Bedbugs in the apartment. Signs of their appearance and habitat.

Determining the presence of foreign insects in your apartment is not difficult. After all, it is common for any living organism to leave behind, if not traces, then the products of their vital activity. The symptoms and signs of bedbugs in an apartment are quite characteristic, so identifying third-party objects will not be difficult. But it is important not only to determine the presence of third-party parasites, but also to calculate the specific type. After all, various types of parasites can live in the house, including bed bugs, which will be discussed.


The most obvious sign of bed bugs is bites. Bedbugs are blood-sucking pests; they feed on the blood of animals and humans. They are nocturnal and go out hunting at night. Bite marks can appear on any part of the body, but areas with the least thick skin are preferred for parasites - in the elbows, on the neck, buttocks, and arms. A characteristic sign indicating that a person was bitten by a bug and not a mosquito is a trail of bites. A bug requires up to 7 ml of blood to saturate; it feeds on capillary blood, that is, after one puncture of the skin, it may not have enough food, which means it makes the next bite.

Bedbug bites themselves may not bother a person. The itching that appears at the site of the bite is irritating. Some people have very severe allergic reactions. The bite marks themselves are red spots with a dot in the middle. They may swell. If there are a lot of bedbugs in an apartment or house, then they can make up to 400 bites per night.

Bedbugs bite everyone, but most often their victims are children and women. This is due to the fact that they have thinner skin. But if bedbugs appear in the house, then bite marks will be on all family members. They also bite domestic animals, but much less often, because the skin of dogs and cats is much denser than human skin. In addition, it is believed that bed bugs feed exclusively on human blood, and animals have their own ectoparasites.

If characteristic marks appear on the skin, it is worth observing them. The bites themselves are not dangerous; they pass quickly enough. But these insects are carriers of dangerous diseases, so they can infect the victim. They can be especially dangerous for children and elderly or weakened people. If bites are detected, it is necessary not only to clean the home of pests, but also to pay attention to the health status of the residents.

Another way to detect bedbugs in an apartment

After the bug hatches from the egg, its correct name is nymph, it grows, develops and sheds its shell several times, that is, it molts. Each new chitinous cover becomes darker and harder. If there is a large concentration of bedbugs in the apartment, you can find these “scales” in any place.

All these signs most likely indicate the presence of bedbugs. But the most shocking confirmation of the presence of these insects in the house will be the fact when you see them with your own eyes. If you have even the slightest suspicion of bedbugs, be sure to conduct an inspection and shake up all the sofas in the house. Such an inspection is also necessary if you know that your neighbors have bedbugs. It is very possible that they will soon move into several more neighboring apartments.

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Traces on the bed

Bed bugs are not the fastest creatures. They cannot leave the “crime scene” immediately. In a dream, a person tosses and turns, which means he crushes parasites with his weight. Traces of crushed bedbugs and blood stains remain on the bed linen. Not only adults, but also larvae suck blood. It is the larvae that are easier to crush, since they have a thinner and softer chitinous shell.

In addition, spots on the bed appear not only after crushing pests. When they bite, they do not inject a blood-clotting substance into the wound, so after the bite, droplets of blood ooze from the puncture for some time.

Black spots on things and surfaces

The waste product of bed bugs is excrement, or feces. They are digested human blood and look like small black specks. You can find them on beds, beds, various things and other surfaces in areas infested with parasites.

Usually, the waste products of blood-sucking pests are located near their nest. Since bed bugs prefer to settle closer to a person’s sleeping place, most often you can find their traces on the sheet.

Other places you can find bed bug marks on your bed:

  • mattress (inside, in folds, under the mattress cover);
  • headboard;
  • furniture frame.

The sofa and bed are the most common places to find bed bug nests. This type of insect chooses them in 90% of cases. But sometimes they choose other places. For example, sometimes you can find traces of bedbugs on wallpaper, in a closet with clothes, in a chest of drawers with bed linen and towels, and even in the housings of electrical appliances.

Waste products

Bedbugs leave quite a lot of marks. They shed particles of chitin and leave excrement in their habitats. They look like tiny dark brown balls. There are always a lot of them, so they can be detected easily, without the use of specialized equipment. Bedbugs hide and leave behind their waste products:

  • in cracks and cracks in walls and floors;
  • under the bed, sofa or closet;
  • inside furniture;
  • under the upholstery of upholstered furniture;
  • under the wallpaper.

In addition to feces, translucent chitinous pieces can be seen. These are parts of the shell that the larva sheds when turning into an adult. Chitin particles can be found in any part of the room.

Clutches of eggs

Adults, after receiving the next portion of blood, begin to reproduce. Their eggs resemble small translucent grains of rice.

Bed bugs nests are located close to the food source - near beds, sofas . Sometimes females protect their offspring from possible detection and hide eggs in old things, behind baseboards.

If masonry is discovered, it must be destroyed using boiling water or mechanically. If this is not done, new bloodsuckers will hatch from the eggs and continue their population.

On average, one egg takes 2 weeks to mature, so in a month entire armies of bloodsuckers will be traveling around the house.


Another sign of bedbugs in the house is a characteristic smell. It is caused by the release of a special secretion that pests need for orientation. With his help they find each other. With the gradual appearance and spread of parasites, home owners may not notice this smell. But once you leave for a couple of days and return, the smell will seem very strong and even suffocating. Guests at home will also tell you about the specific aroma.

Some people think that bedbugs smell like cognac (or cognac smells like bedbugs). They have a strong nutty smell. It's more like the smell of rotten nuts. Sometimes the aroma can resemble the smell of rotten raspberries. The smell is persistent and spreads throughout the entire room. In places where eggs are laid and where adults gather, the smell is much more intense. It’s not just the adults that emit the aroma. Eggs, larvae, and excrement also smell.

How to detect bedbugs

The first sign of bedbugs is bites. At first, people may think they have been bitten by mosquitoes. Yes, the bite marks are similar in appearance. But mosquitoes are solitary, and traces of skin punctures by bedbugs form a path. If you find such a path, then you need to immediately inspect the home. First, there must be blood stains on the bed linen. Secondly, you can easily find the bedbugs themselves if you move furniture away from the walls, look under paintings, baseboards, and into the joints of wallpaper.

When the first signs or even suspicions appear, it is necessary to carefully inspect the house. Even if you don’t notice them at first glance, it’s worth spending more time and attention on your search. Bedbugs hide in the following places:

  • upholstered furniture: folds of upholstery, internal cavities, filler;
  • cabinet furniture - at joints, on the back walls;
  • books - under the spine, between the pages;
  • paintings, decorative items - on the back walls, facing the walls;
  • beds - under or inside the mattress;
  • under baseboards - floor or ceiling;
  • under the wallpaper and in the joints.

Usually there is a main nest of parasites in the home. It contains everything - adults, larvae, and eggs. There are also feces and discarded chitinous shells. The main task in the fight against bedbugs is to find such a breeding ground. If the population is very large, there may be several nests. If you don’t find them all, the bedbugs will quickly spread throughout the apartment or house again.

Preventing bed bugs

Many people don’t even think about the need to prevent bed bugs until they experience the problem themselves. To prevent the occurrence of bedbugs in a house or apartment, first of all, you need to carefully check mattresses and upholstered furniture purchased at second-hand stores for the presence of insect nests. In addition, after checking into a hotel room while on vacation, you should carefully check the corners of the mattresses for the presence of bedbug excrement. If they are discovered, it is advisable to change your place of temporary residence. For advice from experienced people, watch this video:

Among other things, it is necessary from time to time to carry out a general cleaning of the apartment, during which you should move away all the furniture and thoroughly vacuum all the corners and cracks where adult insects can hide.

In addition, it is advisable to periodically treat all blankets and pillows with a steam generator.

This will not only prevent the appearance of bed bugs, but also reduce the number of linen mites living in the home, which, although they do not cause serious harm to humans, are still not the most pleasant neighbors.

Compliance with all rules for treating residential premises can significantly reduce the risk of bedbugs. Among other things, it should be taken into account that if there is a sanitarily unfavorable apartment in the entrance and there are cases of bedbugs spreading from it, you need to install special fine-mesh meshes in the ventilation ducts, which will prevent parasites from entering an uninfested home.

Why do bedbugs appear?

Signs of bedbugs do not indicate unsanitary conditions. Parasites also appear where cleanliness and order are maintained. Pests can be carried on clothes or luggage; their eggs can be carried on their fur by pets. Very often bedbugs come from neighbors.

The fight against bedbugs must be comprehensive. When the first signs appear, you need to look for and destroy their breeding grounds and treat the home. If you find them in a small population, they will be easier to deal with. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to all the signs of bedbugs – even the most minimal ones. And even if it seems to you that there cannot be bedbugs in your apartment or house.

Remedies for bedbugs

When choosing a remedy for bedbugs, you should give preference to microencapsulated preparations intended for self-use. Some of them are highly effective and have almost no odor. These are drugs such as Xulat Micro, Get, Delta Zone, Lambda Zone

and some others.

Repeated treatment for bedbugs

If you have treated your apartment with a modern product, but still suffer from bedbug bites, do not despair. Don't think that bedbugs are indestructible. Most likely, your products, like many others, did not have an effect on the bedbug eggs, and new larvae hatched from the surviving eggs after you were treated with insecticides. In this case, it is necessary to carry out the treatment again within two to three weeks. Larvae that will hatch from eggs that have already been laid will in this case not be able to grow to adulthood and will not be able to lay new eggs. If you re-treat your apartment once a week, you can get rid of bedbugs forever.

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