About the fight against ants in the apiary, in the hives: how to get rid of them using folk remedies

Is it worth destroying

Before you start fighting ants, you need to determine the type of “robbers” and their location. Insects that live in the forest come to the hives only to have lunch. Garden ants are not averse to making their nest in the hives themselves: the house is not far, and the food is nearby. They usually prefer to settle in cracks between boards, under sheathing or in insulation. But red ants that live in human housing can occasionally visit for a treat.

Do not forget that ants living in the garden and house are pests, while forest dwellers are classified as beneficial insects. Therefore, it is preferable that the fight against ants in the apiary is as humane as possible and does not involve casualties.


Preventive measures aimed at preventing arthropod attacks on bees consist, first of all, of mandatory inspection of the area for the presence of anthills. Do not forget that ants are beneficial insects that should not be destroyed. If possible, place the apiary in an area free from their nests.

You can prevent ants from getting into your hives by coating the legs of the stands with certain substances. Among others, these are:

  • grease,
  • oil,
  • oil,
  • autol.

In this case, regular renewal of the lubricant is necessary.

To repel pests, you can use quicklime or ash. These products need to cover the space around the bee houses. It is necessary to mow the grass around the perimeter of the apiary. Used linoleum is placed under the hive stands, this allows the beekeeper to more closely observe the life around the huts. Conifer needles also effectively repel ants; they can successfully fill the space of double-walled hives.

How to prevent insect attacks

The first thing you need to do to prevent ants from getting into the hive is to properly build the structure and install it. It is enough for the evidence to stand on metal legs with a smooth surface, and you won’t have to deal with pests at all - they simply won’t be able to climb.

You can protect bee houses by wrapping their legs with woolen cloth, pre-impregnated with machine oil, tar, gasoline or kerosene.

Ants in an apiary If this is not possible, a cellophane film is placed under the bottom of the evidence so that on each side its edges sag by at least 10 cm. The ants will not be able to overcome such a barrier.

Regular tape will help prevent pest invasion in the apiary. They wrap it around the base of the hives so that the sticky side is on top. Such traps need to be updated periodically.

Ants will not appear in the apiary if you remove tall grass and bushes, along which insects can easily climb into the hive. The same applies to the flight board for bees.

Particular attention should be paid to the hives themselves: dry boards must be replaced on time. This will limit the ability of insects to settle in the cracks.

Another way to protect bees is to dig a ditch around the perimeter of the apiary and fill it with water. Ants will not be able to overcome this obstacle. But for bees such a watering hole will be very useful.

Peaceful coexistence

This is a more humane method. Its essence comes down to scaring away ants. Such protection can be organized not only in the hive, but also for home honey storage. This technique is quite effective if done correctly.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Farrar hive

Ants do not like the aroma of chrysanthemum, tomato, and catnip. You can plant plants next to the hives. Scattering small crop particles also helps. Ash and salt have proven themselves to be good deterrent powders (can be used in the hive).

A fence made of polyethylene helps against large ants. Insects cannot overcome the barrier, and are forced to look for food outside the hive. But for garden ants such an obstacle is not a problem. Instead of polyethylene, you can use strips of wool or tape. It is worth considering that the tape will have to be renewed periodically, as its sticky side dries out over time.

In a hive that sits on legs, you can place homemade cups of kerosene or diesel fuel under the structure. The posts themselves should be coated with fuel oil or grease. The lubricant needs to be renewed periodically to keep it moist. Instead of petroleum products, sunflower oil is often used, which perfectly repels ants and does not harm bees. The consumption of funds is insignificant.

It is worth monitoring the condition of the walls in the hive, as well as the surrounding area. Ants can climb into bee homes through tall grass, so it should be mowed. If there are cracks in the hives, everything needs to be repaired. Families must be healthy and strong, then they will be able to independently organize the protection of the hives.

Fighting methods

Ants in the apiary can be controlled using various methods of control.

Use of chemicals

When purchasing chemicals, you should remember that both ants and bees are representatives of the order Hymenoptera. In connection with this, many poisons can affect insects in the same way. Therefore, before use, you should carefully study the instructions and take precautions.

Using chemicals The use of supersulfate will not only frighten the ants, but also get rid of them. The insecticides hexachlorane and DDT are no less effective. The product is used to treat ant trails or to lubricate the legs of hives, mixing them with various mineral oils. However, according to many beekeepers, these products are dangerous for the environment and even more so for humans.

Anteater is another remedy for ants in the apiary. It destroys insects in a very short period of time, without accumulating in the soil and without affecting earthworms.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies You can protect the hive with folk remedies:

  • Salt - it is scattered along the paths of insect movement. You can also use a saline solution that is sprayed around the hives. The ants will no longer return to the apiary.
  • Dry mustard, soda or ash. The product is scattered under the hives and along insect paths.
  • Onion - to prevent ants from appearing in a beehive, just chop it up and spread it around the apiary.
  • Parsley, mint or wormwood leaves, tomato tops and garlic cloves - using these natural remedies, you will be able to eliminate uninvited guests from the apiary in a few days.
  • Sunflower oil will help get rid of ants in a hive with bees. It is enough to pour it into the anthill, and insects will no longer disturb the bees.
  • Digging up a nest and moving it to a remote place is the simplest method of control that beekeeping knows. The only thing is that it is not always possible to verify the absence of a queen.
  • Boric acid and yeast will help remove ants from the hive. And in order for the mixture to attract the attention of bee raiders, it must be sweetened with jam or honey.
  • Walnut leaves have a repellent effect. It is enough to place them under insulation and the ants will soon leave the hive.
  • Chickens that eat ants will help reduce the number of ant families in the apiary.
  • Regular digging of the soil is another effective method of controlling garden ants.

Tips and tricks for beekeepers

Experienced beekeepers are happy to give recommendations on how to deal with ants in a hive with bees. Here are some tips:

  • Walk around the apiary area several times a season and remove any anthills that have appeared. They should not be at a distance of 80-120 m from the bees.
  • Keep the area clean. Grass and bushes should be removed regularly.
  • Repair the hive in a timely manner. If there are no mother-in-laws and cracks, then uninvited guests will have nowhere to settle.
  • Do not scatter honeycomb remains on the site. This attracts ants.
  • Dig a moat with water around the apiary. This will not only create a barrier for the ants, but also provide water for the bees.

Important! A strong bee colony can protect itself.

There are many means for killing ants in an apiary. It is up to the beekeeper to decide whether to use one thing or use different methods. However, you need to approach the issue of getting rid of ants wisely and not overdo it. You don't always have to get rid of them. In some cases, peaceful coexistence is quite possible.

Options for fighting

To prevent ants from appearing in the hive, you can use various methods from simple repelling to radical extermination of insects. For these purposes, the following steps are allowed:

  1. Arrangement of additional footrests for hives.
  2. Treatment of the legs of the structure.
  3. Isolation of ant trails.
  4. Using traditional methods to repel ants.
  5. Using technical means to get rid of pests.

The combination of these methods can increase efficiency. The fight against ants in the apiary is a mandatory measure, since insects pose a direct threat to the bee family.

Within 24 hours, these insects are capable of destroying about 1 kg of honey.

Ants in an apiary are also dangerous because they can steal bee larvae, thereby causing noticeable damage to the entire craft. And when pathogens are introduced into the hive, there is a risk of death of the entire bee colony.


From a practical point of view, the fight against the harmful activities of ants is divided into two groups. Methods of the first group are associated with the direct destruction of insects in the apiary. Another case involves organizing peaceful cohabitation. First, let's look at more radical methods.

  1. You can poison insects with homemade poison, which is absolutely harmless to humans and bees. It is necessary to make a mixture based on ordinary yeast. To bait, you should add sugar, honey, a little fermented jam or any other sweets you have on hand to the yeast. Yeast is highly poisonous to insects
  2. In addition, boric acid is used. You can buy it at any pharmacy for little money. Acid is almost harmless to humans, but insects cannot tolerate it. There is no need to take too large doses. It is important that the carriers, having taken the acid in or near the hive, have time to carry the particles to the anthill.
  3. Corn flour is also a poison for ant squads, since it cannot be digested by them. Poisoned baits should be placed where insects can reach without any problems (such poison can even be placed in a hive). In winter, anthills can simply be divided into several parts. Destruction occurs due to cold.
  4. You can also set fire to anthills. To do this, they must first be excavated and then treated with gasoline. When setting fire, safety precautions must be followed. This method should be used in extreme cases, and fire extinguishing agents should always be at hand.

Working with surrounding areas

Ants in the apiary

The fight against ants in the apiary begins with identifying the location of the enemy. Therefore, first you need to explore the area where you plan to place the hives. If anthills are found, they must be moved far beyond the apiary.

The next step will be to treat the area around the bees' habitat. Mowing the grass will prevent unwanted insects from getting inside. Additionally, it is necessary to equip special stands for the legs of the bee house.

It is useful to build a ditch in the apiary area and fill it with water. For bees it will become a source of life-giving moisture, and for ants an insurmountable barrier.

Ways to treat the space around the hive:

  • Salt. Dissolve 1 cup of the component in 1 liter of water and water an area within a 10 cm radius around the bee house. During processing, make circular movements to use the solution to outline closed circles. This method will not allow pests to penetrate the bees.
  • Boric acid and yeast. If you mix 20 g of dry yeast and 5 g of boric acid, you will get an effective remedy that prevents the appearance of ants in a beehive. Scatter the prepared mixture along the paths of insects.
  • Dry mustard. A proven, inexpensive remedy for ants in the apiary. Scattering 2 tbsp. l. powder near the habitat of bees, you don’t have to worry about the apiary. The procedure should be repeated after each heavy rain.

After this, proceed directly to protecting the hive itself.


Preventive measures aimed at preventing arthropod attacks on bees consist, first of all, of mandatory inspection of the area for the presence of anthills. Do not forget that ants are beneficial insects that should not be destroyed. If possible, place the apiary in an area free from their nests.

You can prevent ants from getting into your hives by coating the legs of the stands with certain substances. Among others, these are:

  • grease,
  • oil,
  • oil,
  • autol.

In this case, regular renewal of the lubricant is necessary.

To repel pests, you can use quicklime or ash. These products need to cover the space around the bee houses. It is necessary to mow the grass around the perimeter of the apiary. Used linoleum is placed under the hive stands, this allows the beekeeper to more closely observe the life around the huts. Conifer needles also effectively repel ants; they can successfully fill the space of double-walled hives.

How to treat hive legs

Ant repellents

Adhesive substances or repellents are used as protective agents. Effective methods of control involve the use of:

  • double-sided tape, it will become a mechanical obstacle to insects;
  • grease - the sticky mass will become an insurmountable obstacle for the ant;
  • vegetable oil - unwanted guests will not be able to climb if you wrap the legs of the structure with ropes dipped in vegetable oil;
  • medical cotton wool;
  • animal fur - use any type except sheep.

Protecting the bee family

To get rid of ants in a hive with bees, you can use chemicals or fight with folk remedies. It is safer to use plant mixtures that will repel pests.

Fighting ants with traditional methods

For these purposes, you should use natural remedies:

Hexachloran is a chemical that instantly kills ants and protects the apiary for a long time.

The components can simply be laid out in the hives or rubbed onto the walls of the structure.

Neighbor's bees

If your neighbors in their summer cottage decide to take up beekeeping, then you should take maximum safety measures. The location of the apiary directly behind the fence greatly increases the risk of being stung by bees. Pets are also at risk.

A person who decides to take up beekeeping should go around his neighbors and discuss with them where to place the hives so that they do not cause discomfort to anyone. But in practice, there are situations when future beekeepers simply do not think about this or deliberately ignore the opinions of others

Therefore, it is important to independently study the information on how to get rid of the bees of a careless neighbor.

Solving the problem peacefully

The most ideal method of solving a problem is a conversation with the owner of the apiary, indicating what exactly does not suit you. A reasonable beekeeper will listen to your arguments and move the apiary further away, because his goal is to extract honey, and not to spoil relations with neighbors.

You can also protect yourself from foreign bees by offering the beekeeper the following options:

  • increase the height of the fence, tighten the mesh;
  • change the queen in the hive to another species, not so aggressive;
  • place containers with water in the apiary;
  • move the apiary approximately 40 m from neighboring homes;
  • plant shrubs near bee hives.

Fountains and decorative ponds located on your site can lure bees. If available, add enough granulated sugar to the water. This measure will repel insects from your land. You will also

Solving the problem with the help of law

The rules for breeding and maintaining bee hives are clearly regulated and are usually spelled out in the Charter of the Gardeners' Association. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is study the Charter to see if your neighbor is violating the rules for maintaining an apiary. By the way, the owner is required to register his apiary, even if it contains only one hive. Upon registration, the beekeeper is given a veterinary and sanitary passport of the apiary and a log book. The logbook must contain the seal of a beekeeping inspector, which is proof that the beekeeper has undergone the necessary training in providing emergency assistance in case of a sting. The absence of seals (or the documents themselves) indicates a violation of the law; when going to court, this will be a clear advantage for you.

The law also obliges the beekeeper to place the hives at a distance of no less than 3-5 m from the neighbor’s summer cottage with a fence height of 2.5 m. Therefore, be sure to measure all the necessary values. As evidence, you can also take photographs or videos of your neighbors' hives, especially recording those moments when bees enter your land.

If foreign insects do attack you, then immediately after a bite or multiple bites, contact a medical institution to issue a certificate indicating the reason for the treatment. This will document the fact of the bite.

The following is the procedure:

  1. An application is drawn up to the local authorities of the gardening partnership in two copies: one for the organization, and the second with a mark of acceptance for you.
  2. The application must be accompanied by a copy of a doctor’s certificate and all evidence that neighboring bees have entered your property.
  3. Measurements of the height of the fence and the distance between sections are indicated.

The application will be considered without fail. Also, before submitting the application, you can show the entire package of documents collected to the owner of the hives and inform about your intentions. Often this is enough for the apiary owner to correct the situation.

Preventative treatment schedule

Formic acid from ants in the hive

Almost no one can avoid an ant invasion in the summer. But an experienced beekeeper understands that it is easier to prevent a problem than to get rid of it later. To protect bees, it is enough to follow simple rules of effective prevention:

  1. Spring protection. To do this, starting from March-April, it is recommended to treat the hive with formic acid. To choose the right time, you can focus on average daily temperatures. Carry out the procedures when the air warms up to 14-25°C. The drug must be spread twice for 5 days. A certain amount of time must pass between treatments. Optimal: 10-14 days.
  2. Summer prevention. The same product is used. It is allowed to use the product only after pumping out the honey.
  3. The last stage of preventive operations is carried out in the autumn after the final medical pumping.

Using the methods listed above, you can reliably protect your hive for the entire season.

When trying to get rid of ants in a bee hive, you should remember the benefits they bring to the environment. These small insects clear the surrounding area of ​​fallen animals and also eat dry tree bark. Therefore, when choosing control methods, it is better to give preference to those that do not kill insects, but only repel them.

What to do after a bite

A person’s reaction to a bite can be toxic or allergic, which is determined by the individual characteristics of the body, as well as the number of bites. A general toxic reaction is accompanied by the appearance of urticaria, high body temperature, severe headache and vomiting. The most severe allergic reaction is anaphylactic shock, which is life-threatening and develops immediately after the bite.

After a bite, it is necessary to provide the victim with the correct first aid:

carefully remove the sting left by an insect bite from the wound using tweezers; Treat the wound with gauze or a cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate; to relieve swelling and reduce pain, you need to apply a cold compress or ice pack to the bite site; give the victim some not too hot tea or boiled water, which will help replenish fluid reserves in the body; to prevent a severe allergic reaction, use antihistamines in the form of Claritin, Tavegil, Diphenhydramine and Suprastin; if necessary, you need to call a doctor or take the victim to a medical facility yourself.

If first aid was provided promptly and competently, the swelling and redness will subside in about 2-5 days.

Damage caused by ants

If there is a massive attack of ants on a hive in a day, they can carry away up to 1 kg of honey. In addition, some species kill bees on the landing board and gnaw off the offspring. All this reduces the number of worker bees and weakens the colony. Moreover, ants, moving from one hive to another, carry various diseases. This could lead to an epidemic and the death of all families.

Uninvited guests pollute the hive with their waste and disturb the bee family. Garden ants cause more harm to bees. They not only steal honey, but also take up residence in beehives. Such uninvited guests should be destroyed. But forest ants play the role of orderlies in the apiary, removing the corpses of dead bees. In the fight against them, one should adhere to the golden mean.

How to get rid of ants in a hive

What to do if there are ants in the greenhouse, how to get them out?

Black ants are most often found in greenhouses. They cause damage to seedlings and plant seeds

If you do not pay attention to insect pests in time, you can lose more than half of the harvest.

Why are small insects dangerous in a greenhouse?

  • Ants are carriers of various plant diseases.
  • When an ant nest is created, the root system of crops suffers.
  • Insects spread aphids.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to start treating the greenhouse against ants in time to save the harvest:

1. Ammonia

The first thing to remember is that ammonia in a greenhouse is used only in diluted form. And before you start processing, you should put on goggles, a mask and gloves. The doors to the greenhouse must be open.

There are several ways to use ammonia:

  1. We dilute 2 tbsp. ammonia in 5 liters of water. Water anthills and places where insects gather with the mixture.
  2. The same solution can be used to moisten a cloth that absorbs moisture well. Cover the ant's nest with it.
  3. Spraying the foliage of crops will also help get rid of ants. The solution is prepared from 10 liters of water and 10 ml of ammonia. The mixture is poured under the root of the seedlings. To carry out spraying, you need to add 3-4 tbsp. Sahara. Stir until dissolved and process the greens.

2. Millet and semolina

One of the long-known ways to combat small pests.

It is safe, economical and does not harm plants. You just need to sprinkle the ant nest with cereal. The stomach of insects is designed in such a way that it is not capable of digesting grains. Therefore, after eating millet, the ants will die. We do the same with semolina.

3. Vinegar

Undiluted, it is dangerous for absolutely everyone. Therefore, you can use it to destroy uninvited guests.

For the solution you will need vegetable oil and 9% vinegar (1 to 1). Mix thoroughly and pour into the anthill. This method helps to cope with insects in 2-3 days.

4. Soda

The product, like soda, is universal. It not only works well against dirt in the kitchen, but also against ants in the greenhouse. It will not harm the soil if used in small portions.

There are several ways to fight:

  1. Mix baking soda with powdered sugar and sprinkle it over the ants' nest. Powder attracts pests, and soda kills them.
  2. It is necessary to pour 2 tbsp. soda with boiling water. Mix thoroughly and pour over the anthill. Cover it with a tarpaulin or simply bury it. Then the supply of oxygen will be stopped and the ants will die.

5. Vinegar and soda

Sufficiently explosive mixture to kill ants. We make a small hole in the nest. Pour soda inside. Fill with vinegar. When the mixture boils, fill the anthill with soil.

The above methods should definitely work in your favor. Use them in combination to be sure to quickly and effectively overcome murah.

Fighting ants: the best means

Getting rid of ants is difficult. For complete extermination, the anthill will have to be destroyed. It will be much more effective to scare them away from the apiary.

Important! Destroying anthills is prohibited by law according to Article 8.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

How to get rid of ants in an apiary without breaking the law?

The best way to fight is prevention. In the spring, you should take care to protect bees from ants. For this purpose, the hive must be placed on iron stands with smooth legs. If the stands are wooden, lay polyethylene under the bee house, leaving the ends hanging down by about 10 cm. Such preventive measures will prevent ants from getting into the hive.

From the chemical industry, Mashenka chalk will help in the fight against invaders. They coat the legs of the stand with it, but after each rain the procedure should be repeated. Contact agents have also proven themselves well. You can purchase special preparations for ants. After using them, within a week there will be no trace left of them.

  • Anteater insecticide. It only works on ants and has become a real relief from them. Can be applied directly near the hives.
  • The ant is produced in the form of granules, which should be dug into the territory of the anthill.
  • Fitar is a paste containing the poison of a mushroom that is fatal to ants. A small amount of paste is applied to cardboard and placed near the home of the uninvited guests.
  • Grom-2 - granules containing poison that blocks breathing. Scattered around the anthill. After 2 days the pests disappear.
  • Bros is a ready-made powder that paralyzes the vital processes of ants. They need to sprinkle the anthill and insect paths. The action is almost instantaneous.

Purchased chemicals

When buying anti-ant products, you need to remember: they belong to the same order as bees, so many chemicals are equally harmful to both

Therefore, you should carefully study the instructions and pay attention to the paragraph on precautionary measures


  • Fly tape. It is used to wrap the legs or base of the hive.
  • Insecticidal chalk. Strips are drawn along the perimeter of the base or along the surface on which the hive stands, if possible.
  • Contact insecticides in liquids, powders and aerosols. They are used to treat anthills and paths along which the ants go to the hives.
  • Lures. They must be used carefully so that the bees cannot eat the poison.

Some beekeepers successfully use hexachlorane and dust to kill ants, spraying them along ant paths. But these products cause great harm to the environment and are unsafe for humans, so it is hardly possible to definitely recommend them for use in apiaries.

Folk remedies for fighting ants in the apiary

It happens that a beekeeper does not have the opportunity to purchase a chemical preparation. How to deal with ants in the apiary in this case? Traditional methods will come to the rescue. All substances used in these can be found in the apiary.

  • A radical method in the fight against ants was a mixture of dry yeast and jam. For this, 1 tbsp. mix a spoonful of dry yeast with 1 tbsp. spoon of jam, add 5 g of boric acid. This mixture should be placed in small saucers along ant paths. You can make this product without boric acid. Yeast itself is a strong poison for ants. After 3 weeks the pests will disappear. The main thing is to cover the containers with yeast with a net through which the bees will not get to the poison.
  • Using onions. The onions are finely chopped to release as much juice as possible. The resulting mush is laid out in the apiary, paying special attention to the ant paths. The next day there will be no pests. The disadvantage of this method is that the onions will need to be spread out quite frequently to protect the bees.
  • The ground around the bee houses is sprinkled with salt or ash. A barrier is created that the ants cannot cross. In a few days they will disappear.
  • Millet is poured under the hive cover and on the ant paths. Insects carry it to an anthill, and it rots in dampness. The gas released is harmful to ants.
  • Bottles of sweet water are placed around the apiary area. The top of the bottle is cut off and the cap is removed. The cut off top is turned upside down and inserted into the bottom of the bottle. Once ants get into such a trap, they will not be able to get out of it.
  • Coat hive posts and ant paths with fuel oil, waste oil or vegetable oil. Pests will not be able to get over such a barrier and will go to look for food elsewhere.
  • Place the legs of the racks in a container of water. This device will prevent insects from entering the hives.
  • Ants do not like strong-smelling plants. Mint, tomatoes, wormwood will scare them away from bees. You can put tomato leaves and wormwood under the hive cover.
  • In the spring, you can set up ant traps. Empty tin cans are filled with moss and placed upside down in the apiary. After 2 weeks, ants should settle there. All that remains is to collect the traps and, together with the new residents, take them outside the site.
  • A labor-intensive and not always effective method is to dig up an anthill and move it outside the apiary. The queen ant must move along with the entire anthill. Otherwise the insects will return.
  • Sprinkle the paths from the anthill to the area with bees with mustard. Little hard workers do not like its smell and will go in search of food in the other direction.

Sprinkle the paths from the anthill to the area with bees with mustard

How to get rid of garden ants in the garden

Plants in the garden also need protection, just like those grown in the greenhouse.

What can you come up with here?

Use regular salt. It is necessary to sprinkle it not only on the anthill itself, but also on the ant paths. You can also add mint or elderberry leaves.

You can treat the anthill with another mixture, which includes kerosene, carbolic acid and laundry soap. For 10 liters of water you need to take 400 g of laundry soap, 10 tbsp. l. kerosene, 2 tbsp. l. carbolic acid. To dissolve the soap well, it is better to grate it into fine shavings.

Traps and baits are often used to kill ants. True, you will have to work a little, because after luring insects, for example, onto a sponge soaked in honey, you will have to periodically throw it into boiling water.

It’s easier to fill a jar with syrup from water with sugar or the same honey, and place such baits along the ant trails. Insects get in there, but can’t get out.

In addition to sweet baits, there are also poisonous ones. To the sweet syrup of sugar and honey in water, or just sugar, add borax (1 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp honey, 1/3 tsp borax - all per 100 g of water). The bait is poured into small jars and placed in places where insects are located - along the trails.

You can destroy an anthill mechanically by digging it up. You can pour boiling water or kerosene.

This simple-to-prepare remedy is ideal: for 10 liters of water you need to take 400 ml of vinegar, the same amount of shampoo and vegetable oil. A hole is made in the anthill into which the prepared mixture is poured. After which the anthill is covered with polyethylene and kept in this way for several days.

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