclusively at night, special attention should be paid to beds and sofas during treatment. The solution should also be applied to:

The solution should also be applied to:

  • mattresses, bed frames and interior surfaces of upholstered furniture,
  • cracks and holes in floors, walls and baseboards,
  • the bottom of bedside tables, chests of drawers and cabinets,
  • the back side of paintings, carpets, floor lamps and sconces,
  • sockets and switches (they must first be disconnected from the network to prevent electric shock),
  • door jambs, window frames, heating panels,
  • ventilation holes in the kitchen, hallway and bathroom.

The sprayer with Averfos solution should be kept at a distance of up to 0.3 meters from the surface to be treated. If we are talking about a serious infection, then all rooms in the apartment must be disinfested. Otherwise, it is unlikely that the desired effect will be achieved.

After completing the treatment, you need to wait a few hours, after which you can ventilate the premises. Wet cleaning is a mandatory procedure. Using a soda-soap solution, it is necessary to wipe all surfaces with which people or pets come into contact. Areas that cannot be touched by hand may not be washed for two months. And only after this time the house is thoroughly cleaned.

Advantages and disadvantages of insecticide

Like any product, Averfos has certain positive and negative qualities.

The main advantages of the drug include:

  1. High efficiency, allowing you to achieve a positive result after the first spray.
  2. Different dosages of the drug, which makes it possible to purchase the emulsion in the volume necessary for disinfestation of various areas.
  3. Getting rid of not only bedbugs, but also other insects.
  4. Long lasting residual effect.

There are also disadvantages that need to be taken seriously. Since the product is very toxic, independent use of the insecticide is quite dangerous and requires extreme caution using protective equipment.

Another disadvantage of Averfos is the toxic smell, which can be removed by airing the home for several days.

Despite the high effectiveness of the drug, it is powerless against bedbug eggs. But since Averfos acts for a long time, there is a possibility that the hatched larvae will die and re-treatment will not be required.

The disadvantages of most consumers include the high cost of the insecticide.


It is not always possible to find the drug Averfos on the open market. You can order it in an online store or contact a pest control service, where they will instruct you on how to properly handle the product. The price of the pesticide depends on the region, varying between 1300-1600 rubles. for 1 liter.

When purchasing Averfos, you should definitely ask for a certificate of conformity, without which it is prohibited to sell the drug.

Despite its high cost, the drug is popular due to its high effectiveness in the fight against bedbugs and other blood-sucking insects.

Averfos against bedbugs. Product Reviews:

Bed bugs have been with us for a very long time. This problem is very unpleasant, but it is better to deal with it right away. Our neighbors did not heed this advice and decided to start exterminating bedbugs using folk remedies. This didn't lead to anything good. We decided not to repeat their mistakes and immediately turn to professional help. Of course, it costs a little more, but the results are worth it. We chose Averfos. We chose it thanks to reviews on the Internet. Within a month we were able to completely get rid of bedbugs. Thank you!

Daria, Vorkuta

The photo shows a large canister of Averfos

We have never encountered an insect problem before. This is very unpleasant, but we knew that if we did not immediately address this problem, it would be even more difficult for us in the future. Therefore, we immediately decided to turn to the Internet. We heard a lot about how reviews are often fake, so we went to the forum. There were a lot of positive reviews about Aferfos. We decided to try it too. We were very pleased with the result.

Sergey, Murmansk

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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