How to get rid of ants in the garden forever: will scarecrows help or can’t you do without poison?

Author: Ilya Filatov Date: 09.20.2014

With the beginning of spring-summer events in vegetable gardens and garden plots, an active struggle for the safety of crops begins. This, as you know, also involves the destruction of pests. Ants in the garden are considered one of the most dangerous. What methods of exterminating these pests exist today? More on this later in the article.

General information

The ants themselves in the garden are, to a certain extent, beneficial insects. In particular, they destroy beetles and caterpillars in areas. But at the same time, ants bring one big problem to summer residents in the form of aphids. And it, in turn, causes enormous harm to the crop. By multiplying on the stems and leaves of plants, aphids interfere with their normal development. As a result, crops begin to wither and die. Aphids do not appear by themselves. It starts where there are ants. It should be taken into account that a garden plot is a non-residential premises where you can poison insects once, and they will not appear again. In addition to harming plants, ants destroy wooden buildings if they settle inside logs. As a result, significant damage is caused to buildings. An anthill located in the open air can move from a greenhouse to strawberry beds, from a garden to a nearby barn.

Destruction methods: black soap and kerosene

Since almost every gardener strives to get rid of ants in the garden, a variety of techniques are used. For example, many people use a special recipe. To prepare this remedy for ants in the garden, you need to take black soap (400 g), kerosene (10 tbsp), carboxylic acid (2 tbsp). The last component can be bought at the pharmacy. The mixture must be diluted in a bucket of warm water. The resulting solution should be sprayed on trees and other plantings where there are insects. In order to completely get rid of pests, the procedure must be repeated 2-3 times.

Recipes with detergents

A fairly effective remedy for ants in the garden using pepper. The powder should be mixed with dishwashing gel. The components are taken one tablespoon at a time. Next, this mixture needs to be diluted with a liter of boiling water. The resulting solution is infused for 24 hours and filtered. The mixture should be used to treat bushes, anthills and trees. This method, by the way, not only fights ants in the garden, but also all kinds of bugs and caterpillars. There is another recipe. For a container of 10 liters of water, you should take vegetable oil (two glasses are enough), dishwashing gel (can be replaced, for example, with shampoo) and vinegar. The more of the last component, the stronger the effect of the mixture. Everything needs to be mixed thoroughly. A small hole should be dug at the site where pests accumulate. You need to pour the solution into it and cover this area with film for a couple of days. As experienced gardeners say, this is one of the most effective methods.

Homemade recipes for aggressive destruction mixtures

These folk remedies are less humane. They involve the destruction of ants. But sometimes insects multiply so rapidly that owners have no choice but to begin a ruthless battle against pests.

Salt composition

Peculiarities. Regular kitchen salt will help get rid of ants in your dacha. You can sprinkle it on paths that will cut off the path to the plants. To completely destroy an anthill, use the following recipe.


  • salt - 1 kg;
  • water - 3 l.

What to do

  1. Place salt in boiling water and stir the solution thoroughly.
  2. Fill the anthill with the resulting product.

The saline solution penetrates deep and completely destroys the underground “kingdom”. However, such a product is extremely undesirable for soil. Salt reduces soil fertility and impairs plant development.

Tansy infusion

Peculiarities. Gardeners recommend using herbal infusions that have a special aroma. To effectively fight ants in your country house, use tansy. If you cannot find such a herb, replace it with chamomile or chrysanthemum


  • tansy - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 5 l;
  • soap (preferably liquid) - five to six tablespoons.

What to do

  1. Boil the water.
  2. Pour boiling water over dry tansy.
  3. Leave the remedy for two days.
  4. Strain the infusion.
  5. Add liquid soap and stir.
  6. Treat trees and shrubs with the resulting product, and fill the anthill.

Boric acid

Peculiarities. This is an ant poison with a slow action. Thanks to this feature, the insect has time to both eat the drug itself and deliver it to its relatives, who do not leave the nest. In this recipe, boric acid can be replaced with borax. This will not reduce the effectiveness of the product.


  • water - 100 ml;
  • boric acid - 10 g;
  • honey - 20 g;
  • sugar - 70 g.

What to do

  1. Pour sugar into water and add honey.
  2. Add boric acid to the syrup.
  3. Pour sweet water into small plates and place them near the anthill.


Peculiarities. This is a cheap method, but very effective. In addition, you not only destroy insects, but also enrich the soil with nitrogen. Thanks to this nutrition, plants develop more actively.


  • ammonia - 3 ml;
  • water - 3 l.

What to do

  1. Pour ammonia into the water.
  2. Stir the solution.
  3. Water the anthill itself and the surrounding area with it.

Yeast with jam

Peculiarities. Yeast, like boric acid, is carried deep into the nest by ants. Thanks to this, the poison is eaten by all the inhabitants of the colony. Yeast, entering the body of an insect, begins to swell and leads to the death of pests.


  • yeast - one tablespoon;
  • water - one or two tablespoons;
  • jam - one tablespoon.

What to do

  1. Pour the yeast with cold water.
  2. Stir the mixture. You should get a creamy product.
  3. Add jam.
  4. Place the resulting product on pieces of paper or plates near the anthill.

Kerosene "bomb"

Peculiarities. To get rid of ants, you can use kerosene. If you don’t have this product at hand, replace it with gasoline. You can also use turpentine to control pests.


  • kerosene - 1 l;
  • water (optional) - 3 l.

What to do

  1. Dilute the drug with water.
  2. Fill the anthill with diluted kerosene.

Soap solution

Peculiarities. This product has a rather strong aroma that ants will not like. In addition, the soap solution effectively destroys the colony.


  • vegetable oil - two glasses;
  • shampoo (cheap) - two glasses;
  • vinegar - 1 l;
  • water - 5 l.

What to do

  1. Pour vegetable oil into the water and add shampoo.
  2. Stir the solution.
  3. Pour in vinegar.
  4. Fill the nest with the resulting soap solution.

Fighting ants in the garden

Today, the market offers a huge range of different products that help eliminate pests from the area. One of these, for example, is “Ant”. This drug is used in a ratio of 20-30 g per 10 m2. It is also introduced directly into the anthill. Since it can be very difficult to get rid of country ants, experienced gardeners recommend using dust and various pesticides. It should be noted, however, that not all land owners respond positively to chemicals. Many owners of personal plots agree, of course, that these means are effective. But many gardeners also talk about the dangers of poisons for cultivated plants, and subsequently for humans. Some summer residents, before poisoning ants in the garden with chemicals, prefer to use folk recipes. For example, the simplest method is to pour boiling water over the pests’ home. If they do not leave, then the event should be repeated several times.

How to remove insects from a greenhouse

The task facing the greenhouse owner is difficult, but feasible. The fact is that pharaonic ants, also known as house ants, like to live in greenhouses. And among garden insects they are the most cunning and incredibly tenacious. Experienced summer residents advise doing the following:

  1. Find where the entrance is in the anthill. We'll have to follow up. You can find them along ant paths. Usually these are places in the greenhouse: near the frame stand, under the pipes of the irrigation or heating system, etc.
  2. The best option would be if you can find a piece of felt. If not, then you can take a piece of fabric that absorbs liquid. A piece measuring 9x9 cm is enough.
  3. Place the cloth or felt on a plate. Drip ammonia onto the cut, completely wetting the fabric. But not the ammonia that we buy at the pharmacy. You can buy “Ammonia” in the departments of electrical goods or radio goods. It is also called ammonium chloride NH4Cl. The product is often used as a nitrogen fertilizer for green spaces, but ammonia is harmless for people.
  4. Place felt soaked in ammonia at the entrance to the ant nest. Cover the top with film.
  5. Keep doors and transoms open in the greenhouse.
  6. After 15 days, carry out the treatment again, even if there are no more ants.

What chemicals are used against pests?

Almost all anti-cringling medications include diazinon and chlorpyrifos.


the production of an enzyme that is responsible for the functioning of the nervous system of insects is blocked. After exposure to the drug, the ant begins to have convulsions, which first lead to paralysis and then to death. Diazinon is also actively absorbed by plant roots and protects them from insects for 15-20 days.

After treating an anthill with chlorpyrifos, the insect's nervous system is paralyzed. The drug is not washed out of the soil for 4 months, and it is still effective against goosebumps for about two months.

Black pepper

One recipe for how to get rid of ants in the garden with its help is given above. This method is somewhat simpler. To kill insects, you should purchase a new bag of ground pepper (black). If the package has been opened and left in the air, the product will be ineffective. After all, the pepper will no longer be so “hot”. It’s easy to use the powder: you need to scatter it in places where pests accumulate. According to reviews from gardeners, this is quite enough to drive them out of the area. Some gardeners recommend replacing black pepper with red pepper.

Mechanical methods

Mechanical methods of fighting ants:

  • Transfer. If the anthills are small and not perennial, then they can be moved. To do this, dig them up with a shovel and take them away.
  • Shading. Anthills are usually located in well-lit areas. If you shade this area, the ants will soon leave it.
  • Cleaning the area. Remove stumps, boards, logs, fallen branches, leaves from the area - all this can be used by ants to create anthills.
  • Digging. Dig the soil deeper in spring and fall. When digging, add ash, vegetable oil or another repellent substance.

Ash and syrup

Experienced gardeners know quite a lot of ways to get rid of ants in the garden without making much effort. For example, you can use ash. It is important that it is hot. It should be scattered in places where pests accumulate. As the owners of the plots themselves say, this is a very effective method. Often the fight against ants in the garden is carried out using syrup. Four or five tablespoons (tablespoons) of sugar are diluted into a glass of water. The syrup is poured into bottles. They should be placed near ant holes. When the pests get into the containers, the bottles are scalded with boiling water.

Traps and bait

These are quite a variety of means and methods that can quickly destroy large colonies of ants.

Sticky trapping belts

To prevent ants that carry aphids from reaching young shoots of fruit trees and shrubs, special Velcro belts are used. In this case, the ants will firmly stick to the surface of the trap. In the next video, experienced summer resident Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich demonstrates one of these sticky belts.

Tricky baits

Such baits attract a large number of ants with their contents. Then these accumulations are destroyed - they are drowned, filled with boiling water, burned, and so on. Let's look at some recipes:

  • with diluted honey , place several of these baits on the ant trails and regularly throw them into boiling water when the insects are completely stuck to the sweet sponge;
  • fill a jar with water , add honey or sugar . Place on the site in places where ants are most active. Doomed sweet tooths crawl in there and many, unable to get out, drown in the sweet syrup. The rest are also destroyed;
  • Baits can be meat bones , jars with leftover sweet or meat products - anything that will attract a large number of ants.

One of the insidious baits is described in the following video

Poisonous baits

They contain additives that are lethal to ants—borax, yeast, and so on. After eating the poisonous substance of the bait, the ants die after a certain period of time. Several effective recipes, tested in practice.

  • Recipe 1

2 tbsp. spoons of hot water + 1 tbsp. spoon of granulated sugar + 1/3 teaspoon of borax, + (after cooling) 1 tsp. spoon of honey. The bait is replaced weekly.

  • Recipe 2

40% sugar + 10% honey + 5% borax + 45% water. Pour the bait into test tubes, which are laid out in an inclined position in places where ants are most active (at the rate of one tube per 3-4 m²).

  • Recipe 3

2 tbsp. spoons of minced meat + 1/2 teaspoon of ground borax. Place it in places where ants gather.

  • Recipe 4

1 tbsp. spoon of yeast + cold boiled water until the consistency of thick sour cream + 1 teaspoon of jam. Apply the mixture to a piece of cardboard and place it in places where ants accumulate. The ants die after some time. The following video shows how to prepare a poisonous mixture based on boric acid and a boiled egg. This bait will be effective both in the interior of a cottage or apartment, as well as in a garden plot.

Alternative Methods

Since getting rid of ants in the garden can be very problematic in some cases, gardeners use quite radical measures. For example, some people pour gasoline on an anthill and set it on fire. There is another quite effective way. It will again require garlic. As you know, ants cannot stand its smell. When the garlic begins to shoot, you should take the feathers and grind them. Next, you should smear this mixture onto the trunks that are affected by pests, as well as parts of the plants where aphids have grown. You can also tie garlic on trees at a distance of about 20-30 cm from the surface of the ground. There is another rather radical method that is recommended by experienced gardeners. In this case, you will need garlic cloves. They should be placed around the perimeter of the anthill, near the burrows and along the paths. It is best to cut the cloves. This will intensify the smell and further repel pests. If you don’t have garlic, you can take lavender, tansy or mint. Ants are also very afraid of wormwood.

How to expel insects

For those who do not like to use chemicals in the garden, you can try simple folk methods. Thanks to such means, the insects will not die, but will avoid the area.

Strong aroma

Ants do not tolerate pungent odors, this can be used against them. By placing anise leaves, smoked herring heads, a mixture of sawdust and garlic around the anthill, you can repel insects from their homes.

Another way: pour kerosene on the anthill without setting it on fire. Soon the insects will leave their habitable home due to the heavy smell.


Wormwood and parsley in the garden are an effective natural ant repeller. Strawberries and wild strawberries in the beds will remain safe and sound if garlic is planted between the rows.

Tomato and parsley leaves, when grated, emit a pungent and unpleasant aroma for ants. It perfectly repels pests.


Ants cannot tolerate the aromas of sunflower and hemp oils. It is recommended to treat the bases of trees with viscous substances. This way insects will avoid climbing their trunks.

Least favorite substances

Ants react poorly to tobacco ash, charcoal, and turpentine. To repel pests, they sprinkle green mass or treat the stems of fruit crops.


The catching belt is effective against all garden and garden pests, including ant families. You can improve the trap by placing foam rubber under a strip of foil.


Ants don't swim and really don't like water. Trees can be protected from them by building clay ditches in a circle and filling them with water. The depth and width of the tank is 3–5 cm.

Infusions, boiling water

First, an anthill or insect nests are found. Then stones, bricks, and metal fragments are laid out around them. Water them with manure or herbal infusions. You cannot take plants that repel ants: wormwood, garlic, tomato leaves. A few days later, swarms of goosebumps will gather under the rubble. They are doused with boiling water, not forgetting to pour hot water into the earthen passages.


Dilute sugar or honey in water to make syrup. Add 1 tbsp to it. l. dry or a piece of solid yeast, mix. It should be a paste. It is placed in matchboxes, they are placed near ant nests. After some time, the insects will leave the area.

Reliable and easy way

You can take an old worn out tire from a car. It should be cut in half in half. The resulting rings are placed under the trees in a pre-dug groove. You need to pour water into the tire. Such an obstacle is difficult to overcome. In addition, ants do not swim very well. This trap can also serve as a waterer for wasps and small birds. If you add pine concentrate to the water, it will repel harmful insects.

How to eliminate aphids

By getting rid of these insects, you can also eliminate ants. As you know, aphids are pests. In many cases, it is enough to get rid of it, and the ants will disappear too. To do this, take ash and wormwood. They need to be boiled in boiling water. The mixture is infused for a couple of days. After this, plants affected by aphids should be sprayed with the resulting solution. The insect will die, the ants, in turn, will be deprived of their favorite treat and will leave. A very effective way, according to many gardeners, is a mixture of linseed oil (30 g) and soda (5 g). These components are diluted in a liter of water. Another quite effective method, according to experienced owners, is to cover tree trunks with rings of paint, resin and clay.

Gel "Aardeater"

Many gardeners prefer to use this drug when red ants appear in the garden. Its active ingredient is chlorpyrifos. This substance causes paralysis of pests. As the summer residents themselves say, the Anteater gel has undoubted advantages. In particular, it is quite simple and convenient to use. The results of its action, as the owners note, are observed already on the second or third day. In this case, the pest colony disappears completely. This is especially true when gardeners are looking for a way to get rid of black ants. The gel does its job perfectly. Its spectrum of action extends to different types of pests. The gel has a fairly attractive taste for insects. The effect of the drug lasts for 2.5-3 months. One of the undoubted advantages of the gel is that it is relatively safe for bees, birds and mammals, provided it is used in the recommended amount.

What difficulties may arise when fighting ants?

The main problem gardeners face: the ants are coming back. Sometimes after a few months, sometimes after years. Moreover, not only after using traditional methods, but also when using chemicals. To prevent this from happening, do not forget about timely prevention: plant mint and calendula in the area, do not pull out wormwood. Plan beds with tomatoes or garlic near plantings that aphids and the ants themselves like to feast on.

If the fight against ants in the garden lasts a long time and is unsuccessful, most likely you have not found their main nest. There is a queen “queen”: while she is alive, new eggs will ripen, and from them worker ants will emerge, obtaining food for their family. Finding the head of an anthill is not easy - it can be at a depth of up to one meter.

The destruction of the “queen” is carried out in two stages:

  1. Reducing the number of worker ants. This can be achieved by periodically flooding their home with kerosene, boiling water, and sprinkling with quicklime. Effective traps: bowls with sweet syrup or fermented beer, kvass. Insects that cannot swim drown in the sticky liquid.
  2. Poisoning of the "queen". You can get to the queen through worker ants. To do this, a small amount of a gel-like chemical is squeezed onto the protective belts (on tree trunks). The manufacturer has already added a sweet bait to its composition that attracts ants. The poison does not act immediately - infected ants carry particles of poison into the home. There is a chance that it will end up on the “queen”. With its death, ordinary ants leave their usual place of residence.

If all methods are in vain, the last option remains: turning to services that destroy garden and household pests. But such processing is precisely a last resort. Experts use such powerful insecticides that all living things around are destroyed.

Therefore, treatment should be planned either for early spring, when there are no fruit-bearing crops, or for late autumn, when the harvest is harvested. After it, it is dangerous to collect greens and fruits for several weeks. As a precaution, you should not invite small children or take pets with you to the site. Be prepared for the fact that treating your garden with a special service will cost a considerable amount.

As you can see, there are many ways to combat ants in the garden. I prefer proven folk methods. Of the chemical preparations, I only buy aphid repellents - they are the least harmful. I make sure to plant plants in the area that repel these pests. I hope that my advice will help you get rid of uninvited “guests” once and for all.

How to use Anteater gel

One package (five grams) is designed to process 5 sq.m. In the garden, the product is applied directly to the hole or introduced into the anthill. Dosage – 2-3 drops. If you need to destroy pests at home, the gel should be applied in drops at a distance of about 2 cm. The areas under the sink, next to buckets or trash cans, and behind the refrigerator are treated first. It is recommended to apply the drug near risers with hot and cold water supplies, as well as on the lower shelves in cabinets.

How to use the drug "Grom-2"

To use it on the site, you must first remove the top layer of soil (about 2-3 centimeters) from the anthill in accordance with its area. The granules are evenly scattered over the surface (from 1 to 3 g). If pests accumulate near a building, the drug is poured into the appropriate places and along the path of their movement. The treated area should be covered with plywood or sprinkled with earth. Can be covered with roofing felt. As gardeners note, pests disappear after 2-4 days. The effect of the granules lasts for 2-3 months. The packaging is designed to process 9.5-10 m2.

How to get rid of ants once and for all

Sooner or later, the question of how to destroy ants in a summer cottage will concern any summer resident. Therefore, a plan for their elimination should be worked out in advance. The first thing you need to start with is determining their habitat.

Most often, these insects choose those places where soil cultivation is rarely carried out, because... they, like many other insects, do not like their nests being disturbed. Therefore, the more often the land on the site is cultivated, the less often ants appear in this area.

Once you have found out where their nest is located on your site, you should begin to take more decisive action.

  1. The first step is to dig up the anthill, this must be done carefully so that it is not the upper part of the soil that is loosened, but the entire anthill. In some cases, it is enough to simply dig up the ground on which the ants have established their nests.
  2. Then, to make the effect more effective and reliable, you can add ash and lime to the ground. This will not harm the soil, but the mixture will be harmful to ants.
  3. It is even easier to protect trees from such pests; you do not need to use various chemicals; it is enough to cover a small part of the tree trunk with a solution of lime from time to time.

Useful tips for killing ants

Basic tips that will help answer the question - what to do to ensure that there are never ants on the site.

  • It is useless to crush ants, this will not help much, the queen will quickly make up for the losses. Worker ants that are engaged in obtaining food are only a small part of the colony. It would seem that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of them, and they get food for their colony, but on the other hand, in fact, practically nothing depends on them.
  • If you stir up an anthill, the colony will lose part of its population, but this may not lead to any results. The main task is to destroy the uterus (queen).

A distinctive feature of the female red ant is her large size and the presence of wings, which she sheds when she starts a new family (colony)

Ant Reproduction

Ants reproduce rarely, only once a year (we are talking about the appearance of young queens and “drones”). For example, red ants on the site or any other variety of them pose a particular danger at this time of year.

  1. Having fertilized the females, the drones die, and the queens chew off their wings and begin to look for a place to establish a new colony. After a certain time, the female produces larvae, which eventually grow and begin to search for food.
  2. As soon as the ant hatches, he begins his duties: first of all, he must feed the queen, and then, as he grows up, he begins his other duties. If the slightest danger appears, the anthill will mobilize. Using hormones, ants transmit a signal of danger, so the operation to destroy them must be carried out carefully and quickly.

Precautionary measures

Work should be carried out wearing a respirator, goggles, and gloves. After treatment, you must wash your hands and face and rinse your mouth. If the drug accidentally enters the stomach, you should drink a large amount of water and induce vomiting. You should also consult a doctor. The product can be stored at a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees. Empty packaging is burned or disposed of along with household waste.

Expel Powder

This drug, according to a large number of gardeners, is one of the most effective. Summer residents consider its speed to be its undoubted advantage. Thanks to the drug, pests can be eliminated in a very short time. The product can be used pure or diluted. In powder form, the drug is poured in a thin layer in places where pests accumulate and move. Particular care should be taken to cover cracks and crevices. The drug is used in an amount of 10 g per 1 sq.m. The powder can also be dissolved in water. In this case, the drug should be mixed thoroughly. The resulting solution acts as a contact agent. The ants die when they come into contact with it. Therefore, it is recommended to treat areas where pests accumulate in the late afternoon, when they all gather in their nests. If it is necessary to destroy the entire colony at once, then it is more advisable to use the drug in its pure, undiluted form.

TOP 20 “folk remedies” for ants

After conducting an analysis, we grouped all the “folk remedies” for fighting ants into TWENTY groups, the most effective and proven by many years of practice. Perhaps some are familiar to you, and some will be a discovery for you.

Medicinal chamomile

Dry medicinal chamomile is sold in any pharmacy. Directions for use: Sprinkle dry in areas where ants are found. A special type of chamomile, pyrethrum, shows good results.

This method is simple and absolutely safe for both people and pets.

Sweet trap

A sweet trap is a glass of water with sugar or honey. Directions for use: dilute 2 tablespoons. spoons of sugar or honey in a glass of warm water. You can add fresh yeast. Traps are placed in places where ants gather. Ants will crawl towards the sweet treat and drown in the water.

Baits with boric acid

This is an effective method of getting rid of ants on your property and at home, proven by many years of practice. Ingredients: sugar/honey and boric acid and water. All components are mixed, the finished working composition is distributed drop by drop along the paths of movement of the ants.

Considering that powdered boric acid is poorly soluble in water, boron balls/crumbs are made. To do this, boric acid is mixed with a food attractant (either egg yolk, or minced meat/pet food, or boiled potatoes, or honey or other “goodies” for ants). You can add glycerin to the bait, which will keep the bait moist and prevent it from drying out.

Boric acid in baits is an effective and simple way to combat ants

Boron balls or boron crumbs are laid out or scattered in places of accumulation and along the paths of movement of ants. The ants also take these crumbs to their nest, which allows them to quickly deal with these insects.

How to properly make baits with boric acid, quantity, frequency of use, timing, see a separate material.

This method requires precautions for pets.

READ MORE: “Boric acid for ants and cockroaches (FOUR basic recipes and ready-made preparations)”

Yeast from ants

Yeast is diluted in warm water with the addition of a small amount of sugar. In this option, you can use wine wort and kvass starter. The mixture is spread into small containers, which are placed in the habitats of the ants.


Garlic is primarily used to get rid of house ants. Their paths of movement are rubbed with garlic, the bright smell of which will repel insects forever. You can also take finely chopped garlic, after which it is applied with a brush to problem areas. The method is very labor intensive.

Essential oils (mint, eucalyptus, citrus, etc.)

Such repellers do not destroy insects, but force them to leave their nesting sites. To prepare active solutions, you need to take 1 liter of warm water and add 20 drops of any essential oil from plants such as mint, eucalyptus, lavender, fir or citrus.

Currently, as before, the main method of fighting ants is chemical (use of insecticides). Powder or granular preparations, sometimes emulsion concentrates, are used. They differ from each other in chemical composition and principle of action.

Among the most used are preparations based on diazinon, chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin, malathion, fipronil and a number of other active ingredients.

For example, diazinon is one of the strongest poisons that acts as quickly as possible and protects against ants for a long time. It is based on, for example, the drug “HECTOR for ants”, which is capable of destroying an entire colony through just one infected ant, which, having eaten the poison, will return to its relatives in the nest.

MORE about the drug "HECTOR against ants" (composition, instructions for use, restrictions, etc.)

Anise seeds, laurel and valerian extracts

Anise seeds are crushed and mixed with unrefined vegetable oil. This liquid is used to lubricate the areas where ants appear. A pungent and persistent smell will force ants to look for more comfortable places for their further life activities.

In addition to anise seeds, it is permissible to use other plants, as in the previous case. The most commonly used extracts are laurel, oregano, valerian, etc.

Glue traps

The simplest adhesive traps are made from double-sided tape. One side of the tape is glued to any base, and any food bait should be placed closer to the center. It could be a drop of honey or a berry from jam. Insects will try to get to the bait and will simply stick to the tape.

Hunting belt for trees against ants and other insect pests

The same principle applies to adhesive hunting belts on trees. To prevent ants and other garden pests from climbing up to the fruit ovaries and leaves from the ground, along the tree trunk, and from breeding aphids there, belts are made. A special garden glue of permanent stickiness and a backing made of any material are used - fabric, polyethylene, cardboard, etc.

READ MORE: “Catching belt for trees against garden pests (what they are and how to make it yourself)”

Red pepper, mustard powder

Ants also cannot tolerate these seasonings, just like pharmaceutical chamomile. You should sprinkle them on all the places that insects have chosen. After a day they will leave them.

Moving an anthill

A simple and effective way is to dig up and move the anthill outside the dacha. The soil under the anthill should also be disposed of - moved outside the garden plot, as there may be numerous larvae in it. Pour boiling water over the former anthill site.

Boiling water (boiling water)

This method is known to many; it cannot be called humane, but it does exist. An anthill is filled with boiling water. However, the use of this radical measure will help to destroy the ants only locally, but at the same time seriously destroy the microflora of this place.

This method should be used as an emergency method.

Using boiling water to control ants

Boiling water can be used in another way - to make sugar bait. Soak a foam sponge in sugar syrup and place it in areas where ants gather. As soon as the sponge “sticks” with ants, transfer it to a metal bucket and pour boiling water over it. Repeat this several times to dramatically reduce the number of insects.

Growing plants that repel ants

You should grow bright-smelling plants in your garden and garden plot - marigolds, garlic, onions, parsley. The smell of these plants repels ants.

Garlic is planted in strawberry beds.

Chamomile and calendula should be sown next to currant and gooseberry bushes - they attract ladybugs, which actively eat aphids.

Fighting aphids

An indirect way to fight ants is to fight aphids, honey bugs, mealybugs, leafhoppers, i.e. those insects that secrete large quantities of honeydew (the delicacy for which the ants breed them and take care of them).

A classic example of trophobiosis is ants and aphids.

Young shoots of fruit bushes, in the twisted leaves of which aphids live, are rinsed in tobacco or soda solutions with the addition of green soap. Such solutions are applied to mature trees using sprayers. Any means of combating aphids is used - both chemical and folk.

Being symbionts, ants and aphids are interconnected - the destruction of aphids contributes to a significant reduction in the number of ants.

Smoked meats

Smoked meats are an effective fumigant against insects, including ants.
The pungent smell of smoked meats repels ants and forces them to leave their habitats. To do this, lay out the remains (usually heads) of smoked fish. Or you can soak sawdust in smoking liquid and spread it around the area.

Semolina and other cereals

Ants love semolina, wheat, corn grits, millet, but are not able to digest it. To do this, sprinkle the anthills generously with cereal. Having eaten this “delicacy” they die over time. Simple and effective.

Using strong odors to repel ants

Tobacco and shag dust

It is effective to use repellent odors to get rid of ants. You can sprinkle anthills and places where they accumulate with tobacco or tobacco dust. The disadvantage of this method is that the smell quickly disappears or loses its properties after rain.

Kerosene, diesel fuel, carbolic acid for ants

You can pour kerosene or diesel fuel on the anthill, but do not set it on fire!!! Insects will be forced to leave their place of residence.

When using carbolic acid, use the following ratio -10 l. water + 2 tbsp. spoons of carbolic acid + 10 tbsp. spoons of kerosene + laundry soap. Anthills are filled with this composition.

To repel ants from trees and shrubs, place rags or rags soaked in these substances under each tree. There are also repellent trapping belts for trees and the use of diesel fuel or kerosene.

Water obstacles

Due to their abilities, ants cannot overcome water obstacles, even small ones only 2-3 cm wide. This can also be taken into account in the fight against ants.


Salt is a natural preservative, destroys any living organisms, and makes the habitat of ants unsuitable. You can sprinkle it on the anthill, places where ants move, paths, and cracks between the tiles with salt. Simple, cheap and moderately effective.

Using salt or lime to control ants

Lime from ants

To scare ants away from trees, use ordinary or bleach. Quicklime is sprinkled on anthills and then spilled with water. Just as in the previous case, lime makes the habitats of ants unsuitable for their life.

Precautionary measures

Expel powder should not be applied to the surface of the lawn.
While processing areas, smoking, eating or drinking is prohibited. Work should be carried out with gloves. After treatment and in case of accidental contact with the skin of the hands, you should immediately wash with soap and water. If the powder gets into the eyes, wash them with plenty of water. If swallowed, consult a doctor. The drug must be stored away from food, feed, animals and children. Do not use the powder or solution near bodies of water. The drug is toxic. Source:

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