Review of 8 types of best repellers for insects and animals

The appearance of insects or rodents in the house is always a big shock for the owners. You just have to imagine a picture when you feel thirsty at night, and suddenly there is a cockroach or a mouse in the sink or on it... It’s good if your nerves are strong, then they will withstand such a “show”, otherwise you won’t end up screaming.

The problem arises only in one thing - what to choose? The latest ultrasonic repellers are a universal option, but whether they work or is this just another advertising scam is worth looking into in more detail. It’s high time to dispel the myths and misconceptions around these devices, and at the same time prove that the right repeller will be the best “savior” in any situation.

Purpose and functions

The purpose of the repeller covers one or two tasks:

  • Eliminating insects. The devices prevent the appearance and reproduction of mosquitoes, cockroaches, bedbugs, ticks, and spiders. This is done by displacing insects from the territory or by complete destruction.
  • Expulsion of rodents (mice, rats) with ultrasound.

Device functions:

  • Expulsion of insects and rodents. Under the influence of the device (smell or sounds), pests experience fear, run away, crawl away or fly away.
  • Extermination of insects. The device lures pests into a trap or kills them immediately with an electric discharge.
  • The ionizer affects the air. It eliminates dust, dirt, germs, bacteria, odors. The air is saturated with oxygen and nitrogen ions.
  • A flashlight is included in the design of portable devices.

How to use

The operation of the ultrasonic device is very simple. In order for it to work properly, you need to make sure there is voltage in the network. The repeller is turned on using a special switch on the device body.

Some models may have multiple switches depending on the availability of multiple modes and functions. Some devices repel insects not only with ultrasound, but also with the help of electromagnetic waves.

This combination can provide reliable protection against many types of insects. Also, some models have the ability to program the device to periodically switch to different modes.

It must be remembered that after several months of continuous operation of the trap, the quality of the emitted ultrasound will certainly decrease . Therefore, it is recommended to replace the device with a new one to get the maximum effect from the device.

How to choose a mouse repeller

Important parameters

  • Product power. Expelling rodents requires more energy. A battery-powered device will not cope with this task.
  • Temperature conditions. Each device operates in certain weather conditions. Almost every repeller works in a warm room.

Some manufacturers make devices for sub-zero temperatures. Battery power is not suitable here as they will freeze.

  • Impact area. The technical characteristics of the device correspond to the area of ​​the room. Please note that only empty space parameters are specified.

If an open area is cleared, the area is equal to the specified area. In a room with furniture, efficiency is significantly reduced.

  • Nutrition. The devices use various energy sources: electricity, batteries, accumulator, solar energy. Some models are characterized by a combined feeding method.

This parameter is important if the device is used outdoors. If the product is used at home constantly, then battery power is not suitable.

Minor parameters

  • The presence of a light sensor. When the repeller is installed outdoors and turns on at nightfall, mosquitoes are then activated. This option is only relevant for mosquitoes, while other insects cause trouble during the day.
  • Dimensions. Compact keychains and bracelets easily fit into your pocket. Other models are more difficult to move because they are equipped with a carbon dioxide cylinder. The more powerful the device, the larger and heavier it is.
  • Method of influence. The repeller works in several ways. Each method is characterized by its advantages and disadvantages. Ultrasound, electromagnet, attractant have minimal effect on people.


The following remedies will help you deal with terribly annoying flying creatures.

Herbal pillows

Place small cheesecloth bags containing dried mint, bay leaves, cloves and eucalyptus around the house to repel flies.

Homemade fly tape

Mix ¼ cup cornmeal, teaspoon white sugar, and teaspoon brown sugar in a small bowl.

Cut a strip of brown kraft paper, soak it in the mixture and let dry. Make a hole in one end of the tape and hang it at home.

Sweet basil

Plant sweet basil next to the door in your garden or grow it in a pot by the window - this plant is excellent at repelling flies and mosquitoes. You can even take it with you on a picnic so that insects don’t bother you too much.

Eucalyptus oil

If you have a lot of flies, try soaking a rag in eucalyptus essential oil and hanging it in an area where the insects gather.

Operating principle of the devices

Operating principle of an ultrasonic device

The product emits ultrasound, which affects animals. A powerful impulse is created that causes panic, fear, and anxiety among pests. They stop eating and reproducing. Soon mice and rodents leave the area where the device is installed.

The operation of the devices is based on the physiological characteristics of insects. Females that are dangerous to humans categorically avoid males. The electronic circuit of the key fob reproduces the sound of the males, the females run away.

How the trap works

The device lures insects with ultraviolet light, heat, carbon dioxide, and an attractant (a substance that attracts insects) into a trap. There they die due to dehydration or electric shock.

The principle of operation of a scented bracelet

Mosquitoes are repelled through special impregnation with aromatic oil and citronella (a spicy plant). Insects sense strong odors.

Safety rules and precautions

When using an ultrasonic emitter, you should follow standard safety rules for household electrical appliances, including:

  • Do not plug the product into dangling or broken sockets;
  • do not clutter the switched-on device with furniture or interior items;
  • do not turn on the device at ambient temperatures above or below the values ​​specified in the instructions;
  • do not connect the gadget in conditions of high humidity;
  • Do not use a faulty repeller.

When using an ultrasonic insect repeller, you must also adhere to the following measures:

  • do not place the device near the sleeping area;
  • periodically turn off the device, especially if it overheats;
  • Monitor your pets; if they exhibit unusual behavior, you should stop using the emitter;
  • If people experience headaches or deterioration in their general health while using the ultrasound device, it is necessary to stop using it.

Do repellers affect humans and pets?

This is perhaps the most pressing and unexplored question. Ultrasound has a higher vibration frequency than the low-frequency spectrum and is not perceived by the human ear. However, no one has canceled the individual characteristics of hearing and the irritating effects of sound vibrations, including inaudible ones. Most likely, ultrasonic waves can still affect a person’s condition, although he often does not realize this. This influence in a mild form is expressed in changes in mood, headaches, to which we do not attach significant importance; in more severe cases, it may include panic, mild depression, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Dogs, as a result of the work of repellers, can express both aggression and fear

Unlike people, the effect of ultrasound on pets is more pronounced. Ornamental rodents such as hamsters, guinea pigs and rats may experience anxiety, depression of the nervous system, and other disorders; parrots and other birds experience excitement and even fear; dogs and cats cannot tolerate ultrasound; they may become more aggressive or, conversely, look more frightened than usual, and always try to leave the danger zone as quickly as possible.

The best ultrasonic insect and rodent repellers


  • Sititek Flash is the most effective ultrasonic shredder. Black flies, mosquitoes, gadflies, and biting midges die under the influence of the device.

The device activates 4 factors of attracting insects: attractant, heat radiation, ultraviolet radiation, carbon dioxide. A low-noise but powerful fan sucks mosquitoes inside.

The device operates in three modes: manual, automatic, night light. The impact area covers an area of ​​150 square meters.

Suitable for apartments, cottages, small houses, office spaces, cottages.

  • GRAD ULTRA 3D is a professional repeller. 4 drivers produce unique low frequency sounds. Rodents experience fear, unbearable excitement, and quickly leave the territory.
  • Weitech WK-0180 is the most economical. The device consumes a minimal amount of electricity when operating together with a lamp.

Gets rid of all types of home pests, including ants. The absolute absence of noise allows you to turn on the device in any room.

The device generates ultrasound, which is reflected by other objects. Obstacles block the rays, so there is a device in each room. The radius covers 1-3 meters.

The effect is achieved after 2-4 weeks. The time to get rid of pests depends on whether there is food for them in the room.


  • Compact size.
  • The product operates under any temperature conditions.
  • Impact area – 45-85 sq. m.
  • Power supply: mains, batteries.
  • Temperature – from -40 to +50 °C.


  • Does not require constant maintenance.
  • The device is activated once and continues to work for six months without changing batteries.
  • Easy to use.
  • Consumes minimal electricity.
  • Does not contain poisons or chemicals.
  • Safe for people.


  • Waves do not overcome walls, metal barriers, or floors.
  • Expensive cost.

Comparison of the presented repellers!

To summarize, we have created a comparison table of the above devices.

NameWeight, gDimensions, mmVoltage, VRadius, m²Action typePrice, rub
Rexant 71-0018100150x220x7022060Ultrasound waves419
Pest Repeller170110x70x70220-240230electromagnetic waves999
31st century UP-11840090x84x105220-240230Ultrasound waves1 100
Tornado OT.0212030x75x10522050Ultrasound + Electromagnetic waves1 790
LS-96840090x84x105220-240230Ultrasound waves1 100
WK-352340080x130x30220100Ultrasound + Electromagnetic waves1 790
Tornado-80050090x95x130220800Ultrasound waves3 150

The best 4 in 1 rodent and insect repellers


  • Riddex 4 devices in one. The most effective . Pest control is guaranteed by electromagnetic pulses that are transmitted through the electrical wires of the room.
  • SD-058 – quick removal of pests . Rodents leave the area within a few days. The repeller eliminates unpleasant odors, bacteria and harmful substances.
  • Ecosniper - maximum protection . The device is characterized by universal purpose. It repels mice, rats, cockroaches, spiders. Powered by a motor that includes a shielded pole.

Two repellent programs. The waves affect the pests' hearing, causing them to experience panic attacks and discomfort. Changing frequencies will prevent rodents and insects from adapting to the action of the mechanism.

The direct purpose of the product is protection against pests; it is additionally equipped with a night light, flashlight, and air ionizer.


  • Powered by mains.
  • Ionizer action – 50 sq. m.
  • Impact area – up to 200 sq. m.
  • Universal placement (floor, table, ceiling, wall).


  • Electromagnetic radiation does not change the operation of equipment.
  • Safety for people, animals and plants.
  • Energy efficient.
  • Easy maintenance.
  • Easy disassembly and cleaning.


  • The product is more expensive than other types.

Advantages and disadvantages

Using ultrasound to repel insects is a relatively new idea and does not work in every case. The versatility of ultrasonic repellers is an even more controversial fact, but such devices could theoretically be applicable to combat specific types of arthropods. In the end, even device manufacturers themselves often advise using the latter as additional control measures, along with pest control.

The positive qualities of ultrasonic insect repellers include:

  • long working time,
  • high efficiency,
  • safety for people and pets,
  • ease of use,
  • no use of chemicals,
  • low degree of energy consumption,
  • ability to cover large areas,
  • versatility.

Based on numerous reviews, the advantages of ultrasonic devices are nothing more than an advertising ploy by manufacturers and sellers.
Among the disadvantages of ultrasonic repellent devices, the following are usually noted:

  • low efficiency in cold air,
  • the risk of very high power devices affecting humans and domestic animals,
  • sometimes pests become accustomed to them,
  • high cost.

The best mosquito repellers in the form of a keychain


  • Mosquito Keychain Light – maximum area of ​​protection. Protection is valid for 10 m².
  • Komarin Keychain is the most thoughtful. The device emits waves according to the frequency of sounds produced by mosquitoes in a given area. The product protects against annoying mosquitoes and midges. The repeller works in nature, on the street, during a trip.
  • The MR-430 key fob is the most affordable. The cost of the product is significantly lower than similar models. It is popular due to its ease of use and effective protection.

The device is compact and lightweight. The keychain comes with a belt clip, making it easy to hang up and carry with you.


  • Valid after 20 seconds of startup.
  • Covers 2-10 sq. m.
  • Powered by batteries.
  • Autonomous operation lasts 25-30 days.


  • The key fob uses ultrasound.
  • Safe for pets and people.
  • A light weight.
  • Convenient to transport.
  • Universal in use.
  • Extensive protection area.
  • Portable dimensions.


  • Dangerous for hearing organs.
  • Requires constant replacement of batteries.


We hope our review will really help you, if necessary, purchase and use an ultrasonic mouse repeller.

Here are some questions that people who want to use or use such a device often want answers to:

Can a repeller harm the health of its owner?

Can not.

How long does it take for an ultrasonic mouse repeller to start working?

It depends on the model. On average, it begins to work after 3 months.

How long will it take for mice and rats to completely disappear?

In different conditions - in different ways. On average after 4 – 5 months.

I installed an ultrasonic repeller and it stopped working. What is the reason?

Do not keep the repeller on all the time. Use it only when necessary.

Do all repellers work with sound?

Not all. The presence of noise depends on the operating conditions for which the repeller is intended.

Remember that each site owner must select a repeller to suit their needs. We talked about some of the nuances that are significant for such needs. Among these nuances, it is necessary to highlight: different working conditions, different characteristics of manufactured devices, methods of use in various rooms, in certain weather conditions, features of operation and benefits for their owners.

What is the main conclusion to be drawn? Remember that an ultrasonic repeller is not a universal and only means of fighting rodents, but sometimes it can be very useful.

The best mosquito repellers in the form of a bracelet


  • Bugslock is the most popular. The device operates effectively indoors, in open spaces, especially near water, in the forest. The strap is made of microfiber.
  • Komarin Bracelet is the most convenient. Combines a bracelet and a keychain, making it easy to wear. The protection radius extends to 8 square meters. m.

It works on the principle of sound repellent. A special option is the LED red flashlight mode. One battery lasts for 10 hours.

  • Freetime – the largest range. The operating area is significantly larger than that of analogues. Another nice feature is that it automatically turns off after 8 hours of operation.

The compact device is equipped with a bracelet and is worn like a wristwatch. It can also be hung around your neck.


  • The bracelet is valid for 200 hours.
  • Protection radius – up to 1.5 m.
  • Powered by batteries.


  • Convenient, easy operation.
  • Clear controls.
  • The device protects several people.
  • An environmentally friendly device for others.
  • Long operating time.
  • The battery charge lasts for a month of protection.


  • Regular replacement of batteries is required.
  • Minimum coverage area.


These insects do not wait for spring and exist quietly in our houses and apartments all year round. Use a few methods and you won't have to remove cobwebs from corners as often.


Mix a few drops of peppermint essential oil, a little detergent and plain water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray all corners where cobwebs often appear.

Coconut oil and vinegar

A mixture of coconut oil and white vinegar is also great for keeping spiders away, but before you spray your home with this mixture, test it on a small area of ​​carpet, curtains and wallpaper - the oil may leave a residue.

Citrus essential oils

Spiders dislike citrus oils—lemon, orange, and lime—as much as they dislike mint. Of course, this won't kill them, but it will make them avoid places that smell of citrus. Just buy natural essential oils (you can find them at the pharmacy), and not fragrant fakes.

The best battery-powered insect repellers


  • Fly swatter is the most practical. The fly swatter is powered by a solar battery. The UV lamp is changed periodically as it dims and the effect decreases.
  • VK 29 is the most economical. The operating life of the device using three AA batteries is 3 months. The repeller is compact and lightweight. The device does not require additional settings.
  • Weitech WK 0071 – original design. The mechanism is presented in the form of a racket. 3 layers of energized mesh eliminate annoying mosquitoes.

The group includes compact models and full-fledged repellers. A device for killing insects indoors and outdoors.

Lures mosquitoes in two ways: with an ultraviolet lamp and an attractant. The insects become trapped and die due to dehydration or electrocution.


  • Impact area – up to 50 sq. m.
  • Powered by 2-3 AA batteries.
  • Duration of validity is up to 90 days.


  • Environmentally friendly, without smoke, noise, odors.
  • Universal for home, street.
  • A large assortment.
  • No additional maintenance required.


  • Requires batteries to operate.
  • Power and area limitation.

What insects does it repel?

An ultrasonic trap can scare away:

  • spiders;
  • ants;
  • fleas;
  • mosquitoes;
  • bedbugs;
  • cockroaches and other insects that speak to each other using ultrasonic waves.

And if the mosquito repeller quickly drives mosquitoes out of the range of action of the mechanism, then you will have to try to drive out cockroaches in this way. The effect of ultrasound on cockroaches is manifested in the occurrence of their increased activity.

They begin to actively look for a more comfortable and safe habitat. It will take at least two to three weeks to drive cockroaches out of the room. A high-frequency repeller helps get rid of not only adult insects, but also newly hatched ones.

The best insect repellers for outdoors


  • Mosquito MV-01 is the most versatile. The device operates in all weather conditions. Additional equipment: night light with gentle light.

The repeller works by attracting bloodsuckers to carbon dioxide. The exterminator is dangerous for flies, mosquitoes, and midges, but is harmless to butterflies, moths, and bees.

  • Sititek Garden M is the most autonomous. Power is supplied by a battery, which is charged by a solar panel. Insects are attracted to ultraviolet light, become trapped under the discharge, and die.

The design resembles a table lamp, pendant lamp, garden lantern.

  • MV-26B is highly efficient. Impact area 60 sq. m. will secure a gazebo or veranda. Destroys midges, flies, mosquitoes, small midges, midges, horse flies and other pests. Powerful lure system: attractant, heat, light.

The mechanism covers a significant area and is equipped with protection from wind and rain. Attracts insects using three methods: ultraviolet and thermal radiation, carbon dioxide. Mosquitoes perceive the device as bait and fly into the trap.


  • Impact area – up to 60 square meters. m.
  • Operates from mains power or batteries.
  • Weather conditions - any.
  • Used for indoors, outdoors.


  • It operates absolutely silently, without odors.
  • No additional consumables required (not all models).
  • Autonomous work.
  • Waterproof.
  • Easy to use.
  • Safe for others.


  • Large dimensions.
  • The cost is high.


  1. “I purchased the repeller at the request of my son, who studies in another city and lives in a dormitory. Cockroaches feel very good there. Everyone I know has used the ultrasonic mechanism to get rid of cockroaches and ants. And I'm no exception. He helped get rid of the problem in a short time. There is no longer any need to outline the house with a pencil against cockroaches and wash the furniture of their traces. Thanks to this device, my neighbor got rid of mice. I can confidently recommend the device!” Alisa, Samara.
  2. “I installed the device in the kitchen and no longer see constant attacks from the neighbor’s cockroaches. It is absolutely silent and invisible. I can confidently recommend this cockroach repeller” Olga, Moscow.
  3. “I purchased an American-made device last year. A good mosquito repellent. To reduce the number of cockroaches, you need to use other traps. Those who write bad reviews most likely purchased a fake. I advise you to buy the device only from the official manufacturer of ultrasonic traps” Stanislav, Ufa.

The best insect repellers for the garden


  • The Dachny-2 exterminator is the most effective. The area covers 4 thousand m², so it is suitable for a summer cottage, garden, football field. A special setting of the light sensor controls the operation of the device at certain times of the day.

A special feature is the use of an attractant made on the basis of octenol. The natural component reproduces the human smell, this increases the effect by 4 times.

The kit includes a carbon dioxide cylinder. An attractant (a substance that causes movement towards the source of the odor) increases the attraction of mosquitoes.

  • KRN-5000 PRO is the most adaptable. The design of the advanced shredder is protected from rain, fog, hail, gusty winds, vibrations, and mechanical impacts.

The unique attractant technology Nononal is used. It is safe for humans and is also resistant to fire and explosions. Other advantages include a protection area of ​​4,000 m2 and cost-effectiveness.

  • Sititek 028AF is the smartest device. With the onset of darkness, the device is activated and the action begins at 150 square meters. m. Insects are sucked in by a powerful, quiet fan. The mode is activated manually, automatically or by night light.

The device is configured to kill mosquitoes indoors or outdoors. Insects are attracted in three ways: imitation of breathing, heat, attractant.

Mosquitoes become trapped in the high-voltage grid and die. The device kills mosquitoes, midges, small midges, midges, horseflies and other pests.


  • Coverage of the territory is about 4 thousand square meters. m.
  • Power supply – 220 V network.
  • Service life is at least 3 years.


  • The device is safe according to its technical characteristics.
  • Powered by mains.
  • The unit is equipped with a timer that turns on and off automatically.


  • The cartridge or cylinder needs to be replaced.
  • Heavy weight.

Grad A-1000 PRO

Next we have the Grad A-1000 PRO. This is a very powerful repeller with an coverage area of ​​1000 square meters. meters. So it will be able to repel various pests not only in an apartment or house, but also in the surrounding area. Moreover, it is perfect for installation in warehouses and other commercial properties. The advantages of this device include the fact that it effectively fights not only insects, but also rodents such as mice, rats, hamsters, and bats. In addition to a powerful ultrasound emitter. it is equipped with 6 LEDs that create bright flashes of light, affecting the visual organs of rodents and frightening them. It is also worth noting that Grad A-1000 PRO has 4 operating modes. It has a maximum power anti-rodent mode, designed to clean the area in the shortest possible time. True, when this mode is turned on, the emitted signal may cause some discomfort in people. But if you are not pressed for time, then you can use the silent mode of protection against rodents. The device also has a special mode for repelling mosquitoes and a mode for repelling other insects, such as fleas, ants, cockroaches, spiders, ticks and moths. Control of the repeller is very simple and is carried out using a couple of buttons. And it can work both from the network and from an external source of 12-20 Volts. In general, if you need a powerful and multifunctional repeller, then I recommend paying attention to this model.

  • Action area: 1000 sq.m.
  • 6 LEDs.
  • 4 modes.
  • Dimensions: 109 x 65 x 25 mm.
  • Weight: 271 g.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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