Spider mites on tomatoes in a greenhouse: signs of damage, photos, control measures
Spider mites (Tetranychidae), contrary to popular belief, are not an insect, but an arachnid. This is an extensive family that includes
how to kill a tick correctly
How to kill ticks? Is it possible to crush a tick with your fingers?
Time spent in nature is priceless. Clean air and warm sun rays restore strength,
Spider web
What is a web made of and how do spiders weave their traps?
How spiders produce webs A large number of arachnoid glands are located in the abdominal cavity of the spider. Channels
Spider mites on Balzamin - how to fight and get rid of them at home
The spider mite is a representative of the family of arachnid arthropods of the order Thrombitiformes, and is one of the most common
Treating the area against ticks.
How to treat an area yourself from ticks and mosquitoes
People very often call us, clearly in order to fish out potential clients.
Ixodid ticks: appearance, nutrition, reproduction
Life cycle of tick larvae, development and reproduction of blood-sucking insects
Ixodid ticks, like other representatives of the species, belong to the family of arthropods and are relatives
Ixodid ticks at different stages of development
Ticks. Fighting ticks. Prevention of tick bites.
What kind of mites live in the house? Bed mite. This is a microscopic insect from 0.1 to 0.2
Spider mite
How to deal with spider mites on pepper seedlings: effective methods for quickly defeating the pest
The common spider mite or Tetranychus urticae is one of the main pests of nightshade crops. IN
Piroplasmosis in dogs
Piroplasmosis in dogs, why it is dangerous and how to treat it
Piroplasmosis in dogs is a deadly disease caused by Babesia, which is carried by Ixodidae.
Is it possible to feed rabbits corn? Benefits and harms
Domestic rabbits are demanding animals with sensitive stomachs, which is why it is important for breeders to know
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