Papaur (Golden butterfly, wax moth) moth No. 60 capsules

PAPAUR classic - a drug for health without chemicals

PAPAUR classic is a unique extract that has no analogues in terms of its effect on the body and health benefits .
This is the Wax Moth: Waste Product of the Wax Moth. Other names that this definition includes: moth, golden butterfly - Papaur. This is the only creature in the world whose larvae have unique properties for processing and assimilating beeswax. This organic substance, which is produced by bees to build honeycombs, is not the only product that the golden pest butterfly eats in its initial phase of its life cycle. Honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis and other raw materials that honey bees produce in hives during their life activities are also food for wax moth larvae. As a result, biologically active substances obtained during beekeeping accumulate in the organs and impart beneficial properties to the moth larvae.

Extracts and other preparations created on the basis of PGVM are widely used in medicine and help fight most diseases . PAPAUR classic is recommended for use for preventive and therapeutic purposes. This is a 100% natural remedy for health and longevity.

Wax moth ointment

The use of larvae is possible not only for preparing a tincture, but also for making an ointment:

  • To do this, you need fifty grams of larvae and alcohol (must completely cover the larvae).
  • The solution is infused for about five days.
  • Then it is poured into a clay vessel, into which it is also necessary to add two hundred grams of calendula and St. John's wort oils and fifty grams of beeswax and propolis.
  • The added components will allow the tincture to thicken.
  • Then, using a “water bath,” the composition is heated and melted over a fire for about two hours.
  • After cooling, the ointment is ground and filtered through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.
  • You can use any containers to store the ointment, but they must be sterilized.

Note! It is good to use this ointment to treat severe burns, eliminate scars and heal wounds faster.

Indications for use:

  • Restoring lung tissue during the recovery period after Covid19;
  • Hypertension;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Herpes;
  • Flu;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Gastritis;
  • Taking antibiotics;
  • Angina;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Helicobacter pylori;
  • Violations of the quality and composition of blood;
  • Weakened immunity;
  • Nosocomial infections;
  • Prostration;
  • Depression;
  • BPH;
  • Depressed mood;
  • Intoxication of the body;
  • Chemotherapy.

Who is the bee moth?

The second name of the insect is large wax moth . It clarifies what the larvae mainly feed on. Adults look like butterflies, their body length is 2-3.5 cm. In the evening or at night, females enter the beehive through the entrance and lay small white eggs on its walls, bottom, frames with honeycombs.

After about 1 week, moth larvae are born, having a yellowish body with a darker head. They remain to live inside the hive and feed on the food produced by the bees. Within a month, the larvae grow to 15-18 mm and turn into pupae.

Adult insects emerging from the cocoon leave the hive. They are not adapted to obtaining food on their own, so they gradually waste the nutrients previously accumulated by the larva. The life of a moth is short-lived - females die after 1-2 weeks, males can live up to 25-26 days.

Beneficial features

The use of preparations based on wax moth larvae in medicine has a successful long history . The public learned about the amazing beneficial properties of PZhVM thanks to the Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov, who conducted the first study of this natural material and presented the results of his work in his publicly available scientific publication.

The scientist gave a logical explanation for the therapeutic phenomenal effect of the extract from moth larvae, which effectively works in the fight against tuberculosis even in the most difficult cases, suppressing the development of Koch's bacillus . Scientific assumption I.I. Mechnikov that cerrase, the digestive enzymes of the Golden butterfly larvae, whose diet is based on waxy material, can destroy the protective wax-protein coating of Koch’s bacillus, was fully confirmed in the course of research. It was found that larvae ready to pupate do not have a destructive effect against tuberculosis bacilli.

Only young larvae in the initial stage of development, no larger than 15 mm in size, are suitable for medical purposes. Subsequently, research was not stopped and today the chemical composition of wax moth extract has been studied in more detail. The product has not only anti-tuberculosis properties, but also a number of others.

Preparations based on moth larvae are effective in treating cavities, help remove pathological secretions from the lungs, normalize blood pressure and have a diverse positive effect on all systems and organs. The beneficial properties are due to the presence of a number of useful components and the high antioxidant activity of the components found in the composition.

Immunostimulating . PAPAUR classic improves immunity.

Cardioprotective . Promotes heart health, prevention and treatment of coronary artery disease.

Antibacterial . Kills pathogenic bacteria.

Antiviral . Helps fight viral infections.

Antiandrogenic . Prevents the conversion of testosterone to dehydrotestosterone.

Regenerative . Accelerates cell regeneration, promotes healing of internal and external damage.

Nootropic . Improves cognitive functions and learning ability.

Hypotensive . Helps normalize high blood pressure.

Antisclerotic . Reduces the risk of cholesterol plaque formation.

Tonic . Improves the activity of muscle mitochondria, gives energy and vigor.

Cleansing . Removes toxins, heavy metal salts.

Causes of pest infestation

There are no specific reasons for wax moth damage to hives. From the peculiarities of its life activity it is known that it lives in steppes and forests where apiaries are concentrated. Beekeeping products are necessary for moths to provide their own nutrition and reproduction. So, if you are thinking about keeping bees, get ready to fend off wax moths.

But there are factors that provoke excessive interest in a particular apiary and hives and a high rate of pest reproduction:

  • low activity of bees, which are unable to free the hive from pests;
  • excessive humidity due to the climatic characteristics of the region where the apiary is located;
  • increased accumulation of beebread;
  • death of the uterus;
  • contaminated honeycombs;
  • non-compliance with temperature conditions during wintering;
  • increased accumulation of dead bees inside the hive;
  • insufficient hygiene.

Where can I buy

The Russian Roots online store offers a wide selection of medicinal herbs and natural health products. We offer to buy PAPAUR classic in Moscow in any convenient way. Place your order on the website and select the appropriate delivery option. In Moscow and the Moscow region, goods are delivered by our own courier service. We send orders to Russian regions by mail. You can find the herbal pharmacy of our network closest to you and pick up the goods for pickup after pre-booking. See addresses and other details on the website. Our advantages: wide range, low prices, discounts and special offers.

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How does treating frames with honey residues with sulfur affect the quality of honey? Especially when selling honey in bulk. Will it pass quality testing?

If you overdo it with the dosage, then there is a chance that sulfur will get into honey and other products. Therefore, it is better to entrust such processing to specialists.

It is recommended to spray vinegar on frames to repel wax moths. But isn't vinegar, with its pungent odor, harmful to bees?

The vinegar evaporates quickly. If you ventilate the frames in the open air before placing them in the hive, there will be no harm.


Some people have an allergic reaction to bee products and moth tincture. It is recommended to check for its presence by dropping a little product onto the oral mucosa. Even if well tolerated, the dosage should not be exceeded.

It is better not to take the drug in the evening - this leads to insomnia. The use of alcohol tincture is contraindicated for children under 2 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. It is necessary to abstain from the medicine in case of acute pancreatitis or hepatitis.

Bee moth tincture has many positive reviews. She helps adults and children. If you follow the recommendations for use, this harmless product will be of great benefit and will speed up recovery.

Tincture recipe

The main component of the remedy is larvae. In this case, the bee moths are selected as adults, which have about a week left before turning into a pupa. Their bodies contain the highest concentration of nutrients. Eggs, cocoons, too small or, conversely, adults (with wings) are not suitable for healing tincture.

Composition of bee moth

The body of the wax moth caterpillar contains a large number of elements useful to humans. The substances obtained from honey, bee bread and wax depend on their composition - bees, even in the same apiary, collect bribes to produce the products they need from different plants.

Many organic compounds were found in the body of the bee moth:

  • amino acids – leucine, histidine, alanine, valine;
  • phosphorus esters of nucleosides;
  • low molecular weight carbohydrates;
  • fatty acid;
  • wax dissolving enzymes;
  • vitamins, microelements (phosphorus, calcium, zinc).

A tincture of larvae adopts their rich composition and beneficial qualities, improves the body’s resistance to diseases, and helps to heal.

Making extract at home

The main component - grown wax moth caterpillars - can be bought at the apiary. Some bee farms specifically breed moths. The second component is ethyl medical alcohol with a strength of 70°. If you don’t have it, vodka (40°) will do.

For treatment, you will need a product in which the number of insects is 10 times less than the volume of alcohol (20 g of larvae per 200 ml of liquid). For the prevention of diseases, a tincture with a slightly different composition is suitable - with a ratio of 1:20.

For reference!

It is recommended to infuse the medicine and store it in a tightly closed container made of dark glass or ceramics.

The bee moth bodies are placed in prepared containers, alcohol is poured on top and sealed. For 8-9 days the mixture is left in a cool, dark place. It needs to be shaken at least once a day.

After this, the liquid is filtered. The finished tincture can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 1 year, and it will not lose its properties. You can add bee honey and propolis to the healing remedy. Shake the contents of the container before use.

Instructions for use

To increase immunity or during exacerbation of chronic diseases, bee moth tincture is taken orally once a day. This is done on an empty stomach (half an hour before meals) or 1 hour after meals.

For reference!

It is recommended to drop the remedy under the tongue, then wash it down with water. It can also be dissolved in half a glass of liquid.

The dosage is calculated based on body weight: for adolescents over 12 years of age and adults – 1 drop per 10 kg, and for children – per 12 kg. The prophylactic course lasts about 3 months: 3 weeks of treatment, then 7 days off.

When treating diseases, the dose of the drug is increased, the number of daily doses is increased to 2 times (in the morning and around lunchtime). So, for bronchitis you need to take 5-6 drops per 10 kg, for problems with blood vessels and heart - 6-7, for tuberculosis - 7-9. The treatment course lasts continuously for 3 months, but before the next one you will need at least 30 days of rest.

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