Insecticidal lamp trap for controlling flying insects

Humanity has been fighting flies that carry various infections on their legs for thousands of years. Many methods have been invented and drugs have been developed to exterminate this type of insect. The modern market offers a wide range of electric traps, exterminators, operating from a 220 V electrical network and autonomously. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a device against flies and mosquitoes, you should study their technical characteristics.

Killing flies


The design of the lamp includes the following elements:

  • frame;
  • ultraviolet emitter;
  • energized metal grid;
  • insect collection tray;
  • switch;
  • power cable.

Optionally, the device can be equipped with several lamps, a fan that attracts insects and other accessories.

Action area

The home-type flying pest exterminator does not have a wide blast radius. Each room has its own insect trap. Outdoor devices are characterized by increased power, covering areas of 5-50 m.

The device starts working immediately after turning on the power. The effect is noticeable after 20-30 minutes. When buying a device, the owner can forget about replacement cartridges and other consumables. The only thing that is required is to charge the battery in time or find a power outlet.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation is based on ultraviolet light waves (350-360 Hm), which are produced by the emitter.
They attract insects. These rays have no effect on humans or domestic animals. Insects fly up to a lamp located behind a metal mesh through which an electric current that is fatal to them passes. After that, they fall into a tray (it must be cleaned periodically).

Some models use an adhesive plate instead of a metal mesh. Such devices are intended for installation in explosive objects.

When an insect comes into contact with the grill, a microscopic discharge is generated that can ignite flammable gases. Insects that fly up to the lamp stick to the installed surface. The disadvantage of such designs is the need to replace the adhesive plates daily.

Mosquito Trap MT-200

A Chinese-made mosquito killer, midges and mosquitoes, operating on the basis of a UV lamp that imitates human odor. For proper operation, the device must be suspended at a distance of 40-60 cm from the ground and a gas cylinder must be attached to it. The electric trap operates from a regular network (220 V) or from a car battery (12 V).


  • effective area – up to 2 thousand square meters. m;
  • dimensions 25x25x35 cm;
  • weight 2 kg;
  • the body is made of metal;
  • The kit includes a cylinder with carbon dioxide CO2 (food grade).

Operating principle: the lamp heats the body, releasing heat, mosquitoes are attracted by carbon dioxide (human odor), after getting inside they are sucked by a fan into a special compartment made of a metal mesh, from which they can no longer get out and die.

Price – about 12 thousand rubles.

Features of operation

Insecticidal lamps can be used around the clock, but they work most effectively in the dark. During the day and if there are other light sources nearby, the rays are much less noticeable. In addition, insects are distracted by other sources of ultraviolet light. When used during daylight hours, it is recommended to install the device in a dark place. It should be borne in mind that its range of action will be reduced by approximately half.

The light source, which is the main element of insecticidal lamps, has a limited service life. As the device is used, the glow temperature begins to change and the emitted wave decreases. Insects react less well to changed light, so the effectiveness of the device decreases. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to periodically change the light source.

When used around the clock, the resource is no more than 1 year, when turned on only at night - about two years.

Electric fly swatter

This fly killer is an innovative device. But it is already quite capable of competing with adhesive tapes, aerosols and even ordinary fly swatters. Externally, such a device is similar to a badminton racket, but has a completely different purpose. The fly swatter is equipped with a long, comfortable handle and a stand.

Design and principle of operation

The working surface of this electric insect killer is a mesh, which consists of several layers. External coarse-mesh gratings have a negative charge on both sides. And between them there is a positively charged fine mesh.

If a fly or mosquito hits the device, it provokes an electrical discharge, which leads to the death of the insect. The voltage inside the working surface is 2,000-3,000 Volts, which is produced by a blocking generator made from AA batteries or a battery device.

In the first case, it is necessary to promptly replace power sources; in the second, to maintain the electric flytrap in working condition, it must be regularly charged for 8-12 hours.

To kill flies, you need to turn on the button on the handle and point the device at places where insects accumulate. In this case, there is no need to carry out targeted strikes. Just a few swipes are enough to get pesky flies or mosquitoes onto the work surface, resulting in their death.

After use, turn off the device and remove any remaining insects from the surface with a regular brush.

Electric fly swatter


The use of insecticidal lamps does not pose a threat to human health.
All live parts are covered with plastic elements. The current supplied to the grid does not exceed 20 mA. This value is deadly for insects, but does not pose any danger to humans. The ultraviolet radiation produced by the lamp is too weak to cause any harm to health. Such devices can be used in residential areas without fear.

Lamps are much less dangerous than mosquito sprays. When insects are killed with chemicals, the air is poisoned. You can enter the room only after thorough ventilation. Insecticidal lamps do not emit gas or other harmful substances during operation, so no harm is caused to the respiratory system.

Terminator 4 QK889

The trap and killer of mosquitoes and flies is made in China, has dimensions of 210x315 mm, and is shaped like a lamp that can be placed or hung. Equipped with a battery (charges within 10-12 hours), designed for 12 hours of operation, which allows you to use the mosquito repellent outdoors, and is also connected to the mains. The kit includes an AC adapter for charging the battery and a brush for cleaning the mesh from dead animals.

Operating principle: an electroshock exterminator that lures midges and mosquitoes using a built-in UV lamp, and then destroys them when they hit the grid with a current discharge at a voltage of 1200 V. Used only in rooms with a roof to prevent moisture from getting inside. Price 4200 rub.

Mosquito trap SITITEK STILL

The device is designed for 100 sq. m, power supply 220 V, dimensions 292x205 mm in the form of a lamp, weight 750 g. Price - about 4000 rubles.

Operating principle: the lamp lures mosquitoes with UV light and heat; the flying specimens are drawn by the fan inside the trap, where they die. The SITITEK Sadovyi-M mosquito exterminator works similarly.


Insecticidal lamps are divided depending on their purpose and operating conditions:

  • professional for outdoor installation;
  • household street;
  • professional devices for installation indoors (catering establishments, hotels, etc.);
  • household room;
  • industrial (installed in food production shops, farms, etc.);
  • mobile (portable versions powered by batteries).

Expert opinion

Torsunov Pavel Maksimovich

An important characteristic of a lamp is its power. The area of ​​influence of the device on insects depends on it.

By power, traps are divided into 3 categories:

  • small (impact area – from 30 to 100 m²);
  • medium (from 100 to 500 m²);
  • large (area more than 500 m²).

When choosing a device, you should take into account not only the power, but also the purpose (for indoors or outdoors).

Structurally, traps are divided into 3 types:

  1. Lamps with E27 base are the most compact. They can be screwed, for example, into a regular chandelier. Often such devices have a dual purpose: a block of LEDs provides regular white lighting, and a low-power ultraviolet lamp located behind it serves to attract insects. The metal grid to which voltage is applied is located next to the base. Another advantage of such devices is their low cost. The main drawback is the lack of a tray for collecting dead insects: they simply fall on the floor or into the glass shade of the chandelier.
  2. Lanterns are intended for installation on a wall or ceiling. In the center is a source of ultraviolet rays. It is surrounded by a mesh around its perimeter, through which an electric current passes. There are modifications of street lamps. In addition to an ultraviolet lamp, a block of LEDs is often installed in them, but they are ineffective as the main light source. The main advantage is the impact on insects within a 360⁰ radius.
  3. Panels are the most effective means of controlling insects. The design uses at least two ultraviolet sources. The back wall of such devices is solid. Designed for installation on a wall or on a flat horizontal surface (for example, a bedside table). Due to the large number of lamps, the panel can be used as a lamp. The disadvantage is the high cost.

What insecticidal lamp trap do you use?


Range of applications

An electric insect catcher is made for indoors and outdoors. The devices differ in range, power, and design. There are insect traps with moisture protection - visors, lids, and other additions to the main structure. The latter are used outdoors: in courtyards, gazebos, summer areas of shops, restaurants, and recreation centers.

Electric insect traps

Externally, outdoor electronic traps resemble a flashlight or a heater. For indoor use, the devices are made more original. They combine several functions at once - a night light, an insect catcher, a compass, a clock, etc. The design is very different, they are placed on a hard surface in any convenient place, suspended from the ceiling, attached to the wall.

On a note!

The ultraviolet trap can be powered by a city power supply or a battery. The last option is often taken with you on vacation. Set up in a tent, near the gathering place.


Insecticidal lamps are one of the most popular methods of controlling insects. This is due to their many advantages:

  • safety and ease of use;
  • ease of maintenance and installation;
  • efficiency;
  • absence of odor and harmful emissions;
  • reliability;
  • long service life.

The main disadvantage is the ability to combat only flying insects. The recommended installation height for devices is 2-5 m, so they do not attract pests below this level. To kill ants, cockroaches and other crawling insects, you will have to use chemicals.

Where is an industrial insect trap used?

Industrial traps can be used in those places where there is the highest probability of occurrence of harmful insects that serve as carriers of various diseases. We can list the following places where the installation of this type of insecticidal equipment is most necessary:

  • catering places - restaurants, canteens, cafeterias, etc.;
  • food industry – workshops for processing meat, fish, confectionery and other areas;
  • alcoholic and beer factories;
  • production of other drinks and canned products;
  • vegetable stores, granaries, warehouses for storing sweet fruits and berries;
  • livestock complexes - dairy farms, pigsties, poultry farms and more.

In addition, some public institutions also need to be protected from unsanitary conditions. These include hospitals, children's institutions, boarding houses, sanatoriums and other institutions where there are large crowds of people.

Popular brands

The name of the manufacturer is of great importance when choosing an insecticidal lamp. By purchasing a product from a well-known brand, the buyer receives a guarantee of quality, reliability and durability.


A significant share in the line of this brand is occupied by high-power devices, but there are also several household appliances. Well lamps for residential premises (from 8 W) can be purchased for 4,000 rubles. The cost of more powerful devices (80 W) starts from 10,000 rubles. Such destroyers are intended for livestock farms, warehouses, and also for outdoor use. The main advantages of the products of this brand are a large impact area with minimal energy consumption.

Mo El

A company from Italy specializing in the production of insecticidal lamps for homes. The line includes more than 35 models with different designs. For example, the MO-BUTTERFLY 700 model is a tray hanging on chains with an ultraviolet lamp in the center. The device is suspended from the ceiling. The range includes shredders with adhesive tape instead of an iron grid, with a fan, etc. The devices cost 1,500 – 10,000 rubles.


German manufacturer of lamps for household and professional use. Products from this company can be found both in residential premises and in catering establishments or hotels. The models are distinguished by a variety of designs. Household appliances with a power of 4 W or more cost about 400 rubles. Professional equipment (such as Power Insect Killer BN-30W) will cost about 2000 rubles.


The company specializes in the production of household devices (impact area up to 60 m²). They are made in the form of night lights (with illumination function). They are economical. The cost starts from 500 rubles.

When choosing a device, you should pay attention to its power (area of ​​influence) and method of attachment. In order for the device to work for a long time and efficiently, it is necessary to follow the operating rules: clean, change lamps. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to place the device near windows or doors.


Electronic catchers act not only on mosquitoes and midges; moths, butterflies, moths, and other insects fall into the trap. Some users see this as a disadvantage. The effectiveness depends on the quality of the device, power, range, and correct application. There is no point in installing powerful outdoor traps indoors; an indoor insect-catcher night light will not work in the yard.

Electric insect traps

Electric traps use energy sparingly. The costs are no more than for a regular fluorescent light bulb. Many devices are powered by solar panels and batteries.

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