Remedy for lice and nits Full Marks against lice - pros and cons

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Svetlana Tarasova

Hairdresser-stylist with more than 8 years of experience, expert in the field of haircuts, styling, hair care, coloring.
Pediculosis is a contagious and very unpleasant disease. If not treated promptly, parasites cause many problems. One of the effective means to combat them is Full Marx. It helps get rid of lice quickly while providing long-lasting results.

What Full Marks products are on the market? Release forms and how they work

Full Marks offers medications in solution and spray form. There is also a special comb for combing.


A rigid and fine metal Full Marks comb is used together with a combing solution or spray. In combination, the products can reliably remove both dead and weakened parasites from most of the hair and scalp.

When using a pediculosis solution, only adult individuals die. Insecticidal agents have almost no effect on nits, since the poisonous components do not penetrate the egg. During the first treatment, adult individuals die. After a few days, the nits may hatch into larvae, which can provoke the emergence of a new population of lice. Therefore, a few days after treatment, the head is processed with a comb again - this helps eliminate new larvae.

You must first comb your hair with a comb, then turn it over to the other side and comb it out. The cost of the product starts from 500 rubles.


The spray, like the Full Marks solution, includes an active component such as cyclomethicone, which has a detrimental effect on adult parasites and nymphs. Its concentration in the preparations is similar, the spray differs only in the release form and packaging.

IMPORTANT! Unlike a number of other similar drugs, Full Marx not only reduces the activity of parasites, but dehydrates their body, stops breathing and provokes death. The average price of a spray is 500 rubles.


The solution is similar in composition and principle of action to a spray, but is not as convenient to use. It is an oily liquid that is bottled in small plastic bottles. The composition includes cyclomethicone, which promotes the death of parasites, and isopropyl myristate, which is an additional component and reduces the fat content of the solution.

The solution costs about 200 rubles.

General information

Fullmarks is a set of products that includes: a solution to combat lice and a special comb. In combination with each other, the components of the kit have the maximum effect in the fight against hair parasites.

Composition and release form

The insecticidal solution is produced in the form of an oily liquid. It is poured into small (100 ml capacity) plastic bottles.

The comb for combing out lice and nits is made of metal and has frequent, thick teeth.

The composition of the insecticidal solution includes:

  • Cyclomethione is a volatile silicone, which, when entering the body of a hair parasite, causes its dehydration and death.
  • Isopropyl myristate is an auxiliary element that reduces the fat content of the solution.

Important! Full Marks spray is available for sale. It is as effective as a liquid product, but much more convenient to use.

Storage conditions

The drug is stored away from children, in a warm room for no more than two years. An open bottle should not be left in direct sunlight.

average cost

The price of the imported Full Marks complex is an order of magnitude higher than the price of drugs for head lice from a domestic manufacturer. The average cost in pharmacies across the country is 300 rubles.

The price of the drug is fully compensated by its high efficiency and safety of use.

The product is available for sale in retail stores and online pharmacies.

How to use - instructions for removing lice using Full Marks

The product is intended for external use only . Before applying it, the hair must be thoroughly combed and divided into strands. Then the solution or spray is applied to the skin and hair. The dosage recommended by the manufacturer is 50 ml per session, although it may vary depending on the thickness and length of the hair.

Full Marx is applied as follows:

  • The strands are carefully combed. For this, it is recommended to use a Full Marks comb.
  • The curls are carefully separated into small strands.
  • Each of them is treated with a solution or spray.
  • After this, the hair is gathered into a bun and the head is wrapped in polyethylene. This is an important measure, since it allows the parasites to lack oxygen, which provokes their death. It is recommended to leave the product for 10 minutes. But if the number of parasites is very large, the duration of exposure can be increased to 20 minutes.
  • Then you need to carefully comb out the dead lice and nits using a Full Marks comb . Combing is a rather long process. Each strand must be cleaned separately, then rinsed with clean water.
  • At the end, the head is washed with regular shampoo.

ATTENTION! After treatment with Full Marks, you should not use a hair dryer or treat your hair with balm.

Prices and ways to buy Full Marks lice remedy

Today you can buy the Full Marks pediculicide kit in online stores. Sometimes it is delivered in small quantities to pharmacies in large cities, but it is usually not found in them all the time.

The price for Full Marks lice remedy is:

  • about 40 rubles per comb
  • 300 rubles for a 100 ml bottle of solution
  • about 420 rubles for a 150 ml spray bottle.
  • a combination of mortar and comb costs approximately 330 rubles.

When purchasing through online stores, you should check that the seller does not accidentally send a spray instead of a solution, and vice versa.

Full Marks medications should be stored where children cannot reach them. It is not advisable to store the solution at too low temperatures. Its shelf life is 3 years, but the comb can be used until it breaks.

What to do if you have lice

How to choose an effective remedy for lice and nits?

Contraindications, side effects and precautions

Full Marks is considered effective and safe . However, contraindications to its use must be taken into account. There are few of them and they are as follows:

  • The compositions should not be used for children under five years of age.
  • The drug is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance to any component in its composition.

In the absence of contraindications, you still need to adhere to some precautions:

  • Before applying the composition, the face must be covered with a mask or gauze bandage.
  • Before processing, you need to wear closed clothing.
  • The liquid is applied only to the scalp and hair - its contact with other areas is unacceptable.
  • If the product gets on exposed areas of the body, you need to rinse them as quickly as possible with running water.
  • If skin redness and coughing occur during application, it is important to wash your hair and body as a whole as soon as possible.

The following side effects may occur during the use of Full Marks:

  • mild swelling;
  • allergic reaction (manifested by itching, burning of the skin at the site of application).

In case of such phenomena, it is necessary to rinse the drug from the hair.

Can it be used during pregnancy and lactation?

Full Marx is not contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation; however, it can only be used if the potential benefits outweigh the risks. In any case, you must first consult with a specialist and especially carefully adhere to precautions. The same applies to women just planning a pregnancy.

Where to buy and prices

The drug can be bought in pharmacies or ordered online. Its average price is 300 rubles.



Pros and cons of funds

Full Marks preparations have many advantages:

  • Unique composition. The active component does not provoke paralysis of the pest, but immediately kills it by dehydration.
  • Treatment of head lice with this remedy is simple and quick . You only need to keep it on your hair for ten minutes.
  • The product does not destroy the hair structure, and rehabilitation is not required after its use.
  • Thanks to the oily liquid, nits become pliable, and their adhesive substance quickly breaks down.
  • The drug has a minimum of contraindications and is approved during pregnancy and lactation.

However, there are also some disadvantages:

  • Full Marks is more expensive than many other remedies for head lice , but its effectiveness justifies it.
  • The product should not be used by children under five years of age.
  • You can't find it in every pharmacy.
  • In some cases, allergic reactions are possible.
  • The liquid has a specific smell and is difficult to wash off from the skin . After using the composition, do not dry your hair with a hairdryer.

pharmachologic effect

The active component of the Full Marx drug - Cyclomethion - acts on the hair parasite, enveloping it and dehydrating it . As a result, the adult insect dies very quickly.

In nits, under the influence of an oily product, the outer shell becomes thinner and the adhesive substance that holds the lice eggs on the hair is destroyed.

After the hair parasites and nits have died, they can be combed out without much difficulty with a comb.

Fulmax is non-toxic and is not absorbed into the blood. When applied, it has a local effect. Thanks to the oily structure of the liquid, the scalp and hair roots receive additional hydration.

We recommend reading: instructions for using Pediculen Ultra anti-lice and nits shampoo.

What other effective remedies against lice and nits exist?

Manufacturers also offer many other drugs aimed at treating head lice. Therapy can be supplemented with folk remedies.


The mechanical method of removing lice involves combing them out with combs . Modern manufacturers offer special products to eliminate parasites. Combs can be metal, plastic, wood and even electric. They have long, even teeth with a very small gap, and a special notch allows you to hold and remove nits.

Popular lice combs are Nit Free, AntiV, LiceGuard, Pediculen Ultra.


Tablets against lice and nits are used in cases where other methods of treatment are contraindicated, for example, in the presence of skin diseases, scratches, scratching . They allow you to destroy parasites in about 15 days of use. It is worth considering that the drugs have a number of contraindications, and they must be prescribed by a doctor.

Drugs such as Butadione, Levamisole, Ivermectin, Albendazole may be indicated.


Special pharmacy shampoos can be used both for the treatment and prevention of head lice. They need to be applied to the hair and kept under plastic for the time specified in the instructions, then the products are washed off generously with warm water. Afterwards, it is recommended to rinse your hair with a vinegar solution - this helps to destroy the adhesive substance, due to which the nits are attached to the hair. Then the hair is combed out and washed with regular detergent.

Shampoos for lice are available in a wide variety. The following methods are popular:

  • Nok. Shampoo based on permethrin, recommended for use from the age of two years. Keep the composition on damp strands for 30-40 minutes.
  • Pedilin. An inexpensive but effective drug based on malathion. It helps eliminate parasites in just 2-3 applications. One of the disadvantages is an unpleasant odor.

  • Paranit. Belgian product with a fatty, oily consistency. There are no insecticidal components in the composition, but there is a composition of oils. Judging by the reviews, the composition helps cure lice in just one application in about 60% of cases.

  • Knicks. The product can be used for children from six months. It is produced in the form of a cream, but due to the nature of its use it is classified as a shampoo. A comb for combing is included. The drug is effective, but quite expensive - it costs about 700 rubles or more.


Products in the form of creams and ointments are nicotoxic and give good results. They are often used to treat head lice in children. The following drugs are popular:

  • Benzyl benzoate. One of the most effective ointments that destroys parasites in just 5 hours.

  • Sulfuric ointment. Has an antimicrobial effect, helps cope with head and pubic lice.

  • Turpentine. It fights only against adults, but has a strong antiseptic effect.

  • Boric ointment. A powerful drug with anti-pediculosis and fungicidal properties.


Preparations in the form of sprays are easy to use and effective. From this group it is worth highlighting the following funds:

  • A couple plus. A French remedy that helps fight all types of lice. The composition contains two insecticidal components and a synergist that enhances their effect.

  • Lavinal. A product based on essential oils. The set includes a comb for combing and a hat. There are no toxic components in the composition, so the drug has virtually no contraindications.

  • Pediculen Ultra. The composition includes anise oil, which in combination with other components helps fight parasites. The drug is contraindicated in children under five years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

  • Nyuda. Spray aerosol based on dimethicone that destroys parasites. The product is non-toxic, but can be used from the age of three years.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies can be used to supplement therapy . They are safe and can be used even by very young children. They demonstrate particular effectiveness at the early stage of pediculosis. Here are some recipes:

  • You need to mix a solution of vinegar and salt in a ratio of 5:1, moisten gauze in the mixture and cover your head . Leave overnight, rinse with shampoo in the morning.
  • It is also useful to make a mask of kerosene and vegetable oil at night in a ratio of 1:10.
  • A compress made from olive oil and tea tree ether, ylang-ylang or geranium is useful . It is left for 40 minutes.
  • A popular method among people is soaping your hair with tar soap. You need to keep it under cellophane for half an hour.

Do you trust Full Marks?

Not really

There are many effective remedies for head lice, and Full Marks is one of them . The drug gives quick and lasting results, is safe and has a minimum of contraindications. But it must be used carefully and in accordance with the instructions.

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