7 best mosquito fumigators - rating for 2021

With the arrival of warmth, everything around blossoms, greenery blooms, and at the same time small, but unbearably annoying mosquitoes appear. If such a guest flies home, then a restless night awaits you, because this bloodsucker will circle above you until he enjoys your blood or is caught. Among the various tools to combat voracious insects, fumigators are quite popular.

The presence of mosquitoes in our lives irritates not only our hearing aids, but also the bite sites. Red spots appear on the skin, which itch unbearably. Of course, you can buy a special ointment in the store that will soothe inflamed skin, but it is much more effective to prevent a bite than to treat it.

Fumigators perfectly help to cope with the task. Most often, they consist of a housing, inside of which there is a heating element and a plug, which must be plugged into the outlet. Under the influence of high temperatures, active evaporation of chemicals occurs, which instantly spread in the air. Toxic substances have a negative effect on mosquitoes, which leads to their death.

Advantages of fumigators:

  • The substance is spread over a large area and can protect several people from mosquitoes at once.
  • Efficiency is maintained with open windows.
  • They work for a long time.
  • Portable devices can be taken with you.
  • Safe for humans. However, you should carefully read the instructions for the drugs and follow their advice.

What to pay attention to before making a purchase:

  • Versatility. Many fumigators can work with both liquid and plates, but some are designed for only one type of product.
  • Purpose. There are standard appliances that require an outlet, most often they are used at home and other premises. However, there are hiking options on sale that can operate from a portable battery or autonomously.

Repellent selection:

  • Pills. It takes longer to put them into operation.
  • Bottle with liquid. The evaporation process begins faster, one bottle is enough for long-term use.

We present the rating of mosquito fumigators 2022. The best 7 models that were selected by our experts based on user reviews and ratings.

Rating (2021)Prices, ₽A country
1. Raptor mosquito repellent Turbofrom 300₽Italy
2. Mosquito Raidfrom 130₽China, Portugal
3. Mosquitall “Mosquito protection for the whole family”from 300₽Russia
4. Raptor Nekusayka children's mosquito repellent kitfrom 250₽Italy
5. Thermacell MR-300 Repellerfrom 2200₽Thailand
6. Mosquito Raid Eucalyptusfrom 70₽Ukraine
7. Rexant 71-0034from 200₽China

Large killer lamp for the veranda

If you have a summer cottage where various insects constantly fly, you can order a lamp of a more impressive size and place it outside. Stop putting up with annoying mosquitoes and other midges in your life.

The lamp coverage is approximately 40 square meters. The brightness cannot be adjusted. You can choose from several variations: 30 W or 40 W. They are not very different in size; in any case, it will be a large battery. You can also choose a mini version of the lamp; it is smaller in size, but the power is also lower - only 11 W.

Buy: aliexpress.ru

Table of toxins used and brief description

Elements for fumigators are distinguished by type of origin and method of production.

Type of insecticideCharacteristic
PrallethrinSynthetic type, composed of 8 elements, moderately toxic
CitronellaA natural fumigant obtained from the leaves and stems of the plant of the same name, used as a plant repellent
PyrethrumA natural component obtained by extraction from a perennial plant of the aster family.

Be sure to read:

How to fight moths in an apartment, where they come from, folk remedies and chemistry

Why does a person need mosquito protection?

Fumigators are a very useful device for everyone. Insect bites not only cause severe discomfort, they can cause an allergic reaction. The consequences of mosquito bites can be as follows:

  • itching;
  • local redness and swelling of the skin;
  • rash;
  • breathing problems;
  • Quincke's edema.

There are a number of infectious diseases that are transmitted by mosquitoes. They are also the main carriers of helminthiasis, which causes the main harm to humans.

Many epidemics of dangerous diseases are spread by mosquitoes. The most obvious examples are malaria and the 2015 Zika fever.

What are there

According to the principle of heating activation, the fumigator comes in two types:

  1. Electric . Connects to the network via an outlet, uses batteries or a rechargeable battery. The main element is a microresistor. It heats up to about 150°C. Bottles with toxic liquid or plates impregnated with a repellent composition are attached to the device;
  2. Pyrotechnic . It is a spiral or plate made of wood flour. The solution has already been applied to the canvas. Ignites with fire. Combustion of the material is accompanied by the release of odorous smoke.

Ultrasonic and light. Fumigators occupy a separate category. The name is given for the result. In fact, this is a slightly different device, since the work is not based on vapors or gases. The device turns on from the mains, begins to make a sound or emit light, which has a negative effect on mosquitoes.

Safety of children, pregnant and lactating women, and pets

In a house with children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as pets, where the fumigator is turned on, increased safety measures must be observed. In this case, it is recommended to use the device for several hours and only in the absence of children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as pets, after which the room must be ventilated. To prevent mosquitoes from flying into the room again, mosquito nets are installed on the windows. You can only leave the device overnight using special (for children) plates or liquids and with the windows open.

To protect your child from mosquitoes, it is not necessary to dress him in a mosquito suit.

The safety of children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as pets in a room with a working fumigator is achieved by following a few simple rules:

  • turn on the device at a distance of no closer than two meters from the sleeping place;
  • if there are signs such as sneezing, tearing, increased anxiety, turn off the device and ventilate the room well;
  • close aquariums with fish, snails and other living creatures while the fumigator is operating;
  • put cages with birds and decorative rodents in another room;
  • dogs and cats should also not be located near a working device;
  • observe the necessary electrical and fire safety measures;
  • use devices only from proven and well-known brands;
  • Do not use pyrotechnic anti-mosquito devices to protect children; consider alternative measures.

How it works?

Before you find out which fumigator is the most effective and allows you to effectively protect yourself from mosquitoes, it is worth understanding the principle of operation of such devices. In general, fumigation is the process of poisoning insects with volatile substances and fumes. And such substances themselves are called fumigants. Consequently, the devices used for these purposes are fumigators. And they work precisely thanks to the components included in the composition, which begin to evaporate and enter the air when heated.

The fumigator poisons mosquitoes with special fumes

Popular fumigator models

As already noted by the author, a huge percentage of modern fumigators use so-called pyrethroid insecticides. Responsible manufacturers, in turn, minimize the content of dangerous ingredients in the composition of pyrethroids, without reducing the effective effect.

Popular fumigator models are most often counterfeited

Table: the most popular devices today

NamePurposePest typeAge limitStart timeComposition of plates or liquidsPeculiarities
FumitoxFrom seasonal insectsMosquitoesFor adultsWithin 10 minutesPrallethrin, organic solvents, antioxidantValid in a room up to 20 square meters. m.
RaptorAgainst insectsMosquitoesFor adultsWithin 10–15 minutesActive ingredient Etoc - 1%, evaporator, solventsValid in premises up to 25 sq. m.
MosquitolAgainst seasonal insectsMosquitoes, midgesFor adultsWithin 10–15 minutesTransfluthrin (0.9%), synergist piperonyl butoxide (1%), 5% stabilizer agidol, 30% hydrocarbon solventsReplaceable elements
PicnicFrom seasonal insectsMosquitoes, midges, midgesFor any ageWithin 10 minutesPrallethrin, stabilizer (agidol), solvents (isopropyl myristate, liquid petroleum paraffin or isoparaffin), essential oils: citronella, tea tree, chamomileReplaceable elements

Interesting facts about fruit flies

Drosophila in nature

Why are fruit flies needed? After all, nature couldn’t have created these insects just so that they would tirelessly annoy humans? In fact, fruit flies are an important part of the food chain - small amphibians and reptiles feed on them, so breeders and reptile lovers cultivate flies en masse in their homes.

Drosophila in medicine

Fruit midges play an important role in the development of medicine. After all, about 61% of known human diseases have a correspondence in the genetic code of Drosophila. Therefore, scientists have learned to use the fly as an experimental organism to study the mechanisms of immunity, the formation of cancer cells and diabetes, and even the principle of drug addiction. Fruit flies are also used to genetically model the development of serious diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease.

Some scientific works based on the study of fruit flies were awarded the Nobel Prize.

· Drosophila are binge drinkers!

Scientists have discovered that fruit flies have an unparalleled body detoxification system, because their entire diet consists of fermentation products containing from 5 to 15% alcohol.

The addiction of flies to alcohol is due to the high probability of death of individuals from infectious diseases transmitted by flies through the blood of fungal bacteria living on rotten fruits. Alcohol is a kind of medicine that causes the high vitality of fruit flies. Thus, scientists have experimentally proven that a standard diet allows 60% of individuals to successfully pass through all stages of development, while feeding with non-alcoholic yeast leads to the death of 100% of experimental subjects.

Insecticides for electrofumigators, which is better

Insecticides are liquid chemicals that are used to disinfect premises to kill insects such as mosquitoes and flies.

Those insecticides that enter the insect's body in a gaseous state are fumigants.

Among them are:

  1. P natural insecticides – peritrins. They are obtained from certain plants by extraction.
  2. Synthetic insecticides – pyrethroids. Pyrethroids are isolated from esters of various acids.

Natural fumigants are considered the safest for the human body. The use of artificial insecticides is widespread in industrial production.

Insecticidal liquids

Among the components of liquids for fumigators, there are various combinations.

The main elements are considered to be:

  • prallethrin,
  • transfluthrin,
  • citronella extract.


Other substances are used to make plates:

  • natural pyrethrum,
  • Thiamethoxam.

What are fruit flies and where do they come from?

The fruit fly is otherwise known as the common drosophila - an insect of the Drosophiliadae family, a typical representative of the order Diptera. Drosophila have a specific yellow-brown color with characteristic black rings across the abdomen. Female fruit flies are much larger than males, their body length can reach 2.5 mm. Many representatives of this family prefer to live near a person’s home, eating waste from his table.

Flies prefer spoiled plant products and fermented juices. But their favorite delicacy is rotten sweet fruits. Midges can come to the smell of food leftovers in the sink drain hole or move up the ventilation pipe from neighbors.

Organic debris, like fresh fruit, provides a reliable place for females to lay eggs. When fruits and vegetables begin to spoil, an optimal environment for the growth and development of the “babies” is formed inside. Therefore, fruit flies can easily enter your apartment in the larval stage directly from the store counter, after which they will hatch within 24 hours. One female fruit fly can leave behind impressive offspring - about 400 eggs! It is quite difficult to fight such a large army.

By the way, you won’t be able to hide from fruit flies either - midges inhabit all continents on Earth except Antarctica.

Efficiency, types and design of insect fumigators

The principle of operation of insect fumigators is to heat the active substance and its subsequent evaporation into the surrounding space. The devices can be used both indoors and outdoors. A high-quality fumigator is a fairly effective means of combating mosquitoes, flies and midges.

An electric fumigator is a device with a heating element mounted in a plastic casing. Depending on the type and shape of the device, it can use liquid and plate cartridges. Pyrotechnic fumigators are a smoldering spiral impregnated with special compounds. As a rule, such devices are used outdoors.

Video: simultaneous use of fumigators of different models can be harmful to health

One plate impregnated with insecticide is enough for about ten hours of continuous operation. When the plate becomes pale, it must be replaced with a fresh one. One bottle of liquid can be enough for a month of work. Pyrotechnic devices are more fire hazardous than liquid or plate devices; they have a higher concentration of insecticide and require outdoor use.

Most mosquito and midge repellent devices are plugged into the network, but there are also portable models powered by batteries, gas cylinders or batteries. Pyrotechnic fumigators are installed on a safe surface and set on fire, after which the fire must be blown out until smoke appears. You should not inhale toxic fumes; in addition, smoldering coils require compliance with fire safety precautions.

Rules for indoor use

The safety certificate for using the fumigator is guaranteed by the fire certificate supplied with the device. Before use, it is important to study the instructions and then follow all the rules specified in it.

Typically, the manufacturer recommends turning on the device for several hours followed by a break. Failure to do so could potentially cause harm to the chemicals to people and pets, or the appliance could simply burn out. Before and after turning on the fumigator, it is necessary to ventilate the room. It is permissible to turn on the device at night only if there are a large number of insects in the room.

An anti-mosquito net can be installed on the window as additional protection

Some people may have an individual intolerance to the active ingredients used in the fumigator plates or liquids. Common symptoms of hypersensitivity include:

  • dizziness,
  • skin irritation,
  • itching,
  • headache.

If any of the inhabitants of the house have at least one of the listed symptoms after turning on the fumigator, you should turn off the device and use other methods of insect control.

Potentially effective, but actually of little use insect repellent

To avoid any problems in the future when using fumigators against mosquitoes and midges, adhere to the following rules:

  • Before connecting the device, carefully read the instructions supplied with it;
  • make sure that the power outlet is in good working order;
  • Do not use the device in an unventilated room; leave the window slightly open at night;
  • do not touch the body of the connected device with wet hands;
  • use the fumigator one to two hours before bedtime; it is not advisable to leave the device working overnight;
  • do not place the fumigator closer than one and a half meters from the sleeping place;
  • in a large room, use several devices;
  • use pyrotechnic fumigators only outdoors;
  • if discomfort or health problems occur after turning on the fumigator, stop using the device and ventilate the room well; in case of severe symptoms, consult a doctor;
  • store fumigators and consumables for it in a place inaccessible to children and pets;
  • Avoid contact of plates and liquids with food and utensils.
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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