Akarin - instructions for use of crop treatment product

The drug Akarin, instructions for use of which are given below, differs in many respects from similar plant pest control products. Finding a good remedy for aphids, mites, and beetles that spoil vegetables and berries is not so easy. The most well-known chemicals cannot be used during harvest due to toxicity, and the pests themselves have already developed “immunity” to their action. And biological products, although not toxic, are not effective or have a long shelf life. Therefore, gardeners should take note of a new generation drug - Akarin.

Description and release form of “Akarin”

The drug “Akarin” is a biologically active composition with contact-intestinal action.

“Akarin” is a new generation product

Thanks to its composition and versatility, it effectively fights pests such as:

  • mites;
  • aphid;
  • ants;
  • mole cricket;
  • thrips;
  • butterflies;
  • nematode.

The poison is used by private owners and farmers; it allows you to get rid of the threat in large and small areas with various crops. “Akarin” can be used not only to combat parasites, but also for preventive purposes. This substance can have a healing effect. The main thing is to adhere to the basic conditions for its use.

The drug has two forms of release:

  • ampoules, there are 4 of them per package;
  • bottles.

The cost of the product will depend on the type of product, how you order it, and your location. Ampoules cost from 12 rubles and above.

Akarina price

a drug manufacturer release form price, rub.
Akarin Agrovetservice 2 ml 14
4 ml 18
5 ml 21
1 l 1250
5 l 5800

Composition and principle of action of the drug “Akarin”

The drug “Akarin” contains the active substance Avertin N - an extract from the streptomycete fungus. It is a combination of avermectins and is the strongest enterocontact neurotoxin, promoting the release of aminobutyric acid from nerve fibers. The components of the poison disrupt all connections, contributing to their paralysis. The insect becomes immobilized and dies.

The extract from the streptomycete fungus contains the drug “Akarin”

“Akarin” composition makes it possible to quickly and reliably eliminate insects and prevent their recurrence. It can be used both in open ground and indoors. After contact with poison, insects stop digesting food and actively moving. Spraying plants with this poison will protect their future fruits, give them a healthy appearance and preserve all nutritional functions. Shrubs and flowers will come to life before your eyes.

First aid

No matter how well safety precautions are followed, exposure to the chemical may occur. To avoid serious health problems, the victim will need emergency care. You must immediately call a doctor, and before he arrives, act in the following way:

  • if the drug gets on the body, carefully remove it with cotton wool or a dry cloth;
  • the victim who has inhaled the vapors is taken out into the fresh air (when the work was carried out in a greenhouse or other enclosed space);
  • if Akarin gets into the eyes, rinse them with cool water for 25-30 minutes;
  • if the concentrate accidentally enters the body, the victim should take activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight) with plenty of water; this will help induce vomiting.

If the specified measures are not taken in a timely manner, the victim will receive severe poisoning. Akarin can also cause an allergic reaction. In this case, you should take an antihistamine (Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin, etc.).

Advantages and disadvantages of this tool

The main advantages of the drug are the following features:

  • intestinal contact effects on a group of pests. Insects die from disorders of motor activity and cessation of nutrition;
  • nematicidal effect, helps eliminate nematode worms;
  • affects not a group of parasites, but their entire population, which will ensure the continued existence of the plant;
  • does not provide addiction and the ability to resist poison. The product boasts systematic use;
  • perfectly protects the currant bush from spider web pests;
  • acts quickly, from 8 to 16 hours;
  • active substances remain on the surface of the crops and do not penetrate inside, dissipating after a certain period of time;
  • the components of the poison decompose 2-4 days after use;
  • does not harm earthworms.

The drug can be used on different groups of insects that harm the life of various crops. The poison has proven itself in the fight against ants, harmful butterflies, and aphids. Its working composition will protect the plant in the future. Ticks or mole crickets will no longer appear on your property.

The poison has proven itself to be effective in the fight against ants.

Negative characteristics of “Akarina” are:

  • high danger for bees;
  • can cause an allergic reaction;
  • highly toxic;
  • short-term effect, after which pollination should be repeated. This is only good if the fruits need to be picked frequently after they are ripe;
  • the components of the biological preparation do not affect parasite eggs.

You need to use the poison carefully, spray it in compliance with safety rules and observe the decay period, do not eat the fruits until 3-4 days have passed, and do not inhale the smell of the flowers until the poison is completely removed.

Pros and cons of using

Speaking about the positive and negative aspects of using Akarin on a plot of land, many farmers compare it with other drugs of this class.

Most of the advantages, of course, are similar to other protective equipment. What then makes Akarin different? What distinguishes from the total mass of funds for agriculture? Let's compare the characteristics and properties of the insecticide, highlighting only the differences:

  1. Great for indoor plants and flowers.
  2. If you use it at home, you don’t have to worry about parasites getting used to Akarin.
  3. Eliminates most parasitic insects. Recommended for use against caterpillars.
  4. It copes with its tasks perfectly even in extreme heat.
  5. Works selectively. Low consumption.

Of the negative aspects, only two problems stand out. But the same disadvantages exist in 75% of insecticides:

  1. Not used during flowering, as it has been found to be highly toxic to honey plants.
  2. It poses a threat to birds, earthworms and fish.

Methods and recommendations for use

For the drug “Akarin”, use is prescribed as part of the prevention and control of harmful insects. Often used by people who maintain a private garden or vegetable garden or for entire farms.

Basic recommendations:

  1. The poison is diluted in a certain amount of water; it must be used within one hour, otherwise the effect of the substance will be significantly reduced.
  2. The poison is effective against ticks and mole crickets, but the leaves must be treated on both sides of the plant.
  3. Before spraying poison, make sure that the weather is dry and there is no wind.
    If the seedlings have just been planted and the plants and soil are moistened, then spraying should be carried out the next day. When using Akarin for seedlings, should you water or spray? When watering, there is a possibility of poor distribution throughout the structure of the plant; it is preferable to spray the poison. The drug is diluted in a certain amount of water
  4. The strength of the drug's effect is increased by high air temperatures (not lower than 20 degrees), when insects are especially active, otherwise the poison may have little effect and the effectiveness of the drug is reduced.
  5. The poison does not penetrate plant tissue and remains outside, so spot spraying should be carried out. Curled leaves with aphids should be removed before processing.
  6. You will have to spray the poison several times, since it is necessary to eliminate not only the insects, but also their babies that are in the eggs. The components do not affect them, only hatched individuals.

How to breed “Akarin” for indoor plants? To do this, you will need half a liter of water and one 5 ml ampoule of the drug. The solution should be used immediately and a control spraying should be done two days later. You can use a regular water spray.

Instructions for use

The manufacturer, after lengthy research on the poison and its effect on parasites, came up with a specific formula. For each type of pest, a certain amount of insecticide is used.

It is very important to maintain the right amount of poison and water:

  • vegetable crops (cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes and eggplants), from mites, aphids and thrips, are treated as follows: one 5 ml ampoule is diluted in 0.5 liters of water. Spraying should be repeated a couple more times;
  • potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle - dilute one ampoule per 5 liters of water; from larvae - one ampoule per 1.5 liters. The plant is processed three times at intervals of 3 days;
  • cabbage is poisoned against pest butterflies according to the following scheme: one ampoule per 2.5 liters of water;
  • currants against ticks - dilute one ampoule per 5 liters of water;
  • fruit trees from aphids - 5 ml ampoule per 1 liter of water, from codling moths, leaf rollers and moths - per 1.5 liters of water.

A specific amount of insecticide is used for each pest species

“Akarin” instructions for use for indoor plants:

  • the solution is diluted - 5 ml of poison to 0.5 water;
  • after 2 days it should be repeated;
  • The contents of the ampoule should be dissolved in a special container;
  • You should protect your hands and nasopharynx from the effects of the poison.

For subsequent treatments, it is necessary to use a new ampoule with a new portion of water. If you have a liter of solution left in your sprayer, use it on other crops, but do not save it for next time.

Akarin: reviews on the use of the drug against pests

Olga, 45 years old, Moscow region: Last year we purchased a country house with a garden, which was very neglected, overgrown, and there were a lot of ants, aphids and other pests in the garden. First, they actively cleared the thickets, then they began to fight pests. They used various insecticides and folk remedies, but only Akarin helped effectively, which they used to treat the garden several times until they got rid of all the harmful insects. I'm happy with the product, but you can't use it during the rainy season - it washes off really quickly.

Natalya, 50 years old, Volgograd region: To treat the garden and vegetable garden, we alternately used Fitoverm and Akarin, which, according to sellers, are analogues. But I can say based on experience - Fitoverm is much weaker. Therefore, for the last couple of years I have been using only Akarin, which the pests have not become accustomed to.

Sergey, 55 years old, Ryazan region: Akarin is an effective insecticide - tested in practice in my own garden, when there was an invasion of aphids and ants one season. We had to treat it more than once, but we got rid of all the pests. From now on I will only use this drug. You just need to treat the plants in personal protective equipment and use the prepared solution completely right away. The remaining solution cannot be stored; it must be poured out immediately.

Due to its high efficiency in pest control, as well as the ability to simultaneously serve as a fertilizer for cultivated plants, summer residents should pay attention to the insecticide Akarin.

This drug is quite affordable, it is easy to dilute and spray, and pests do not become accustomed to the substance (which is important), so one insecticide can be used throughout the entire summer season.

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Precautions when using Akarina

This poison, if you look at the description, belongs to the third class of danger. However, some scientists insist on assigning it a second class.

Therefore, it is better to work with such a substance in a full combat kit, namely:

  • in special overalls or closed tight clothing;
  • shoes must be closed or isolated from splashes using shoe covers;
  • You should wear long rubber gloves on your hands;
  • a respirator or mask is put on the nasopharynx area;
  • eyes must be protected with glasses.

Protective equipment will reduce the risk of exposure to toxins to zero. In the absence of specialized equipment, you can use improvised clothing: a raincoat and a special shield made of transparent plastic over the face (which will protect the eyes and respiratory organs).

Protective devices will help reduce the risk of exposure to toxins to zero.


Petr Sergeevich (Kuban). Having studied the reviews left by farmers, I concluded that Akarin is indeed a product worthy of attention. After using it in practice, I became convinced of the practicality and benefits of the drug. Since the substance is not addictive, it can be used not only throughout the season, but also in subsequent years. This is great news for those who grow potatoes and tomatoes.

Elena (Rostov). I can’t call myself an expert or professionals, but I love working on the land. I am especially fascinated by flower gardens. Rosalias, lilies and other flowers are pleasing to the eye. After using Akarin, my beauties not only became cuter, but also acquired a bright color.

Description of the drug

Having seen caterpillars, aphids, mites and many other harmful insects on his plantings, the owner of the land feels the desire to purchase a drug that will simultaneously destroy all of them.

Several decades ago, this problem was solved by sprinkling plants with dust. The poison destroyed all living things, and traces of it even got into the blood of Antarctic penguins.

It is now prohibited to use such methods, and gardeners themselves do not want vegetables soaked in poison to end up on the family table. They put safety first and provide protection for indoor plants. By destroying plant-eating pests, Akarin leaves alive the insects that protect the plantings.

Security measures

To use Akarin, whose hazard class is level 3, you must not only pay close attention to dosages, but also limit yourself from contact with the potent substance.

Spray only in special clothing.

Carry out processing only in special clothing. It is advisable that it be a suit made of thick fabric that reliably protects the arms and neck. Do not neglect the mask and respirator: drops of liquid and its vapor can enter the body, causing quite a lot of harm to health.

Important: If you often work in the garden, buy a special suit. Do not spray plants while wearing open clothing, such as a T-shirt or tank top.

After carrying out work, wash your hands thoroughly in a 5% soda solution. Disinfect your clothes: leave them for a while and then wash them with soap and soda. You can then reuse your costume.

How does Akarin work?

Akarin works great in hot weather conditions. With particles of vegetation, parasites ingest toxic substances that paralyze the nervous system. Movement becomes difficult, eating becomes more difficult, and soon the insects die. Weak individuals die within two days, the majority on the fifth day.

The product has a double effect. The bulk of parasites disappear instantly during the treatment period. The surviving part some time after eating the treated vegetation. Even surviving individuals are not able to get used to the drug and will be destroyed with further spraying.

In order for the drug to work most effectively, the area should be thoroughly weeded before use. All weeds are removed from the ridges, which prevent the substance from penetrating the lower parts of the leaf mass. Also, before spraying, remove damaged shoots and shoots.

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