Using mint to get rid of mice in the apartment

02/08/2018 Category: RodentsAuthor: Lara Lisina

No matter how great the scientific progress of mankind, including in agriculture, there are problems that still cannot be completely solved. One of them is mice. Over many years of fighting against annoying rodents, people have accumulated a truly extensive arsenal of so-called folk remedies - from household chemicals to aromatic herbs. What is the best way to get rid of mice?

  • 2 House without mice
    2.1 Fragrant herbs-helpers

    2.1.1 Herbs against mice - photo gallery

  • 2.2 Fragrant helper oils
      2.2.1 Peppermint against mice
  • 2.3 Helping spices
  • 3 Garden without mice
  • Mice are harmful

    You should get rid of mice as early as possible, preventing the population from increasing. To do this, you need to use all available methods and means. Not only folk remedies are used, but also more modern innovative technologies, the effectiveness of which has been proven in practice.

    The annoying presence of rodents is accompanied by spoiled food and household items. In addition to the fact that mice spoil trees, they destroy crops both in the garden and in storage. Sensing the smell of food, pests are ready to make their way through the walls, gnawing holes for themselves.

    The most common way to fight mice is to purchase a cat or cat, which instinctively begins searching for an opponent at the first discovery of traces of rodents. However, not all breeds of pets are adapted to perform such work. Even if a mouse is the only food item, a lazy house cat will not bother to give chase.

    The effectiveness of the repellent method

    It’s worth saying right away that opinions differ regarding the effectiveness of the scaring method. There are those who support this method and talk about good results, but there are also those who say that it is completely ineffective.

    But despite the controversial issues, for a long time people have been using a variety of aromatic herbs and remedies that can drive rats away from the territory.

    In many ways, the effectiveness depends on the correct use of a particular product. You need to understand how the substance can affect the rodent and what results to expect.

    Repellent substances are not capable of destroying pests; they are intended to make the animal feel uncomfortable and create the most unfavorable living conditions so that they want to leave the house.

    Folk remedies

    People, preferring chemicals, do not always know that there are many ways to control rodents. These include all kinds of folk remedies, among which the leading position is occupied by essential oils and fragrant herbs.

    Some people prefer the smell of wormwood. You can lay out fresh plucked branches of the plant around the house, or fumigate the room (smoldering wormwood). Mice categorically cannot stand such a smell and leave their habitual place.

    Interesting: The ancestors believed that the smell of wormwood could drive away evil spirits.

    Mint is the head of everything

    If the smell of wormwood is specific and may not be tolerated by some household members, then the aroma of peppermint will be an excellent alternative. This plant has many advantages, such as:

    Hot pepper spray

    The spray consists of hot pepper. Upon contact with it, mice will experience a burning sensation in their eyes and nose, which will force them to immediately leave their cozy place.

    We suggest that you familiarize yourself with Potassium chloride saturated solution preparation

    The cooking method is as follows. Cut fresh hot pepper into pieces, about half a glass. Mix with 2 teaspoons of ground pepper, also hot. Bring 4 liters of water to a boil. Place the mixture in a bucket and then pour boiling water over it. Cover and let sit for 24 hours. Strain through cheesecloth. Next, fill any empty spray bottle with infusion, for example, a slab cleaner.

    Spray around the house, in rooms, behind cabinets. Repeat in a day or two. Store unused mixture in a cool place.


    You can grow mint on your own plot if you live in the private sector. In apartments, growing plants is possible in pots. In this case, you will always have fresh mint branches on hand.

    If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to plant mint at home, then dry leaves can be purchased at any pharmacy. The collection is relatively inexpensive, so it is considered accessible at any time of the year. After all, infusions prepared from peppermint are more often used for medicinal and preventive purposes.

    It is better to treat premises with mint solutions regularly (1-2 times a week) until the waste products of mice disappear. After all, rodents cannot stand the smell of mint and after prolonged aromatherapy they will leave the house with the whole family.

    How to use ammonia against rats

    The smell of ammonia is perhaps one of the most unpleasant not only for animals, but also for people. However, it is worth overcoming your disgust and using it against rats. You need to take small pieces of cloth or cotton wool, moisten them generously with ammonia and push them into passages gnawed by rats or place them where you saw rodents. Some even pour ammonia directly into animal burrows. This will permanently discourage rats from approaching your home. By the way, vinegar can be used for the same purpose.


    Once the mice are gone, renovations should be carried out to eliminate areas through which rodents may enter in the future. For repair work, any available materials are used, but the best option is to line the walls with sheets of metal. It is important not to spoil the façade of the building. But it is quite possible to protect outbuildings with such material.

    If it is not possible to veneer the wall, then you can close the holes. Mice can chew through any other material and consider it an additional food option. But steel wool (wool) is just perfect for clogging passages. No matter how much it wants, a mouse will not and will not be able to chew through this insulator, since consumption of such food is fatal for rodents.


    Pest control can be carried out by various means, including innovative ones. Mousetraps and other traps are not always effective. Today, consumers are presented with a wide selection of repellers for mice and other rodents that interfere with a full life and housekeeping.

    Universal devices perfectly repel pests, preventing them from approaching your home. Peppermint and other folk remedies can be used as a supplement, because mice, in addition to perfect hearing, have a sensitive sense of smell, and the pungent smell of fragrant herbs will speed up the process of expelling unexpected guests.

    Will tar help?

    Ordinary birch tar can also help cope with rats - they hate its pungent smell.

    Birch tar - an old, proven remedy for rats

    Tar can be used to lubricate corners, jambs and edges of furniture. And to increase the area of ​​its impact, you need to soak sawdust in it and scatter it on the floor of the room. True, this method should be used with reservations: living in a house strewn with sawdust is not very convenient. Therefore, leave them for the attic, basement, yard, basement and technical outbuildings and sheds. However, if you leave the house for the winter, you can scatter sawdust soaked in tar in the rooms and hallways - in the spring it will be easy to sweep them away when cleaning. In addition to tar, sawdust can also be impregnated with turpentine, kerosene, naphthalene and formaldehyde. But here you need to be careful, since turpentine, kerosene, and tar are highly flammable, and the fumes of naphthalene and formaldehyde are poisonous.


    It is worth paying attention to the fact that the use of mint and preparations prepared with it is contraindicated if one of the household members suffers from low blood pressure or manifestations of an allergic reaction after contact with this plant. If you have already decided to use mint to fight mice, then it is better for residents to leave the premises while the housing is being treated, and after a walk it would not hurt to ventilate.

    Whatever means and method of rodent control is chosen, the end result is much more important than the financial and time costs. By following all the recommendations, you can get rid of mice in a short period of time and prevent their appearance in the future.


    How to use ash against rats

    Many private houses, especially in the countryside, usually have a stove. And where there is a stove, there is ash. Take the time and effort to scoop some of it out, and you will get another good remedy for rats.

    Ordinary ash from a stove or fire pit will drive rats out of the house

    Ash or crushed charcoal should be scattered in places where rodents live - along the walls, in secluded corners, in the basement and attic, in the yard, under the porch. This substance contains an alkali, which is activated when the rats begin to lick their paws and muzzles stained with ash. The alkali will cause severe irritation of the mucous membrane and digestive problems, and pests will try to leave the unpleasant place.

    You need to pour charcoal in the basement. After a while, these fat, arrogant fat creatures simply leave. Why? The fact is that when they step on coals, their heels become irritated. To relieve irritation, they periodically lick them. In turn, the constant ingestion of coal causes irritation of the esophagus.


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