Many people consider bacon to be a type of lard, but this is not true. This is the meat
1 885 no comments 0 Author: Rasskazov Pavel. Reading time: 4 minutes Reaching
Many people are afraid of bats from an early age. And when it looks like a vicious animal
Wild animals >> Mammals The shrew (Sorex) is a small insectivorous animal from the shrew family. live
August 29, 2018 Hunting Natali Mikhaelis Hunting moles was once considered a fairly profitable activity.
Needless to say, all kinds of electronic rodent repellers are at the peak of their popularity today. Worth it though
For some, the small gray animal causes disgust, for others it causes tenderness. But a person wants or
Despite the widespread belief that rodents can only squeak, screaming in a moment of pain,
Rodents are the richest order of mammals in terms of species diversity. Their characteristic feature is large
Unfortunately, many poultry house owners have at least once in their lives encountered the problem of an empty chicken coop.