What to do if a spider mite appears on a ficus?

Spider mites parasitize ficus quite often. Often these insects are brought into an apartment by accident, for example, through an open window or with diseased plants. If the house is humid and warm, then the conditions are quite favorable for the rapid proliferation of parasites. The spider mite is an extremely tenacious creature, and it even multiplies with temperature changes . Many varieties of indoor plants can harbor these insects, but ficus plants usually show the most severe signs of leaf damage.

The sooner the characteristic symptoms of a parasitic infestation were noticed and the necessary treatment began, the higher the chances of getting rid of the scourge. There are many ways to eliminate it. In case of severe infestation, special chemical insecticides should be used. If the number of leaves affected by insects is large, it is quite possible to cope with parasites using some proven folk remedies. If at least one case of ficus infection with mites is detected and they are effectively eliminated, it is necessary to take certain preventive measures.

What does a spider mite look like?

Mites on ficus trees are not so easy to detect. Even adult insects are too small, about 0.6 millimeters in size. However, if you take an ordinary magnifying glass, the pest becomes clearly visible. It has an oval shape, and small hairs grow on its body. Thanks to them, the insect tenaciously sits on the plant, which allows it to constantly suck the juice out of it.

Read also: How to look beautiful at work

Female ticks are larger than males, and all individuals have four pairs of legs. The color is brownish or green, and their feeding organ is the proboscis. A distinctive feature of the pest is that its eggs, even in the harshest conditions, can survive in the ground for up to five years. This is precisely the main reason why it can be difficult to remove them completely, although at home the presence of closed soil in a pot greatly simplifies the task.

Ficus benjamina: conditions for a flower to be green even in winter

This ficus is quite capricious . With slight changes in the conditions of its maintenance, it immediately sheds its leaves. Options for the development of events are as follows:

  • Leaf fall most often occurs when there is a temperature change , when there is a draft, or when the location of the pot changes. Sometimes, without any changes, the leaves of this ficus may simply fall off in the fall.
  • Ficus leaves may become covered with brown spots. This indicates that the air is too hot or that the flower has been overfed with fertilizers. Direct sunlight can scorch the plant .
  • Small leaves grow if the ficus does not have enough nutrients .
  • If the leaves are deformed or the shoots of the ficus develop poorly, then this indicates a lack of nitrogen fertilizers .

In addition, ficus leaves can curl and fly down when attacked by pests. Prevention and pest control are exactly the same as for other ficus plants.

Rubber ficus leaves curl and curl

Sometimes gardeners notice that their pet’s leaves have begun to curl inward.

How ficus leaves curl

Ficus leaves curl
Verification stage 1First of all, you need to carefully examine the leaves to exclude the presence of pest or fungus infection .
Verification stage 2If the leaves are clean, then you need to check the soil in the pot. Most likely it will be dry.
Verification stage 3Most often , the leaves are curled to reduce the area of ​​evaporation . This means there is dry air in the room or dry soil in the pot.

Ficus is a very interesting and noble plant that is appropriate in any home. But in order for this flower to always bring only positive emotions to its owner, the plant should be properly cared for.

Healthy ficus

It is necessary to regularly inspect the leaves, promptly eliminate pests, and apply preventive measures to combat diseases and pests in a timely manner.

Treatment of ficus with chemicals

Despite the seriousness of the disease, at the first signs of it, the ficus can be saved. There are several methods that will help remove spider mites on a ficus tree. Each gardener decides how to fight it independently. Depending on how severely the plant is affected by the mite, chemical or folk remedies are suitable for its treatment.

It makes sense to use chemicals in cases where most of the leaf crown is damaged on the inside, new shoots are not growing, and the appearance indicates a serious degree of disease. A large population of pests is destroyed only with the help of specially developed chemical insecticidal preparations. These include:

Signs and causes of ticks

Ticks are animals that belong to the order Arachnids. These are tiny, almost invisible insects measuring 1-2 mm, most often white or red, but there are other varieties. The body is divided into a cephalothorax and abdomen, and there are 2 or 4 pairs of limbs on it, allowing the arthropods to hold securely on the leaves. The food for these animals is juice - they extract it by piercing the plates with sharp jaws. With large-scale infection, flowers stop developing normally, photosynthesis and metabolic processes deteriorate, as a result of which weakened ones may die.

Spider mite

The mechanism of infection by spider webs resembles the spread of infectious diseases. The pest is transmitted from one flower to another - for example, when buying new specimens in a store, the larvae can move to a neighboring bush. In the summer, owners often take their “pets” out onto the balcony or open the windows in the room, which also contributes to the appearance of bugs. Home plantings on the first floors of houses are more often infected - parasites get on them from grass and bushes.


Rubber ficus pests are living microorganisms and insects that feed on the foliage, sap or roots of the plant. Most often they end up in the pot along with poor-quality soil. Sometimes an infected plant can be accidentally purchased in a store.

Pests pose a great danger to indoor plants because they are easily transmitted from one flower to another. Signs of pest infestation can be expressed in different ways.


A characteristic sign for this type of pest is raised spots on the inside of the leaves. They occur along the veins and in some cases can affect the rubber trunk and the outer surface of the crown. First of all, the sap of the plant is important for scale insects; they suck it out, leaving behind a sticky secretion. Another parasitic organism, the sooty fungus, also likes to live in such an environment.

To combat scale insects at home, you will need soapy water and the drug Actellik. First you need to treat the foliage with a soap solution, and then disinfect the affected area with the drug.


The disease appears as small pieces of cobwebs on the foliage in which the brown insect lives.

The scale insect feeds on the sap of the plant, slowing down the development of the broadleaf ficus. The pest can also be transmitted by air to other indoor flowers.

Caring for a ficus during infection consists of destroying cobwebs and wiping the leaves with a soap solution. A folk remedy helps against scale insects: water infused with tobacco. Similar procedures should be carried out daily until the flower is completely cured. If the disease has affected most of the plant, it should be sprayed with confidrome.

Spider mite

This pest appears in warm and dry rooms. The mite does not pierce the leaves of the plant, but gnaws through the skin to the pulp and sucks out the liquid. The insect leaves behind brown spots. The mite multiplies very quickly and creates a colony; within a week, the rubber-bearing ficus can be completely covered with cobwebs.

The disease can destroy the flower

Affected foliage quickly dies. There are two types of spider mites: yellow and red.

To get rid of the insect, you should increase the humidity in the room. The leaves of a diseased ficus should be sprayed with water and wiped with soapy water. As a treatment, you can wrap the flower in a thick plastic bag for several days, then treat it with ground sulfur or garlic tincture. To speed up recovery, ficus is sprayed with insecticides.


Such pests prefer a colonial lifestyle and settle on the inner surface of the leaf. A favorable environment for thrips is a warm room with high humidity. After the insect, brown spots with a dark outline remain on the ficus foliage. The crown of the plant quickly turns yellow and dies. In addition, the pest is a carrier of many infections.

To kill thrips, use a solution of Pyrethrum. The plant is treated twice a day for a week. There are other drugs designed to help in the fight against this insect:

  • Aktara;
  • Actillic;
  • Tanrek.

This is one of the most popular pest species worldwide. Aphids are more active in the warm season; in addition, they can infect many plants because they can fly.

Aphids settle in a small colony on the inside of the leaf. Such leaves begin to curl, and then turn yellow and die. To save the plant from aphid invasion, ficus leaves need to be treated with soapy water or Pyrethrum.


A sign of insects settling on a plant are small nodular swellings that appear on the root system. The secretions of nematodes are poisonous to flowers and, by eating the roots, these worms poison the plant itself. The flower begins to fade and lose its foliage. These pests are dangerous because the infected bush is no longer suitable for reproduction. Also, in the initial stages of Rubber Ficus disease, symptoms do not appear.

Various insecticidal preparations will help get rid of nematodes. However, if the disease is already in full swing, it is better to throw away the plant to prevent infection of other indoor flowers.

Fungal infections

The plant may be affected by a fungus

A fungus is a parasitic organism that lives off the resources of a plant. Such a neighbor is dangerous because it can get into the pot along with the soil and remain dormant for a long time. Of all diseases, fungus is the most difficult to predict, but its treatment is faster, and the plant is less injured than from pests. There are several types of fungus that can infect the rubber plant.

Gray rot

This fungus looks like gray mold. The affected area is the leaves and trunk of the plant. If you shake the ficus slightly, the mold comes off the foliage and flies off as fine dust. The affected crown quickly turns black and falls off. Most often, this disease manifests itself in a damp and warm room.

To treat gray rot, cut off all infected parts of the flower. For prevention purposes, you need to ventilate the room, control the quantity and quality of water for irrigation.


Even following all the recommendations for prevention, it is impossible to completely protect ficus from scale insects. But simple measures will help reduce the likelihood of its occurrence:

  • maintaining the plant in good condition: thinning the crown, removing dry or yellowed leaves and shoots;
  • water and feed the ficus on time, because weakened plants become easy prey for pests;
  • carry out regular inspections of the plant;
  • use mesh on open windows;
  • carefully examine new plants and bouquets of flowers brought into the house.

Reasons for the appearance of scale insects

Ficus benjamina is considered one of the most popular indoor plants because it does not require special care and becomes a beautiful miniature tree in a few years. But if you do not adhere to basic rules for its maintenance, the plant grows weak, and this is the main reason for infection with scale insects.

The following factors will be favorable for the rapid proliferation of the pest:

  • proper watering is not observed;
  • insufficient amount of light;
  • the air in the room is too cold or hot;
  • excess nitrogen content in the soil;
  • diseases of other indoor plants.

The most dangerous period for ficus infection with scale insects is winter. The air is dry due to heating, daylight hours are too short. All this affects the fact that the plant sap undergoes changes in its structure, which attracts insects.

Exemplary Estate


Ficus, like all indoor plants, can get sick from time to time or become prey to pests. Of the diseases that this plant can suffer from, the most common are root and tuberous rot, as well as leaf spot. The most common pests include spider mites, scale insects and mealybugs. In addition to all of the above, the ficus gets sick from improper care.

The most common problem when growing ficus benjamina is considered to be yellowing and falling leaves, and the most common questions are: why does ficus benjamina shed leaves, ficus benjamina why leaves fall and ficus benjamina leaves turn yellow - why? Let's look at the answers to these questions.

Why do ficus benjamina leaves fall?

Air temperature

Yellow leaves - lack of care
This plant not only does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, but also reacts poorly to air that is too cool or too hot. When the temperature drops below +17°C or when it rises above 25°C, the plant may shed its leaves.

Air humidity

Ficus benjamina loves moist air; when the air humidity drops, the plant's leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. In this case, there is only one way out: increase the humidity: either spray the plant several times a day, or buy an air humidifier.


Violation of the watering regime also leads to yellowing and falling of leaves, and this occurs both from underwatering and from overwatering of plants. To determine whether the plant needs to be watered, you need to: pierce the soil with a stick and see how dry it is; if the wet layer is 2-4 cm from the surface, you can water it.


It is worth paying attention - the leaves fall off.
Both a lack and an excess of nutrients affects the condition of the leaves and the entire plant. The main thing here is regularity without excesses. Read all the rules for caring for Ficus Benjamin in the article: Ficus Benjamin: cultivation and care

In addition to everything described above, the leaves of this plant turn yellow and fall off due to disease and pest damage. Read about diseases and pests below

Ficus benjamina diseases

The cause of the disease can be called a fungal disease of the root system. Root rot or root rot can occur when the soil is systematically waterlogged. So this disease can be called a consequence of improper care.

Surgical treatment of root rot

If in the pot where the ficus grows, a crust forms on the surface of the soil, then the disease begins to progress due to the lack of oxygen.

Signs of the disease: the leaves begin to turn yellow and wither, then darken very quickly, and the plant dies as a result.

The disease can only be treated if you pay attention to it at the very beginning. Root rot can only be treated surgically.

Treatment of root rot

If the plant shows signs of the disease indicated above, the plant should be removed from the pot and the soil should be carefully shaken off the roots. After the roots are cleaned, inspect them very carefully. If the roots of your ficus have almost all darkened and are very soft to the touch, then nothing will help the plant and you can throw it away.

Pruning affected roots

If the roots are mostly white and quite elastic, then the plant can be saved and this must be done immediately. To do this, cut off all darkened and softened roots. You should also prune the crown; first, remove all leaves and branches with traces of the disease. After this, estimate in percentage terms what part of the roots you cut off; the same percentage of roots should be removed. This is done so that the plant can devote all its energy to recovery and restoration, and not to maintaining a large crown. After this, you need to take a new pot and plant the plant in fresh soil. Next, you need to water the ficus with a solution of the fungicide carbendazim.

Place the ficus pot in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. Watering can be done only when the plant moves away and produces new leaves. After recovery, follow the watering regime to avoid the disease in the future.

Leaf spotting - care problems

Ficus leaf spot

Leaf spotting on this plant usually occurs due to improper care. Before determining the cause of the disease, you need to carefully examine the plant. Poor care, anthracyclosis and cercospora can lead to the disease.

Care problems

Signs of the disease: light brown spots appear at the ends of the leaves, along the entire leaf or its edge; over time, the leaf dries out and falls off. If you do not pay attention to such symptoms, the plant may become seriously ill and lose part of its crown.

Such signs indicate problems in caring for the plant; this may be due to high air temperature, dryness and low humidity, or the cause of the disease may be an overdose of fertilizers.

Anthracnose on ficus leaves

Treatment of the disease

Treatment in this case is quite simple and consists of eliminating the causes of the disease. It is necessary to lower the air temperature, increase its humidity, and not fertilize for a long time.


This fungal disease also leads to the formation of spots on the leaves, but these spots are of a slightly different nature than those described above. The disease is caused by the fungi Gloeosporium and Colletotrichum.

Signs of the disease: dark brown spots appear on the leaves, which subsequently develop into ulcers. The leaves fall off, if the disease is not treated, the plant dies over time.

Cercospora blight on ficus leaves

Treatment of anthracnose

Leaves with signs of disease should be removed immediately, then the plant should be treated several times with a fungicide solution. The frequency of treatments depends on the fungicide you choose. You should also reduce the humidity in the room, as the disease can progress in a humid environment. You also need to reduce watering and ventilate the room more often.


This is also a fungal disease, most often caused by high air humidity. The causative agent is the fungi Cercospora spp.

Useful video

This video explains how to deal with spider mites and other pests of Ficus Benjamin:

Spider mites on ficus are a problem that any gardener may encounter. Often the fight against this pest is not easy, and it does not disappear after the first treatment with one or another substance. If cobwebs appear on a plant, what to do - take action immediately and prepare for a long treatment process.

In order for it to be as short as possible, you should know what the signs of damage to a home tree are and how to deal with them. At the first alarming symptoms, measures should be taken immediately, since constant parasitism of the mite on the plant will inevitably lead to its rapid death.

Signs of plant mite infestation

The phytophage bites through the leaf blade and draws out the cell sap. Light necrotic dots form in the affected areas. Yellow spots appear on the leaves, which is why mite activity is often confused with chlorosis.

With severe damage, the plates dry out and fall off. With a sharp increase in the phytophage population, a gray coating and a thin cobweb can be found on the back of the leaves.

Fungal diseases

There are several viral and fungal diseases that damage the leaves and roots of ficus trees. Let's call them:

Gray rot - with this disease, mold appears on the leaves and stems, which flies into the air after shaking the leaf. Damaged leaves become covered with brown spots, then darken completely and fall off. Gray rot fungus develops well in warm and humid air, so the room should be ventilated as often as possible.

To cure a ficus, damaged fragments must be removed at the very beginning of the disease, otherwise it will not be possible to save it. Healthy parts are sprayed with fungicides. Watering is reduced at this time.

Sooty fungus - a good environment for the development of this fungus is the sticky secretions of aphids, scale insects and other insect pests. The sooty fungus leaves behind a black coating on the leaves.

Powdery mildew - with this disease, a white coating in the form of flour appears on the leaves. In the initial stages of the disease, the white coating is easily washed off, so the leaves can be wiped with soapy water. If the plant's condition is neglected, it is very difficult to cure it - the affected leaves are removed, and healthy leaves are sprayed with fungicides several times.

Chemical insecticides in the fight against spider mites

Spider mites on ficus and how to fight them, if the damage is total and the insects have already multiplied throughout the plant, you should not even doubt whether it is worth using chemical insecticides. In advanced cases, folk remedies will not provide adequate assistance. They are effective only for local damage and minor insect spread. At the present stage, there are not only well-known chemical preparations, but also substances of biological origin that can destroy not only mature mites, but also their larvae and laid eggs. In flower shops there is always the opportunity to purchase several popular products. These are Actellik, Alatar, Intavir, Neoron and many others. Also, we should not forget about the “good old” karbofos.

Before purchasing, you should consult in detail with the seller about a particular product, since each of them has a certain toxicity class. You should also carefully study the instructions for use, which describe in detail all the information about the drug. For example, Actellik is very toxic, and treatment should be carried out only in a well-ventilated area, as both people and pets can be poisoned. It is recommended to use Actellik only in the summer, and before treatment, take the pot with the “patient” out into the open air or onto a balcony and spray only there.

Signs and consequences of infection

Spider mites appear on ficus benjamina as follows:

  • Initially, the lesion can be noticed on the trunk of the plant - areas affected by a thin whitish web appear on it. Once you have noticed even a relatively small area covered in cobwebs, it is worth inspecting the entire ficus. The pest itself is quite small in size and can only be seen using optical instruments.

Reference. To identify a pest, you can also take a photo using a camera or a regular smartphone, enlarge it and notice the parasites that have settled on the plant.

  • The pest then attacks the leaves. They begin to change color from green to marbled, this may appear in small spots, then the affected area increases. The leaves cease to receive sufficient nutrition, soon turn yellow, and then completely fall off.
  • The next sign may be a slowdown in the growth of the plant ; outwardly it ceases to look healthy, and if you do not take action, the ficus will simply die.

Spider mite on a rose

Signs of ficus damage by spider mites

Typically, colonies of parasites remain on the back side of leaves, so it is quite difficult to see the first signs of plant damage. Ficus plants are distinguished by fleshy leaves and thick stems, which provide all parts of the plant with the necessary amount of water. Throughout the year they delight the eye with bright greenery. However, the picture changes completely if the ficus is infected with spider mites. Usually, insects first settle on the trunk. Thin skin is not an obstacle for them. The main sign of damage to this part of the plant by insects is a barely noticeable web that envelops the plant. It allows the existing colony to move efficiently, getting to feeding areas, and serves as protection from possible predators.

Next you should pay attention to the leaves of the ficus. The appearance of a marble pattern indicates the spread of the tick and an increase in its population. A small cobweb enveloping the leaves at the back is a fairly indicative sign of a problem. When a plant is severely damaged by spider mites, the leaves along the edges begin to gradually die. This is due to the fact that damaged vessels through which water moves do not transfer it to the cells. Parasites draw juices from the leaves, so they quickly curl and die. Spider mites cause depletion of the plant, the growth of which slows down significantly. Young leaves may die due to lack of nutrition, and the buds may dry out. The ficus sheds mite-damaged shoots, becoming “naked.” In most cases, if no targeted action is taken, the plant dies.

Folk remedies against spider mites

If the damage to plants is small, it is quite possible to do without the use of chemicals. The first aid in the fight against spider mites is usually laundry soap. First you should grate it on a fine grater. This will make it easier to make the mixture. With a thick soap solution, carefully treat all the huge leaves of the ficus and its stem with a soft sponge. In addition, a little foam should be applied to the top layer of soil in the pot. Leave the ficus in this position for at least 2 hours. Thoroughly wash the area where the plant usually stands with soap. After the specified time, thoroughly rinse the solution from the ficus leaves. The procedure should be repeated at least 5-8 times with an interval of 2-3 days.

Another good folk remedy for fighting spider mites is rubbing alcohol. They should thoroughly wipe the leaves and trunk of the plant. Rubbing alcohol cannot harm the plant, but it will quickly destroy both adult spider mites and their larvae. However, this remedy does not work on eggs. In order to eliminate spider mites completely, you need to carry out the procedure of treating the leaves and stem of the ficus with an interval of 2 days. Next, you should take a break of at least 3 weeks and, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment.

You can also get rid of spider mites using regular onion peels. To prepare the product you will need approximately 100 g of this component and 5 liters of boiling water. The finished mixture should be placed in a warm, dark place for 4-5 days. Next, the leaves and stem of the ficus should be immersed in the resulting infusion every day. When processing the plant, special attention should be paid to the back side of the leaves. The pot and soil also need to be sprayed.

Garlic is an effective way to combat spider mites. To prepare the infusion you will need 2 heads of garlic per 1 liter of boiling water. The thoroughly crushed plant component should be filled with water and set aside in a dark place for about 5 days. Before spraying, the resulting solution should be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Treatment should be carried out using a spray bottle.

Another excellent way to combat spider mites is chamomile alcohol tincture. This product can be purchased ready-made at the pharmacy. It is used to spray the plant from a spray bottle. To kill spider mites, you can use chamomile decoction. To prepare the product, you need to take approximately 5 liters of crushed herbal ingredients and 1 liter of boiling water. The mixture should be boiled for at least 5 minutes. After this, it can be used to spray the ficus and water it.

Methods for preventing ficus damage from spider mites

Various pests can cause significant damage to potted plants on windowsills. Few people want to see the death of their favorite ficus as a result of spider mite infestation. There are no preventive measures that could 100% prevent damage to this plant. But not everything is as sad as it might seem at first glance.

To reduce the risk of parasite infection, you need to strictly control watering. Constantly moist soil in a ficus pot, combined with warm, humid indoor air, means that insects can quickly multiply in an environment favorable to them. To prevent ficus plants from becoming infected with spider mites, you should periodically clean their leaves with a mild soap solution. This will not harm the plant, but will destroy individual mites that accidentally fell on it.

It is advisable to treat the plant with insecticidal or folk remedies at least once a month. You should wash the area where the ficus pot is located from time to time. In order to destroy possible ticks and their eggs, all surfaces should be treated with an aqueous solution of any cleaning agent.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to periodically inspect the plants, paying special attention to the places on the stem where the branches extend and the back side of the leaves. A thorough examination of the ficus allows you to detect spider mite infestation at an early stage and promptly begin treatment of the plant.

Tropical and cactus scale insects

The tropical scale insect (Abgrallaspis cyanophylh) has been recorded on many greenhouse plants; Of the cacti, it affects cereus, prickly pear, mamillaria, etc. The scutellum of the female is oval and yellow.

The cactus scale insect (Diaspis echinocacti) settles on cacti in entire colonies. Prefers prickly pears, echinocacti, cereus, and mamillaria. It sucks out juices, which leads to drying out of individual parts, and sometimes entire specimens. Whitish-yellow spots appear on the stems, which often merge. The female of this insect is covered with a round white shield 4 mm long. Two generations develop in a greenhouse; mass reproduction of the pest is noted in spring and autumn.

Watch the video “Fighting scale insects” to better understand how to get rid of these pests:

How to get rid of spider mites on ficus, remedies

How to deal with spider mites on a ficus if an infection does occur?

Getting rid of ticks is quite difficult, but it is possible. There are two ways to combat spider mites: traditional and chemical.

Let's look at each of them in detail.

Traditional methods:

  • Spraying ficus with chamomile infusion. The recipe is simple: 1 tablespoon per liter of water, cool to room temperature and spray the plant with a small amount of infusion.
  • Garlic tincture. A similar method, but more labor-intensive. This time we cut two heads of garlic into small slices, add a liter of water, put the tincture under the bed for 5 days, then mix it evenly with water and spray the ficus.
  • Rubbing alcohol can also be a great help in controlling spider mites on your ficus benjamina. Blot each leaf with ordinary cotton wool and the tick will die! But the main disadvantage of this method is that the laid eggs will remain, and therefore, this will only alleviate the condition of the plant, but will not cure the disease completely.
  • Soap “bath”. For this method, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of foam to the ficus, then leave it in this state for 4 hours, rinse off the foam and cover with a plastic bag for a day.

If you don’t particularly trust traditional methods and are willing to pay for a good remedy to combat spider mites, then chemical treatment is suitable for you. Everything is simple here, choose a product and treat the ficus with it according to the instructions.

  • Actellik is a powerful chemical; it is recommended to use it only outdoors.
  • Fitoverm is a gentle option, but you should not allow the chemical to come into contact with exposed skin; if this happens, wash thoroughly and change your clothes.
  • Alatar, Intavir, Neoron, Apollo, Vermitek are excellent analogues of the above-mentioned products.

How to protect ficus trees from diseases

Proper care and attention is the best way to avoid diseases of any indoor plants. But sometimes it happens that ficus diseases appear already in the first days after its appearance. To avoid this, there are mandatory preventive measures that will protect you from this fate:

  • When purchasing a flower, carefully inspect it for traces of parasites. The slightest manifestation of ficus leaf disease is a reason to refuse the purchase, or be ready to begin treatment;
  • even if the ficus looks perfect, it is quarantined for a week, away from other plants; after time, if no signs of disease have appeared, it is installed in a permanent place;
  • when arranging flowers, it is important to maintain a distance between them;
  • wash with soapy water from time to time;
  • When replanting, disinfect the soil, pots and trays with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Following these simple rules will save time, keep your home garden healthy and ready to serve its owners, delighting with its aesthetic appearance and clean indoor air.

How to deal with spider mites on ficus

When fighting spider mites, it is important to constantly maintain high humidity around the vegetative organs of the crop. Ficus is regularly sprayed or placed close to an ultrasonic humidifier.

If a pest is detected, the plant is immediately bathed in the shower and treated with a preparation with an acaricidal effect.

In order to get rid of spider mites, you will need 3 or more treatments with alternating medications. Using different acaricides at weekly intervals will prevent the development of resistance in the phytophage.

The frequency of treatments largely depends on the room temperature. At +20 degrees, ficus is treated against spider mites once every 7-10 days for a month; at +30 and above, the preparations are applied to the leaves every 4 days for 3 weeks.

Treatment with drugs

The following preparations are used among acaricides of chemical origin:

  • Anti-mite;
  • Akarin;
  • Apollo;
  • Alatar;
  • Aktellik;
  • Vermitek;
  • Sunmite;
  • Oberon Rapid;
  • Nissan.

Anti-mite belongs to hazard class 3. The active ingredient is malathion. Active against adults. Cannot be used simultaneously with other acaricides.

Akarin is a broad-spectrum drug based on avertin, hazard class 3. Kills only mature ticks. Not effective against eggs and larvae of the pest.

Apollo is a systemic acaricide that has a detrimental effect on both adults and their larvae. Inhibits the development of ticks at early mobile stages. Can be combined with other acaricides. Refers to low-hazard substances for humans and animals. Toxic to fish. It has an acaricidal effect due to clofenkisine.

Alatar is a drug based on malathion and cypermethrin, hazard class 3. It has a synergistic effect, i.e., the components included in the composition enhance each other’s effect.

Actellik is one of the old proven remedies against spider mites. But due to the high hazard class (class 2), it must be used at home with great caution. The active component of the chemical agent is pirimiphos-methyl of non-systemic action.

Vermitek shows effectiveness against tick larvae and adult ticks. The action is due to abamectin. Belongs to hazard class 2

Sunmite is highly effective at all stages of spider mite development. Unlike the above drugs, it does not have a pungent odor. The active substance is pyradaben.

Oberon Rapid is destructive to ticks at all stages of its development. It contains 2 active ingredients: spiromesifen and abamectin. Has a slight specific odor.

Treatment of ficus against spider mites is also carried out using the biological drug Fitoverm. The active ingredient is aversectin.

Fitoverm shows the greatest effectiveness in combination with the drug Nissoran. The second drug exhibits acaricidal activity due to hexythiazox. It has a destructive effect on the larvae, eggs and nymphs of the pest, but is practically ineffective at the adult stage.

It is advisable to carry out treatment with any type of acaricide on a balcony with open windows or on the street. As protective equipment, you must use gloves, goggles, a respirator or a medical mask.

Effective Home Remedies

The use of home remedies shows the greatest effectiveness at the initial stage of plant damage. It is also permissible to do such treatments against ticks for preventive purposes.

You can fight ticks at home using solutions containing:

  • soap;
  • garlic;
  • alcohol;
  • essential oils.

Regular laundry soap helps get rid of spider mites if the vegetative part is not severely damaged.

For large-leaved representatives of ficus, such as Elastica, each leaf is processed manually from the inside and outside using a soap solution and a sponge. For small-leaved species, which include Benjamin, the plates are sprayed with the product on both sides. To prepare the solution you will need a spoonful of laundry soap shavings and warm water.

The treated bush is left alone for 3-4 hours. Then the soap film is washed off and the ficus, which has not had time to dry, is covered with a bag for a day.

Another effective recipe based on soap solution:

For 100 g of unrefined oil you will need 1 tsp. liquid soap. A tablespoon of the resulting concentrate is diluted with a liter of warm water. A thin film forms on the pest, which blocks the access of oxygen, and the tick dies.

Garlic contains essential oils that the pest does not like. To prepare garlic infusion, you will need 3 medium-sized cloves and a liter of water at room temperature.

The garlic is first passed through a garlic press or grated on a fine grater. Infuse the product for 6-8 hours. Spray sick ficuses every 3-4 days for a month. This product further enhances the plant’s immunity.

The tick does not tolerate ethanol well. To prepare the working solution you will need 2 tbsp. l. alcohol and a liter of water. Spray the ficus with the prepared product once a week.

Essential oils of eucalyptus, wormwood, tansy, caraway, and anise have a detrimental effect on ticks. In a liter of water, dilute 10 drops of oil extract and 1 tsp. liquid soap or flea shampoo for animals. Treat once a week for 1 month.

Spider web on ficus tree what to do

How far from the window can a ficus stand? What is the ideal place for it? Your ficus loves bright places.
Place the ficus no further than two meters from the window, so that enough light falls on the leaves. A little sun won't do any harm, but bright sun on a summer afternoon is not advisable. A window that lets in a lot of light and provides good illumination for your ficus is ideal. A north-facing window is, for the most part, not suitable. Can my ficus stand directly on an unheated floor in winter? If you place the pot directly on the floor, it is recommended to make an insulating gasket between the floor and the pot in order to protect the roots from the temperature difference between the floor and the soil. For this, use, for example, a cork stand or just a regular pot holder. This is necessary so that heat or cold does not penetrate to the roots, as this can cause them to hurt.

I have a heated floor. Can my plants stand directly on the floor in winter? Excessive heat can cause the root ball of soil to dry out too quickly and the lower roots to burn. Make sure there is insulation between the floor and the pot. This could be, for example, a cork stand or a regular pot holder.

Can I put my ficus in the garden? Ficus is a tropical plant. Therefore, we recommend using it for interiors. Only in Mediterranean countries can you keep ficus on the patio in summer.

Water mode

How much water does my ficus need? The rule of thumb is “more light equals more water.” If the windows face south and there are long sunny summer days, you need to water the plant twice a week, about half a liter of water or more. In winter, on the contrary, the amount of water can be halved. Usually you yourself begin to understand how much water the plant needs. It's better to dry it out a little than to fill it up.

How much water should you give in winter? In winter there is less light and the days are shorter. On the other hand, in winter the air in the room is often dry. It is wise to be careful when watering. “Better too dry than too wet” should be the starting point. It is best to water when the top layer of soil becomes dry. Recommendations: half a liter of water per week in winter and a liter of water in summer.

What is the best way to remove leaf dust? It is best in the summer, during heavy rain, to put the plant outside so that the dust is washed away. You can also use rainwater in a sprinkler. Lime-rich tap water may leave unsightly stains on the plant and is therefore not recommended.

More information

My ficus is losing its pattern and long branches are growing. How should I trim? It is best to trim with garden shears so that the branches do not protrude from the crown and the shape is maintained. New branches will begin to grow there. During pruning, a white sticky milky sap may appear, which can later be removed by spraying with rainwater or exposing the plant to the rain in the summer.

Are these plants good for you? Watch the video below.

Can I rotate my ficus from time to time?

It is better if the plant remains in the same place for a long time, and it is not necessary to constantly turn it, since the plant must spend energy turning its leaves towards the light. After annual pruning, you can rotate the plant so that it grows evenly.

How old can my indoor plant reach?

This question is difficult to answer as it depends entirely on the care. With good care, you can count on 5 years, and maybe more.

Problem solving

My ficus tree is losing a lot of its leaves. This is fine? Ficus is a tropical plant for which loss of leaves is the norm. More in winter than in summer during growth. Make sure in winter that there is enough light; perhaps you should place the plant closer to the window, and it is better to choose a window facing south. If all the leaves of a ficus suddenly begin to fall off, most often the reason is that you have flooded the plant and some of the roots have died. Allow your ficus to dry out so new roots and leaves can grow.

I water my ficus well, but it is getting worse. How is this possible? The roots probably died partly because there was too much water. Make sure that the ficus has “dry feet”; let the root ball of soil dry well so that new roots and leaves can grow.

My ficus leaves are turning gray and my plant is looking unhealthy. The plant may be infected with a mite. If you become infected with a mite, you should immediately begin treatment using a special anti-mite product, which can be purchased at every flower shop or garden center. Please note: the mite can spread to other plants, and we recommend that in case of severe infestation, isolate the diseased plant from others.

How do I know that a tick is sitting under the sheets, what should I do in this case? Ticks are small insects. In most cases, the leaf turns gray and cobwebs are visible. Ticks require immediate intervention with a special mite-killing product, which can be found in every flower shop or garden center. Please note: the mite can spread to other plants, and we recommend that in case of severe infestation, isolate the diseased plant from others.

What are those little furry things on my ficus tree? This is probably a mealybug. These are small insects protected by threads that are difficult to control. The best way is to spray with special pest control products, which can be found in flower shops and garden centers.

There are brown cork caps on the inside of the leaves. What is this? Perhaps we are talking about coccids. These insects need to be combated using special products that can be found in flower shops or garden centers.

The floor around my ficus is getting sticky. Why? The plant may be infected with coccids or mealybugs. They release a sticky substance that ends up on the floor. See if you have questions about a specific infestation for successful control.

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