Swallowtail Butterfly
Swallowtail butterfly insect. Swallowtail lifestyle and habitat
Origin of the species and description Photo: Machaon Butterfly The species Papilio machaon belongs to the family of Swallowtails
Midge bite in the photo
Midges - photo and description, types of midges, where they come from
materials » Microscopes » Articles about microscopes, microspecimens and studies of the microworld » Midge under
How to get rid of midges in an apartment: TOP-26 remedies
Midges - this name refers to hundreds of species of insects. Main features: they are small, their
Caterpillar on cabbage
The best way to treat cabbage against caterpillars and butterflies, folk remedies
Juicy soft cabbage leaves attract insects as an accessible source of food - the tender pulp is easy to
How to fight aphids - effective folk remedies
Aphids can have a detrimental effect on a wide variety of plant species, trees and shrubs, the main
Gadfly: damage and consequences of a bite
Horseflies and gadflies. How are they dangerous, and what is the difference between insects?
Wildlife >> Insects The horsefly is a large insect that will bite you when
Crimean centipede bite - how dangerous is it for humans?
Many tourists are interested in the large centipedes of Crimea - how dangerous they are, what to expect from an encounter
How long do butterflies live in nature and in captivity?
How long does a chocolate butterfly live at home?
The lifespan of butterflies depends on many factors, but the main ones can be distinguished:
Photo: Scolopendra
Scolopendra - description and photo, danger to humans
Wild animals >> Insects Scolopendra is a fast-moving predatory insect. It is widespread across
flies on food
All the remedies that will help get rid of flies in the house
Updated: 04/22/2021 17:10:27 Expert: Anna Maslova *Review of the best according to the editors of expertology.ru. About the criteria
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