Pear gall mite on pear: control measures in spring, summer, preparations
How to fight and how to treat a pear against gall mite
The gall mite on a pear is not such a rare phenomenon. After all, this culture is
Gardex mosquito repellents for children
Mosquitoes are intrusive insects that every family has to deal with during the warm season.
Ticks: species with photos and descriptions, where they live, what they eat
April in Moscow and the Moscow region this year turned out to be quite warm, spring in 2022
Tick ​​extraction methods
Where to go if bitten by a tick - algorithm of actions, blood tests and parasite research
Why are ticks dangerous? Ticks are carriers of tick-borne viral encephalitis, tick-borne borreliosis and other diseases.
Where do lice eaters come from in cats and how to deal with them?
Lice eaters are ectoparasites that live on the surface of a cat's body. Unlike fleas
How and with what to fight strawberry mites on strawberries
During flowering and fruiting, strawberry mites may appear on strawberries. It's small, barely
Linen and bed mites: is it possible to get rid of dust mites forever at home?
Since ancient times, humanity has been constantly fighting such unpleasant parasites as bed mites
Greenhouse treatment in spring
How to get rid of spider mites in a greenhouse - useful tips
Why are spider mites dangerous? The mite sucks out cell sap from the plant using its mouth organ,
Oidium on grapes and measures to combat powdery mildew or ash
Powdery mildew is one of the most common diseases in the garden. Absolutely amazing
Are there dangerous ticks in Crimea? Kinds. Tips for tourists
Of course, there are ticks in Crimea. Several dozen species live here. But decisively
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