why do flies land on people
Why do flies land on people? What attracts them?
How great it is when the sun is shining outside the window, everything around is blooming and green, and
Butterfly moth.
Does a moth bite or not, can it bite a person?
House moths are widespread throughout the world and are a pest of food and household items.
Getting rid of pests: ways to combat white bugs in the soil of indoor plants
Varieties of white bugs In the soil of indoor flowers, one miniature insect goes unnoticed. But through
How many paws does a beetle have: the structure and purpose of the limbs
Structure of the legs The legs of insects are divided into segments - segments that are movably connected to each other. Each
bee larvae
What do bees eat in the wild and domestic bees on the farm?
Bee larvae are the initial stage of development of the brood or bee. Considering the fact that they
Fighting caterpillars in the garden: how to get rid of them, preparations
The question of how to treat cabbage, roses, apple trees and other plants against caterpillars worries most gardeners.
Common mayfly
The common mayfly – born for a wonderful night-long flight
Mayflies are ancient winged insects, the remains of which are found in fossils from the Devonian period. Found and described
Centipede in an apartment and house: a simple way to get rid of an unpleasant neighbor
The tactics for dealing with centipedes at home and on the street are somewhat different. First, let's make a guide
Moth: what larvae and caterpillars look like, main habitats, damage caused with photos, significance in biogeocenosis
Author: Elena N. https://floristics.info/ru/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=19 Category: Plant Pests Published: June 13, 2018Last edits: October 30
How to fight melon aphids on cucumbers as quickly and effectively as possible
How to fight melon aphids on cucumbers as quickly and effectively as possible
The melon aphid affects many agricultural crops, in particular tomatoes. Settles on the underside of leaves,
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