A beehive is a separate, interesting world, with a special hierarchy. Here each bee occupies
Fish is a common source of human infection with worms. In Russia, herring is the source of infection
The main reasons for the appearance of aphids Gardeners sometimes think that aphids appeared on plants literally out of nowhere.
Fitoverm saves plants from a complex of pests both on the site and at home. But the instructions
Why are bedbug repellent devices so popular? Along with poisonous means of baiting bedbugs, these
The fact that fleas appear in an apartment can hardly be considered a pleasant surprise. More like home invasion
Plants » Flowers 0 1567 Article rating Kira Stoletova Growing orchids at home
What kind of black mouse did you dream about? Little black mouse A little black mouse warns of gossip.
Silverfish (Lepisma saccharina) is a wingless arthropod insect from the bristletail order, whose ancestors existed millions
In winter, the beekeeper does not need to do a lot of work in the apiary, but some work still has to be done