Leopard insectoacaricidal collar for small breed dogs

Fleas, ixodid ticks, lice eaters - small insects - parasites that can not only settle on the skin and fur of a dog and plague him with painful bites, but also bring with them serious, often fatal diseases. The fight against parasites is a constant concern for dog owners.

There are many different medications that can help with this: drops, sprays, tablets. Russian Bars insectoacaricidal collars stand out from most analogues due to their high efficiency and affordability. Their low price and prevalence make them one of the most popular products of this type throughout the country.

Composition and pharmacological properties:

The Bars tick collar is treated with an insect growth regulator and fipronil, which have pronounced activity against parasites such as fleas, lice, lice and ixodid ticks in the mature and larval phases of development. The active components are gradually released from the surface of the collar and transferred to the skin and coat of the animal. Fipronil is not absorbed into the systemic circulation. After application, it accumulates in the dog’s epidermis, is released onto the surface of the skin along with sebaceous secretions and has a long-lasting insectoacaricidal and repellent effect. The peculiarities of the action of fipronil are that it disrupts the passage of chlorine ions in the GABA-dependent receptors of ectoparasites, impairs the transmission of nerve impulses and the activity of the nervous system, causing paralysis and death of arthropods. The growth of integumentary tissues in parasites is also suppressed, which disrupts the development of the larvae, the molting of larvae and prevents the appearance of full-fledged pupae, causing the death of ticks and insects even in the preimaginal phase of development.


The Bars flea collar is made of polymer tape of different lengths for cats and dogs. Inside there is material impregnated with insecticidal substances. Upon contact with skin, active components accumulate in hair follicles and sebaceous ducts. Within a few hours they spread throughout the animal's body.

On a note!

The flea collar for cats Bars is available in a length of 35 cm. It is possible to adjust the cat accessory to the individual neck size. The excess part is easily cut off with scissors. The Bars collar for small breed dogs is 35 cm. For large breeds it is 50, 80 cm.

Mode of application:

Put the collar on the dog, adjusting it in size so that there is a distance of 1–1.5 cm between it and the animal’s neck. Then thread the free end of the tape through the fastener and cut off the excess part.

If the dog is seriously infested with insects, before using the collar, the animal must be washed with the insecticidal zoo shampoo “Lugovoy” or “Bars”, and the bedding should be treated with the insecticidal spray “Bars” or “Bars Forte” according to the instructions for use.


Most well-known veterinarians in their reviews say that drugs under the Bars brand are a good combination of effectiveness and affordability, which, when used correctly, give excellent results.

For many years, many ordinary owners of dogs of various breeds have chosen collars from this particular company to eliminate the threat of parasite attacks in the spring and summer. They have proven themselves especially well for animals that are constantly outdoors, living in enclosures and kennels.

But on the Internet you can also find negative reviews about the experience of using products. Upon careful study, it most often turns out that there are several reasons for such an unsuccessful experience:

  • Allergic reaction to the components of the drug.
  • The strap was chosen incorrectly in size or type (a dog’s strap was put on a cat or vice versa).
  • The tape is not secured properly , is too tight, or is loose and does not touch the skin.
  • Contact with the external environment and infection occurred before the accessory began to actively operate or after its service life had expired.

For the most part, doctors and dog owners agree that Bars is a good, inexpensive remedy that can effectively protect the animal from parasites.

Leopard insecticidal-acaricidal collars for dogs instructions for use

Leopard insect-acaricidal collar for dogs of small breeds, 35 cm, for medium breeds 50 cm, for large breeds 80 cm. COMPOSITION AND RELEASE FORM The insect-acaricidal collar Leopard contains fipronil and an insect growth regulator as active ingredients, as well as auxiliary components. In appearance, it is a polymer tape 35 cm long, with a slight specific odor, equipped with a buckle for fixing it on the animal’s neck. Packed in cardboard boxes, 1 piece each. PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES The combination of insecto-acaricides in the collar exhibits synergistic action against larvae and mature ticks of the Ixodidae family and insects Linognathus setosus, Trichodectes canis and Ctenocephalides spp. The high antiparasitic activity of the collar is due to the presence of fipronil and an insect growth regulator in the polymer tape. The mechanism of action of fipronil is to block the GABA-dependent receptors of the parasite and disrupt neuromuscular transmission, which leads to its paralysis and death. The insect growth regulator inhibits the processes of chitin formation, disrupts the processes of molting, pupation and fledging of the parasite. In terms of the degree of impact on the body of warm-blooded animals, the drug is classified as a moderately dangerous substance and does not have a locally irritating, resorptive-toxic, embryotoxic, teratogenic or sensitizing effect. INDICATIONS Prevention and treatment of dog entomosis (lice, fleas, lice). Prevention of infection of dogs by ixodid ticks. DOSES AND METHOD OF APPLICATION After opening the package, put the collar on the animal, adjusting it in size so that there is a gap of 1 - 1.5 cm between the neck and the tape, then pass the end of the tape through the loops of the buckle, and cut off the excess. In the first days of using the collar, an ixodid tick may attach, but after a day it dies and falls off spontaneously. The duration of the protective effect with continuous use of the collar is: against ticks - 4 months, against fleas, lice and lice - 5 months. SIDE EFFECTS In most cases not observed. In some animals with hypersensitivity, signs of intoxication and allergies are possible (tremor, vomiting, excessive salivation and lacrimation, itching, irritation and redness of the skin). If these signs or other manifestations of intolerance appear, the collar should be removed. CONTRAINDICATIONS Hypersensitivity to the components of the polymer collar tape. It is not allowed to be used by puppies under 8 weeks of age, as well as by animals suffering from infectious diseases and convalescent animals. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly with soap. If you have cuts or abrasions on your hands, it is advisable to use rubber gloves. STORAGE CONDITIONS With precautions (list B). In a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, out of reach of children and animals. Separated from food and feed at temperatures from 0 to 25 °C. Shelf life: 2 years.

Vomiting in cats

Vomiting is a reflex contraction of the muscles of the stomach and abdominal wall with the eruption of stomach contents outward.

Normally, vomiting in cats occurs when fur is regurgitated from the stomach. In all other cases, vomiting is a pathological process.

Vomiting in cats

Bars products for the fight against external parasites

Russian products (AVZ) against external parasites for pets have been sold in specialized stores and veterinary pharmacies under the Bars brand for many years and are trusted by breeders. The products belong to substances with a medium and low degree of danger for animals and people, according to the domestic classification of toxic drugs. This means that the risk of poisoning when using the products is minimal if the instructions for use are followed. The composition contains chemicals of the latest generation that can destroy ticks and fleas. The additional presence of natural plant extracts and essential oils in the list of ingredients provides a repellent effect - it repels parasites with smell, preventing their attack. The Bars line includes various products for treating animals, differing in application methods, methods of exposure, and active substances.


The drug is available in the form of packaged mini-droppers made of plastic filled with the active substance. There can be 1-7 pieces in a box, depending on the type, in a cardboard box with instructions. The liquid inside has a yellowish-brown tint, an oily consistency, and an unobtrusive odor. There is a separate line of Bars Forte products, which differs in the concentration of active and excipients from the standard version. Pipettes have different dosages for ease of use and accurate calculation of the amount of medicine. There are varieties for kittens and puppies with the dosage required for cubs. The drug belongs to the category of insectoacaricidal agents - it destroys fleas, ticks, lice, mosquitoes and other harmful insects. There are certain types of drops designed for dogs and cats with a picture of the corresponding animal on the box. The drops are applied to the skin, they are practically not absorbed into the blood and last for approximately 30–60 days without the need for reapplication during this period.

What is inside

The composition of drops for dogs and cats is identical, the volume of active ingredients differs. Active components:

  • fipronil (10 mg/ml for cats and 50 mg/ml for dogs),
  • diflubenzuron (1 mg/ml),
  • dicarboximide (1 mg/ml for cats and 5 mg/ml for dogs).

Also in the list of ingredients are additional substances: isopropyl alcohol, Tween, polyvinylpyrrolidone and others. The presence of three active substances simultaneously, each of which has a specific effect, allows us to call the drug a combination drug.

How to use

For intended use, the pipette with the required dosage is opened and applied directly to the animal’s skin, spreading the fur with your fingers, in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae, on the withers, between the shoulder blades. It is important that the pet cannot reach the treated area and lick the drug. It is forbidden to bathe or wet your pet 3 days before and 3 days after treatment, as well as apply the product to damaged skin.

If it is necessary to destroy a tick that has already bitten a dog or cat, the product is dripped onto the insect itself and the area where it is attached to the skin. Within about 20-40 minutes the parasite should fall off. Otherwise, the tick is carefully removed with tweezers.

Table: calculations of drug doses for cats and dogs by weight

Animal type and weightVolume of Bars drops in a pipette, mlDose, ml per animalNumber of pipettes for processing
Dogsappropriate volumevolume 1.4 ml
2–10 kg1,41,41
10–20 kg2,82,812
20–30 kg4,24,213
more than 30 kg55–101–24–7
up to 1 kg10.3 (10 drops)1
1–3 kg10.6 (20 drops)1
over 3 kg111

Mechanism of action

Fipronil has an insecticidal effect, paralyzes and kills adult external parasites. Diflubenzuron inhibits the vital activity of insect larvae and the development of insect eggs. The purpose of dicarboximide is to enhance the activity of the other two components.

Once on an animal, fleas or ticks do not even have time to bite the pet - they are immediately paralyzed and then die. The larvae and eggs of parasites may survive a little longer. The pesticide in the drops destroys chitin, which is the basis of the egg and the outer shell of the larva. The worm can live until the animal moults, and then die, and the egg is “frozen” and no one will hatch from it.


Drops can be used both for prevention and to combat parasites already existing in the fur of a cat or dog. The product is considered moderately dangerous and, if the instructions for use are followed, will not cause harm to pets or humans.

In case of an overdose or if the drug gets into the mouth of a cat or dog, it is necessary to wash off the medicine with running water using detergents for animals and seek help from a veterinary clinic. The following signs should alert you:

  • profuse salivation and lacrimation,
  • vomit,
  • lethargy and drowsiness of the pet,
  • hair loss, skin irritation in the treatment area.

Side effects occur quite rarely, usually caused by violations of the rules of use. Symptoms may be identical to those of an overdose. The use of drops is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • individual sensitivity to the components of the product,
  • pregnant and lactating cats,
  • sick and weakened animals,
  • puppies and kittens under 8 weeks,
  • dogs weighing less than 2 kg.

It is recommended that breeders carry out the treatment wearing gloves, and wash their hands with water after all manipulations. Monitor your pet's behavior for half an hour so that it does not roll on the floor or rub against interior items until the drops dry. Put a muzzle on the dog and pick up the cat during this period. Dogs or cats can have contact with children 3 days after treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages

This means of combating external parasites has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of this tool include:

  • high efficiency (acts on different types of insects at any phase of their development, active up to 2 months after application),
  • affordable price (100–150 rubles),
  • ease of use (no need to mix or dose),
  • low likelihood of developing side effects (when applied to the withers and hard-to-reach places for the animal).

However, breeders also note the disadvantages of this product:

  • toxicity of active substances (there is no absolute guarantee of safety for the animal),
  • the possibility of allergic reactions (chemical components can cause individual intolerance),
  • risk of the drug getting inside (an animal can reach the treated area and lick off the insecticide).

The disadvantages of Bars drops are minimal compared to some other flea and tick medications. There are currently no insecticidal agents that are absolutely safe for the animal itself.

Photo gallery: varieties of Bars drops

Depending on the weight of the dog, indicated on the package, the pipette contains the required amount of the drug

Only a certain type of Bars Forte drops is suitable for kittens

If there are no pipettes with the specified dosage, you must calculate the amount of the drug yourself

Drops are applied to the pet’s withers

Bars Forte drops for dogs have a long duration of action - about 2 months

Video: using drops for dogs


Bars spray is similar in principle of action and application technique to drops from the same manufacturer, but there are some differences. For example, the spray can be used to treat not only dogs and cats, but also the animal’s bed, floor and walls in the room. The spray contains a lower concentration of the active substance, which means it needs to be applied more often than drops, but it is more convenient due to the presence of a sprayer. There are different types of spray for cats and dogs. For dogs it is available in two types of bottles: 100 and 200 ml. For larger individuals or those with long, thick fur, it is recommended to choose a larger bottle size. Bars Forte differs from the standard version in its long-term protection against parasites - up to 60 days. There is no type of spray intended for puppies and kittens under 2.5 months of age. This is due to the fact that when sprayed, aerosol particles can enter the animal’s respiratory system. If this is not dangerous for an adult, then fragile cubs can be poisoned even from a small dose of insecticide.

Composition and mechanism of action

The active ingredient is fipronil at a concentration of 0.3%. The principle of operation of the spray is the same as that of the drops - the active substance is distributed through the sebaceous glands throughout the animal's coat, without getting into the treated animal's bloodstream no earlier than 2 days after treatment. The product has a detrimental effect on fleas and ticks at any stage of development - from eggs to adults. Protection against fleas lasts up to 1 month, against ticks - up to 2 weeks. The spray is also able to prevent attacks by lice, lice, mosquitoes, and mosquitoes. If they come into contact with a pet's fur or skin, the blood-sucking insects become paralyzed and die. Unlike drops, the spray belongs to the category of low-hazard chemicals, does not irritate the skin, rarely causes allergies, and can irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes if it comes into contact with it during spraying.

How to use

It is advisable to treat the animal outdoors or in a ventilated area. There should be no other animals nearby. They put a muzzle on the dog, and a neck collar on the cat, which can be made from cardboard (in the form of a funnel with a hole for the head). The can is shaken and sprayed onto the body, spreading the fur in different directions with your hands. The balloon is held at a distance of 25–30 cm. One click on the sprayer causes the injection of 0.5–1 ml of product. The required dosage is calculated as follows: 1 press per 1–2 kg of animal weight. Accordingly, if it is necessary to treat a smooth-haired dog or cat weighing 5 kg, about 3-4 pumps are sufficient, and for long-haired representatives with the same weight - at least 5. After spraying, the hair should be slightly moistened. Then the breeder lightly rubs the product over the entire body with a gloved hand, paying special attention to the area around the eyes, ears, nose, and tail. Now the animal should dry out a little. Don't let him roll on the floor, rub against objects, or lick himself. After the allotted time has passed, comb your pet and remove the muzzle or collar.

If a tick is found attached to the body of a cat or dog, it is sprayed with a spray (1 press). The parasite should disappear within half an hour. If this does not happen, carefully remove it with tweezers.

Repeated preventive treatment must be carried out after the expiration date of the product or after bathing the animal.

Side effects and contraindications

If you follow the instructions for use, there are usually no side effects. In rare cases of intolerance to the components of the drug, salivation, lacrimation, and vomiting are possible. When such symptoms appear, the treatment is stopped, and the spray is washed out of the wool with water and animal shampoo.

The use of drops is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • individual sensitivity to the components of the product,
  • pregnant and lactating cats,
  • sick and weakened, recovering animals,
  • puppies and kittens under 10 weeks.

Security measures

When applying the spray, the breeder must wear gloves, a respirator, and safety glasses. This is necessary to protect hands, respiratory organs and vision from the negative effects of the insectoacaricidal agent. If the substance does get on the skin or mucous membranes, it is necessary to rinse them with water. It is forbidden to drink or eat during or immediately after the procedure. You can pet a cat or dog after using the spray no earlier than one day later. It is permissible for the animal to have contact with children a couple of days after treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages

This form of flea and tick medication for cats and dogs has its own advantages and disadvantages. Main advantages:

  • suitable for processing not only the animal, but also its habitat,
  • immediate effect on existing parasites,
  • affordable price (170–220 rub.),
  • reliable protection against re-infection.

However, it is important to consider the disadvantages of the spray:

  • risk of the active substance getting onto the mucous membranes, into the animal’s mouth,
  • Not suitable for all animals
  • difficulty of dosing,
  • the need to comb the fur.

Photo gallery: varieties of Bars spray

Spray Bars Forte - has a modernized formula of the active substance

For each type of animal it is necessary to choose the appropriate variety of Bars spray

Spray Bars can be in bottles of 100 or 200 ml


Perhaps one of the safest anti-flea and tick remedies for dogs, cats and their cubs is Bars shampoo. It contains natural herbal ingredients that do not cause allergies and do not poison the body. However, the use of shampoo is the most troublesome for the breeder - the pet will need to be bathed, and not all animals tolerate water procedures favorably.

Features of the composition

The main active ingredients are of natural origin. Shampoo contains:

  • lavender essential oil 0.3%,
  • Costus essential oil – 0.1%,
  • clove extract 0.5%,
  • pelargonium extract - 0.5%.

The composition also contains safe excipients, distilled water. The shampoo is a liquid with a gel-like consistency with a yellowish tint.

Application and mechanism of action

The shampoo mixes easily with water to form a foamy cleansing composition. The dog or cat is bathed completely, the body and fur are washed with shampoo, then rinsed with water. If the wool is not sufficiently cleansed from contaminants, the treatment is repeated. The dosage is determined at the rate of 2–3 ml per 1 kg of animal weight. The product is a low-hazard toxic substance, does not degrease the skin, and may slightly irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes if it comes in contact with them.

The principle of action is based on the presence of odorous plant extracts that have a repellent effect on fleas and ticks. The active substances linger on the fur and skin, repelling blood-sucking insects. Suitable for treating both healthy adults and kittens, puppies, weak, sick, pregnant animals. Zoo shampoo requires one-time use.


If you follow the instructions for use, zoo shampoo rarely causes side effects. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the product. Exceeding recommended doses usually does not provoke undesirable consequences for the pet’s well-being.

When contacting shampoo, it is recommended that a person wear gloves. If shampoo gets on your hands or eyes, rinse with water. If the breeder experiences an allergic reaction after contact with the product, it is necessary to take antihistamines. You can pet your dog only after the fur is completely dry.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's list the advantages of shampoo:

  • natural and safe composition,
  • versatility (suitable for cats and dogs of any age and physiological characteristics),
  • cleans the coat, makes it shiny,
  • affordable price (about 200 rubles),
  • effectively repels blood-sucking insects.

The product also has disadvantages that are worth considering:

  • the need to bathe the pet,
  • may not be effective enough for existing parasites,
  • does not destroy eggs and larvae of blood-sucking insects,
  • the need to calculate dosage.


Many breeders consider the Bars anti-flea and tick collar an excellent preventive measure. The product is a flexible tape with a locking lock, impregnated with insecticidal substances that repel parasites. Your pet must wear the collar constantly, and after the expiration date, replace it with a new one. Compared to some analogues, Bars is slightly inferior in efficiency - there are products that have a longer validity period, but their cost is much higher. In most cases, the collar perfectly prevents attacks from blood-sucking insects, but is not always able to destroy existing parasites. Polymer tape can be of different colors and differ in purpose. Bars collars are:

  • for large dogs (length 80 cm),
  • for medium dog breeds (length 50 cm),
  • for small dogs and cats (length 35 cm).

We study the composition and mechanism of action

Active substances used in the manufacture of the collar: fipronil (40 mg) and diflubenzuron (1 mg). These components are capable of destroying adult external parasites and their larvae. Substances are gradually released from the collar, distributed over the animal’s skin and hair. Fipronil paralyzes insects that “attack” your pet, and diflubenzuron destroys the chitinous shell of parasite eggs and larvae. The collar can be used to protect against attacks from ticks, fleas, lice and other harmful insects for up to 4 months.

Mode of application

The collar is removed from the packaging by opening the sealed plastic bag. The manufacturer recommends pulling the tape in different directions to activate the active substance. Then the product is put on the pet’s neck, leaving a gap of 1.5 cm or 2 fingers between the skin and the collar. This is necessary so that the tape does not cause discomfort, but it is also not possible for the animal to remove it. The collar is securely fixed with a clasp. The excess length of the tape is cut off and disposed of.

Your four-legged friend may not be delighted with the new accessory; try to distract him with games and treats. Make sure that he does not reach the collar with his mouth or tongue - this may pose a risk of poisoning. The collar begins to be fully effective 1-2 days after putting it on, so during this period it is worth limiting your pet’s stay outside and contact with other animals.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Side effects can occur if there is an individual intolerance to the active ingredients, if the instructions for use are not followed, or if the pet manages to chew or lick the collar. In these cases, the following reactions are observed:

  • chills, muscle tremors,
  • salivation and lacrimation,
  • vomiting, lack of appetite,
  • lethargy and drowsiness,
  • skin irritation, hair loss in the area where the product is worn.

If these symptoms appear, the collar must be removed and the animal shown to a veterinarian.

The use of a collar is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • the use of other insecticidal agents during the same period,
  • animal diseases,
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period,
  • puppies and kittens under 8 weeks.


It is recommended that the breeder wear gloves when putting a collar on a pet, and wash his hands with soap after all manipulations. In the first 2 days, you should not pet the animal or have close contact with it. You should not use a collar if there are children in the house. After the expiration date, the tape must be placed in a bag and disposed of. It is not recommended to wear a collar on pets that spend most of their time outdoors. The collar can cling to branches and protruding objects, which can cause falls and damage to the animal.

It is dangerous to put dog collars on cats or to ignore the manufacturer's size recommendations when choosing a product. This threatens an overdose or ineffectiveness of the active substance, respectively.

Advantages and disadvantages

Bars flea and tick collars are popular among breeders. Compared to other means of protection, collars have a number of advantages:

  • easy to use,
  • there is no need to determine the dosage,
  • no need to wash or comb your pet,
  • affordable price (150–200 rub.),
  • valid up to 4 months,
  • variety of colors,
  • serves as a sign of a well-groomed pet.

The disadvantages of the collar include:

  • lack of series for kittens and puppies,
  • unpleasant smell,
  • toxicity of active substances,
  • risk of allergies and side effects.

Photo gallery: varieties of Bars collars

The Bars collar for large breed dogs has a length of 50 cm

The Bars collar for large breed dogs has a length of 80 cm

The Bars collar for cats is also suitable for small breed dogs

What to choose for dogs and puppies

Baby dogs and cats do not yet have sufficient immunity to withstand the toxic substances contained in standard flea and tick products. Drops are suitable for treating small pets older than 2 months. If the animal is 2.5 months old, it is possible to use the spray in the dosage strictly specified by the manufacturer, taking into account age or body weight. The optimal method of protection is the use of Bars shampoo, which has a safe natural composition. These collars are not intended for kittens and puppies, as they contain too high a dose of insecticide for them and can cause intoxication of the body. Veterinarians recommend postponing the use of insecticides until babies are stronger and at least 6 months old, unless they are at risk of contracting fleas and ticks (do not go outside or come into contact with other animals).

Video: veterinarian on the rules of using a collar

special instructions

The active components of Bars do not enter the systemic circulation, minimizing the risk of side effects. However, in the first days of use, local irritation of the skin may occur in areas of contact with the collar.

If there is an individual intolerance to the components, a deterioration in well-being occurs:

  • trembling throughout the body;
  • loss of appetite;
  • irritability;
  • apathy;
  • drowsiness or insomnia;
  • increased salivation;
  • lacrimation;
  • vomit.

In such situations, you need to immediately remove the collar. Use Bars drops or other flea remedies.

There are some restrictions when using the collar:

  • puppies, kittens up to 2 months;
  • lactating females;
  • late pregnancy;
  • sick, weak, recovering animals.

In other cases, Bars is an excellent protection for cats, dogs from fleas and all blood-sucking insects.


Insect Collar

The Leopard collar is one of the most popular similar products on the market. The cost of the accessory is within 160 rubles. The product acts quickly and does not lose its properties for a long time. The collar is easy to use, side effects are extremely rare, which is confirmed by reviews of the Bars collar for cats.

The collar is considered one of the best flea remedies for cats. I buy it every year for my handsome son. I did not observe any side effects. Very well tolerated. Excellent protection against cat fleas. Despite the fact that my cat is outside every day, leads an active lifestyle, and comes into contact with yard cats.

Alina, Moscow

This is the second year I have bought a flea collar for my cat for the summer. I am satisfied with the price of the Bars collar and its effectiveness. I don’t take it off even during pregnancy, everything is fine. I put it on for kittens at the age of 2 months, when they begin to actively explore the surrounding area. An effective drug, I recommend it to everyone. And inexpensive.

Tatiana, St. Petersburg

Before purchasing a protective product, we spent a long time studying reviews of the Bars collar for dogs. Now we use it all the time. I put it on my dog ​​in early spring. I use 2 collars per season. It helps against fleas well for 4 months, but stops working against ticks after 2 months. Therefore, I change the accessory after 90 days.

Elena, Tver

One of the best collars for dogs. The price is reasonable. Sold at any veterinary pharmacy. I haven't seen fleas on my dog ​​all summer. I put it on puppies from two months. There was an allergic reaction once - redness on the neck, but then it went away.

Dmitry, Voronezh

The Bars collar protects animals from blood-sucking parasites, prevents the development of dangerous diseases and helminthic infestation.


Each package of the product includes detailed instructions for use indicating contraindications in which the use of the collar will lead to serious health problems for pets.

These features include:

  • Little age. It is dangerous to use this product for puppies under 2 months of age.
  • Pregnancy and lactation are also contraindications.
  • Illness or recovery period.
  • Wasting or initially low weight . For dogs of toy breeds, it is better to choose something else.
  • Intolerance to the components included in the impregnation.

After the strap is put on, carefully monitor the dog’s behavior and well-being throughout the day. If you notice serious changes in behavior or deterioration in health, remove the accessory and contact a veterinarian.

Special instructions and personal preventive measures

Personal prevention measures

The owner of the animal, if there are cuts and abrasions on his hands, should use rubber gloves when manipulating the Bars® insectoacaricidal collar.

After attaching the collar to the animal, you should thoroughly wash your hands with warm water and soap, wash and dry your gloves.

An animal wearing the Bars® insectoacaricidal collar should not be allowed near small children.

The used collar and packaging are placed in a plastic bag and disposed of with household waste.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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