Insecticidal product Delta Zone against bedbugs, fleas and cockroaches

Will not leave a single parasite

The active component of the product is DV deltamethrin with a concentration of 2.5%, located in a microencapsulated suspension and slowly released to the surface. Therefore, “Delta Zone” destroys not only 100% of adult pests, but also their offspring within 8 weeks.

"Delta Zone" is a universal drug that replaces 5-6 analogues. He struggles with:

• cockroaches; • flies; • bedbugs; • fleas; • ants; • wasps.

The drug not only gets rid of the parasites that tormented you, but also prevents their reproduction.

Frost: how to get rid of lice using low temperatures

Lice are afraid of the cold. However, like most other insects, they can withstand temperatures dropping to 0°C and can remain alive for some time even at sub-zero temperatures. Lice die in cold temperatures of minus 5°C within 20-30 minutes, while stronger frost kills them almost instantly.

The fear of cold lice can be used mainly to combat body lice (linen lice). They spend most of their time on clothing and only move to the human body to feed.

To get rid of linen lice, you should take all the infested clothing and hang it out in the bitter cold for several days. While lice are dying in the cold, you should only wear clean underwear that is guaranteed not to be infected. After three to four days, all lice and nits in the clothes will die.

Safe for everyone!

Classified as low-hazard, “Delta Zone” can cause no more harm than ordinary table salt. The drug does not have a suffocating odor, so you can stay in the room within half an hour after using the drug and ventilating it. In addition, the product does not leave burns or irritation when exposed to the skin. "Delta Zone" is absolutely harmless to pets and indoor plants.

The product penetrates not only through the chitinous coverings of pests, but also gets inside with their food, which leaves them no chance of salvation.

Pros and cons of the drug

The main advantage of this product is its effectiveness against various pests, including cockroaches and bedbugs. This drug also has the following advantages:

  1. Long-lasting action - this drug lasts for several months in areas where it is not washed off.
  2. This product prevents pests from entering from neighbors. More precisely, cockroaches appear, but die when crossing the barrier.
  3. There will be no stains or drips in the areas where the drug is applied.
  4. This drug is safe for animals and people. Of course, this is not just water, but if the user follows the instructions, there will be no signs of poisoning in people or animals.

However, this drug has disadvantages, the main one being the price. So, one bottle of Delta Zone costs 650 rubles. This encourages users to use cheaper but less effective products, such as Karbofos.

What is the advantage of “Delta Zone” when disinfesting a home?

The color of the product is similar to milk. You can not be afraid to use it on furniture surfaces, walls, carpets and fabrics. When dry, it will remain completely transparent, without leaving streaks, smudges, or stains.

The first pests die already 2-6 days after using “Delta Zone”; offspring join them after about 2 weeks. The drug continues to be active for 2 months, so even the most persistent insects die under its destructive influence. The product is not addictive, so each subsequent treatment will be as effective as the first.

Significant disadvantages

In addition to the advantages, microencapsulated products have several disadvantages:
The effect of the drug begins 10 - 14 days after treatment, when the film becomes so thin that the insecticide begins to pass through. Its concentration is not very high to suppress a large population of bedbugs. The product is not suitable for massive and rapid processing. Microencapsulated insecticides are used for barrier (preventive) action. The first treatment is carried out using powders or sprays, and only then a layer of microcapsules is applied. Their effect is especially evident when creating boundaries that fence off places where insects can enter the house (walls, cracks between baseboards). The shelf life of the drugs is short

Before purchasing, you need to pay attention to the date of manufacture. It is recommended to use products that were released no later than 55–60 days ago. Microencapsulated products are among the most expensive

But when using them, re-processing of the apartment is not necessary. If the drug is not used immediately after purchase, it must be stored at a certain temperature. Such insecticides cannot tolerate too high or low temperatures.

Many people believe that “Xulat C25” is the most effective remedy for cockroaches in the apartment. However, it is not without its drawbacks. The most serious ones include:

  • Ineffective against insect larvae. For complete safety for humans and pets, the active poison is placed in dense capsules that are not able to penetrate the egg membrane. Experts warn that re-treatment of the premises is always required after two weeks. It is after this period that new insects hatch.
  • Does not work in saunas and steam baths, because temperatures above 80 degrees are destructive for the active ingredients.
  • Low efficiency is also observed when treating rooms with high humidity. This is explained by the fact that it is impossible to achieve a uniform layer of microcapsules. Therefore, the drug has not been widely used in the kitchens of public catering establishments.
  • Insects die only after three days after treatment. This is due to the technology for producing concentrated liquid.
  • The validity period of the product can reach up to six months, but on surfaces that are exposed to direct sunlight it is reduced to 1-2 months.
  • High price. Microencapsulated poison is much more expensive than conventional household products aimed at killing parasites.

Due to existing shortcomings, it is important to understand the feasibility of treating a specific room

Delta Zone is an effective bedbug repellent you can rely on!

Bedbugs are cruel bloodsuckers who, with their painful bites, prevent not only people from sleeping and living peacefully, but also their pets.

If you are tired of suffering from pain, itching, redness and restless sleep. If you are ready to start pest control, then use the “Delta Zone” and you can get rid of bedbugs and your torment in the shortest possible time!

"Delta Zone" - the first hypoallergenic anti-bedbug fighter without color and odor

By treating the contaminated area with this effective product, you will not feel any harmful chemical odor. No matter how thick a layer you apply the “Delta Zone” solution to the floor, walls, furniture, mattress, it dries without any marks or streaks.

The drug does not cause chemical burns. If the solution gets on your skin, just rinse it with warm water.

Fast action and long-term results

“Delta Zone” comes to our country in a ready-to-use form. At the plant in South Korea where it is produced, the recipe, composition and dosage are strictly observed. Therefore, the result of the drug is permanent and so effective.

The active substance affects bedbugs through the integument, clinging to the paws and other parts of the body, penetrating the body and paralyzing the parasite. The solution affects the nervous system of the bug and soon paralysis and then death occurs. The action of “Delta Zone” is prolonged; within a few days the first victims appear, and after a few weeks you will forget about bedbugs altogether. The insecticide destroys not only adults, but also their larvae.

"Delta Zone" continues its effect on bedbugs for 2 months. Bedbugs, receiving a fresh portion of poison every day (after all, the substance in microcapsules is constantly released to the surface), soon die.

Universal drug

In addition to bedbugs, “Delta Zone” will help get rid of other pests that have encroached on your home. After treating the room with the drug, not only bedbugs will disappear, but also cockroaches, flies and ants.

To begin pest control, follow these instructions:

1. Dilute the suspension with water in a proportion of 10-15 ml of substance per 1 liter of water.

2. Be sure to use personal protective equipment (gloves and a respirator) to reduce the risk of poison getting on the mucous membrane.

3. When processing, take into account the type of surface; the volume of solution used depends on it (for smooth surfaces you will need 50 ml per sq. m.; for porous surfaces and fabric materials you will need 100 ml per sq. m.)

4. Apply the solution liberally to all surfaces to be treated, paying special attention to hard-to-reach places, as well as other places where bedbugs can settle - mattresses, paintings, books, carpets on walls, clothes, cabinets, shelves. Move the furniture 10-15 cm from the wall to treat the areas behind it. If necessary, disassemble sofas and chairs to spray the solution inside.

5. After treatment, ventilate the room for an hour or two.

6. After airing, wipe all places in contact with the skin with a damp cloth - tables, chairs, door handles, switches.

Order “Delta Zone” quickly, and we will send your life-saving remedy on the day of your order. A drug of such effectiveness and quality is available for sale at an affordable price.

It is possible to order the drug in bulk. Rid yourself, your friends and relatives from annoying insects!

Operating principle

Deltamethrin “works” as follows:

  • its droplets fall on the surface of the bug and stick to its body;
  • since the parasite has a flattened shape, it can collect a significant amount of microcapsules on the chitinous cover;
  • through the surface the drug affects the nervous system, causing paralysis;
  • the poisonous substance “works” gradually and the death of the insect occurs on the second day.

This mechanism of parasite poisoning is quite complex and effective. When microcapsules get on the surface of a bug, the walls of the chitinous cover are gradually destroyed. Only after this can deltamethrin penetrate inside, that is, the toxic effect occurs gradually.

Note: It is advisable for residents to return to the apartment immediately after treating and washing contact surfaces. During night sleep, the remaining individuals will approach the “victims” and receive additional batches of the remaining poison.

"Delta Zone" professional ant exterminator

Most people have encountered such a problem as ants, which can settle not only in a country house or garden, but also in an apartment, causing great inconvenience. In this regard, the issue of combating small pests that cause such troubles as:

• climb on food;

• carry infection;

• penetrate into household appliances and electrical wiring components, which can cause a short circuit;

• cause an allergic reaction;

• capable of damaging buildings made of wood.

This is not the entire list of serious problems that these insects cause.

An effective means of combating ants

Today, one of the most effective means used to combat ants is the drug “Delta Zone”, which is a microencapsulated suspension. Compared to other drugs of similar action, this remedy has proven its effectiveness and has a number of significant advantages.

Most modern insect control products have a persistent unpleasant odor. Having purchased the “Delta Zone” product for professional control of ants, you will not be disappointed in your choice, because it has a neutral odor.

A big surprise for buyers will be that the substance destroys not only domestic ants, but also other small pests: flies, wasps, fleas, hornets. Therefore, it would be rational to order several packages of the product in reserve, because the drug will destroy not only the main pests, but also prevents the establishment of others. It would be advisable to use the substance for preventive purposes from time to time.

The latest equipment, as well as modern scientific developments, were used in the manufacture of the drug. Thanks to this, the product is very effective, which guarantees 100% destruction of insects.

The product can be used on almost any surface, and it does not leave stains, dirt or other marks. Therefore, after carrying out a set of measures to destroy ants, you don’t have to clean the room.

The drug is safe for humans, thanks to this, even people who are very sensitive to chemicals can use the product without harm to their health, without fear of irritation, swelling and other signs of allergies. If it gets on the mucous membrane of the tongue, you should also not be afraid of negative consequences. But still, precautions should be taken.

The packaging volume of the substance is 50 milliliters, which is usually enough to treat an apartment.

The active substance sticks to the ants' feet, causing them to infect each other. The long-awaited effect occurs within an hour.

You can buy the drug right now, and you will no longer have to deal with this problem. After all, cleanliness in the house is the key to your health. The price of this product is affordable for the masses of consumers. It is also possible to order the “Delta Zone” product in bulk, delivery is guaranteed.

Review Reviews

There are a variety of customer reviews about the drug floating around the Internet on various sites and forums. Users note various features of the drug and discuss the pros and cons.

Positive reviews are mainly present because Gektor does its job well.

  • Typically, such ratings for this product are given by those buyers who have tried many other methods and none of them helped.
  • It is also noted that this powder is absolutely harmless. It is very helpful in cases where in addition to adults, children and pets also live in an apartment or other premises. If chemicals were used, all this would have to be moved somewhere during the treatment for bedbugs. Powder allows you to avoid all this hassle.
  • The lack of smell also affected the number of positive reviews. After all, in addition to safety, comfort of use is also very important; it is possible to be completely calm in the apartment.
  • A huge advantage, as buyers say, is its ease of use. You don’t need to be any kind of specialist or have any special knowledge to use this “tool” to kill bedbugs.

Neutral reviews are based on the fact that the drug works, but not with the same effect as expected. Here it is worth talking about inflated or incorrect expectations. Of course, such a drug will not be able to exterminate all bedbugs in an apartment in a minute. However, it, like other types of funds, has both its obvious advantages and its disadvantages and negative sides.

So, some users believe that after using the product a lot of dirt remains. And, indeed, due to its powder form, the product collects all the dirt on itself. However, according to the manufacturer, this can be avoided with proper use. It lies in the fact that you need to scatter Gektor only in those places where it is necessary. Its use throughout the apartment is not recommended. Yes, and it will cost much more.

Some people could not find competent and understandable instructions for use on the official website. This can be considered a flaw. But on the other hand, this tool is quite easy to use. The presence of detailed instructions, in fact, is not necessary.

And, of course, some reviews say that not all bedbugs disappeared after treating the room. It is impossible to pinpoint the exact reason why all the bedbugs disappeared for some customers, while for others only some of them disappeared. But manufacturers are constantly researching customer reviews.

There are not very many negative reviews, but they exist.

So, some buyers claim that the drug does not work at all. The main reason for this is that the period of use is too short. Dehydration of insects takes time, so it pays to be patient. On the other hand, bedbugs leave offspring. It takes time for them to grow and, before they have time to lay new eggs, they are destroyed by the drug.

One of the negative qualities is also the price per bottle. Its price can be up to 1000 rubles, taking into account delivery and region of order. However, such a price would not be a reason for a negative review if it fully paid for itself. But since the product does not work completely or partially for some buyers, complaints about the price appear.

It is also indicated that although the drug is stated to be safe, there are still some negative health consequences. As a rule, this is due to a high concentration of dust in the air after the powder has been spilled. And, indeed, during the first few hours the dust does not have time to settle and can cause discomfort in the mouth and nose. But there is nothing dangerous about this.

Gektor bed bug powder has a variety of reviews. Of course, the positive ones predominate among them. The smallest share is occupied by negative reviews.

For a review of the Gektor bedbug remedy, watch the following video.

Cockroaches and the professional product “Delta Zone” are incompatible

The professional product “Delta Zone” is used to combat cockroaches that do not belong in your home. The product destroys insects starting from the 2nd day of use and lasts for 2 months. The cockroach population dies within 6 days.

Features of using the drug against cockroaches

1. Preparation of the solution. Proportion: 15 ml of the substance must be diluted in 1 liter of water. To treat smooth surfaces, 50 ml of solution per 1 square meter is sufficient. In the case of porous bodies that absorb moisture well, the consumption rate is doubled. The solution is prepared quickly and easily, so before preparing the solution you don’t have to determine the surface area in advance, diluting the product with water as needed.

2. The product must be applied in a thin layer to the favorite places of insect movement. It doesn’t matter whether the surfaces are vertical or inclined. The emulsion has good adhesion to any material. The product has a slightly white color when applied, thanks to which you can monitor the treated area. After a few minutes the color will disappear and the drug will become invisible. The drug does not have any side effects on furniture and objects. It is necessary to treat kitchen furniture, baseboards, and other places where insects move carefully, generously moistening the treatment areas with the solution.

Effect of the drug on cockroaches

The “Delta Zone” product begins to act immediately after contact with the legs of an insect or after eating at least one microcapsule. Due to the fact that microcapsules easily adhere to the villi of the cockroach, the product spreads to insect habitats that are inaccessible for treatment. Thus, the cockroach becomes an effective carrier of the Delta Zone. Two days after treatment, mass death of kitchen pests begins, and after 6 days all individuals die. Young cockroaches that appear after 2 weeks are again affected by the product and die within 6 days completely, without having time to leave offspring. However, the anti-cockroach remedy remains active for up to 60 days after treatment, excluding the appearance of uninvited “tourists” and their contamination of the home area.

The only type of cockroaches that the drug does not affect are cockroaches in the head.

How much does a lambda probe cost?

Before purchasing a lambda probe, it is recommended to look at the appropriate section for repairing your car and clarify what exactly the sensor is screwed into. It could be just a collector or a special attachment - a foot, which you will also have to purchase. Its price is, in principle, small. For cars of European brands, a lambda probe can cost different amounts. Sensors from Japanese brands NKG and Denso, as well as the German brand Bosch, are considered to be some of the highest quality today, although they will not be cheap. If you want to save money, you can purchase a budget-class sensor, for example, made in the Czech Republic. For example, Profit products have been supplied to the Ukrainian market for quite some time.

As for used sensors, you can definitely refuse them if you don’t want to throw money away.


Delta Zone for pest control

Reviews from customers about Delta Zone against bedbugs confirm the effectiveness of the drug.

They couldn't get rid of bedbugs for almost a year. We changed medications one after another, tried all the folk remedies. I was researching information on the Internet and came across the Delta Zone. No shopping, I checked. I ordered on the website. A bottle with a capacity of 50 ml arrived. There is a specific smell, but weak. The entire bottle should be diluted in 10 liters of water. I needed half. I also re-processed it. This bottle is enough for 2 times of complete disinfestation. The parasites have disappeared and have not appeared for six months.

Ekaterina, Moscow

A good remedy. It helped us the first time. There is no unpleasant smell and does not spoil the furniture. There were no negative consequences for well-being. I treated the room once, but left it closed for a week. Then I scooped out the parasites with a broom. Within a month the apartment was clean without much effort. No worse than pest control for bedbugs, which is carried out by specialists. It's a little expensive, but it works well.

Anton, Perm

Last year I encountered bedbugs in my apartment. At first I tried to overcome them with aerosols. But the bites appeared with characteristic frequency. I decided to try a new product that is being actively pushed through the Internet. I carried out the treatment according to all the rules, I even bought a special respirator. Everything went fine. There is no unpleasant smell. I slept in the apartment the very next day after airing and cleaning. There was no need to re-process. An effective remedy that helped me get rid of bedbugs.

Alina, Voronezh

Bed bugs can adapt to poisons, making them almost impossible to eradicate. Deltamethrin kills and does not allow adaptation.


Bed bugs are parasites that cause quite a lot of trouble. They live not only in cluttered rooms, but also in houses where general cleaning is carried out regularly. No one is safe from their appearance, but it is quite difficult to remove them. Parasites feed on human blood and, accordingly, react poorly to baits, so it is recommended to use contact-acting drugs to destroy them.

Delta zone is an effective long-lasting insecticide. Actively fights various insect parasites for eight months after use. The chemical does not have any distinct odor and is quite easy to use. One bottle is enough to treat an area of ​​one hundred square meters. Most people who have used the insecticide have been more than satisfied with the results. Reviews about the product are positive.




What is "Executioner"

There are many anti-bedbug medications and choosing the right one is difficult. Many apartment owners note the following remedy – “Executioner” for bedbugs.

Made in Germany. The effectiveness of the drug is evidenced by the fact that it was tested, or rather, where it took place - in army barracks. And only after this the drug was approved for sale to the public. The drug appeared in Russia in 2013, and at the moment it is also produced in our country under license.

It is an emulsion with an oily structure of a yellowish color. The main active ingredient in the “Executioner” bedbug repellent is fenthion. There is 25% of this insecticide in the product, it is this that gives the color to the entire substance. Has a faint garlic odor. The remaining 75% are antioxidants, fragrances and stabilizers.

Available in 5 ml glass bottles. The drug is harmless to humans and pets. Its concentration is selected in such a way as not to harm the owner of the apartment. The effect of the drug on insects is almost immediate. Getting into the bloodsucker's body with air, it paralyzes its nervous system. After a few seconds, the insect dies.

In addition, the drug has a detrimental effect on bedbug eggs and their larvae. Bedbugs are attracted to the smell of kerosene, and one of the fragrances is the pronounced smell of this product. It turns out that the insects themselves crawl to the places where the poison is sprayed. As practice shows, after 5-6 hours, almost all insects in the house die (98%).

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