Fleas, lice eaters and other parasites in domestic rats: how to deal with them?


  • Treat all your pets with flea treatment, even if you think they don't have fleas. This will help you get rid of fleas faster and reduce the likelihood of them appearing again.
  • Clean the interior of your car, pet crates, and other areas where the rat may have been.
  • If you still don't know how to bathe and brush your rat, you'll have to learn how to do it. Train your rat to come to your hands (this may take some time). If you have an untrained rat, grab it under its belly when you pick it up. Never squeeze a rat or pick it up by the tail or paws. Always handle the rat with both hands. Also, remember that a sleepy or tired rat is easier to deal with.[6]

A few simple rules to prevent recurrence

To prevent fleas from appearing in your home, try to wash your floors more often, and sometimes add essential oils and soap to the water when cleaning your floors.

If you know you will be visiting an area likely to have a flea infestation, you should apply a specialized flea treatment beforehand. Such products usually protect not only from fleas, but also from other parasites such as ticks.

To protect yourself from attacks from these pests while traveling outdoors, wear pants that completely cover your leg or at least your ankle. You should also avoid spending long periods of time near the rodent burrow where they live, which means rat fleas are more likely to be present. If you are going on holiday to the tropics, do not choose an expensive hotel, as there are usually a lot of vermin there.

Preventive measures

Rat fleas thrive in areas where dust and dry debris accumulate, so regular house cleaning is required to keep them away.

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Particular attention should be paid to bedspreads, upholstered furniture, carpets and bedding where pets often rest. In private homes, basement and basement cleaning is also recommended.

In the same situations, if you have to stay in areas where rat fleas and ticks may attack, you should use insect repellents.

The most popular and effective are DETA insecticide sprays, which repel both fleas and ticks.

Infection of residential premises

Unfortunately, situations are possible when rat and mouse parasites infect apartments. This is a truly serious problem that requires the help of specialists. The first thing you need to do is make sure that the room is infested with rat mites. This can be done by a disinfectant. In the event that infection is confirmed, disinsection is carried out.

When carrying out disinfestation, potent drugs are used that are aimed at getting rid of parasites. In this case, it is necessary to treat all possible locations of insects. In cases where pets live in the house, be sure to visit a veterinarian who will recommend a remedy for treatment.

It is very important in this situation to find the cause of the infection; if this happened due to the presence of mice and rats in the basement, then this room must also be treated, since the situation will repeat itself.

How to treat an infected rat

It is advisable that the treatment of an infected rodent be carried out by specialists from a veterinary clinic. A doctor who deals with the recognition and treatment of rodent diseases is called a ratologist. He will clarify the type of parasite, prescribe the most effective tactics and recommend a drug that will help a specific breed of domestic rat. But if for some reason you do not have the opportunity to contact a specialist, you can treat your pet yourself.

Find out why your pet rat itches.

What can be processed

If signs of the presence of parasites are detected, you need to get rid of them using the following effective medications:

  1. “Unoiled.” Dilute 2 ampoules with water, then thoroughly treat the entire surface of your pet’s body. Pay special attention to damaged areas of the skin. Keep the rat wrapped in a towel until the solution dries. This is necessary in order to prevent the animal from licking the drug. After 10 days, repeat the procedure.

  2. "Frontline" (spray). Spray the product twice on your pet's body. Hold the rat in your arms until the preparation dries. After 7–10 days, repeat the procedure.

  3. "Bars" (insectoacaricidal spray for cats and dogs). The solution must be sprayed onto the withers and also wiped over the affected areas of the skin. Repeat these procedures after two weeks.

A separate group of drugs has been developed to combat subcutaneous and ear mites:

  1. "Stronghold" (drops, bottle comes with a purple cap). Dosage at the withers - 0.01 ml per 100 g of animal weight.

  2. “Lawyer” (drops on the withers).

  3. “Dironet Spot-on” (drops on the withers).

  4. "Prasicide-complex" (drops). One application is enough to save the animal from subcutaneous ticks.

If parasites are detected on one pet, all animals living in the house will need treatment. In addition, it is important to carry out general cleaning and disinfection in all rooms. The cage, feeder, water bowl and all toys must also be disinfected. And the bedding and filler need to be changed. All wooden objects in the cage (sticks, toys) should be removed from the house.

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Important! During the treatment period, the rat's claws must be trimmed to prevent scratching of the skin.


These insects are divided into varieties; the most common type of flea is the southern rat flea.

With the naked eye it is impossible to distinguish them from other relatives - dogs, cats and domestic ones. Only a specialist can determine the species under a microscope.

The rat flea looks similar to other representatives of the genus: the body has an elongated shape, flattened on the sides, the back part is raised due to long jumping limbs.

It is covered with chitinous cover and has a dark brown color. Length – from 3 to 5 mm.

What is the danger to humans?

The rat flea can carry a dangerous disease. If it bites a person, its saliva carries the infection into the body. In the worst case scenario, the plague bacillus, the agent that causes plague, enters the body.

Other possible diseases include:

  • Hepatitis (its various forms);
  • AIDS;
  • Typhoid fever;
  • encephalitis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • anthrax.

Like fleas, rat fleas leave behind a variety of unpleasant symptoms, some of which require special treatment and can be dangerous.

Composition and effect of the drug

The product is available in the form of a concentrated emulsion. Before use, prepare a solution in the dosage specified in the instructions. The concentrate must be diluted immediately before use, or at least within 2 hours after preparing the solution. Under other circumstances of use, the drug loses its effectiveness.

The active components are new generation synthetic insecticides:

What do bites look like, treatment

The problem of rat fleas is relevant for residents in private sectors; they are extremely rare in the city. But after a bite, serious complications can develop.

The affected person begins to turn red, and multiple red dots may form. This indicates the development of an allergic reaction. The bite area itches very much, so it cannot be ignored. After a certain period of time, a blister appears, but it disappears very quickly, and a wound forms in its place.

Parasites affect the lower part of the legs: legs, feet. But other parts of the body may also be affected: neck, armpits, arms. This means that they have moved onto the bed, furniture, and clothes. You will have to do some general cleaning, a vacuum cleaner helps a lot, just don’t forget to disinfect it after use.


After a flea bite is discovered, immediate action must be taken, especially if a child has been bitten. To avoid possible complications, you must adhere to the recommendations below:

  1. Treat the affected area with any antiseptic composition. You should also use a soap or vinegar solution. They are prepared with water in equal proportions. If the skin is severely damaged, treat the wound several times a day.
  2. To relieve itching, apply an ice cube or any other cold compress. Also, these measures will help relieve inflammation, reduce swelling, and the skin will take on a normal appearance.
  3. Apply antiseptic ointment or cream, which is available in your home medicine cabinet. For example, it could be sulfur ointment, calamine lotion, Boro-plus. But a regular soda solution will also work. Furacilin and hydrocortisone are suitable as steroid ointments. They will relieve pain and itching. But before using them, get qualified advice.
  4. If an allergic reaction occurs in the form of a rash, take an antiallergic drug. In this case, it is better to coordinate treatment with an allergist.
  5. Lotions made from the juice of marigolds, plantain, burdock, dandelion, and parsley will help relieve itching, swelling, and moderate the inflammatory process.

Urgent medical attention is needed if a pustular mass, urticaria, fever, or headache appears.


Bloodsuckers cannot remain on the victim’s body all the time. After eating, the flea jumps off and returns to its permanent habitat. They often settle in rat nests and lay eggs here. People know that pets have blood-sucking parasites, but do rats have fleas? They are present in all living organisms, even in humans, but are called a little differently. Females can produce up to 400 of their own kind. They lay 7 eggs per day. The development of the larva takes up to 16 days, then is wrapped in a cocoon.

An adult flea emerges from the pupa. Can go without food for a long time. But then, when it chooses a suitable victim, it will suck blood for a long time.

Rat mite (Ornithonyssus bacoti)

An obligate temporary ectoparasite of rats, capable of feeding on the blood of other mammals. It was first discovered in Australia. But rats are not endemic to Australia. It’s just that some diseases were not previously associated with this type of tick. The rat mite was later identified in the United States as a source of dermatitis in humans. A few years later, it caused people to become ill in Hamburg.

The parasite was first discovered in 1913 due to its size. The length of its body is only 0.75-1.44 mm. If you look at the photo of a rat tick, it turns out that it is very similar to the common ixodid tick. There are also differences:

  • there is no segmentation between the body and chelicerae;
  • oval genital shield;
  • cranial anus;
  • pointed tail apex.

The color of sucked ticks is not light gray, but dark red in females or yellow in males. Hungry parasites are gray in color. After feeding, they are unable to move; when hungry, they are very active.

Ways to combat parasites

The most effective way to rid your home of fleas is to call a professional. They will carry out comprehensive treatment of the premises using professional means. Exterminators can be ordered from the sanitary and epidemiological station or a private insect control company.

To prevent re-infection, it is necessary to poison the parasites from your neighbors, since getting rid of rat fleas in one apartment is not enough. They easily move around the entrance and penetrate through doorways and cracks.

It is also necessary to carry out preventive measures in basements and attics.

An important stage in the fight against insects is the treatment of all domestic animals, replacing their bedding with new ones.


Aerosols are a popular remedy - they can be used to remove rat fleas from an apartment, as well as treat animal fur with special compounds.

Medicines for pets are purchased at a pet store, and for general treatment of the premises, sprays from hardware stores and supermarkets are suitable: Raid, Kombat, Raptor, Medilis Cyper, Karbofos.

Insect killing dusts are effective against flea larvae.

Modern microcapsule products GET successfully get rid of parasites. Their main active ingredient is chlorpyrifos. This is a toxic substance that quickly kills rat fleas, but precautions must be taken when handling.

It belongs to the third hazard class, so its use is permissible only with protective equipment, without people or animals nearby. After treatment, a thorough wet cleaning is carried out.

The drug is often counterfeited. One of the manufacturers chose a similar name Gett - this product is several times cheaper, but is less effective.


Since removing fleas from just one room is not enough to completely destroy them, pet fur is treated.

The drops are low toxic, do not harm the pet, but are effective against parasites.

They should be applied to the skin where the animal cannot lick it off. Any drugs that are offered in pet stores are suitable - “Clandestine”, “Bars”, “Stronghold”.

For additional therapy and prevention of new infestations, anti-flea shampoos are used - “Mr. Kiss”, “Frontline”, “Clandestine”.

The product is sprayed onto a piece of gauze and then rubbed into the animal's skin.

Folk remedies

When there were no special insecticides, people protected their homes from fleas using natural means.

It was believed that insects did not tolerate strong odors, so the main means of control were garlic and wormwood.

The following herbs are also used:

  • chamomile;
  • tansy;
  • Bay leaf;
  • mint.

They are hung in bunches around the house or an infusion is brewed and sprinkled. The garlic is crushed and placed in all corners where fleas may hide. After half an hour, wet cleaning is carried out. Vinegar is added to the water to enhance the effect.

Folk remedies do not guarantee complete destruction of parasites, but can be used as part of a set of pest control measures.


In order to lay eggs, the female rat flea must be well fed . Females lay larvae in nests, animal cages, and also directly into their fur. After the eggs are laid under favorable conditions, after some time the larvae hatch from them. The larvae of rat fleas live in the nests and cages of their hosts, this provides them with constant nutrition. The larvae feed on the remains of animal hair, grass, and the excrement of adults. The fact is that the excrement of adult fleas contains blood, which the larvae like.

After some time, the larvae pupate. The insect will not come out of the cocoon until the environment is favorable. Scientists have proven that in a cocoon state, these pests are able to remain viable for about one and a half years.

After the onset of favorable conditions, an adult rat flea emerges from the cocoon and is ready to give birth to its offspring.

Depending on their habitat conditions, these insects can live up to several months . Over the course of her entire life, a female can lay up to 500 eggs.

Consequences for animals

The animal becomes lethargic, exhaustion appears, and immunity decreases. As a result, chronic problems worsen, infectious diseases and colds become more common.

Anemia and vitamin deficiency may develop. Another danger of lice eaters is that they themselves are carriers of many diseases and can cause fungal, viral, bacterial, and helminth diseases.

In any case, infestation with parasites undermines the health of the infected animal, causing numerous problems.

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Rat flea bites are very dangerous, as these parasites carry many diseases. What to do if you find bites of these insects, read the link https://stopvreditel.ru/parazity/perenoschiki/krysinaja-bloha.html.

Symptoms of infection

Flea bites cannot be ignored - when the proboscis is inserted under the skin, they do not inject any anesthetic enzymes, like other blood-sucking insects.

In addition, the wounds are very visible externally - the parasites cause irritation on the skin, which is accompanied by itching, swelling, and redness. Most often, it is bites on a person that reveal their presence in the house.

If a rat has fleas, scratching marks, bald spots and scabs will be noticeable on its body. The pet will jump sharply from time to time, reacting in a similar way to painful bites.

Other pets exhibit the same symptoms as when infected with other types of fleas - nervousness, constant scratching of the skin, especially in hard-to-reach places.


The parasite's bites cause an itchy skin irritation in humans called rat mite dermatitis. Children may have an eczematous or vesicular reaction to the sting. Rat mite attacks must be differentiated from other insect bites or skin irritations caused by the body's reaction to an allergen.

Treatment of rat tick-borne dermatitis is symptomatic. To alleviate the condition of the victim, use:

  • oral antihistamines;
  • topical corticosteroids;
  • benzyl benzoate;
  • gamma-benzene hexachloride;
  • Crotamiton.

But often the irritation goes away on its own or people simply do not react to the saliva of rat bloodsuckers.

The reaction to rat parasites must be separated from the symptoms:

Laboratory studies have also shown that rat mites can carry dangerous diseases:

In unfavorable times, rat ticks, along with fleas, were the main carriers of typhoid and plague from rodents to people.

Parasitic diseases of rats

In decorative rats, parasitic diseases caused by fleas, lice, and lice are most often diagnosed. The reason for this is the lack of regular treatment of cells and household items, and unbalanced nutrition.

Fleas on rats

The causative agent of flea infestation in decorative rats is ectoparasites from the order Siphonaptera. This disease is diagnosed as aphanipterosis. It is accompanied by dermatitis, since flea saliva contains toxic substances that cause allergies in the rodent.

The danger of flea infestation is that one flea can drink up to 11–16 μl of blood per day. And with mass reproduction, this can cause anemia in a decorative rat.

Aphanipterosis is accompanied by itching, which leads to scratching on the skin. When bacteria and infections get into open wounds, they begin to fester. This leads to a chronic relapsing course of the disease.

Lice and lice in rats

Infection of a decorative rat with lice and lice-eaters is diagnosed as pediculosis. The incubation period of the disease can last about a month.

Main symptoms of the disease:

  • constant itching;
  • red dots, scratches in the muzzle, neck, shoulders;
  • anemia, causing weakness, drowsiness;
  • refusal to eat;
  • sudden weight loss.

The danger of pediculosis is that its pathogens are also carriers of diseases such as typhus and hemobartonellosis.

Weight loss

How to recognize the presence of parasites in a rat?

The most obvious symptom is that the animal continually bites the fur, gets restless, and scratches the skin so hard that crusts appear. Redness of the skin should also alert you: this is probably a consequence of the animal’s allergy to substances carried by parasites.

In addition, some parasites can be seen with your own eyes (for example, lice and nits), and then there is no guesswork, the animal needs to be treated.


Ticks cannot be seen with the naked eye. But even a scraping done by a veterinarian may not be indicative. But their presence can be recognized by indirect signs: the hair begins to fall out, and red wounds appear on the body.

The exception is the ear mite: its appearance is immediately noticeable by the tubercles along the edge of the ear, and if treatment is delayed, lice can literally eat away at the ears, the tissue there is so delicate. Therefore, you need to examine your pet’s ears carefully and regularly.

lice eaters

Lice eaters are small red-colored insects. Their body is about 1 mm in size, elongated and covered with bristles.

It is difficult to recognize lice eaters on fur, especially if the rat is dark in color, but you can see their eggs. They are light-colored, dandruff-like, and inseparable from the fur as they stick to it, waiting to hatch. You can also guess the problem by the behavior of the rat: it begins to worry, refuse to eat, act nervously and lose weight.


They feed on the blood of the victim, so itching will constantly bother the animal. You can recognize them, like lice eaters, by their eggs: you can only see the lice themselves under a microscope, they are so small.


They also suck blood, and their appearance is very dangerous for the animal. Their size is from 2 to 5 mm, and the body is elongated and has a brown color, so the insect is easier to see on the fur than previous parasites. In addition, fleas leave red discharge on the animal’s body, and when the pet is bathed, they color the water red-pink.


Ordinary bedbugs that can be in a person’s bed are dangerous for animals: they attack them in the absence of food and begin to drink their blood. As a result, causing the same symptoms as if your pet has lice and lice.

Prevention measures

Preventing the occurrence of rat mites primarily involves timely getting rid of rodents that carry them. Includes the following measures:

  • Control over the size of the rat population and constant measures for deratization in areas inhabited by rodents.
  • Isolation of premises from rats. The sealing of manholes is carried out by residents.
  • Maintaining premises in proper sanitary and technical condition.

You should know that rat mites reproduce in warm conditions and in the presence of food. It can develop all year round, but is especially active in the spring. Parasites are very easy to disinfest and die almost immediately. Most often, to get rid of them, a one-time treatment of the premises is enough. However, after a while they may appear again if preventive measures are not followed. If ticks reappear, acaricide treatment is carried out again.

Precautionary measures

Carrying out disinfestation with Neostomozan against insects involves the use of personal protective equipment. Protect hands with rubber gloves, respiratory tract with a respirator, and skin on the body with clothing. After disinfestation against parasites, it is necessary to remove personal protective equipment, wash your hands with soap and wash.

Neostomazan has a specific, pungent, unpleasant odor. While working, you can take short breaks and go out into the fresh air. If dizziness, weakness, or headache occur, destruction must be stopped. Rinse your mouth with soda solution, take an activated carbon tablet.

In animals, the first time after using Neostomozan the following is observed:

  • loss of appetite;
  • drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • weakness;
  • increased salivation;
  • lacrimation;
  • redness of the skin.

Symptoms resolve within 3 days. If a severe allergic reaction occurs, you should take your pet to a veterinarian.

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