Tar soap for lice and nits - reviews of use

It is generally accepted that lice are an infection that was defeated long ago in the civilized world; as a rule, it appears in unsanitary conditions, with a low standard of living and a lack of basic necessities. It is also interesting that many people react extremely sharply to the manifestation of head lice in people close to them, especially in children. This psychological effect is partly justified, given that lice are quickly transmitted from one host to another. Close contact with a person’s belongings or prolonged stay in the same room is enough for there to be a risk of infection.

If lice appear, we recommend that you consult a doctor rather than self-medicate. An infectious disease specialist, dermatologist, mycologist, pediatrician (for children) diagnoses the disease and prescribes treatment.

In fact, this problem, which our grandparents often faced, still exists today. Fighting head lice has become easier these days, given the wide range of drug solutions, but the folk remedies that have been used for many years should not be discounted.

One of the most common methods of getting rid of lice and nits, which are eggs laid by adults, is the use of ordinary acetic acid, which can be found in almost any kitchen and grocery store.

Does kerosene help with lice?

The substance acts in several directions at once:

  1. clogs the spiracles of insects, causing suffocation;
  2. releases toxic fumes, causing intoxication in parasites;
  3. a strong pungent odor disrupts the normal functioning of parasites and also repels lice;
  4. dissolves the substance with which nits are attached to the hair;
  5. with prolonged exposure causes the death of the larvae in the egg.

Kerosene really helps with lice and nits. According to the descriptions of properties, it is one of the best products. However, there are some disadvantages that cannot be ignored.

Is tar soap effective against lice and nits?

We have figured out the composition of this amazing product, now it’s worth talking about its effectiveness.

Tar soap paralyzes and kills most parasites. However, not all, including it is not effective enough against nits. In addition, it must be used only in combination with a mechanical tool, that is, a comb.

It will take at least 10 daily sessions of hair treatment followed by combing to talk about a complete cure for lice. This is due to the fact that after treatment you need to comb out the nits and the larvae that have recently hatched from them.

Which kerosene is suitable

Several types are known:

  • Aviation . It is used as a fuel, lubricant, and acts as a coolant.
  • Technical . It is used in the chemical industry for the production of solvents, alcohol, propylene, cleaning agents for mechanisms, firing of glass and porcelain products. Available in two brands with different chemical compositions.
  • Lighting . Fuel for kerosene lamps and metal cutting equipment. Widely used in the production of leather products to impregnate the material.
  • To combat lice, it is recommended to use lighting kerosene; in extreme cases, the use of technical kerosene is allowed. Aviation is too aggressive and expensive.

Prevention of head lice

To avoid lice infestation, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • wash your hair at least 2 times a week;
  • comb your hair regularly, especially if it is long;
  • do not be in close contact with infected people;
  • regularly change underwear and bed linen, and wash them at high temperatures;
  • do not use other people’s personal hygiene items, and also do not wear other people’s clothes, do not use combs, and so on.

At the first symptoms of lice, it is recommended to comb your hair over a light cloth, and if parasites are found, immediately begin to eliminate them.

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Instructions for use

There are several folk recipes:

  • use undiluted;
  • 3 parts kerosene combined with 2 parts olive oil, 1 part shampoo;
  • Kerosene is mixed with shampoo in equal proportions, a spoonful of honey and a little hot water are added.
  • Pure kerosene is more effective, but provokes a lot of undesirable consequences. To soften the aggressiveness of the substance, add oil, honey, and shampoo.

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    Traditional healers recommend that the first procedure be carried out with pure kerosene.

    Head treatment procedure:

  • choose a well-ventilated room;
  • brush hair;
  • put on rubber gloves;
  • Apply the prepared mixture or pure kerosene to your hair with a washcloth, strand by strand;
  • It should not be rubbed into the skin, but the product should be carefully distributed throughout the hair;
  • put a plastic bag or a special cap on top;
  • Tie a towel or scarf over it.
  • Leave for effect. Wash your hair thoroughly with warm water, rinse with a vinegar solution for better combing, and begin to thoroughly comb out dead lice and nits. The further result depends on how well this procedure is carried out. If all parasites are removed from the hair, re-treatment will not be required; lice will be defeated in one procedure.

    Course of treatment and processing rules

    Despite the simplicity of the recipes, for a positive effect in the fight against lice and nits using vinegar-based products, you must follow a number of rules:

    1. The vinegar solution is applied to the hair along the entire length; a minimum volume should reach the scalp, this will protect it from burns, inflammation and itching. In advanced stages of the disease, vinegar is also applied to the scalp, but not by rubbing, but by lightly soaking it to prevent damage to the skin.
    2. For a neat application, it’s easier to soak a towel or sponge in vinegar and wrap your hair rather than pouring the solution all over your head.
    3. To enhance the effect, you can wear a disposable cellophane cap, which is sold in cosmetics stores. As a last resort, you can simply tie a plastic bag on the scalp; this will increase the concentration of acetic acid fumes. Using vinegar solutions with oils, which must be kept on the head for 7-8 hours, the plastic cap can be left overnight.
    4. After soaking, the vinegar is washed off with warm water or a regular shampoo, and the hair is thoroughly combed with a fine-tooth comb. Pharmacies sell special combs for combing out nits and lice, the use of which allows you to achieve excellent results. At a minimum, it is recommended to treat the head with vinegar, followed by combing 2-3 times every 3 days.

    How to enhance the effect of kerosene

    The flammable substance has all the necessary properties to kill lice, so there is no point in adding any components. The desired result can only be achieved if the instructions are strictly followed.

    How many procedures should be carried out depends on the length of the hair, thickness, and degree of infection. Initially, it is recommended to treat the head with clean kerosene and comb thoroughly. If live parasites are found within 3 days, new bites appear, prepare a mixture with the addition of olive oil and shampoos. Repeat combing again. If the second treatment does not give the desired effect, carry out the procedure a third time, the mixture is prepared according to the third recipe - with oil, honey, water.

    Can it be applied to a child?

    Back in Soviet times, kerosene was very popular as a treatment for head lice; this method was especially used on children, since at that time there was not a greater variety of pharmaceutical products as there are now. Back then, no one even thought that kerosene could harm a child.

    But in fact, kerosene can cause a lot of health problems for a child. The thing is that the delicate scalp of a child before the age of 14 is susceptible to any toxic effects, which can result in a 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd degree burn. Therefore, it is better to treat head lice in children with more gentle antiparasitic agents.

    Precautionary measures

    When using a folk remedy, certain rules must be followed:

    1. make sure that the product does not come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, or mouth;
    2. put a bandage on the head along the edges of the hair growth so that the mixture does not spread over the neck and forehead;
    3. The treatment should be carried out in a well-ventilated area or outdoors;
    4. stay away from fire sources, lighting kerosene flares up at a temperature of 50 degrees;
    5. do not use for wounds on the surface of the head;
    6. Do not keep the product on the head for more than 2 hours for adults, 1 for children.

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    There is nothing complicated in the instructions for use, but there is a high probability of unwanted effects.

    How to treat your head, how to use it and how long to keep it on

    The prepared mixture should be applied to dry hair using a cotton pad or swab. Then cover your head with cling film and tie a scarf or towel on top. If lice infest an adult, the mixture should be kept for 1.5-2 hours. It is not recommended to shorten this time - some insects can survive and continue to reproduce, but you should not exceed it - this can lead to a chemical burn to the scalp.

    After the specified time, you need to remove the film and wash your hair with regular shampoo. It is advisable to do this several times and then rinse your hair with a weak solution of table vinegar.

    Possible consequences

    Even if the instructions are strictly followed, malaise, skin irritation, and other negative consequences may occur.

  • Kerosene smells bad and emits toxic fumes that can cause poisoning of varying degrees of intensity. Dizziness, weakness, bitterness in the mouth, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of consciousness appear. At the first signs of poisoning, you should immediately stop the procedure, wash off the composition, and provide a flow of fresh air. You need to rinse your mouth with a soda solution and take activated charcoal. If the condition does not improve, you should contact a specialist.
  • When an aggressive substance comes into contact with the skin, after half an hour it causes a burn with all the negative consequences - burning, itching, pain, a feeling of tightness. The composition cannot be maintained any longer. The affected area must be treated with a burn preparation. Panthenol is suitable.
  • Kerosene causes an allergic reaction. Manifested by itching, burning, rash, redness. After rinsing off the product, the scalp should be treated with an antihistamine. Use Psilo-Balm, Fenistil-Gel.
  • The aggressive substance severely damages the hair, making it dry, brittle, dull, and lifeless. To soften the effect of kerosene, olive oil is added to the composition. After treatment for head lice, lengthy hair restoration procedures are required.
  • The unpleasant odor remains even after thorough rinsing, which is not very convenient if you need to be around people.
  • Before using a folk remedy, you need to evaluate the pros and cons. It may be better to abandon the idea and choose a more effective, less dangerous drug.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Tar soap acts as an antimicrobial agent, accelerating the healing process of small wounds on the scalp. This substance can be regarded as a good prevention of secondary infection.

    Like any other method, using tar soap against lice has its advantages and disadvantages.

    The positive aspects of this technique:

    • high efficiency, especially in combination with other means.
    • Improving the quality of hair. Hair stops falling out, becomes soft and shiny.
    • Normalization of the sebaceous glands.
    • Accelerates hair growth by increasing blood circulation.
    • Relief of itching.
    • Availability.
    • Allowed to be used at any age without harm to health.

    Please note: to completely destroy the parasites, you will need to wash your hair with this product several times.

    The disadvantages of tar soap are manifested in the following factors:

    • a specific smell that can cause mild discomfort (nausea, headache).
    • The need for long-term, thorough rinsing of hair.
    • Gluing strands.
    • Frequent use on colored hair can slightly change the shade of the hair.

    If the skin is too sensitive, allergic manifestations may occur (itching, hyperemia, peeling, etc.).

    The totality of the identified disadvantages of tar soap is a contraindication for its daily use.

    How to remove lice with kerosene from children

    The child’s body reacts vividly to the toxic fumes of kerosene and its aggressive effects. Even when carrying out the procedure in a well-ventilated area, poisoning can occur. The first symptoms are weakness, pale skin, headache, nausea. If the procedure is not stopped, vomiting, diarrhea will occur, and the child may lose consciousness. Children's skin is very sensitive, so the use of kerosene causes burns, irritation, and an allergic reaction. Hair suffers greatly and takes months to recover.

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    The use of barbaric treatment methods is strictly prohibited. There are many professional products in the pharmacy, the possible side effects of which are much less. You need to keep the mixture on your hair for 5 to 20 minutes, it smells nice. The use of folk remedies with a less aggressive effect is allowed - dust soap, anise oil, pomegranate juice, etc.

    Contraindications to the use of tar soap

    Despite the fact that tar soap has good effectiveness in the fight against parasites, there are a number of contraindications and restrictions to its use

    The use of this product is not recommended for:

    • • excessive dry skin;
    • • presence of extensive wounds or other damage to the skin;
    • • individual intolerance to the active components of the product, in particular the specific smell of tar.

    If you decide to use this product to remove lice, you should follow some restrictions. Before treating your child's scalp, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

    During use, you need to ensure that the soap does not get into your eyes, as this can cause irritation of the mucous membranes.

    If there is a risk of an allergic reaction, a simple sensitivity test can be performed. A small area of ​​skin (preferably in the bend of the elbow) needs to be lathered and wait a few minutes. If there is no irritation, redness or peeling of the skin, this means that the product can be used without fear.

    Is it worth using kerosene for head lice?

    The product was actively used in the last century, when there were no professional products yet. Currently, an effective drug based on natural ingredients and insecticides can be purchased at any pharmacy at an affordable price. In 1-2 procedures you can get rid of head lice completely.

    Treatment with kerosene has a lot of negative aspects:

  • long exposure time – up to 2 hours;
  • dubious effect;
  • high probability of poisoning;
  • allergic reaction;
  • significant hair damage;
  • horrible smell;
  • rapid flammability.
  • Kerosene can be called a cheap remedy, but not safe at all, so it is better to use special drugs for the treatment of head lice.


    Alena, Kirov

    There was a problem with lice.
    Relatives recommended tar soap. They, like me, do not trust various chemicals (they are afraid of burning their hair). After reading the reviews, I bought the soap and started researching on the Internet how to use it. Read also: Tar soap - benefits and harms

    I washed my hair vigorously, but the lice still lived and continued to bother me greatly. I went to the pharmacy, where they recommended a comb. Only with his help was it possible to solve the problem.

    The procedure is simple: apply it to your washed hair, watch a TV series, and it’s time to rinse and comb. To completely get rid of lice, 4 procedures were enough. She recommended a method for treating a colleague’s son, and she also succeeded.

    Pavel, Moscow

    Just a comb will not get rid of these reptiles. That's how many generations of them you'll have to comb out, but they multiply quickly. A form of self-mockery.

    I suffered for more than a week. I bought soap with tar on the advice of a friend, the process sped up: at least it removes barely hatched larvae, reducing the total number of active lice.

    On the other hand, medications have become more effective and less toxic. All prejudices about their harm should remain in the past. Take the same Nuda.

    Antonina, Yaroslavl

    I read about the benefits of tar soap and tried to solve my problem with its help. After using it, it began to dry out my hair and skin a lot.

    My head began to itch very much, it felt like there were 10 times more lice. I searched for information online and found a solution: after washing my hair I use hellebore water.

    I have no irritation or allergies to it. After using it, I comb it out with a comb. This helped remove the lice. Now my son has them, but he is capricious and doesn’t like the smell of tar, so they just shaved his head. It’s also a way to get rid of lice.

    Processing rules (step-by-step instructions)

    1. The medicinal mixture is applied to washed, dried hair - from the roots along the entire length of the strands. For better moisturizing, use a sponge and a piece of cloth, regularly moistening them in the solution.
    2. After treatment, you need to put a plastic cap or a regular bag on your head. This creates a greenhouse effect and also increases the concentration of acetic acid vapor.
    3. The time of the procedure is determined depending on the sensitivity of the infected person to the components of the remedy. The longer the exposure time, the more lice, their larvae, and nits can be removed from the hair.
    4. Dead lice and their eggs are combed out with a fine comb, regularly moistening it in a vinegar solution or wiping it with a previously prepared cloth. The treated strands must be separated from the rest of the hair.
    5. To control the number of insects removed and to prevent re-infestation by surviving parasites, the shoulders and floor under the patient are covered with a cloth before combing them out. It is important to carry out this work in a room with good lighting. Used fabric should be carefully rolled up and thrown into the trash. The second option: place the combed insects in a container with vinegar and after they die, wash them down the drain. Boil the sheet (fabric) and iron it on both sides.
    6. The number of procedures is determined by the absence of parasites when combing hair after treatment.

    Additional Information! Vinegar can be combined with other drugs. The effect of the acid will increase if it is used in combination with hellebore water, cranberry juice or wormwood decoction.

    Which vinegar should you choose?

    For treatment, vinegar can be bought at a supermarket or store. A highly concentrated product is diluted. Patients can purchase the following types of product:

    • apple;
    • rice.

    Recently, the benefits of vinegar from cane and grapes have been proven. Malt vinegar and a product containing alcohol are highly effective. All of them are successfully used for fighting.

    Order an antiparasitic drug directly from the manufacturer

    The main difference from table vinegar is the use of the primary ingredient. A regular product does not contain additional ingredients or impurities.

    Some recipes use grape vinegar. It contains natural acid. It thoroughly cleanses the upper layer of the epithelium. This component is often added to masks and hair rinses against lice. To get rid of parasites, you need to soak the product for 3 hours.

    There are several types of vinegar

    Is it worth disinfecting your apartment and things?

    This is not necessary, because lice do not live long without a person, so there is no need to call special teams for disinfection or treat everything with chemicals yourself.

    Once the medicine has been applied to all sick people, a few simple things should be done:

    • thoroughly wash all combs, hairpins and other hair accessories;
    • wash things that were worn by the sick person several days before the start of treatment;
    • vacuum floors and furniture, carry out wet cleaning;
    • pillows, as well as soft toys, can be hidden in bags for a week or two, or even placed on the balcony in the cold season - this way the lice will die from lack of food or low temperature;
    • You can also leave the apartment for a while and thereby deprive the insects of food.

    The effectiveness of vinegar in the treatment of head lice

    Vinegar against lice is considered one of the most effective methods. Insects do not tolerate this substance. After contact with it, lice become lethargic and are easy to comb out.

    The acidic product is effective against nits. The acid dissolves the adhesive that lice use to attach their eggs to the hair. Due to this, the eggs dry out and new individuals do not appear.

    The disadvantage of this method is the strong unpleasant odor. However, pharmaceutical products do not smell any better. In order not to “fragrance”, you can use not ordinary, but natural apple or wine vinegar.

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