Wildlife >> Arachnids The camel spider gets its name from its desert habitat. However
Bedbug bites are not always easy to identify in children. Often parents when itchy swellings appear
Home » Articles » The procedure for disinfestation and deratization Contrary to popular belief, the destruction of insects
Description Forest ants have a large body, the length of which reaches 1.5 cm. The head is compared
With the onset of spring, while digging the beds and plowing the garden, they begin to pay attention to everything
Which flea collar is best to choose? The rating includes products from 10 manufacturers with
During the warm season, dog owners notice that flies bite their pet's ears. Bites deliver
The pesticide Dakfosal produced by JSC Shchelkovo Agrokhim (RF) is used as a powerful insecticide, acaricide and
When raising cows, the farmer aims for uninterrupted production and strives for productivity without interruption. Cattle
Aphids are a real disaster for summer cottages. It causes enormous damage to plants, sucks out juices,