Sewer midges
Sewer midges - causes of appearance, description of insects, control methods    
Why do sewer midges appear in apartments? Description of insects, habitat, favorable living conditions
The photographer discovered the creepiest spider nest, it looks like a furry animal: arachnophobes with a weak heart should not look
Few will be surprised to learn that the fear of spiders is one of the most common among
4 advantages and 3 disadvantages of trapping belts against pests on trees
There are many different traps designed to reduce garden pests. Popular adhesive hunting belts
Centipede mosquito
Long-legged mosquito: a relative of the malaria mosquito or a harmless insect that does not bite and is not dangerous to humans?
Long-legged mosquitoes (karamora) are the indigenous inhabitants of nature in the middle zone and beyond. You can meet them
Rye field
When and how to sow spring rye? Growing technology
In former times, ryeRye cultivated is an annual (biennial) herbaceous plant of the Evil family... was
Message about the mole - habitat, nutrition and lifestyle
Mole habitat What does a mole eat? Does a mole see? The benefits and harms of moles
Ways to combat black midges on cucumbers and tomatoes
How to deal with white midges on cucumbers and what to do if they eat them
Probably, many gardeners have more than once had to deal with
10 Most Incredible Facts About Moths That Will Amaze You
Quote from the message Sergey_Best Read in full To your quote book or community! The most beautiful moths on the planet! Moths and
Types of insect mouthparts - Sucking mouthparts
Insect mouthparts - Wikipedia
Modifications of the oral apparatus In various groups of insects, the oral apparatus has been modified in order to best and
Beekeeping in Rus'
The evolution of beekeeping or how a honey collector lived in the old days
Bort is the name given to a hollow in a tree if bees live in it. It is formed
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